Abstract list




Monday 19 th November 2012

Parallel Session 1 – Ronald Raven Prize Papers



08:30 - 09:30hrs

Hypermethylation of distinct CpG Islands within the BRCA1 promoter is associated with

Triple Negative Phenotype breast cancer

Sarah Daniels 1 , Ian Brock 1 , Dan Connley 1 , Helen Cramp 1 , Simon Cross 0,2 , Malcolm Reed 1 , Lynda

Wyld 1 , Angela Cox 1 , 1 Institute for Cancer Studies, Department of Surgical Oncology, Faculty of

Medicine, Dentistry and Health, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 2 Academic Unit of Pathology,

Department of Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health, University of Sheffield,

Sheffield, UK

2 The Role of MEK1/2 Inhibitors in the Proliferation of Breast Cancer Cells

Gerrard Gan 1 , Natalie Roberts 1 , Victor Lopez-Davila 1 , Marilena Loizidou 1 , Hazel Welch 1 , 1 UCL,

London, UK

3 Determinants of B cell Depletion and Repopulation After Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer

Rashmi Verma 1,3 , Sreekumar Sundara Rajan 1,3 , Natuley Smalle 2 , Ruth E McCurtin 2 , Kieran Horgan 1 ,

Thomas A Hughes 3 , Clive RD Carter 2 , 1 Department of Surgery, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds,

UK, 2 Department of Transplant and Cellular Immunology, St James's University Hospital, Leeds,

UK, 3 Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK

4 DCIS cancer stem cell self-renewal is reduced in a 3D-culutre system by focal adhesion kinase inhibition with or without irradiation.

Kathryn Williams 1,2 , Gillian Farnie 2 , Nigel Bundred 1 , 1 Department of Academic Surgery, University

Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK, 2 Cancer Stem Cell

Research, University of Manchester, School of Cancer and Enabling Sciences, Manchester, UK

5 Pleiotropic actions of miR-153 support colorectal cancer progression through enhanced invasion and platinum based chemotherapy resistance

Marc Bullock 1 , Lei Zhang 2 , Karen Pickard 1 , Veronika Jenei 1 , John Strefford 1 , Richard Mitter 3 , Gavin

Kelly 3 , John Primrose 1 , Gareth Thomas 1 , Graham Packham 1 , Alexander Mirnezami 1 , 1 University of

Southamton, Southampton, UK, 2 Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK, 3 Bioinformatics Unit,

London Research Institute, London, UK

6 The relationship between genetic profiling, clinicopathological factors and survival in patients undergoing surgery for node negative colorectal cancer: 10 year follow up

Jenny Ferguson 1 , Arfon Powell 1 , Paul Horgan 1 , James Going 1 , Joanne Edwards 1 , 1 University of

Glasgow, Glasgow, UK




Monday 19 th November 2012

Parallel Session 2

08:30 - 09:30hrs

7 Lymph node harvest for colorectal cancer comparing laparoscopic and open surgery

Rhiannon Harries 1 , Ioannis Sarantitis 1 , Kirk Bowling 1 , Graham Whiteley 1 ,

Bangor, UK

1 Ysbyty Gwynedd,

8 Additional pathological examination of axillary lymph node core biopsy in primary breast cancer: can it improve pre-operative diagnosis of nodal metastasis?

Russell Mullen 1 , Colin Purdie 2 , Lee Jordan 2 , Dennis McLean 3 , Patsy Whelehan 3 , Sarah

Vinnicombe 3 , Douglas Brown 1 , Andy Evans 0 , 1 Department of Breast Surgery, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee, UK, 2 Department of Pathology, Ninewells Hospital and Medical

School, Dundee, UK, 3 Department of Breast Imaging, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School,

Dundee, UK

9 A prospective experience of breast implants at a district general hospital: time for a change in perspective?

M Asad Parvaiz 1 , Donna C. Appleton 1 , Brian Isgar 1 , 1 New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton, UK

10 Is there a role for staging laparoscopy in the assessment of colorectal liver metastasis?

Jonathan Gaughran 1 , Declan Dunne 1 , Robert Jones 1 , Derek McWhirter 1 , Haassan Malik 1 , Stephen

Fenwick 1 , Graeme John Poston 1 , 1 University Hospital Aintree, Liverpool, UK

11 One Year Survival in Breast Cancer: How Reliable is the Cancer Registry Data?

Anjella Balendra 1 , Duraisamy Ravichandran 0,1 , 1 Luton & Dunstable NHS Foundation Trust, Luton,


12 Microwave ablation for irresectable colorectal liver metastases

Robert Jones 1,2 , Stefan Staettner 1 , Vincent Yip 1 , Kate Buchanan 1 , Nikhil Misra 1 , Declan Dunne 1 ,

Stephen Fenwick 1 , Hassan Malik 0 , Graeme Poston 1 , 1 University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK,

2 Northwest Hepatobiliary Unit, Liverpool, UK





Tuesday 20 th November 2012

Parallel Session 3 – BJS Prize Papers

09:00 - 10:00hrs

Creation of a comprehensive, unitary, episode- structured, visually rich data system of

12,000+ breast cancer patients with 30 year follow up for MDT Decision Assistance

Amrin Yousuf 1 , David Cable 1 , Alan Hales 1 , David Rew 1 , 1 University Hospitals of Southampton,

Southampton, UK

14 A meta-analysis comparing simultaneous versus delayed resections in patients with synchronous colorectal liver metastases.

Alistair AP Slesser 1,2 , Constantinos Simillis 3 , Robert Goldin 4 , Gina Brown 1,2 , Satvinder Mudan 1,2 ,

Paris P Tekkis 1,2 , 1 Imperial College, London, UK, 2 The Royal Marsden Hospital, London, UK,

3 Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK, 4 St Mary's Hospital, London, UK

15 Metasin-BLNA, the NHS Solution for the intra-operative assessment of Sentinel Lymph

Nodes from Breast Cancer Patients: The multi-centre validation of 1265 cases

Salma Al Rhamadhani 1,3 , Priya Sai-Giridhar 1,4 , Mike Morgan FRCS 1 , Samar Jader 1 , Dilu George 1 ,

Ian Cree 2,7 , Simon Holt 4 , Amanda McDowell 2 , Soha Sheikh 6 , Mohamed Keshtgar 6 , Francis, Guy

Gabriel 2 , Evdokia Arkoumani 1 , Jolanta McKenzie 1 , Robert Mansell 5 , Salam Al-Sam 1 , Nuala

McDermott 6 , Vasi Sundaresan 1 , 1 Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust, Harlow, Essex, UK,

2 Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, UK, 3 Barts and The London School of Medicine and

Dentistry, London, UK, 4 Prince Phillip Hospital, Llanelli, Wales, UK, 5 Cardiff University Hospital,

Cardiff, Wales, UK, 6 Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust, London, UK, 7 University of Warwick,

Coventry, UK

16 Outcome of abdominosacral resection for locally advanced primary and recurrent rectal cancer

Aneel Bhangu 1 , Gina Brown 1 , Mohammed Akmal 1 , Paris Tekkis 1 , 1 Royal Marsden Hospital,

London, UK

17 The Outcome of 824 Poly Implant Prothese Breast Implants.

Eleanore Massey 1 , Helidon Nina 1 , Claude Nos 1 , Isabelle Sarfati 1 , Krishna Clough 1 , 1 Paris Breast

Centre, Paris, France

18 Risk reducing mastectomy for women with high personal breast cancer risk

Geeta Shetty 1 , Obi Onyekwelu 1 , Andrew Baildam 2 , 1 University Hospital South Manchester,

Manchester, UK, 2 St Bartholomew’s Hospital (Barts), London, UK



Tuesday 20 th November 2012

Parallel Session 4



09:00 - 10:00hrs

Does MDA-7/IL-24 have an effect on the process of lymphangiogenesis?

Natasha C Frewer 1 , Lin Ye 1 , Ariel Sun 1 , Rachel Hargest 1 , Wen G Jiang 1 , 1 Institute of Cancer and

Genetics, Cardiff University School of Medicine, Heath Park, Cardiff CF14 4XN, UK

20 Death Associated Protein 1: in vivo and in vitro evidence for a pro-apoptotic role in human breast cancer

Umar Wazir 1,2 , Wen G Jiang 2 , Anup K Sharma 1 , Kefah Mokbel 3,1 , 1 St George's Hospital, London,

UK, 2 Metastasis and Angiogenesis Research Group, Cardiff University-Peking University Oncology

Joint Institute, Cardiff, UK, 3 London Breast Institute, London, UK

21 Characterisation of BAG-1 isoforms in HER2 positive breast cancer.

Natalia Robson 1,2 , Emmanouil Papadakis 1 , Patrick Duriez 1 , Graham Packham 1 , Ramsey

Cutress 1 , 1 University of Southampton, Southampton, UK, 2 Cancer Research United Kingdom,

Southampton, UK

22 Geminin: A Prognostic Marker in Breast Cancer

Sreekumar Sundara Rajan 1,2 , Andrew Hanby 1,2 , Kieran Horgan 2 , Val Speirs 1 , 1 University of Leeds,

Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine, Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK, 2 Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS

Trust, Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK

23 MTSS1 expression in human colorectal cancer and its significance - A cohort study

Afaq Siddiqu 1 , Ye Lin 1 , Rachael Hargest 1 , Mahir Al-Rawi 1 , Weng Jiang 1 , 1 UNiversity Hospital of

Wales, Cardiff, UK, 2 Glan clwyd hospital, Rhyl, UK

24 KRAS and BRAF mutations are rare in anal squamous cell carcinoma, justifying the use of

EGFR targeted therapies

Paul Ziprin 1 , Kathleen Elliott 1 , Temi Lampejo 1 , Ben Poskitt 1 , Robert Goldin 1 , Susan Cleator 1 ,

Michael Osborn 1 , 1 Imperial College, London, UK



Tuesday 20 th November 2012

Parallel Session 5



12:00 - 13:00hrs

Upper limb morbidity after treatment for breast cancer: a cross-sectional study of lymphedema and function.

Cathy Bulley 1 , Fiona Coutts 1 , Christine Blyth 1 , Wilma Jack 2 , Udi Chetty 2 , Chee-Wee Tan 1 , Matthew

Barber 2 , 1 Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2 Western General Hospital,

Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

26 Local anaesthetic infusion pumps in the management of post-operative pain in oncological breast surgery

Shane Considine 1 , Reem Salmon 1 , Malcolm Kell 1 , 1 Breast Health Unit, Mater Misericordiae

University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

27 A meta-analysis of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and colorectal cancer (CRC)

Maryam Alfa-Wali 1 , Sadie Boniface 2 , Anand Sharma 3 , Allan Hackshaw 2 , Paris Tekkis 1 , Anthony

Antoniou 1 , 1 Imperial College, London, UK, 2 University College London, London, UK, 3 Mount

Vernon Hospital, London, UK

28 Surgical Management of Lobular Carcinoma from a National Screening Program.

Shiva Sharma 1,2 , M. Barry 1,2 , M. Stokes 1,2 , T Gorey 1,2 , MR Kell 1,2 , 1 BreastCheck, Eccles Unit,

Dublin, Ireland, 2 Mater Misericordiae University Hospital,, Dublin, Ireland

29 Pre-operative versus intra-operative techniques in the assessment of axillary involvement in invasive breast cancer

Noah Howes 1 , Emma Jackson 1 , Anushka Chaudhry 1 , Michelle Osbourne 1 , Caroline Calder 1 , Alex

Valencia 1 , Zenon Rayter 0 , 1 University Hospitals Bristol, Bristol, UK

30 CK-19 copy number and Ki67 as predictors of non-sentinel lymph node positivity in patients with macrometastasis on OSNA.

Samantha Williams 1 , Anushka Chaudhry 1 , Muhammed Sohail 1 , Mo Khan 1 , Zen Rayter 1 , 1 Bristol

Royal Infirmary, Bristol, UK
