Application Note
Running Multiple MET/TRACK Databases with Sybase SQL
It is possible to start more than one database when your database engine is started. When you start the
database engine, you need to include all of the database names on the command line. You must explicitly
set the name of your database using the -n switch.
The following example is the command line starting two databases with one engine simultaneously and
giving them explicit names. This example could be used to create a separate database that could be used
for periodic maintenance recall.
First, it will be necessary to start with a fresh database. To do this, copy the MTRACK.D_ compressed file
from the original MET/TRACK installation disks and expand the file using the dos EXPAND command.
Copy this file to a new directory, say C:\METDATA\MECAHANICAL.
Now we need to have the server start both of these databases. To do this we must change the command line
of the Server icon and add the following:
C:\SQLANY50\WIN32\DBSERV50.EXE C:\METDATA\ mtrack.db -n mtrack
c:\metdata\mechanical\mtrack.db -n maint –ti 0 –tl 14000
The -n mtrack tells the database engine to start the first database and give it an alias of mtrack. The -n
mech tells the database engine to start the second database and give it an alias of mech.
Next, we need to change the ODBC and add a setup for the new maintenance database. To do this, open the
ODBC Administrator icon and click on ADD. Select the Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0 driver.
Then click on OK.
This brings up SQL Anywhere ODBC Configuration Screen.
Fill in the Data Source Name as Mechanical Database and fill in the Database Alias as mech. Click
Now select Calibration Database click on Setup and fill in the Database Alias as mtrack. Click OKAY.
Now we need to change the metcal.ini in the line the line that says :
= DSN=Calibration Database
Remove Calibration Database and save the file.