Contents Introduction 3 Sample Scheme of Work: OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A111: Fine Art Portfolio 6 Sample Scheme of Work: OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A112: Graphic Communication Portfolio 9 Sample Scheme of Work: OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A113: Photography Portfolio 13 Sample Scheme of Work: OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A114: Textile Design Portfolio 17 Sample Scheme of Work: OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A115: Three-dimensional Design Portfolio 21 Sample Scheme of Work: OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A116: Critical and Contextual Studies Portfolio 25 Sample Scheme of Work: OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A117: Applied Portfolio 29 Sample Lesson Plan: OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A111 33 Sample Lesson Plan: OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A112 35 Sample Lesson Plan: OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A113 37 Sample Lesson Plan: OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A114 39 Sample Lesson Plan: OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A115 42 Sample Lesson Plan: OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A116 44 Sample Lesson Plan: OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A117 46 Sample Lesson Plan: OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A120 48 2 of 49 GCSE Art & Design Introduction Background Following a review of 14 – 19 education and the Secondary Curriculum Review, the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) has revised the subject criteria for GCSEs, for first teaching in September 2009. This applies to all awarding bodies. The new GCSEs have more up-to-date content and encourage the development of personal, learning and thinking skills in your students. We’ve taken this opportunity to redevelop all our GCSEs, to ensure they meet your requirements. These changes will give you greater control of assessment activities and make the assessment process more manageable for you and your students. Controlled assessment will be introduced for most subjects. From September 2012 assessment tasks may be undertaken at any point between release of the task and the examination series for which the task must be submitted. Centres must ensure that candidates undertake a task that is valid for submission in the year in which the candidate intends to submit it. OCR has produced a summary brochure, which summarises the changes to Religious Studies. This can be found at, along with the new specification. In order to help you plan effectively for the implementation of the updated specifications we have produced Schemes of Work and Sample Lesson Plans for Art & Design. These Support Materials are designed for guidance and can be expanded and developed to suit your centre needs. Our Ethos The Specification details what content and skills need to be covered in delivering the course, the Assessment Criteria and Assessment Objectives are detailed in the document. At all times, therefore, this Support Material booklet should be read in conjunction with the relevant Art and Design qualification and Unit specification eg Fine Art A111, Photography A113, Textiles A114 etc. OCR involves teachers in the development of new support materials to capture current teaching practices tailored to our new specifications. These support materials are designed to inspire teachers and facilitate a variety of ideas and teaching practices. Each Scheme of Work and set of sample Lesson Plans has been provided in Word format, so that you may use it as a foundation to build upon and amend to suit your teaching style, students’ needs and resources. The Scheme of Work and sample Lesson Plans provide examples of how to teach this unit and the teaching hours are suggestions only. Some or all of it may be applicable to your teaching. You may wish to include digital responses, ideas and skills within these as resources allow. 4 of 49 GCSE Art & Design A Guided Tour through the Scheme of Work = Innovative Teaching Idea This icon is used to highlight exceptionally innovative ideas. = ICT Opportunity This icon is used to illustrate when an activity could be taught using ICT facilities. Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A111: FINE ART PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC BOTANICAL FORMS PAINTING OR PRINT TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE TO PROMOTE CANDIDATES’ CREATIVITY IN PAINTING, DRAWING AND PRINTMAKING BY RELATING THE THEME TO THE WORK OF OTHERS OR A BROADER CRITICAL CONTEXT. A PRESENTATION THAT EXPLORES THE ROLE AND USE OF PLANTS, BOTANICAL FORMS AND RELATED SUBJECT MATTER IN THE WORK OF A RANGE OF ARTISTS AND ESTABLISHES THE SCOPE OF THE TOPIC. WEEKS: 1-3 CANDIDATES TO PRODUCE A SERIES OF DRAWINGS IN A VARIETY OF MEDIA. SUPPORTING PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIES MAY BE PRODUCED. WATER-BASED AND ACRYLIC PAINTS WITH APPROPRIATE MEDIA, PAINTING SURFACES AND BRUSHES. TO REFINE CANDIDATES’ IDEAS USING A RANGE OF RESOURCES, MEDIA AND FINE ART TECHNIQUES, INCLUDING PRINTMAKING AND PHOTOSHOP MANIPULATION. A COLLECTION OF PLANTS FOR STILL LIFE AND INDIVIDUAL ITEM DRAWING. 6 of 49 = Innovative teaching idea CANDIDATES TO EXAMINE, ANALYSE AND UNDERSTAND THE STYLE, CONTENT AND MATERIALS USED BY THE SELECTED ARTISTS. THE STUDENTS TO EXPERIMENT WITH THE CONTENT AND COMPOSITION FROM THEIR INITIAL RESEARCH. USING COLLAGE AND OTHER APPROPRIATE MEDIA THE CANDIDATES ARE TO MAKE A SET OF COLOUR STUDIES. THE PARTICULAR NATURE OF A COLLECTION OF SLIDES/POSTERS/BOOKS SHOWING THE WORK OF THE SELECTED ARTISTS. GALLERY VISITS/LOCATION CLASS TRIPS/WORKSHOPS AND VISITING PRACTITIONERS PHOTOSHOP PROGRAM OR OTHER IMAGE MANIPULATION SOFTWARE. PRINTING INKS, PLATES AND RELATED EQUIPMENT. INTRODUCTORY LESSONS TO INCLUDE: PROJECT AIMS INITIAL RESEARCH DEVELOPING INDIVIDUAL DIRECTIONS CONTEXTUAL REFERENCE WEEKS: 4-7 DEVELOPING, EXPLORING, REFINING AND INVESTIGATING COMPOSITION, MATERIALS, CONTENT AND CONTEXT. EXPERIMENTATION IN EITHER PHOTOSHOP OR PRINT TECHNIQUES. REVIEWING AND EVALUATING WORK IN PROGRESS. MOUNTING/PRESENTATIONAL MATERIALS. WEEK: 8 MID PORTFOLIO EVALUATION. = ICT opportunity GCSE Art & Design Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A111: FINE ART PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC OUTLINE TO ENHANCE CANDIDATES’ RECORDING SKILLS THROUGH DRAWING AND PAINTING FROM DIRECT OBSERVATION. TO ESTABLISH GOOD PRACTICE IN THE SELECTION AND PRESENTATION OF THE CANDIDATES’ FINE ART PORTFOLIO, ENSURING ALL RELEVANT CONTEXTS ARE = Innovative teaching idea GCSE Art & Design TOPIC BOTANICAL FORMS PAINTING OR PRINT SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE COLLAGE AND MIXED MEDIA TO BE NOTED AND EXPLORED. DEMONSTRATE PHOTOSHOP AND OTHER DIGITAL MANIPULATION TECHNIQUES EXPLORE THE POTENTIAL OF WORKING IN PRINTMAKING USING SUITABLE IMAGES. THE CANDIDATES’ TO EXPERIMENT WITH PRINTING TECHNIQUES. CANDIDATES TO REFINE THEIR IDEAS IN PREPARATION FOR THE PRODUCTION OF THEIR OUTCOME(S). PRODUCE FINAL COMPOSITIONS THAT CONSOLIDATE IDEAS AND POTENTIAL OUTCOMES. COMPLETE FINAL PIECE(S), EVALUATE AND PRESENT. WEEKS: 9-15 PRODUCING THE FINAL PAINTING/PRINT BASED ON A CAREFULLY SELECTED FINAL COMPOSITION. WEEKS: 16-18 PERIOD OF SELECTION AND PRESENTATION OF THE PORTFOLIO. = ICT opportunity 7 of 49 Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A111: FINE ART PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC OUTLINE TOPIC BOTANICAL FORMS PAINTING OR PRINT SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE APPROPRIATELY APPLIED. HOMEWORK OUTLINE 8 of 49 = Innovative teaching idea CANDIDATES TO MIND MAP IDEAS. COLLECTION OF RESOURCES AND SUPPORTING IMAGERY. PRACTICE DRAWING SKILLS AND OTHER METHODS OF RECORDING. RESEARCH THE WORK OF SELECTED ARTISTS: TO INCLUDE LIBRARY VISITS, INTERNET SEARCHES AND FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE. PREPARATION FOR ANY CLASS BASED ACTIVITIES. ALL WORK PRODUCE IN THE CANDIDATES OWN TIME FOR THE ART AND DESIGN PORTFOLIO SHOULD CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT. = ICT opportunity GCSE Art & Design Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A112: GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC FLOWER SHOW POSTER TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE WEEKS: 1-3 TO PROMOTE CANDIDATES’ CREATIVITY AND VISUAL COMMUNICATION IN RESPONSE TO SPECIFIC VOCATIONAL TASKS AS WELL AS RELATING THE THEME TO THE WORK OF OTHERS OR A COMMERCIAL CONTEXT. A PRESENTATION THAT EXPLORES THE ROLE AND USE OF FLORAL SUBJECTS IN THE WORK OF A RANGE OF GRAPHIC DESIGNERS AND ESTABLISHES THE SCOPE OF THE TOPIC, ESPECIALLY IN RESPECT OF POSTER DESIGN. CANDIDATES TO PRODUCE A SERIES OF DRAWINGS IN A VARIETY OF MEDIA. = Innovative teaching idea GCSE Art & Design SUPPORTING PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIES TO BE PRODUCED. CANDIDATES TO EXAMINE, ANALYSE AND UNDERSTAND THE STYLE, CONTENT AND MATERIALS USED BY THE SELECTED ARTISTS. TO REFINE CANDIDATES’ IDEAS USING A RANGE OF RESOURCES, MEDIA THE STUDENTS TO EXPERIMENT WITH AND ILLUSTRATIVE THE CONTENT AND COMPOSITION TECHNIQUES, INCLUDING FROM THEIR INITIAL RESEARCH. TYPOGRAPHY AND USING COLLAGE AND OTHER A COLLECTION OF SLIDES/POSTERS/BOOKS SHOWING THE WORK OF THE SELECTED ARTISTS. GALLERY VISITS/GARDEN CENTRE TRIPS/ BOTANICAL GARDEN TRIPS/WORKSHOPS AND VISITING PRACTITIONERS WATER-BASED AND ACRYLIC PAINTS WITH APPROPRIATE MEDIA, PAINTING SURFACES AND BRUSHES. A COLLECTION OF PLANTS FOR STILL LIFE AND INDIVIDUAL ITEM DRAWING. TYPOGRAPHICAL SOURCES AND LETTERFORMS. ADVERTISING POSTERS. PHOTOSHOP PROGRAM OR OTHER IMAGE MANIPULATION SOFTWARE. INTRODUCTORY LESSONS TO INCLUDE: PROJECT AIMS INITIAL RESEARCH DEVELOPING INDIVIDUAL DIRECTIONS CONTEXTUAL REFERENCE WEEKS: 4-7 DEVELOPING, EXPLORING, REFINING AND INVESTIGATING COMPOSITION, MATERIALS, CONTENT AND CONTEXT. EXPERIMENTATION IN EITHER PHOTOSHOP, GRAPHIC OR PRINT TECHNIQUES. REVIEWING AND EVALUATING WORK IN PROGRESS. = ICT opportunity 9 of 49 Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A112: GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC OUTLINE TOPIC SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES APPROPRIATE MEDIA THE CANDIDATES ARE TO MAKE A SET OF COLOUR STUDIES. THE PARTICULAR NATURE OF COLLAGE AND MIXED MEDIA TO BE NOTED AND EXPLORED. IMAGE MANIPULATION. TO ENHANCE CANDIDATES’ RECORDING SKILLS THROUGH GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION FROM BOTH COLLECTED SOURCES AND DIRECT OBSERVATION. TO ESTABLISH GOOD PRACTICE IN THE SELECTION AND 10 of 49 = Innovative teaching idea FLOWER SHOW POSTER DEMONSTRATE PHOTOSHOP AND OTHER DIGITAL MANIPULATION TECHNIQUES EXPLORE THE POTENTIAL OF WORKING IN PRINTMAKING USING SUITABLE IMAGES. THE CANDIDATES’ TO EXPERIMENT WITH PRINTING TECHNIQUES. CANDIDATES TO REFINE THEIR IDEAS IN PREPARATION FOR THE PRODUCTION OF THEIR OUTCOME(S). SUGGESTED RESOURCES PRINTING INKS, PLATES AND RELATED EQUIPMENT. MOUNTING/PRESENTATIONAL MATERIALS. POINTS TO NOTE WEEK: 8 MID PORTFOLIO EVALUATION. WEEKS: 9-15 PRODUCING THE FINAL PAINTING/PRINT BASED ON A CAREFULLY SELECTED COMPOSITION. WEEKS: 16-18 PERIOD OF SELECTION AND PRESENTATION OF THE PORTFOLIO. = ICT opportunity GCSE Art & Design Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A112: GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC OUTLINE PRESENTATION OF THE CANDIDATES’ GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION PORTFOLIO, ENSURING ALL RELEVANT CONTEXTS, SOURCES, LOCATIONS AND OTHER ELEMENTS ARE APPROPRIATELY REFERENCED. HOMEWORK OUTLINE = Innovative teaching idea GCSE Art & Design TOPIC FLOWER SHOW POSTER SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE PRODUCE FINAL COMPOSITIONS THAT CONSOLIDATE IDEAS AND POTENTIAL OUTCOMES. COMPLETE FINAL PIECE(S), EVALUATE AND PRESENT. CANDIDATES TO MIND MAP IDEAS. COLLECTION OF RESOURCES AND SUPPORTING IMAGERY. PRACTICE GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION SKILLS AND OTHER METHODS OF SHOWING IDEAS AND SOLUTIONS. RESEARCH THE WORK OF SELECTED ALL WORK PRODUCE IN THE CANDIDATES OWN TIME FOR THE ART AND DESIGN PORTFOLIO SHOULD CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT. = ICT opportunity 11 of 49 Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A112: GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC OUTLINE TOPIC FLOWER SHOW POSTER SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE DESIGNERS OR COMMERCIAL PRACTITIONERS: TO INCLUDE LIBRARY VISITS, INTERNET SEARCHES AND FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE. 12 of 49 = Innovative teaching idea PREPARATION FOR CLASS BASED ACTIVITIES. = ICT opportunity GCSE Art & Design Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A113: PHOTOGRAPHY PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC DECAYING ROSES TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE TO PROMOTE CANDIDATES’ CREATIVITY USING EITHER TRADITIONAL AND/OR NEW MEDIA BY RELATING THE THEME TO THE WORK OF OTHERS OR A BROADER CRITICAL CONTEXT. WEEKS: 1-3 TO REFINE CANDIDATES’ IDEAS USING A RANGE OF RESOURCES, MEDIA AND PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES, INCLUDING = Innovative teaching idea GCSE Art & Design A PRESENTATION THAT EXPLORES THE ROLE AND USE OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OR MUSIC RELATED SUBJECTS IN THE WORK OF A RANGE OF ARTISTS AND ESTABLISHES THE SCOPE OF THE TOPIC. CANDIDATES TO PRODUCE A SERIES OF DRAWINGS IN A VARIETY OF MEDIA. A COLLECTION OF SLIDES/POSTERS/BOOKS SHOWING THE WORK OF THE SELECTED ARTISTS. GALLERY VISITS/GARDEN CENTRE TRIPS/ BOTANICAL GARDEN TRIPS/WORKSHOPS AND VISITING PRACTITIONERS SLR/DIGITAL SLR/COMPACT CAMERAS. SUPPORTING PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIES TO BE PRODUCED. A COLLECTION OF PLANTS FOR STILL LIFE AND INDIVIDUAL ITEM DRAWING. CANDIDATES TO EXAMINE, ANALYSE AND UNDERSTAND THE STYLE, CONTENT AND MATERIALS USED BY THE SELECTED ARTISTS. LIGHTING AND BACKDROPS. EXAMPLES OF PHOTOMONTAGE. PHOTOSHOP PROGRAM OR OTHER IMAGE MANIPULATION SOFTWARE. DARKROOM EQUIPMENT AND/OR IMAGE MANIPULATION SOFTWARE. THE STUDENTS TO EXPERIMENT WITH THE CONTENT AND COMPOSITION FROM THEIR INITIAL RESEARCH. USING COLLAGE AND OTHER INTRODUCTORY LESSONS TO INCLUDE: PROJECT AIMS INITIAL RESEARCH DEVELOPING INDIVIDUAL DIRECTIONS CONTEXTUAL REFERENCE WEEKS: 4-7 DEVELOPING, EXPLORING, REFINING AND INVESTIGATING COMPOSITION, MATERIALS, CONTENT AND CONTEXT. EXPERIMENTATION IN EITHER PHOTOSHOP, GRAPHIC OR PRINT TECHNIQUES. REVIEWING AND EVALUATING WORK IN PROGRESS. = ICT opportunity 13 of 49 Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A113: PHOTOGRAPHY PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC OUTLINE TOPIC SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES APPROPRIATE MEDIA THE CANDIDATES ARE TO MAKE A SET OF COLOUR STUDIES. THE PARTICULAR NATURE OF COLLAGE AND MIXED MEDIA TO BE NOTED AND EXPLORED. PRINTMAKING AND PHOTOSHOP MANIPULATION. TO ENHANCE CANDIDATES’ RECORDING SKILLS THROUGH TRADITIONAL AND/OR DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY. DEMONSTRATE PHOTOSHOP AND OTHER DIGITAL MANIPULATION TECHNIQUES EXPLORE THE POTENTIAL OF WORKING IN PRINTMAKING USING SUITABLE IMAGES. TO ESTABLISH GOOD PRACTICE IN THE SELECTION AND PRESENTATION OF THE CANDIDATES’ 14 of 49 = Innovative teaching idea DECAYING ROSES THE CANDIDATES’ TO EXPERIMENT WITH PRINTING TECHNIQUES. CANDIDATES TO REFINE THEIR IDEAS IN PREPARATION FOR THE PRODUCTION OF THEIR OUTCOME(S). PRODUCE FINAL COMPOSITIONS THAT CONSOLIDATE IDEAS AND POTENTIAL SUGGESTED RESOURCES MOUNTING/PRESENTATIONAL MATERIALS. POINTS TO NOTE WEEK: 8 MID PORTFOLIO EVALUATION. WEEKS: 9-15 PRODUCING THE FINAL PRINT/PRINTS BASED ON A CAREFULLY SELECTED COMPOSITION. WEEKS: 16-18 PERIOD OF SELECTION AND PRESENTATION OF THE PORTFOLIO. = ICT opportunity GCSE Art & Design Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A113: PHOTOGRAPHY PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC OUTLINE PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTFOLIO, ENSURING ALL RELEVANT CONTEXTS ARE APPROPRIATELY APPLIED. HOMEWORK OUTLINE = Innovative teaching idea GCSE Art & Design TOPIC DECAYING ROSES SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE OUTCOMES. COMPLETE FINAL PIECE(S), EVALUATE AND PRESENT. CANDIDATES TO MIND MAP IDEAS. COLLECTION OF RESOURCES AND SUPPORTING IMAGERY. PRACTICE PHOTOGRAPHY SKILLS AND OTHER METHODS OF SHOWING IDEAS AND SOLUTIONS. RESEARCH THE WORK OF SELECTED PHOTOGRAPHERS OR COMMERCIAL PRACTITIONERS: TO INCLUDE LIBRARY VISITS, INTERNET SEARCHES AND FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE. PREPARATION FOR CLASS BASED ALL WORK PRODUCE IN THE CANDIDATES’ OWN TIME FOR THE PHOTOGRAPHY PORTFOLIO SHOULD CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT. = ICT opportunity 15 of 49 Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A113: PHOTOGRAPHY PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC OUTLINE TOPIC DECAYING ROSES SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE ACTIVITIES. 16 of 49 = Innovative teaching idea = ICT opportunity GCSE Art & Design Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A114: TEXTILE DESIGN PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE TO PROMOTE CANDIDATES’ CREATIVITY IN TEXTILE DESIGN BY RELATING THE THEME TO THE WORK OF OTHERS OR A BROADER CRITICAL CONTEXT. A COLLECTION OF SLIDES/POSTERS/BOOKS SHOWING THE WORK OF THE SELECTED TEXTILE ARTISTS AND DESIGNERS. WEEKS: 1-3 GALLERY VISITS/GARDEN CENTRE TRIPS/ BOTANICAL GARDEN TRIPS/WORKSHOPS AND VISITING PRACTITIONERS PROJECT AIMS INITIAL RESEARCH TO REFINE CANDIDATES’ IDEAS USING A RANGE OF RESOURCES, MEDIA AND TEXTILE TECHNIQUES, INCLUDING APPLIQUÉ, COLLAGE, STITCH AND FABRIC. SUPPORTING EMBELLISHMENT STUDIES TO BE PRODUCED. SEWING MACHINES AND STITCH MATERIALS. DEVELOPING INDIVIDUAL DIRECTIONS CANDIDATES TO EXAMINE, ANALYSE AND UNDERSTAND THE STYLE, CONTENT AND MATERIALS USED BY THE SELECTED TEXTILE DESIGNERS. SUNFLOWERS FOR STILL LIFE AND INDIVIDUAL ITEM DRAWING. CONTEXTUAL REFERENCE CUTTING BOARDS, CRAFT KNIVES, SCISSORS AND GLUE STICKS. THE STUDENTS TO EXPERIMENT WITH THE CONTENT AND COMPOSITION FROM THEIR INITIAL RESEARCH. EXAMPLES OF APPLIQUÉ AND QUILTING. USING COLLAGE, AND OTHER WADDING, COTTON, FLEECE OR FELT. TO ENHANCE CANDIDATES’ RECORDING = Innovative teaching idea GCSE Art & Design SUNFLOWER, APPLIQUÉ QUILT SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES TOPIC OUTLINE TOPIC A PRESENTATION THAT EXPLORES THE TECHNIQUES OF QUILT ASSEMBLY AND RELATED SUBJECTS IN THE WORK OF A RANGE OF TEXTILE ARTISTS AND ESTABLISH THE SCOPE OF THE TOPIC. CANDIDATES TO PRODUCE A SERIES OF DRAWINGS USING A VARIETY OF MATERIALS AND MEDIA. INTRODUCTORY LESSONS TO INCLUDE: - WEEKS: 4-7 DEVELOPING, EXPLORING, REFINING AND INVESTIGATING = ICT opportunity 17 of 49 Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A114: TEXTILE DESIGN PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES TOPIC OUTLINE APPROPRIATE TECHNIQUES THE CANDIDATES ARE TO EXPLORE COLOUR, TEXTURE AND PATTERN THROUGH DETAILED OBSERVATION. THE PARTICULAR NATURE OF COLLAGE AND MIXED MEDIA TO BE NOTED AND EXPLORED. AND CONSTRUCTION SKILLS THROUGH DRAWING USING MATERIALS AND ASSEMBLING FROM OBSERVATION. 18 of 49 SUNFLOWER, APPLIQUÉ QUILT TO ESTABLISH GOOD PRACTICE IN THE SELECTION AND PRESENTATION OF THE CANDIDATES’ TEXTILE PORTFOLIO, ENSURING ALL RELEVANT CONTEXTS ARE APPROPRIATELY APPLIED. = Innovative teaching idea DEMONSTRATE STITCH AND OTHER APPLIQUÉ TECHNIQUES EXPLORE THE POTENTIAL OF WORKING IN FABRIC USING SUITABLE IMAGES. THE CANDIDATES’ TO EXPERIMENT WITH SURFACE AND EMBELLISHMENT TECHNIQUES. CANDIDATES TO REFINE THEIR IDEAS IN PREPARATION FOR THE PRODUCTION OF THEIR OUTCOME(S). PRODUCE FINAL COMPOSITIONS THAT SUGGESTED RESOURCES WOOLS, SCRIMS, LACE, BEADS, DYED OR COMMERCIAL FABRICS. MOUNTING/PRESENTATIONAL MATERIALS. POINTS TO NOTE COMPOSITION, MATERIALS, CONTENT AND CONTEXT. EXPERIMENTATION IN EITHER APPLIQUÉ, STITCH OR EMBELLISHMENT TECHNIQUES. REVIEWING AND EVALUATING WORK IN PROGRESS. WEEK: 8 MID PORTFOLIO EVALUATION. = ICT opportunity GCSE Art & Design Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A114: TEXTILE DESIGN PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC OUTLINE TOPIC SUNFLOWER, APPLIQUÉ QUILT SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE CONSOLIDATE IDEAS AND POTENTIAL OUTCOMES. COMPLETE FINAL PIECE(S), EVALUATE AND PRESENT. WEEKS: 9-15 PRODUCING THE FINAL QUILT BASED ON A CAREFULLY SELECTED MATERIALS AND COMPOSITION. WEEKS: 16-18 = Innovative teaching idea GCSE Art & Design PERIOD OF SELECTION AND PRESENTATION OF THE PORTFOLIO. = ICT opportunity 19 of 49 Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A114: TEXTILE DESIGN PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC OUTLINE HOMEWORK OUTLINE 20 of 49 = Innovative teaching idea TOPIC SUNFLOWER, APPLIQUÉ QUILT SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES CANDIDATES TO MIND MAP IDEAS. COLLECTION OF RESOURCES AND SUPPORTING IMAGERY. PRACTICE APPLIQUÉ SKILLS AND OTHER METHODS OF SHOWING IDEAS AND SOLUTIONS. RESEARCH THE WORK OF SELECTED TEXTILE DESIGNERS OR COMMERCIAL PRACTITIONERS: TO INCLUDE LIBRARY VISITS, INTERNET SEARCHES AND FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE. PREPARATION FOR CLASS BASED ACTIVITIES. SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE ALL WORK PRODUCE IN THE CANDIDATES’ OWN TIME FOR THE TEXTILE PORTFOLIO SHOULD CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT. = ICT opportunity GCSE Art & Design Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A115: THREE-DIMENSIONAL DESIGN PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC SET DESIGN INSPIRED BY HENRI ROUSSEAU TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE TO PROMOTE CANDIDATES’ CREATIVITY IN THREEDIMENSIONAL DESIGN BY RELATING THE THEME TO THE WORK OF OTHERS OR A BROADER CRITICAL CONTEXT. WEEKS: 1-3 TO REFINE CANDIDATES’ IDEAS USING A RANGE OF RESOURCES, MEDIA AND 3D TECHNIQUES, INCLUDING MODEL MAKING AND SET = Innovative teaching idea GCSE Art & Design A PRESENTATION THAT EXPLORES THE ROLE AND FUNCTION OF SET DESIGN RELATED TO THE WORK OF HENRI ROUSSEAU AND ESTABLISHES THE SCOPE OF THE TOPIC. A COLLECTION OF SLIDES/POSTERS/BOOKS SHOWING THE WORK OF THE HENRI ROUSSEAU. GALLERY VISITS/GARDEN CENTRE TRIPS/ BOTANICAL GARDEN TRIPS/WORKSHOPS AND VISITING PRACTITIONERS. CANDIDATES TO PRODUCE A SERIES OF DRAWINGS IN A VARIETY OF MEDIA. SUPPORTING PHOTOGRAPHIC OR TRANSPOSITIONAL STUDIES TO BE PRODUCED. CARD, HARDBOARD, FOAM BOARD. A COLLECTION OF PLANTS FOR STILL LIFE AND INDIVIDUAL ITEM DRAWING. CANDIDATES TO EXAMINE, ANALYSE AND UNDERSTAND THE STYLE, CONTENT AND MATERIALS USED BY THE SELECTED SET DESIGNERS. RULERS, CRAFT KNIVES AND ADHESIVES. EXAMPLES OF SET DESIGNS. PHOTOSHOP PROGRAM OR OTHER IMAGE MANIPULATION SOFTWARE. GENERAL CRAFT MATERIALS. THE STUDENTS TO EXPERIMENT WITH THE CONTENT, COMPOSITION, BACKDROP AND WINGS FROM THEIR INITIAL RESEARCH. INTRODUCTORY LESSONS TO INCLUDE: PROJECT AIMS INITIAL RESEARCH DEVELOPING INDIVIDUAL DIRECTIONS CONTEXTUAL REFERENCE WEEKS: 4-7 DEVELOPING, EXPLORING, REFINING AND INVESTIGATING COMPOSITION, MATERIALS, CONTENT AND CONTEXT. EXPERIMENTATION IN STAGE FURNISHINGS. REVIEWING AND EVALUATING WORK IN PROGRESS. = ICT opportunity 21 of 49 Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A115: THREE-DIMENSIONAL DESIGN PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC OUTLINE TOPIC SET DESIGN INSPIRED BY HENRI ROUSSEAU SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED RESOURCES DESIGN. MOUNTING/PRESENTATIONAL MATERIALS. POINTS TO NOTE WEEK: 8 TO ENHANCE CANDIDATES’ RECORDING SKILLS THROUGH DRAWING, MODEL MAKING AND SET DESIGN FROM DIRECT OBSERVATION OR RESEARCHED MATERIALS. TO ESTABLISH GOOD PRACTICE IN THE 22 of 49 = Innovative teaching idea USING EITHER COLLAGE, MAQUETTE, MODELS AND OTHER APPROPRIATE MEDIA THE CANDIDATES ARE TO MAKE A SERIES OF COLOUR STUDIES. THE PARTICULAR NATURE OF COLLAGE, MIXED MEDIA AND 3D DESIGN TO BE NOTED AND EXPLORED. CONSIDER STAGE FURNISHING OR PROPS. EXPLORE THE POTENTIAL OF WORKING IN 3D USING SUITABLE IMAGES. THE CANDIDATES’ TO EXPERIMENT WITH CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES AND SURFACE DECORATION. MID PORTFOLIO EVALUATION WEEKS: 9-15 PRODUCING THE FINAL SET DESIGN BASED ON A CAREFULLY SELECTED COMPOSITION. WEEKS: 16-18 PERIOD OF SELECTION AND PRESENTATION OF THE PORTFOLIO. = ICT opportunity GCSE Art & Design Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A115: THREE-DIMENSIONAL DESIGN PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC OUTLINE SELECTION AND PRESENTATION OF THE CANDIDATES’ 3D DESIGN PORTFOLIO, ENSURING ALL RELEVANT CONTEXTS ARE APPROPRIATELY APPLIED. HOMEWORK OUTLINE = Innovative teaching idea GCSE Art & Design TOPIC SET DESIGN INSPIRED BY HENRI ROUSSEAU SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES CANDIDATES TO REFINE THEIR IDEAS IN PREPARATION FOR THE PRODUCTION OF THEIR OUTCOME(S). PRODUCE FINAL COMPOSITIONS THAT CONSOLIDATE IDEAS AND POTENTIAL OUTCOMES. COMPLETE FINAL PIECE(S), EVALUATE AND PRESENT. CANDIDATES TO MIND MAP IDEAS. COLLECTION OF RESOURCES AND SUPPORTING IMAGERY. PRACTICE 3D CONSTRUCTION SKILLS AND OTHER METHODS OF SHOWING IDEAS AND SOLUTIONS. RESEARCH THE WORK OF SELECTED STAGE DESIGNERS OR COMMERCIAL SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE ALL WORK PRODUCE IN THE CANDIDATES’ OWN TIME FOR THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL DESIGN PORTFOLIO SHOULD CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT. = ICT opportunity 23 of 49 Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A115: THREE-DIMENSIONAL DESIGN PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC OUTLINE TOPIC SET DESIGN INSPIRED BY HENRI ROUSSEAU SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE PRACTITIONERS: TO INCLUDE LIBRARY VISITS, INTERNET SEARCHES AND FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE. 24 of 49 = Innovative teaching idea PREPARATION FOR CLASS BASED ACTIVITIES. = ICT opportunity GCSE Art & Design Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A116: CRITICAL AND CONTEXTUAL STUDIES PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC OUTLINE TO PROMOTE CANDIDATES’ RESPONSES TO WORKS OF ART BY RELATING THE THEME TO THE WORK OF OTHERS OR A BROADER CRITICAL CONTEXT. TO REFINE CANDIDATES’ IDEAS USING A RANGE OF RESOURCES, MEDIA AND ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES, INCLUDING WRITTEN = Innovative teaching idea GCSE Art & Design TOPIC ART NOUVEAU – AN ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE WEEKS: 1-3 A PRESENTATION THAT EXPLORES THE USE OF BOTANICAL FORMS IN ART NOUVEAU AND THE USE OF RELATED SUBJECT MATTER IN THE WORK OF A RANGE OF ARTISTS. THIS ESTABLISHES THE SCOPE OF THE TOPIC. CANDIDATES TO PRODUCE A SERIES OF ANALYTICAL DRAWINGS IN A VARIETY OF MEDIA. SUPPORTING WRITTEN STUDIES TO BE PRODUCED. CANDIDATES TO EXAMINE, ANALYSE AND UNDERSTAND THE STYLE, CONTENT AND MATERIALS USED BY THE SELECTED ARTISTS. THE STUDENTS TO DEVELOP THEIR SKILLS OF ANALYSIS IN LOOKING AT, AND INTERPRETING, WORKS OF ART A COLLECTION OF SLIDES/POSTERS/BOOKS SHOWING THE WORK OF THE SELECTED ARTISTS. GALLERY VISITS/GARDEN CENTRE TRIPS/ BOTANICAL GARDEN TRIPS/WORKSHOPS AND VISITING PRACTITIONERS SLR/DIGITAL SLR/COMPACT CAMERAS. A COLLECTION OF PLANTS FOR STILL LIFE AND INDIVIDUAL ITEM DRAWING. EXAMPLES OF LAYOUT AND TYPOGRAPHY. EXAMPLES OF PHOTOMONTAGE. PHOTOSHOP PROGRAM OR OTHER IMAGE MANIPULATION SOFTWARE. PAINTING/PRINT MATERIALS. INTRODUCTORY LESSONS TO INCLUDE: PROJECT AIMS INITIAL RESEARCH CONTEXTUAL AND REFERENCE DEVELOPING INDIVIDUAL DIRECTIONS WEEKS: 4-7 DEVELOPING, EXPLORING, REFINING AND INVESTIGATING COMPOSITION, MATERIALS, CONTENT AND CONTEXT. EXPERIMENTATION IN EITHER PHOTOSHOP, GRAPHIC OR PAINTING/PRINT TECHNIQUES. REVIEWING AND EVALUATING WORK IN PROGRESS. = ICT opportunity 25 of 49 Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A116: CRITICAL AND CONTEXTUAL STUDIES PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC OUTLINE TOPIC ART NOUVEAU – AN ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES AND DESIGN. AND PRACTICAL EVALUATIONS. SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE MOUNTING/PRESENTATIONAL MATERIALS. WEEK: 8 TO ENHANCE CANDIDATES’ RECORDING SKILLS THROUGH DRAWING AND WRITTEN OBSERVATIONS. TO ESTABLISH GOOD PRACTICE IN THE SELECTION AND PRESENTATION OF 26 of 49 = Innovative teaching idea USING A RANGE OF MATERIALS OR PROCESSES CANDIDATES ARE TO MAKE A SET OF COLOUR STUDIES OF INDIVIDUAL ART WORKS. THE PARTICULAR NATURE OF THE MATERIALS USED TO BE NOTED AND SHOW UNDERSTANDING. EXPLORE THE POTENTIAL OF WORKING IN PRINTMAKING USING SUITABLE IMAGES. THE CANDIDATES’ TO EXPERIMENT WITH PAGE LAYOUT INCORPORATING RELEVANT EXPLANATORY AND MID PORTFOLIO EVALUATION. WEEKS: 9-15 PRODUCING THE FINAL JOURNAL BASED ON A CAREFULLY SELECTED RESEARCH. WEEKS: 16-18 PERIOD OF SELECTION AND PRESENTATION OF THE CRITICAL AND CONTEXTUAL PORTFOLIO. = ICT opportunity GCSE Art & Design Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A116: CRITICAL AND CONTEXTUAL STUDIES PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC OUTLINE THE CANDIDATES’ CRITICAL AND CONTEXTUAL PORTFOLIO, ENSURING ALL RELEVANT CONTEXTS ARE APPROPRIATELY APPLIED. HOMEWORK OUTLINE = Innovative teaching idea GCSE Art & Design TOPIC ART NOUVEAU – AN ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE CRITICAL TEXT. CANDIDATES TO REFINE THEIR IDEAS IN PREPARATION FOR THE PRODUCTION OF THEIR JOURNAL. PRODUCE THE ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL THAT CONSOLIDATES IDEAS AND POTENTIAL OUTCOMES. COMPLETE THE JOURNAL, EVALUATE AND PRESENT. CANDIDATES TO MIND MAP IDEAS. COLLECTION OF ART NOUVEAU RESOURCES AND SUPPORTING IMAGERY. PRACTICE CRITICAL ANALYSIS THROUGH PRACTICAL ARTWORK AND WRITTEN EVALUATIVE WORK. RESEARCH THE WORK OF SELECTED ARTISTS AND DESIGNERS OR OTHER ALL WORK PRODUCE IN THE CANDIDATES OWN TIME FOR THE CRITICAL AND CONTEXTUAL PORTFOLIO SHOULD CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT. = ICT opportunity 27 of 49 Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A116: CRITICAL AND CONTEXTUAL STUDIES PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC OUTLINE TOPIC ART NOUVEAU – AN ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE ART NOUVEAU PRACTITIONERS: TO INCLUDE LIBRARY VISITS, INTERNET SEARCHES AND FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE. 28 of 49 = Innovative teaching idea PREPARATION FOR CLASS BASED ACTIVITIES. = ICT opportunity GCSE Art & Design Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A117: APPLIED PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC DECAYING ROSES TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE A COLLECTION OF SLIDES/POSTERS/BOOKS SHOWING THE WORK OF THE SELECTED MURAL ARTISTS AND THE VOCATIONAL CONTEXT IN WHICH THE WORK WAS PRODUCED. WEEKS: 1-3 TO PROMOTE CANDIDATES’ CREATIVITY IN PAINTING AND DRAWING BY RELATING THE THEME IN A VOCATIONAL NATURE, USING COMMERCIAL PRACTICES. TO REFINE CANDIDATES’ IDEAS USING A RANGE OF RESOURCES, MEDIA AND TECHNIQUES IN A CLIENT-RELATED CONTEXT. TO ENHANCE CANDIDATES’ = Innovative teaching idea GCSE Art & Design A PRESENTATION THAT EXPLORES THE ROLE AND USE OF MURAL PAINTING IN A VOCATIONAL CONTEXT. REVIEW THIS COMMERCIAL PRACTICE USING THE WORK OF A RANGE OF PRACTITIONERS AND ESTABLISHES THE SCOPE OF THE TOPIC. CANDIDATES TO PRODUCE A SERIES OF DRAWINGS IN A VARIETY OF MEDIA, WITH CONSIDERATIONS OF LOCATION, SCALE AND MATERIALS TO BE USED. SUPPORTING PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIES TO BE PRODUCED. CANDIDATES TO EXAMINE, ANALYSE AND UNDERSTAND THE STYLE, CONTENT AND METHODS USED BY THE SELECTED PRACTITIONERS AND HOW THESE CAN INFORM THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE STUDENTS INDIVIDUAL RESPONSES. THE STUDENTS TO EXPERIMENT WITH INTRODUCTORY LESSONS TO INCLUDE: PROJECT AIMS INITIAL RESEARCH DEVELOPING INDIVIDUAL DIRECTIONS LOCATION OR SITE VISITS/ FARM VISITS/ BOTANICAL GARDEN TRIPS/WORKSHOPS AND VISITING PRACTITIONERS CONTEXTUAL AND VOCATIONAL REFERENCE SLR/DIGITAL SLR/COMPACT CAMERAS. WEEKS: 4-7 A COLLECTION OF ORGANIC PRODUCE FOR STILL LIFE AND INDIVIDUAL ITEM DRAWING. CLIENT-FOCUSED BRIEF BASED ON COMMERCIAL SCENARIOS. EXAMPLES OF COLLAGE OR MIXED MEDIA APPROACHES. PHOTOSHOP PROGRAM OR OTHER IMAGE MANIPULATION SOFTWARE. DEVELOPING, EXPLORING, REFINING AND INVESTIGATING COMPOSITION, MATERIALS, CONTENT, CONTEXT AND VOCATIONALITY. EXPERIMENTATION IN EITHER PHOTOSHOP, GRAPHIC OR PRINT TECHNIQUES. REVIEWING AND EVALUATING WORK IN PROGRESS. = ICT opportunity 29 of 49 Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A117: APPLIED PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC OUTLINE TOPIC SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES THE CONTENT AND RECORDING SKILLS THROUGH DRAWING AND PAINTING FROM DIRECT OBSERVATION. TO ESTABLISH GOOD PRACTICE IN THE SELECTION AND PRESENTATION OF THE CANDIDATES’ APPLIED PORTFOLIO, ENSURING ALL RELEVANT CONTEXTS, CONSIDERATIONS AND VOCATIONAL 30 of 49 = Innovative teaching idea SUGGESTED RESOURCES MOUNTING/PRESENTATIONAL MATERIALS. POINTS TO NOTE WEEK: 8 DECAYING ROSES USING DRAWING AND PAINTING AS WELL AS OTHER APPROPRIATE MEDIA THE CANDIDATES ARE TO PRODUCE A SERIES OF PROTOTYPES. THE PARTICULAR NATURE OF COLLAGE AND MIXED MEDIA TO BE CONSIDERED AND EXPLORED. PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE, HEALTH AND SAFETY, COPYRIGHT AND ETHICAL ISSUES TO BE CONSIDERED. EXPLORE THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE PRODUCTION OF BOTH 2D AND 3D WORK IN THE PORTFOLIO. THE CANDIDATES’ TO EXPERIMENT WITH MURAL PAINTING TECHNIQUES. CANDIDATES TO REFINE THEIR IDEAS IN PREPARATION FOR THE MID PORTFOLIO EVALUATION. WEEKS: 9-15 PRODUCING THE FINAL PAINTING BASED ON A CAREFULLY SELECTED COMPOSITION. WEEKS: 16-18 PERIOD OF SELECTION AND PRESENTATION OF THE APPLIED PORTFOLIO = ICT opportunity GCSE Art & Design Sample GCSE Scheme of Work OCR GCSE ART & DESIGN UNIT 1 A117: APPLIED PORTFOLIO SUGGESTED TEACHING TIME 45 HOURS 15-18 WEEKS TOPIC OUTLINE CONNECTIONS ARE APPROPRIATELY INTEGRATED. TOPIC SUGGESTED TEACHING AND HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES = Innovative teaching idea GCSE Art & Design SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE PRODUCTION OF THEIR OUTCOME(S). HOMEWORK OUTLINE DECAYING ROSES PRODUCE A FINAL COMPOSITION THAT CONSOLIDATES IDEAS AND POTENTIAL OUTCOMES. COMPLETE FINAL PIECE TO SCALE, EVALUATE AND PRESENT. CANDIDATES TO MIND MAP IDEAS. COLLECTION OF RESOURCES AND SUPPORTING IMAGERY. PRACTICE DRAWING AND PAINTING SKILLS AND OTHER METHODS OF SHOWING IDEAS AND SOLUTIONS. RESEARCH THE WORK OF SELECTED MURAL PAINTERS AND COMMERCIAL PRACTITIONERS: TO INCLUDE LIBRARY VISITS, INTERNET SEARCHES AND FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE. PREPARATION FOR CLASS BASED ACTIVITIES. ALL WORK PRODUCE IN THE CANDIDATES’ OWN TIME FOR THE APPLIED PORTFOLIO SHOULD CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT. = ICT opportunity 31 of 49 Sample GCSE Scheme of Work 32 of 49 = Innovative teaching idea = ICT opportunity GCSE Art & Design Sample GCSE Lesson Plan OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A111 Working from direct observation – Sunflowers. OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be subject to modifications by the individual teacher. Lesson length is assumed to be one hour. This may be integrated into a longer lesson and developed further. Learning Objectives for the Lesson Objective 1 Students to experiment with a range of drawing materials and techniques, reviewing and refining their ideas as the work progresses. Objective 2 Students to accurately observe and record sunflower heads Objective 3 Students to develop and extend their knowledge of the ways in which Van Gogh used drawing to record floral subjects Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge Show the students a digital presentation with examples of the work of Van Gogh. Examples that illustrate his drawing style and technique (Vincent van Gogh: The Complete Works, CD Rom as suggested: Teachers Support material: Resources). Encourage students to analyse and comment on the examples on show. The discussion will indicate at what level the students’ present understanding has reached. Content Time Content 5 minutes Show the digital or visual presentation, showing a range of Van Gogh’s drawing and painting techniques, (encourage discussion in response to the style and approach). 5 minutes A demonstration of the technique to be used with particular reference to bold lines and strong areas of light and shade. 15 minutes 5 minutes 20 minutes GCSE Art & Design Students to produce the first drawing from observation analysing the flower head, with particular emphasis being placed on the drawing techniques shown in the exemplar material and demonstration. Group review of work in progress, highlighting good examples and reminder of how tone and line can be used by detailed observation and careful application. The students create more studies, exploring alternative viewpoints and compositions. Attention could be drawn to the variety of mark making techniques available and alternative materials to be considered, including pastel, charcoal, paint and collage Different coloured backgrounds could be considered and the effect that they might have on the work produced. Display the lesson’s work and clear away materials. 33 of 49 Sample GCSE Lesson Plan Consolidation Time Content 10 minutes Discuss the resulting student work with teacher and student comment. Note any observed differences in the handling of the media. Refer to the exemplar material examined at the beginning of the lesson, note any connections that could be made with the work of the students and identify good practice. Extension work Ask the students to look at other artists who have produced either drawings or paintings from still life using flowers as the central element. Note the particular qualities of the chosen medium and provide additional illustrations for the next lesson. Resources www.artcyclopedia;; GCSE Art & Design 34 of 49 Sample GCSE Lesson Plan OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A112 An introduction to Poster Design – A local flower show. OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be subject to modifications by the individual teacher. Lesson length is assumed to be one hour. This may be integrated into a longer lesson and developed further. Learning Objectives for the Lesson Objective 1 Students to present design proposals, reviewing and refining their ideas as the work progresses. Objective 2 Students to accurately compose visual elements with accompanying text Objective 3 Students to develop and extend their knowledge of poster designs produced by graphic designers Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge Show the students a digital presentation with examples of poster designs from the London Transport Museum. Examples could also include the work of Victorian travel illustrators. Encourage students to analyse and comment on the examples on show. The discussion will indicate at what level the students’ present understanding has reached, with particular reference to design and layout. Content Time Content 5 minutes Show the digital or visual presentation, showing a range of London Transport posters, (encourage discussion in response to the style and approach). 5 minutes A demonstration of the technique to be used with particular reference to the integration of text into the design. 15 minutes 5 minutes 20 minutes GCSE Art & Design Students to produce the first drawing from either direct observation or collected source material analysing the flower head, with particular emphasis being placed on line drawing, layout and typography. Group review of work in progress, highlighting good examples and reminder of how alternative media such as ballpoint, fine line or felt tip pens can be used. The students create more studies, using a second drawing tool and new composition. Attention could be drawn to the variety of mark making techniques available including cross-hatching or directional lines. Alternative typeface could be considered and the impact that this may have on the work produced. Display the lesson’s work and clear away materials. 35 of 49 Sample GCSE Lesson Plan Consolidation Time Content 10 minutes Discuss the resulting student work with teacher and student comment. Note any observed differences in the handling of the media and graphic elements. Refer back to the exemplar material examined at the beginning of the lesson, note any connections that could be made with the work of the students and identify good practice. Extension work Ask the students to look at contemporary poster design. Note the particular qualities of layout and illustration, collecting printed examples from magazines or newspapers for the next lesson. Resources London Transport Museum ( Bownes, D. & Green, O., 2008. London Transport posters - a century of art and design. London, Lund Humphries. GCSE Art & Design 36 of 49 Sample GCSE Lesson Plan OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A113 Still-life photography – The structure of flowers. OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be subject to modifications by the individual teacher. Lesson length is assumed to be one hour. This may be integrated into a longer lesson and developed further. Learning Objectives for the Lesson Objective 1 Students to use an appropriate camera to record, either on film or digitally selected flowers using a range of viewpoints, settings and exposures, reviewing and refining their ideas as the work progresses. Objective 2 Students to use basic studio lighting. Objective 3 Students to develop and extend their knowledge of the ways in which photographers, including Karl Blossfeldt have recorded in a photographic medium. Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge Show the students a digital or illustrated presentation with examples of the work of Karl Blossfeldt. Highlight specific examples that illustrate his photographic technique. Encourage students to analyse and comment on the examples on show. The discussion will indicate at what level the students’ present understanding of studio photography has reached. Content Time Content 5 minutes Show the digital or visual presentation, showing a selection of Blossfeldt photography, making connections to Eadweard Muybridge (encourage discussion in response to the viewpoints and compositions used). 5 minutes A demonstration of the technique to be used with particular reference to exposure settings and studio lighting. 15 minutes Students to undertake the first period of the photo-shoot, with particular emphasis being placed on the composition through the viewfinder. 5 minutes Group review of work in progress, highlighting good examples of studio lighting and successful viewpoints. 20 minutes The students undertake the second period of the photo-shoot, exploring alternative viewpoints, compositions, exposures and lighting effects. Different coloured backgrounds could be considered and the effect that they might have on the photographs produced. Equipment and films/ images to be appropriately stored. GCSE Art & Design 37 of 49 Sample GCSE Lesson Plan Consolidation Time Content 10 minutes Discuss the resulting student work with teacher and student comment. Note any observed differences in the handling of the media or insights gained. Refer to the exemplar material examined at the beginning of the lesson, note any connections that could be made with the work of the students and identify good practice. Extension work Ask the students to look at other photographers who have use similar subject matter within their photographic portfolios. Note the particular qualities of the chosen subjects and provide additional photographic illustrations for the next lesson. Resources Magnum Photographers GCSE Art & Design 38 of 49 Sample GCSE Lesson Plan OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A114 Designs for a quilt – Daffodils. OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be subject to modifications by the individual teacher. Lesson length is assumed to be one hour. This may be integrated into a longer lesson and developed further. Learning Objectives for the Lesson Objective 1 Students to experiment with a range of materials and techniques, reviewing and refining their ideas as the work progresses. Objective 2 Students to accurately observe and record daffodil stems in a form appropriate to intentions Objective 3 Students to develop and extend their knowledge of the ways in which quilt and textile practitioners used drawing and materials to record floral subjects and create designs Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge Show the students a digital or visual presentation with examples of the work of Christine Dobson. Examples that illustrate her drawing style, technique, materials used and methods of construction. Encourage students to analyse and comment on the examples on show. The discussion will indicate at what level the students’ present understanding has reached. Content Time Content 5 minutes Show the digital or visual presentation, showing a range of Christine Dobson’s appliqué quilts, (encourage discussion in response to the style and approach). 5 minutes A demonstration of the technique to be used with particular reference to repeat pattern and rotated design. 15 minutes Students to produce the first drawing from observation or collected sources analysing the flower head and stem, with particular emphasis being placed on repeating the design using a grid formation as shown in the exemplar material and demonstration. 5 minutes Group review of work in progress, highlighting good examples and reminder of how rotation of design can be used to enhance visual effect. 20 minutes GCSE Art & Design The students continue studies, exploring tone to create a sense of pattern or depth. Attention could be drawn to sections of selected interest. Colour and pattern could be considered and the affect that they might have on the work 39 of 49 Sample GCSE Lesson Plan produced. Display the lesson’s work and clear away materials. GCSE Art & Design 40 of 49 Sample GCSE Lesson Plan Consolidation Time Content 10 minutes Discuss the resulting student work with teacher and student comment. Note any observed differences in the handling of the media, pattern and rotation. Refer to the exemplar material examined at the beginning of the lesson, note any connections that could be made with the work of the students and identify good practice. Extension work Ask the students to look at other textile artists who have produced quilts using flowers as the central element. Note the particular qualities of the chosen medium and provide additional illustrations for the next lesson. Resources Christine Dobson, UK: Designs of Charles Rennie Mackintosh The Victoria and Albert Museum ( GCSE Art & Design 41 of 49 Sample GCSE Lesson Plan OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A115 Producing ceramic tiles – Inspired by Kate Malone OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be subject to modifications by the individual teacher. Lesson length is assumed to be one hour. This may be integrated into a longer lesson and developed further. Learning Objectives for the Lesson Objective 1 Students to produce a ceramic tile, reviewing and refining the piece as the work progresses. Objective 2 Students to experience slab and modelling techniques. Objective 3 Students to develop and extend their knowledge of the ways in which Kate Malone produced ceramic forms inspired by natural forms. Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge Show the students a digital or visual presentation with examples of the work of Kate Malone. Examples that illustrate her ceramic pieces and the techniques used. Encourage students to analyse and comment on the examples on show. The discussion will indicate at what level the students’ present understanding has reached. Content Time Content 5 minutes Show the digital or visual presentation, showing a range of Kate Malone’s ceramic techniques with particular emphasis on floral inspired work, (encourage discussion in response to the style and approach). 5 minutes A demonstration of the technique to be used with particular reference to 3D relief and surface texture. 15 minutes Students to produce the clay slab cut to size and create rough surface for relief decoration. 5 minutes Group review of work in progress, highlighting good examples and reminder of how secure attachment in the second stage is essential. 20 minutes GCSE Art & Design The students create the surface elements and attach using slip and press methods. Attention could be drawn to the effect of the drying process. Alternative shapes or forms could be considered and the affect that they might have on the work produced and the methods of construction. Display the lesson’s work and clear away materials. 42 of 49 Sample GCSE Lesson Plan Consolidation Time Content 10 minutes Discuss the resulting student work with teacher and student comment. Note any observed differences in the handling of the media. Refer to the exemplar material examined at the beginning of the lesson, note any connections that could be made with the work of the students and identify good practice. Extension work Ask the students to look at other ceramicists who have produced ceramic pieces using natural forms as the central element or inspiration. Note the particular qualities of the chosen piece or ceramicist and provide additional illustrations for the next lesson. Resources, www. The Jackfield Tile Museum, Ironbridge ( GCSE Art & Design 43 of 49 Sample GCSE Lesson Plan OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A116 Study sheet – Art Nouveau. OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be subject to modifications by the individual teacher. Lesson length is assumed to be one hour. Learning Objectives for the Lesson Objective 1 Students to make and present the introduction section for a pamphlet, reviewing and refining content and composition as the work progresses. Objective 2 Students to provide illustrations and accompanying text Objective 3 Students to develop and extend their knowledge of the ways in which Emile Galle and Louis Comfort Tiffany used floral subject matter as a stimulus for design. Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge Show the students a digital or illustrated presentation with examples of the work of Art Nouveau practitioners and associated design. Examples that illustrate exhibition booklets or catalogues would provide additional guidance. The discussion will indicate at what level the students’ present understanding has reached. Content Time Content 5 minutes Show the digital or visual presentation, showing a range of information sheets and introduction examples (encourage discussion in response to the style and approach). 5 minutes Detailed guidance in terms of content and illustrations required. 15 minutes 5 minutes 20 minutes GCSE Art & Design Students to produce the first draft and relevant illustrations, with particular emphasis being placed on personal response as shown in the exemplar material and demonstration. Group review of work in progress, highlighting good examples and reminder of how a personal response is essential. The students continue the production of the work with consideration of the illustrations to be used. Attention could be drawn to layout and typography. Different interpretations and practitioners could be considered and the affect that they might have on the work produced. Display the lesson’s work and clear away materials. 44 of 49 Sample GCSE Lesson Plan Consolidation Time Content 10 minutes Discuss the resulting student work with teacher and student comment. Note any observed differences in the use of information and personal response. Refer to the exemplar material examined at the beginning of the lesson, note any connections that could be made with the work of the students and identify good practice. Extension work Ask the students to consider the next page and research the practitioners to be highlighted in this section. Collect additional illustrations for the chosen subject matter as preparation for the next lesson. Resources The Victoria and Albert Museum ( GCSE Art & Design 45 of 49 Sample GCSE Lesson Plan OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A117 Urban Farm – Wild flower mural. OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be subject to modifications by the individual teacher. Lesson length is assumed to be one hour. This may be integrated into a longer lesson and developed further. Learning Objectives for the Lesson Objective 1 Students to experiment with a range of drawing materials and techniques, reviewing and refining their ideas as the work progresses. Objective 2 Students to accurately observe and record wild flowers as preparatory studies for a mural. Objective 3 Students to develop and extend their knowledge of the ways in which designers or mural artists have incorporated or used floral subject matter as the stimulus for their designs. Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge Show the students a digital or illustrated presentation with examples of the work of mural artists. Examples that show mural styles, techniques, scale and location to be used. Encourage students to analyse and comment on the examples on show. The discussion will indicate at what level the students’ present understanding has reached. Content Time Content 5 minutes Show the digital or visual presentation, showing a range of mural art and techniques, (encourage discussion in response to the style and approach). 5 minutes A demonstration of the techniques and possible approaches to be used with particular reference to scale and materials. 15 minutes 5 minutes 20 minutes GCSE Art & Design Students to produce the first drawing from observation and/or collected sources analysing the wild flowers, with particular emphasis being placed on the applied considerations. Group review of work in progress, highlighting good examples and giving reminders of how the work produced is for specific chosen locations. The students create more studies, exploring alternative sources, materials and compositions. Attention could be drawn to mixed media. Alternative locations could be considered and the effect that this might have on how the work is viewed. Display the lesson’s work and clear away materials. 46 of 49 Sample GCSE Lesson Plan Consolidation Time Content 10 minutes Discuss the resulting student work with teacher and student comment. Note any observed differences in the handling of the media, scale and design. Refer to the exemplar material examined at the beginning of the lesson, note any connections that could be made with the work of the students and identify good practice. Extension work Ask the students to look at other artists who have produced murals in response to a given brief. Note the particular qualities of the chosen medium and provide additional illustrations for the next lesson. Resources; GCSE Art & Design 47 of 49 Sample GCSE Lesson Plan OCR GCSE Art & Design Unit 1 A120 Question 3 Clocks and Watches (SAM Section1: Starting Points) OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be subject to modifications by the individual teacher. Lesson length is assumed to be one hour. This may be integrated into a longer lesson and developed further. Learning Objectives for the Lesson Objective 1 Students to experiment with a range of drawing materials and techniques, reviewing and refining their ideas as the work progresses. Objective 2 Students to accurately observe and from the following: wristwatches, alarm clocks or egg timers. Objective 3 Students to develop and extend their knowledge of the ways in which Salvador Dali used drawing and painting to record the selected subject, integrating the item(s) into surreal paintings. Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge Outline to the student the structure of research for the OCR Set-task and provide guidance in respect of the work of Dali. Encourage the student to analyse and comment on the examples and advice given. The discussion will indicate at what level the students’ present understanding has reached and the candidates intentions for the preparatory period. Content Time Content 5 minutes Outline the regulations for the preparatory period (common to all students). 5 minutes Specific guidance to students in respect of drawing from observation for preparatory studies. 15 minutes 5 minutes 20 minutes GCSE Art & Design Students to produce the first drawing from observation analysing the selected timepiece, with particular emphasis being placed on the accuracy of observation shown in the exemplar material and demonstration. Group review of work in progress, highlighting good examples and reminder of how tone and line can be used by detailed observation and careful application. The students create more studies, exploring alternative viewpoints and compositions. Attention could be drawn to the variety of mark making techniques available and alternative materials to be considered, including pastel, charcoal, paint and collage Different coloured backgrounds could be considered and the effect that they might have on the work produced. 48 of 49 Sample GCSE Lesson Plan Consolidation Time Content 10 minutes Discuss the resulting student work with teacher and student comment. Note any observed differences in the handling of the media. Refer to the exemplar material examined at the beginning of the lesson, note any connections that could be made with the work of the students and identify good practice. Extension work Ask the students to look at other surreal artists who have produced either drawings or paintings that relate to the chosen theme. Resources GCSE Art & Design 49 of 49