PRETREATMENT STREAMLINING RULE TPDES IMPLEMENTATION NONSUBSTANTIAL MODIFICATION SUBMITTAL CONTROL AUTHORITY NAME PERMIT NUMBER Pretreatment Streamlining Rule Yes No Required Elements Checklist 1. The Control Authority (CA) is required to include slug control requirements in significant industrial user (SIU) control mechanisms, i.e. permits DATE OF SUBMISSION___ Section, Page No. __ Comments [40 CFR §403.8(f)(1)(iii)(B)(6)] Please fill out the CA Slug Control Checklist 2. The CA is required to evaluate SIUs for a plan, or other action, to control slug discharges within a year of becoming a SIU [40 CFR §403.8(f)(2)(vi)] Please fill out the CA Slug Control Checklist 3. The SIUs are required to notify the CA immediately of any changes at its facility affecting potential for a slug discharge [40 CFR §403.8(f)(2)(vi)] The CA is required to incorporate notification requirements into SIU permits [40 CFR §403.8(f)(1)(iii)(B)(6)] 4. The CA is required to ensure that enforceable BMPs compliance information is in SIU reports [40 CFR §403.12(b), (e), and (h)] Please fill out the Best Management Practices Checklist Form No. TCEQ-20433 Revised March 2008 Page 1 of 6 _________ PRETREATMENT STREAMLINING RULE TPDES IMPLEMENTATION NONSUBSTANTIAL MODIFICATION SUBMITTAL CONTROL AUTHORITY NAME PERMIT NUMBER Pretreatment Streamlining Rule Required Elements Checklist 5. The CA is required to revise significant noncompliance (SNC) criteria to include additional types of pretreatment standards and requirements DATE OF SUBMISSION___ Yes No Section, Page No. __ Comments [40 CFR §403.8(f)(2)(viii)(A) – (C) & (H) ] 6. other numeric limits instantaneous limits narrative standards, which may include: o operational standards o narrative limits o enforceable best management practices (BMPs) The CA is required to include enforceable BMPs, required by a pretreatment standard, local limits, State and local law, in SIU permits [40 CFR §403.8(f)(1)(iii)(B)(3)] Please fill out the Best Management Practices Checklist 7. Documentation of enforceable BMP compliance is required to be maintained as part of the record keeping requirements [40 CFR §403.12(o) ] The SIU’s record keeping requirements The CA’s record keeping requirements Please fill out the Best Management Practices Checklist Form No. TCEQ-20433 Revised March 2008 Page 2 of 6 _________ PRETREATMENT STREAMLINING RULE TPDES IMPLEMENTATION NONSUBSTANTIAL MODIFICATION SUBMITTAL CONTROL AUTHORITY NAME PERMIT NUMBER Pretreatment Streamlining Rule Required Elements Checklist 8. Those CAs that perform sampling for SIUs are required to perform any required repeat sampling and analysis within 30 days of becoming aware of a violation DATE OF SUBMISSION___ Yes No Section, Page No. __ Comments [40 CFR §403.12(g)(2)] Please fill out the Sampling Protocols Checklist 9. The CA shall require all SIUs (including noncategorical SIUs) to comply with sampling requirements for SIU periodic compliance reports [40 CFR §403.12(g)(3)] Please fill out the Sampling Protocols Checklist The CA shall specify the number of samples required for baseline monitoring reports (BMRs), 90 day compliance reports, and SIU (including noncategorical SIUs) periodic compliance reports, including the specification of the number of grab samples [40 CFR §403.12(g)(4)] Please fill out the Sampling Protocols Checklist All IUs subject to periodic reports on continued compliance (including noncategorical SIUs) are required to report all monitoring results to the CA [40 CFR §403.12(g)(6)] Form No. TCEQ-20433 Revised March 2008 Page 3 of 6 _________ PRETREATMENT STREAMLINING RULE TPDES IMPLEMENTATION NONSUBSTANTIAL MODIFICATION SUBMITTAL CONTROL AUTHORITY NAME PERMIT NUMBER Pretreatment Streamlining Rule Required Elements Checklist 10. Noncategorical SIUs are also required to provide representative sampling during the reporting period in their periodic reports DATE OF SUBMISSION___ Yes No Section, Page No. __ Comments [40 CFR §403.12(g)(3)] Please fill out the Sampling Protocols Checklist 11. Notifications of IU changed discharge are required to be sent to the following [40 CFR §403.12(j)] 12. 13. the CA the CA and to the POTW where the POTW is not a CA How and when the CA may designate a “duly authorized representative” to sign CA reports to the Approval Authority according to 40 CFR §403.12(m) to approve IU signatory revisions according to 40 CFR §403.12(l)(1)(ii) Although EPA published 13 required elements, the updated removal credits provisions relating to [combined sewer] overflows do not apply in Texas [40 CFR §403.7(h)] 14. 15. Please fill out the Legal Authority Checklist Please submit revised Enforcement Response Plan IU Compliance Evaluation Inspection Form No. TCEQ-20433 Revised March 2008 Page 4 of 6 _________ PRETREATMENT STREAMLINING RULE TPDES IMPLEMENTATION NONSUBSTANTIAL MODIFICATION SUBMITTAL CONTROL AUTHORITY NAME PERMIT NUMBER Pretreatment Streamlining Rule Required Elements Checklist Forms/Procedures Sampling Protocols – Self Monitoring and Compliance Monitoring IU Permits IU Reporting Requirements CA Compliance and Sampling Tracking Database Other Standard Operating Procedures Form No. TCEQ-20433 Revised March 2008 DATE OF SUBMISSION___ Yes No Section, Page No. __ Comments Page 5 of 6 _________ PRETREATMENT STREAMLINING RULE TPDES IMPLEMENTATION NONSUBSTANTIAL MODIFICATION SUBMITTAL CONTROL AUTHORITY NAME PERMIT NUMBER DATE OF SUBMISSION___ __ _________ Certification Statement: I, Typed or printed name____________________________________________ Title______________________________________, certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for known violations. I further certify that I am authorized under 30 Texas Administrative Code Section 305.44 to sign this document and can provide documentation in proof of such authorization upon request. Signature: Date:__ _______________ Required Elements Checklist The approved pretreatment program may need to be revised in one or more of the following components: X Legal Authority X Enforcement Response Plan X IU Compliance Evaluation X Inspection Forms/Procedures X Sampling Protocols – Self Monitoring and Compliance Monitoring X IU Permits X IU Reporting Requirements X CA Compliance and Sampling Tracking Database X Other Standard Operating Procedures Form No. TCEQ-20433 Revised March 2008 Page 6 of 6