ADULT RESPIROLOGY 1 PART II - 2008 THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF CANADA PART II PRE-SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE ADULT RESPIROLOGY University: Name of Program Director: Date of Review: Sites Participating in this Program: Program Website / URL: ADULT RESPIROLOGY 2 PART II - 2008 IV. RESOURCES Standard B.4 "There must be sufficient resources including teaching faculty, the number and variety of patients, physical and technical resources, as well as the supporting facilities and services necessary to provide the opportunity for all residents in the program to achieve the educational objectives and receive full training as defined by the specialty training requirements in the specialty or subspecialty." Where the resources to provide "full training" are not available at the sponsoring university, several different types of inter-university affiliations may be negotiated, as stated in the grey book "General Information Concerning Accreditation of Residency Programs." It should be noted that the exchange of residents between two fully accredited programs does not require an inter-university affiliation. Coordination of Adult and Pediatric Subspecialty Programs a) Is this university accredited for (check one only): adult respirology only pediatric respirology only b) If the university is accredited for both programs, describe the extent to which the two programs are integrated in the following areas: 1) Program administration 2) Academic program 3) Clinical program 4) Technical and/or laboratory skills ADULT RESPIROLOGY 3 PART II - 2008 1. Teaching Faculty List by teaching site the members of the teaching faculty who have a major role in this program, including members from other departments. In indicating a subspecialty, use as a criterion whether he or she is considered by colleagues as a subspecialist and functions academically and professionally as one. Teaching Site Name University Rank Specialty Qualifications What percentage of faculty listed above (#2.) have been practising in the subspecialty: < 15 years % > 25 years % Subspecialty (If any) Nature of Interaction with Resident (e.g. clinical, teaching, research) ADULT RESPIROLOGY 2. 4 PART II - 2008 Clinical Respirology Hospital In-Patients Hospital Admissions Per Year General Chest Disease Acute Respiratory Failure Tumors Out-Patients Respirology Consults Per Week New Referrals Return Visits TOTAL a) Describe any other special facilities or opportunities for clinical experience in adult respirology available to residents. b) Describe the arrangements within the program for training in the collaborative care of patients undergoing thoracic or other associated surgical procedures. c) Outline the arrangements for liaison with a clinical immunology service and immunological laboratories to ensure that all residents understand the immunological mechanisms, and the concepts and methods of immunology, as they apply to respiratory diseases. d) Describe the arrangements for the instruction of residents in the epidemiology, investigation and management of occupational and environmental lung disease. e) Outline the role of the residents in the care of neoplastic diseases of the chest, including the arrangements for instruction in the principles of radiotherapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Indicate if residents participate in an inter-disciplinary oncology service. f) Indicate the arrangements for providing experience and instruction in the management of acute and chronic respiratory failure including the use of oxygen therapy and non-invasive ventilation. g) Provide statistics, preferably in tabular form, indicating the types and numbers of bronchoscopy examinations and transbronchial biopsies performed in each of the participating hospitals. Comment on the experience of residents and the method of supervision and evaluation of competence. ADULT RESPIROLOGY 5 PART II - 2008 h) Describe the technical experience available to residents in developing their skills in thoracentesis, intubation, and other necessary procedures. i) Describe the clinical experience available to residents in the evaluation and management of sleep disordered breathing. Indicate numbers of nocturnal polysomnographic studies and daytime nap tests performed in each participating hospital. 3. Pediatric Respirology List the hospitals providing training in this component of the program. Include the number of beds available for teaching of residents in respirology and comment on the availability of experience with out-patients. 4. Consultations Describe the arrangements for residents to gain primary experience in handling consultations. 5. Intensive Care Describe the facilities and resources available for training in intensive care. 6. Emergency Care Describe the resources available and the arrangements for the training of residents in the emergency aspects of the specialty. 7. Ambulatory Care Describe the resources available and the arrangements made for the training of residents in ambulatory care. 8. Pulmonary Function Laboratories List or tabulate the type of measurements available, and the number performed each year, for each participating hospital (use separate sheet if necessary.) Describe the arrangements for residents to gain experience in the performance and interpretation of tests of pulmonary function. ADULT RESPIROLOGY 9. 6 PART II - 2008 Pathology and Microbiology Indicate the institutions in the program that provide training in pathology under the supervision of a pathologist with special expertise in lung pathology. Describe the arrangements for participation of residents in supervised studies and comment on the volume and variety of pathological material available for study. Provide similar information, with respect to training in microbiology, including virology and mycology. 10. Radiology Describe the arrangements for instruction in diagnostic radiology as applied to respirology. Indicate the extent to which residents assume responsibility for the technical performance of diagnostic studies. 11. Respiratory Therapy Services Comment on the adequacy of inhalation therapy services in the participating hospitals and describe the adequacy of Respiratory Therapy services for instruction to the residents. 12. Rehabilitation Services Comment on the adequacy of the rehabilitation services associated with the program, including allied non-medical professional staff who make significant contributions to the program, specifically psychologists, physiotherapists, social workers and occupational therapists. Describe the measures taken to ensure that experience in the broad field of rehabilitation is integrated into the residency program. 13. Other Diagnostic Facilities Indicate the laboratories or other facilities available to residents for instruction in the techniques of serological and immunological investigation, cardiac catheterization, radioisotopic diagnosis, scanning, and ultrasonography. 14. Other Supporting Services Identify other departments, divisions or services that provide training for residents on either a mandatory or elective basis. Include special institutes, clinics, or university departments not attached to teaching hospitals. For a listing of fields suitable for elective training see “Objectives of Training and Specialty Training Requirements in Adult Respirology” (General Objectives.) 15. Summary of Adequacy of Resources Comment on the adequacy of the resources in the overall program, with particular reference to the relationship between such resources and the number of residents dependent upon them. Include consideration of the following ADULT RESPIROLOGY 7 PART II - 2008 questions: Are there significant areas where the workload of the teachers (clinical care, undergraduate teaching, etc.) is such as to affect adversely the continuous supervision and instruction of residents in adult respirology? Are the numbers of patients available for teaching sufficient to provide for the training of residents rotating from other residency programs and services, without adverse effects on the training of residents in adult respirology? Are the diagnostic and basic science facilities available to the program sufficient to provide adequate teaching for residents in adult respirology in addition to other residents sharing the same facilities?