SEC 501: Special Education for Content Area Teachers

State University of New York
School of Education
SEC 501(01)
Special Education for Content Area Teachers
2 credit hours
Thur 4:25- 7:00
Instructor: Annette Minarcin
Telephone: work: 762-8136
home: 648-5658
cell: 725-8578
Course Description:
This course is specifically designed to provide secondary-level, content area teachers
with necessary skills and understandings to more effectively teach students with high
incidence disabilities in an inclusionary environment. Collaboration with the special
education teacher in the modification of instruction and assessment, cognitive strategies,
the use of positive behavioral supports and the use of Individual Educational Plans will
constitute the core of the course.
Lenz,B.K., Schumaker, J.B., Deshler, D.D. & Bulger, J.A. (1998). The Unit Organizer
Routine. Lawrence, KS: Edge Enterprises.
Ellis, E.S. (1998). The Framing Routine, Lawrence, KS: Edge Entriprises.
1. to inform and educate the general education teacher in pre-CSE responsibilities,
and the CSE process
2. to understand the role of the content area teacher working in collaboration with
the special education teacher
3. to be able to better understand and contribute in the development and
implementation of an IEP
4. to develop skills and understanding in the use of strategies and co teaching
models of instruction for low achieving and classified students
Instruction and Grading
A variety of instructional approaches will be used in this course – mini-lectures, guest
speakers, discussion of reading, small-group problem solving and role-playing. Since the
course has only seven meetings, attendance is very important and participation critical.
The instructor reserves the right to adjust the final grade on the basis of attendance and
class participation.
Assignments will include:
* Response to FAT City Video
* Response to a high incidence classification
* Response to one of the co-teaching models
* Differentiated lesson plan using the FRAME or Unit Organizer
Classroom Environment
The faculty and staff of the School of Education and Human Development are committed
to serving all students. The intention is to create an intellectually stimulating, safe,
respectful and enjoyable class atmosphere. Students are expected to contribute to this
goal by honoring and respecting the opinions of fellow/sister students.
If you are a student with a disability and wish to request accommodations, please notify
the instructor before the second class meeting. You are also encouraged to contact the
Office for Students with Disabilities (SSD) at 777-2868. Their office is at LH-B51. The
SSD office makes formal recommendations regarding necessary and appropriate
accommodations based on a specifically diagnosed disability. Information on your
disability will be treated confidentially.
Academic Honesty
“All members of the university community have the responsibility to maintain and foster
a condition and an atmosphere of academic integrity. Specifically, this requires that all
classroom, laboratory, and written work for which a person claims credit is in fact that
person’s own work.” The annual university Student Handbook publication has detailed
information on academic integrity.
Binghamton University has obtained a license with Turnitin.Com to facilitate faculty
review for potential plagiarism of papers and projects in their courses, which they are
encouraged to do.
“Students assume responsibility of the content and integrity of the academic work they
submit. Students are in violation of academic honesty if they incorporate into their
written or oral reports and unacknowledged published or unpublished or oral material
from the work of another (plagiarism); or if they use, request, or give unauthorized
assistance in any academic work (cheating).” (SEHD Academic Honesty Policies)
Neither plagiarism nor cheating will be tolerated in this class. Incidents of either will
result in a failing grade for the assignment in question, which will most likely have a
negative effect on the final grade. If you have any questions about what constitutes
plagiarism or cheating, PLEASE ASK ME!
Class Schedule: Fall 2008 SEC501 (01) Thur 4:25- 7:00
IEP review
F.A.T. City Video
For Next Week : Read Ellis, The Framing Routine
Response to F.A.T. City Video
Classifications and Definitions
Framing and Anchoring
For Next Week : Read specific selections from Rodis, Learning Disabilities
and Life Stories
Response to high incidence classification
Living with a Disability
Guest Speaker: TBA
Co teaching Models
Guest Speaker: Co teachers present pros and cons of Co teaching
For Next Week: Read:Understanding co teaching components
Response to a Co teaching model
Organization tools and strategies
Accommodations and modifications
Guest Speaker: Bag of Tricks
For Next Week: Read Lenz,,Unit Organizer Routine
Unit organizer
Emotional Disturbance/Behavior Disorders
Functional Behavioral Analysis and Behavior Intervention Plans
Manifestation Determination
Guest presenter: Strategies for ED and TBI students
School Psychologists
10/16 Creating differentiated lessons