Reference No Duratio Replicate . n (d) s Source Predator Herbivore Producer Lentic plankton Attayde & Hansson (2001) 1 29 4 Fig. 2, Table 2 Perca fluviatilis Zooplankton Phytoplankt on Faafeng et al. 2 (1990) 22, 27 3 Table 1 Rutilus rutilus Zooplankton Phytoplankt on Hansson (1992) 1 69 3 Fig. 3 3 fish species Zooplankton Phytoplankt on Hansson & Carpenter (1993) 1 69 3 Figs 2, 3 3 fish species Zooplankton Phytoplankt on Havens (1993) 1 28 2 Fig. 2 Phytoplankt on McQueen & Post (1985) 1 120 1 Figs 4, 5 Perca flavescens Zooplankton Phytoplankt on McQueen et al. (1992) 1 99 2 Figs 1, 2 Perca flavescens Zooplankton Phytoplankt on Mazumder & 1 Lean (1994) 106 2 Tables 2, Phoxinus eos 3 Zooplankton Phytoplankt on Mazumder et al. (1992) 117 2 Figs 2, 3 Perca flavescens Zooplankton Phytoplankt on Perez1 Fuentetaja et al. (1996a) 48 2 Table 1 Zooplankton Phytoplankt on Perez1 Fuentetaja et al. (1996b) 72 2 Tables 2, Lepomis 3 auritus Zooplankton Phytoplankt on Proulx et al. (1996) 2 71 2 Figs 1, 2 Phoxinus sp. Zooplankton Phytoplankt on Shurin (2001) 2 81 4 Fig. 3 Lepomis macrochirus, Notonecta undulata Zooplankton Phytoplankt on Turner & Mittelbach (1992) 2 28 3 Figs 2, 3 Lepomis macrochirus Zooplankton Phytoplankt on Vanni & Findlay (1990) 2 67 3 Figs 2, 3 Perca flavescens, Chaoborus americanus Zooplankton Phytoplankt on Vanni et al. (1997) 2 40, 29 3, 4 Figs 2, 3 Phoxinus eos Zooplankton Phytoplankt on 1 3 fish species Zooplankton Perca flavescens Lentic benthos Bronmark (1994) 1 60 4 Figs 2, 3 Tinca tinca Bronmark & Weisner (1996) 1 77 11 Figs 3, 6 4 fish species Snails Periphyton Bronmark et al. (1992) 4 130, 100 5 Figs 1, 2 Lepomis gibbosus Snails Periphyton Chase (1998b) 4 100 4 Pers. comm. Snails Periphyton Lodge et al. (1994) 1 90 4 Figs 5, 9 Orconectes rusticus Snails + insects Periphyton Nystrom et al. (2001) 1 60 5 Figs 2, 7 Pacifastacus leniusculus Snails + insects Periphyton 1 1460 8 Figs 5, 6 4 Acrididae insectivorous bird species Grasses, forbs, and shrubs Chase (1996) 1 60 5 Fig. 3 Pardosa sp. Melanoplus sanguinipes Grasses and forbs Chase (1998a) 1 60 4 Figs 5, 6 Sceloporus occidentalis Melanoplus devastator and others Perennial grasses and forbs Fraser & 1 Grime (1998) Poa annua, Arrhenatheru m elatius, 90 6 Figs 2, 5, Coccinella Sitobion avenae 6 septempuncta ta Festuca ovina Gould & Jeanne (1984) 2 30 2 Table 3 Pieris rapae Brassica oleracea var. capitata Helenius (1990) 1 75 9 Figs 2, 3 11+ insect species Rhopalosiphum padi Avena sativa, Vicia faba Moran & Hurd (1998) 1 90 9 Figs 2, 3 Tenodera sinensis 11 orders of arthropods 26 grasses and forbs Moran et al. (1996) 1 60 6 Figs 3, 4 Tenodera sinensis A 'diverse assemblage' of arthropods Perennial grasses and forbs Moran et al. 2 (unpublished) 100 5 Pers. comm. Arthropods Grasses and forbs Moran & Scheidler (2002) 131 5 Figs 1, 2 3 spider species Arthropods Grasses and forbs Belostoma flumineum Snails, bivalves and insects Periphyton Terrestrial Bock et al. (1992) 1 Polistes fuscatus Cursorial spiders Newsome et al. (1989) 1 420 10 Vulpes vulpes, Felis catus Oryctolagus cuniculus Grasses and forbs Schmitz (1993) 1 24 8 Fig. 6 Tarentula kochi Melanoplus sanguinipes Grasses and forbs Schmitz (1994) 1 50 8 Fig. 3, Table 3 Hogna helluo Melanoplus borealis Schmitz et al. 1 (1997) 30 8 Figs 5, 6 Pisaurina mira Melanoplus femurrubrum Grasses and forbs Schmitz (1998) 1 60 10 Figs 4, 5, Pisaurina Table 3 mira Melanoplus femurrubrum, Chorthippus curtipennis Grasses and forbs Snyder & Wise (1999) 1 60 4 Fig. 4, Carabidae Tables 1, and 2 Lycosidae Lepidoptera and Coleoptera 4 garden vegetables Perennial dicots and grasses Marine plankton Abreu et al. (1994) 1 9 3 Fig. 3, Table 2 Xenomelaniri Copepods s brasiliensis Phytoplankt on Breitburg et al. (1999) 1 35 4 Pers. comm. Fundulus heteroclitus Copepods Phytoplankt on Fulton (1983) 3 54, 54, 52 2 Fig. 2 Neomysis americana, Mysidopsis bigelowi Copepods Phytoplankt on Heiskanen et al. (1996) 1 21 1 Figs 1, 3 Gasterosteus aculeatus Micro- and macrozooplankton Phytoplankt on Marino (2001) 1 63 8 Pers. comm. Copepods Phytoplankt on Olsson et al. (1992) 1 12 2 Figs 2, 4, Aurelia aurita Copepods 6 Phytoplankt on Uitto et al. (1995) 1 6 1 Fig. 1 Neomysis integer Micro- and macrozooplankton Phytoplankt on Menidia beryllina Marine benthos Babcock et al. (1999) 1 6570 14 Table 1, text Many fish species Sea urchins Kelp Duggins (1980) 1 30 1 Table 1 Enhydra lutris Sea urchins Kelp Estes et al. (1998) 1 3650 1 Fig. 1 Enhydra lutris Sea urchins Kelp McClanahan 1 365 2 Tables 3, Many fish Sea urchins Macro-algae (1997) 5 species Shears & Babcock (2002) 2 8030, 5840 5, 4 Figs 3, 5 Jasus edwardsii Evechinus chloroticus Macro-algae Steneck & Carlton (2001) 1 2920 1 Fig. 17.1 Humans 2 Sea urchins Macro-algae Wootton (1995) 1 730 8 Fig. 2, text Bechara et al. 2 (1992) 29, 66 5 Figs 2, 4 Salvelinus fontinalis Insects Periphyton Charlebois & 1 Lamberti (1996) 46 5 Figs 1, 3 Orconectes rusticus Insects Periphyton Dahl (1998a) 2 30 4 Figs 1, 2 Salmo trutta, Cottus gobio Insects Periphyton Dahl (1998b) 2 32 4 Figs 2, 6 Salmo trutta, Erpobdella octoculata Insects Periphyton Dahl & Greenberg (1999) 2 30 4 Figs 1, 3 Salmo trutta Insects Periphyton Deegan et al. 1 (1997) 30 1 Figs 5, 7 Thymallus arcticus Insects Periphyton Diehl et al. (2000) 1 66 1 Figs 3, 4 Salmo trutta Insects Periphyton Flecker & Townsend (1994) 2 11 4 Figs 1, 2 Salmo trutta, Galaxias cf. vulgaris Insects Periphyton Forrester et al. (1999) 1 46 6 Fig. 2 Agosia chrysogaster Insects Periphyton Golden & Deegan (1998) 1 10 2 Fig. 6 Thymallus arcticus Insects Periphyton Holomuzki & 2 Stevenson (1992) 34 9, 8 Table 3 Lepomis megalotis, L. cyanellus Insects Periphyton McIntosh & Townsend (1996) 2 18 3 Figs 4, 6 Salmo trutta, Galaxias vulgaris Insects Periphyton Nakano et al. 1 (1999) 28 2 Fig. 4 Insects Periphyton Power (1990) 1 35 6 Figs 3, 4 Oncorhynchu Insects Periphyton 3 bird species Stronglyocentrot Macro-algae us purpuratus Stream benthos Salvelinus malma s mykiss, Hesperoleuca s symmetricus Power (1992) 2 40 6 Table 3 Oncorhynchu Insects s mykiss, Hesperoleuca s symmetricus Periphyton Pringle & Hamazaki (1997) 1 49 4 Fig. 5, Table 4 26 fish species Insects Periphyton Pringle & Hamazaki (1998) 2 40 4 Figs 2, 5 3 shrimp and 26 fish species Insects Periphyton Rosenfeld (1997) 1 56 2 Fig. 3, Table 1 Oncorhynchu Insects s kisutch Periphyton Rosenfeld (2000a) 1 101 3 Figs 1, 2 Cottus asper Insects Periphyton Rosenfeld (2000b) 1 86 2 Figs 2, 4 Oncorhynchu Insects s kisutch Periphyton Stelzer & Lamberti (1999) 2 42 5 Figs 1, 2 Orconectes propinquus, Etheostoma caeruleum Insects Periphyton Wootton et al. 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