Standards-Based Grading Policy

Crockett English Department Standards-Based Grading Policy
Standards-Based Grading—Competence, not Compliance
Students are graded on the development of skills rather than their completion of tasks. Standards-based Grading
means students’ grades will be based on their knowledge and skills on each standard, not on an accumulation of
“points.” Standards-based grades show you the level of learning by the end of each six weeks. Students will be
provided multiple opportunities to meet the standards and are offered a variety of ways to demonstrate their
Tracking Progress on Standards
At the beginning of each six weeks, each teacher will give students a list of the most important things they will
need to learn. (Power Standards/Readiness Standards) During each six weeks, teachers will provide time for
reflection for students to keep track of how well they are learning each standard, and teachers will give specific
help and feedback as to how to get better and better along the way. Students’ six weeks grade will be based on
how well they learn each standard.
Assessment Types
 Diagnostic Assessments—give a picture of students’ current skills and abilities and allow us to tailor our
teaching to their specific needs. Diagnostic assessments do not go in the gradebook.
 AVID Binder/Organization – one key to success is organization and preparedness. Your AVID binder will
graded and will be weighted 10%in the gradebook
 Formative Assessments—
o Information provided can assist teachers in adjusting teaching strategies and revisit topics or take
a new approach to increase student learning
o Feedback from these assessments help students improve their skills; students are still in the
process of learning the concepts or skills being studied.
o Formative assessments are weighted 10% in the gradebook.
 Summative Assessments—are assessments of learning given after instruction to find out what a student
knows on a set day and time
o Capture the learning
o Summative Assessments are weighted 80% in the gradebook.
80% Summative Assessments
Standards-Based Tests & Quizzes
Large Projects
Final Drafts of Essays
Formal Presentations
10% Formative Assessment/10% AVID Binder
Short Standards-Based Informal Quizzes
Small Projects
Rough Drafts of Essays
Learning Logs/Journals (AVID)
Class work
Warm-ups (AVID)
Discussions/Questioning (AVID)
Notes (AVID)
The Givens:
 No Extra Credit for things not related to particular course standards.
 No behavior or attendance grades. Students are expected to be respectful and to be in attendance to
receive the instruction and practice to pass assessments related to specific learning standards related to
the course.
Redo Policy:
1. Students complete a reflection to begin the redo process.
a. Students fill out the form and reflect individually.
b. Form must be filled out with request for redo by Friday the week the assessment is
returned with a grade.
c. Teachers review form and assign tutoring/retake assignments.
d. Teachers will assign specific tutoring if/when needed once students have filled out the
i. Differentiate processes for students who simply need to retake an assessment
and students who need tutoring.
2. Students must make appointments when they want to come redo/retake outside of the
teacher’s tutoring time.
3. Students come to tutoring/redo opportunity – if the student misses the initial tutoring
opportunity, one more chance will be given
a. Students will redo/retake a new assignment
b. This will hopefully help students to understand the value of doing the work the first
i. Let students retake/redo formative and summative assignments both – once
summative assessment has passed, the formatives are no longer available for
redo/retake, but the summative is.
4. Redo grades will be entered into gradespeed within 48 hours of reassessment.
General Descriptors of Proficiency Levels
 4 = Mastery
You understand and can do all the simple and complex parts, plus you can make higher level
connections on your own.
 3 = Proficient
You understand and can do all the simple and complex parts.
 2.5 = Basic
You understand and can do all the simpler parts and only a limited amount of complex parts.
 2 = Developing
You understand and can do all the simpler parts.
 1 - Limted
You will be required to receive help and re-do work until you have achieved at least basic
 N/E = No Evidence
You will be required to complete the assignment at a time designated by the teacher.