PROJECT IDENTIFICATION FORM (PIF) PROJECT TYPE: Full-sized Project TYPE OF TRUST FUND:GEF Trust Fund For more information about GEF, visit PART I: PROJECT INFORMATION Project Title: Country(ies): GEF Agency(ies): Other Executing Partner(s): GEF Focal Area (s): Name of parent program (if applicable): For SFM/REDD+ For SGP Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions for Low-carbon Urban Development Kazakhstan GEF Project ID:1 5059 UNDP (select) (select) GEF Agency Project ID: 4670 National Agency for Construction Submission Date: April 1, 2013 and Housing&Communal Affairs (Lead Agency), Ministry of Ministry of Environment Protection, City Administrations (Akimats) Climate Change Project Duration (Months) 60 N/a Agency Fee ($): 563,350 (9.5%, excluding Agency Fee for PPG) A. INDICATIVE FOCAL AREA STRATEGY FRAMEWORK2: Trust Fund Focal Area Objectives CCM-4 (select) CCM-6 (select) GEFTF GEFTF Total Project Cost B. Indicative Grant Amount ($) 4,940,000 990,000 5,930,000 Indicative Cofinancing ($) 56,320,000 3,680,000 60,000,000 INDICATIVE PROJECT FRAMEWORK Project Objective: To support the government of Kazakhstan in the development and implementation of National Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in urban sector to achieve voluntary national GHG emission reduction target Trust Indicative Indicative Grant Expected Outputs Fund Grant Cofinancin 3 Project Component Type Expected Outcomes Amount ($) g ($) Urban GHG TA Enabling policy and 1.1 Urban GHG GEFTF 400,000 460,000 Inventories, Abatement analytical framework Inventories and Potential, and Targets for identification and baseline in 15 cities implementation of 1.2 Abatement urban mitigation potential and cost actions (urban curves for 15 cities NAMAs) in place in 15 (including for pilot main cities district in Astana to be implemented under Component 4) 1.3.Priority urban NAMAs identified, fact-sheets prepared and discussed with main stakeholders 1.4. Urban GHG reduction targets established and 1 2 Project ID number will be assigned by GEFSEC. Refer to the reference attached on the Focal Area Results Framework when completing Table A. 3 TA includes capacity building, and research and development. 1 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 officially adopted 1.5 National quality assurance system and data-base for urban inventories and NAMAs set up Component 2: Institutional framework for urban NAMAs TA Public-private partnerships for implementation of urban NAMAs established 2.1. 15 Municipal Management Companies (MMCs) established based on PPP model 2.2. Business plans developed and adopted 2.3. Portfolio of bankable emission reduction projects developed based on priority urban NAMAs 2.4. Public contracts signed/tariffs negotiated and adopted GEFTF 700,000 3,000,000 Component 3: Financial framework for urban NAMAs Inv New and additional financing leveraged for urban NAMAs 3.1. Fund for Urban Modernization capitalized 3.2 Portfolio of bankable emission reduction projects financed and implemented 3.3. Funding terms and eligibility criteria difined and adopted 3.4. Fund Management and Administration structure established and staff trained 3.5. Fund's operations independently evaluated at least twice during project cycle 3.6. Funding diversification strategy and mechanisms to leverage additional financing from public, private and international sources of funding developed GEFTF 3,000,000 40,700,000 GEFTF 300,000 300,000 4.1. Complex modernization program for district “Prigorodnoye” of Astana designed with a view of achieving 50% GEFTF 700,000 11,000,000 TA Component 4: Implementation of pilot urban NAMAs Inv Urban emission in pilot district reduced by 50% as compared to BAU or by 187,500 tCO2 2 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 reduction in district GHG emissions below baseline (co-financed) 4.2. Modernization program implemented (BAU requirements co-financed), including additional emission reduction measures to reach 50% target (GEF financed) Component 5: Monitoring, verification and knowledge management TA GHG emission reduction impact of implemented urban NAMAs is systematically monitored and verified All Kazakh cities and towns are aware of and have access to information and guidance on urban NAMAs 5.1. Developed national MRV guideline and standard methodologies for urban NAMAs 5.2. Rules and procedures allowing for certification of emission reduction credits from urban NAMAs and their import into domestic ETS adopted and enforced 5.3. Monitoring plan and data collection protocols developed and implemented for pilot credited NAMAs 5.4. National data-base and registry for urban GHG emission and NAMA is set up and operation at MEP 5.5. Emission reduction purchase agreement signed between domestic entities under ETS and municipalities 5.6. Local staff assigned and trained in implementing MRV systems 5.7. Analyzed, published and disseminated lessons learned from the implementation of the pilot urban NAMAs and MRVs 5.8. On-line knowledge platform and city-to-city exchange scheme. GEFTF 550,000 3,000,000 3 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 Subtotal Project Management Cost (PMC)4 Total Project Cost 4 GEFTF 5,650,000 280,000 5,930,000 58,460,000 1,540,000 60,000,000 To be calculated as percent of subtotal. 4 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 C. INDICATIVE CO-FINANCING FOR THE PROJECT BY SOURCE AND BY NAME IF AVAILABLE, ($) Sources of Cofinancing National Government National Government National Government National Government GEF Agency Other Multilateral Agencies Private Sector Bilateral Agencies Total Cofinancing D. Type of Trust Fund UNDP GEFTF Total Grant Resources 1 2 USAID INDICATIVE TRUST FUND GEF Agency Name of Cofinancier Agency for Construction, Housing and Communal Affairs Agency for Construction, Housing and Communal Affairs Ministry of Environmental Protection National Modernization Program UNDP Eurasian Development Bank Municipal Management Companies Type of Cofinancing In-kind Amount ($) 1,840,000 Cash 12,200,000 Grant 2,400,000 Cash Grant Soft Loan Equity 15,000,000 1,060,000 25,000,000 1,500,000 Grant 1,000,000 60,000,000 RESOURCES ($) REQUESTED BY AGENCY, FOCAL AREA AND COUNTRY1 Focal Area Climate Change Country Name/Global Kazakhstan Grant Amount ($) (a) 5,930,000 5,930,000 Agency Fee ($) (b)2 Total ($) c=a+b 563,350 563,350 6,493,350 6,493,350 In case of a single focal area, single country, single GEF Agency project, and single trust fund project, no need to provide information for this table. PMC amount from Table B should be included proportionately to the focal area amount in this table. Indicate fees related to this project. E. PROJECT PREPARATION GRANT (PPG)5 Please check on the appropriate box for PPG as needed for the project according to the GEF Project Grant: Amount Agency Fee Requested ($) for PPG ($)6 No PPG required. ___-- 0--________ _ --0--_______ (upto) $50k for projects up to & including $1 million ___ ________ ___ _____ (upto)$100k for projects up to & including $3 million ___________ ___________ (upto)$150k for projects up to & including $6 million ___150,000________ ___14,250_____ (upto)$200k for projects up to & including $10 million ___ ________ ___ _____ (upto)$300k for projects above $10 million ___ ________ ___ _____ PPG AMOUNT REQUESTED BY AGENCY(IES), FOCAL AREA(S) AND COUNTRY(IES) FOR MFA AND/OR MTF ROJECT ONLY: N/A 5 6 On an exceptional basis, PPG amount may differ upon detailed discussion and justification with the GEFSEC. PPG fee percentage follows the percentage of the GEF Project Grant amount requested. 5 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 PART II: PROJECT JUSTIFICATION7 PROJECT OVERVIEW A.1. Project Description. Briefly describe the project, including ; 1) the global environmental problems, root causes and barriers that need to be addressed; 2) the baseline scenario and any associated baseline projects, 3) the proposed alternative scenario, with a brief description of expected outcomes and components of the project, 4) incremental cost reasoning and expected contributions from the baseline , the GEFTF, LDCF/SCCF and co-financing; 5) global environmental benefits (GEFTF, NPIF) and adaptation benefits (LDCF/SCCF); 6) innovativeness, sustainability and potential for scaling up 1) The global environmental problems, root causes and barriers that need to be addressed Kazakhstan ratified UNFCCC in 1995 as non-Annex I party and already in 1999 committed to join industrialized nations in their effort to limit GHG emissions and accept a binding and quantified emission limitation of 100% over a 1992 baseline. Further, in 2010 Kazakhstan announced and communicated to the Parties its additional voluntary commitments to reduce GHG emissions by 15% by 2020 and by 25% by 2050. As part of its national efforts to meet voluntary GHG emission reduction obligation, the Government of Kazakhstan introduced as of January 2013 the domestic emission trading scheme (ETS). Under ETS, all industrial entities with annual emissions above 20,000 tCO2 will be subject to mandatory emission reduction targets, which they can meet either by implementing mitigation measures internally or by buying the respective amount of emission reduction certificates domestically or internationally. Because of the substantial internal demand that it will create, ETS is seen as a major opportunity to stimulate investment in cost-effective emission reduction actions nation-wide. However, many small-scale, but cumulatively significant opportunities for urban emission reductions will remain outside of ETS scope and won’t be able to benefit from the demand that it will create. With this project, the Government of Kazakhstan is requesting GEF support to help identify, develop and leverage financing for Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in its urban sector. Urban GHG emission reductions are prioritized in this proposal because a) it is the sector with significant and costeffective abatement potential; b) it is the only sector not explicitly covered by domestic ETS; and c) it is the sector where reduction of GHG emissions will directly result in tangible socio-economic and local environmental benefits. Urban Development and GHG Emissions: Kazakhstan is becoming increasingly urbanised, with the urban population projected to reach 66% of the total by 2030. Kazakhstanis migrate from villages and smaller towns to the largest cities in search of higher incomes, better employment prospects and modern lifestyles. The population of the capital Astana grew by 49.1% between 2004 and 2009, reaching 690,000. It is expected to reach 1.7 million by 2030. Almaty, the capital city until 1998, remains the country's most populous city, at 1.3 million in 2009. Shymkent, Kazakhstan's third-largest city and an important oil refining and industry centre grew by 35.6% in 20042009. Karaghanda, the country's fourth largest city thrived during Soviet times as a coal mining centre but has lost much of its economic importance, nevertheless the growth continues by about 5.4% in 2004-2009. The challenges most Kazakhstani cities increasingly face are those related to decaying and outmoded urban infrastructure, deteriorated communal housing, urban blight, and urban poverty. Specifically, ensuring maintenance and communal services for multifamily housing remain a key priority for all cities. Multifamily apartment blocks account for 157.2 mln m2 or 60% of the housing stock; one of three or 50 mln m2 is in need of capital renovation, while 3.8 mln m2 is in emergency state and has to be demolished. Regardless of technical conditions, over 70% of multifamily apartment buildings have very low thermal performance (especially buildings constructed in 1950 -1980s): thermal losses account for up to 50% of heat 7 Part II should not be longer than 5 pages. 6 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 consumption. Urban engineering systems, power, heat, water supply and sanitation, are in equally alarming state: depreciation of communal infrastructure is at the level of 60-65% leading to high losses and inefficiencies. Technical losses are estimated to be 16% in power distribution, 20% in heat supply, and up to 60% in water supply. Urban GHG emissions: Kazakhstan is by far the largest GHG emitter in Central Asia with annual emissions of 243 Mt CO2e in 2005 and has one of the world’s highest GHG emissions per capita, 14.8 tCO2/cap. In Kazakhstan, as elsewhere, urban residents have a disproportionately bigger impact on the country GHG emissions than rural population because of their higher consumption level and more GHGintensive lifestyle and infrastructure. This trend is best illustrated via the dynamics of GHG emissions from municipal waste sector: it is the only one in national GHG inventory which did not experience the decline in emissions throughout 1990s and have grown nearly two fold between 1992 and 2005. Likewise, GHG emissions from municipal heat supply facilities and transport have been steadily rising since early 2000s. In the baseline scenario, urban GHG emissions will continue growing and will account for over 60% of the country carbon footprint by 2030. 2) Baseline scenario and associated baseline projects Strategies, Policies and Programs for Low-Carbon Urban Development In recent years, the Government of Kazakhstan has put increasing attention to promoting energy and resources saving and climate change mitigation across all economic sectors. The most relevant national policies and programs are summarized below with a particular emphasis on urban sector. Law on energy saving and energy efficiency (EE Law) adopted in January 2012 is the first comprehensive national policy action targeting energy efficiency in all sectors of Kazakhstani economy. The Law puts a special emphasis on promoting energy efficiency in the urban environment. It mandates city authorities to incorporate energy efficiency measures in the urban development plans, as well as to undertake regular energy audits and ensure implementation of energy saving measures in all municipally-owned and operated buildings and facilities. The Law also authorizes city managers to monitor municipal energy consumption and its compliance with established norms and standards. It also mandates introduction of energy management system in the enterprises and facilities with annual energy use in access of 1,500 toe, such as the district heating plants. Law on Renewable Energy Sources (RES Law): adopted in 2009, it is another important element of the national climate change mitigation policy in Kazakhstan. The Law has a number of provisions specifically aimed at promoting use of RES in cities and their integration in urban development plans and strategies. First, the Law requires that the urban development plans takes into consideration the use of RES resources for power and heat supply and specifically calls for development of programs aimed at RES-based electrification of remote urban settlements where centralized grid supply is not economically feasible. Also, according to the Law local authorities are responsible for approval the construction of RES plants with overall capacity below 25MW and RES-based district heating facilities. Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development of the Capital City of Astana till 2030 is the first urban development plan, which fully embraces the concept of “sustainability”. It has a major focus on energy and resource saving and contains a number of sustainability targets that Astana aspires to reach by 2030, such as the reduction of waste volumes by 80%, water consumption by 50%, and increased energy efficiency and use of renewable energy for heat supply to reduce energy-related GHG emissions by 1.2 MtCO2/yr. National Modernization Program (NMP): In order to address the challenges with urban infrastructure described above, the Government of Kazakhstan adopted the National Program for Modernization of Residential and Communal Sector for 2011-2020. The first stage of Program implementation in 20112016 envisages allocation of 1,6 bln US$ (237 bln KZT) from the national budget and additional 43 mln 7 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 US$ from the regional budgets. Provision of 640 mln US$ has already been confirmed in the tri-annual state budget for 2011-2013 approved by the Parliament and the President. Program goals are to a) decrease the share of buildings in need of capital renovation from current 32% down to 22% by 2015 and b) upgrade/refurbish 24,400 km of communal networks (heat and hot water supply, electricity, and gas) to minimize resource losses in the system. All envisaged investments in building retrofit and infrastructure upgrade under NMP will comply with energy efficiency regulations and standards as mandated by the new EE Law. Through the above-mentioned national and local policies and strategies the Government of Kazakhstan is demonstrating its commitment to implement national and local mitigation measures in the context of lowcarbon urban development. Apart from the policy actions, the Government of Kazakhstan has committed a substantial amount of its budget resources to directly support investment in low-carbon urban infrastructure via National Modernization Program (NMP) and other Government-led initiative described above. For the purpose of proposed GEF project, the following combination of activities will constitute a baseline project. Baseline project In the baseline project, the Government of Kazakhstan will establish sectoral GHG emission reduction targets, including for urban sector (Component 1). It will support the establishment of Municipal Management Companies (MMCs) to bring in private investment and expertise in the urban sector management (Component 2). It will set up National Fund for Urban Modernization to provide revolving loans to MMCs for investment in upgrade and modernization of urban infrastructure (Component 3). In partnership with UNDP the Government will implement comprehensive modernization of one of Astana’s districts under Component 4. And finally, it will establish domestic ETS scheme and thus create domestic demand and financing for cost-effective emission reduction (Component 5). Component 1: National GHG Inventory, Abatement Potential and Emission Reduction Target Under BAU, the Government of Kazakhstan will undertake regular (annual) inventory of GHG emissions to track the achievement of national emission reduction target. There are no plans to undertake urban inventories and set-up city-wide targets under BAU. Further, the Government has initiated the development of National Green Growth Strategy. The goal of the Strategy is to identify priority sectors for economic growth and GHG emission reduction. For each priority sector an assessment of sectoral abatement potential will be conducted (with assistance from UNDP), GHG reduction targets set-up and relevant national authorities assigned to monitor and report on strategy implementation and achievement of sectoral emission reduction targets. The initial draft of the Strategy presented to the Government in November 2012 identified urban sector as one among seven priority areas for economic growth and GHG emission reduction. The Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) is the main governmental body in charge of Green Growth Strategy, whereas the Agency for Construction and Housing&Communal Affairs (ACHCA) is assigned as the lead agency for greening activities and emission reduction in the urban sector. Table 1: Baseline activities and financing for Component 1 Source Relevant Activity Ministry of Development of National Green Growth Environmental Strategy, including for Urban Sector Protection UNDP Assessment of potential for GHG emission reduction in urban sector (nation-wide) Amount, US$ 400,000 60,000 Component 2: Institutional framework for private investment in low-carbon urban development Under BAU, the Government is actively promoting private sector engagement in the management of urban infrastructure. The goal is to increase private investment in the sector from current 15% up to 50%. Public8 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 Private Partnerships (PPPs) are seen as the main mechanism to bring in private actors in urban sector management. Under National Modernization Program, the Government will support establishment of Municipal Management Companies (MMCs) on a PPP basis. MMCs are seen as the main vechicle for implementation of National Modernization Program. First such company, “Astana-Kyzmet” has already been set-up in the capital city of Astana with 50% private sector participation. The plan is to have MMCs established in all key cities across Kazakhstan, i.e. 10-15 companies by 2015. Their primary objective is to implement priority urban modernization projects and thus ensure adequate management, upgrade and maintenance of municipal infrastructure and provision of quality and reliable services to urban residents (such as waste management, building management, heat and hot water supply, public lighting, etc). The Government via the Agency for Construction and Housing&Communal Affairs (ACHCA) will provide technical assistance to MMCs, such as for business planning, training of MMC staff, development and signature of public service contracts with municipal authorities, preparation of bankable investment projects. MMCs will adopt ESCO model for implementation of energy efficiency measures under Energy Performance Contract (EPC) with residents and/or public authorities. Such model has already been successfully piloted in Astana, where Astana-Kyzmet has implemented energy efficiency retrofit of a 9-floor residential building based on EPC signed with Association of building’s Apartment Owners. Table 2: Baseline for Component 2 Source Relevant Activity ACHCA Establishment and capacity building of MMCs Private Sector/MMCs Establishment of MMCs Amount, US$ 1,500,000 1,500,000 Component 3: Financial framework for private investment in low-carbon urban development Under National Program for Modernization of Residential and Communal Sector The Government allocates 1,6 bln US$ in 2011-2016 for urban modernization projects, including specific low-carbon measures, suchas energy efficiency in residential buildings. The Program envisages both direct public investment in infrastructure upgrade, as well as a revolving financing scheme for residents (via Association of Apartment Owners (AAOs) and private sector (MMCs). To operationalize the scheme, the Government is establishing a National Fund for Urban Modernization, which will operate on a revolving basis and will provide interestfree loans to MMCs and Associations of Apartment Owners (AAOs) for implementation of priority urban infrastructure upgrade projects, jointly defined by MMCs, residents and municipalities. Categorization of priority projects is provided in the Table 2 above. Initial capitalization of the Fund will come from the Government (via NMP), but the target is to secure at least 50% of fund’s resources from extra-budgetary sources. The Government as requested UNDP-GEF support with designing and implementing the revolving scheme, including the strategy on funding diversification. Also, during PIF development stage Eurasian Development Bank (EADB) expressed interest to join these efforts and establish a dedicated credit line for municipal energy efficiency and renewable energy projects with initial allocation of US$ 25 million. Table 3: Baseline for Component 3 Source Relevant Activity ACHCA Establishment of National Fund for Urban Modernization National Modernization Initial capitalization of the Fund Program EADB Loan program for energy efficiency and renewable energy in urban sector Amount, US$ 1,300,000 15,000,000 25,000,000 9 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 Component 4: Pilot investment in urban mitigation actions The Government with UNDP support will develop and implement a pilot urban modernization project in one of Astana’s sub-urban district (“Prigorodnoye”). The objective of this pilot is to demonstrate a comprehensive approach to modernization and management of urban areas and provision of sustainable and reliable public services to city’s residents. The district is a home to 2,500 people, it is connected to national power grid and central heat and hot water supply system. District infrastructure (heat and hot water supply network, sanitation, public and residential buildings) dates back to 35-40 years ago and is in need of urgent renovation and upgrade. UNDP will develop technical design for modernization program, work out appropriate institutional framework (involving MMC and Association of Apartment Owners), and structure financing for program implementation. The Government and UNDP have committed US$ 11 million for program design and initial stage of implementation in 2013-2014. Specifically, the modernization of Prigorodnoye district might feature (the exact list of technical measures will be identified based on feasibility study): Establishment of new/co-generation-based district-level heat and hot water supply system; Modernize the district heating system by switching from group sub-stations to building-level substations, Installation of advance heat control system (or cascade heating system); Extend the technological innovations in the city’s water pumping system by replacing old material and introducing state-of-the art systems and sub-systems LED-based public lighting systems Energy efficient retrofit of public and residential buildings New waste collection and recycling facility District-level energy management and dispatch center for heat and power Greening public areas. Table 4: Baseline for Component 4 Source Relevant Activity ACHCA Implementation of prioritized urban mitigation actions in pilot district “Prigorodnoye” UNDP Technical design of and institutional capacity building for pilot project implementation Amount, US$ 10,000,000 1,000,000 Component 5: Domestic Emission Trading Scheme Under baseline, the Government introduces domestic Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) covering over 128,000 enterprises with annual emissions above 20,000 tCO2. It will also establish national MRV and registry system with assistance from bilateral donors, German Government and potentially USAID. Urban sector will not be be explcitly covered by ETS with the exception of few largest district heating plans (in Astana and Almaty) and thus will neither be subject of a manadtory cap, nor be able to benefit from trading and demand for emission reductions. However, national MRV and registry system are essential for implementation of “credited Urban NAMAs” and thus are part of the baseline project. Table 5: Baseline for Component 5 Source Relevant Activity MEP Establishment of ETS Bilateral donors Capacity building for ETS, MRV and registry Amount, US$ 2,000,000 1,000,000 10 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 All in all, under the baseline, the Government of Kazakhstan is committed to finance and implement a number of large-scale investment programs aimed at renewal and upgrade of urban environment, housing and infrastructure with a strong focus on increasing energy efficiency, minimizing energy losses, promoting renewable energy and other low-carbon measures in cities. However, the Government also realizes that although substantial its own budget resources, as well as the available human and institutional capacities are not sufficient to fully address vast potential for resources saving and GHG emission reduction in the entire urban sector and to move Kazakhstani cities on a sustainable and low-emission development trajectory. Proposed UNDP-GEF project will support the Government in developing and implementing most appropriate urban mitigation measures and leveraging additional financing for their implementation. 3) Proposed alternative scenario and 4) incremental cost reasoning GEF-financed alternative: Urban NAMAs At COP 17, in Durban, the Parties recognized “the need for support for enabling activities to assist developing country Parties in the identification and preparation of nationally appropriate mitigation actions for submission to the registry, and support for their implementation”. (Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention - Draft decision [-/CP.17]). In this context, the Government of Kazakhstan is requesting support for the definition, design, and implementation of NAMAs in urban sector with the objective of achieving the country’s GHG emission reduction voluntary target. The project will be the first effort in Kazakhstan to adopt a comprehensive approach to reduce cities’ GHG emissions. It will contribute to the achievement of national mitigation target under UNFCCC, i.e. to achieve 15% reduction in national GHG emissions compared to the 1990 baseline or 50 million tons CO2eq by 2020. Implementation of prioritized cost-effective urban mitigation actions will make for about 10% of the targeted emission reductions, which would avoid the emission of approximately 5 million tons CO2eq (indirect top-down estimates). Urban NAMA: definition Internationally accepted definition of NAMA does not exist for, as agreed upon in Copenhagen Accord and Bali Action Plan, each country will identify and implement nationally appropriate mitigation actions defined based on its specific national circumstances and capabilities. In Kazakhstan, urban NAMAs are defined as the appropriate municipal institutional and financial framework and investment, which will enable Kazakh cities to set-up, reach and monitor their city-wide emission reduction targets, as part of national commitment to reduce Kazakhstan’s emission by 15% below 1990 emissions. Sectoral scope of eligible urban NAMAs is defined in Table 6; it will exclude any installation or GHG emitters with emissions over 20,000 tCO2e/year which is already covered under domestic ETS. The project will support development of 15 urban NAMAs (Components 1) and facilitate their financing as follows: 13 NAMAs through the National Fund for Urban Modernization (Component 3), one NAMA in Astana (investment under Component4) and one credited NAMA (Component 5). Table 6: Urban sectors and interventions for urban NAMAs Urban Sector and SubDescription of urban mitigation measures Sector Sub-sector 1: Urban Heat Supply & Demand Modernization, upgrade and construction of new heat supply Heat Supply systems and distribution networks Thermal modernization and energy efficient retrofits of Heat Demand residential and public buildings Energy management system in public and residential 11 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 buildings, including on-line energy monitoring and dispatch Sub-sector 2: Urban Power Supply & Demand Decentralize RES-based power system (wind, solar) Power Supply Upgrade of street lighting systems Power Demand Sub-sector 3: Waste Improvement of waste collection and recycling practices management Modernization of existing and construction of new landfills and waste water management facilities Sub-sector 4: Transport Greening public space, organization of parking and pedestrian and urban space zones, NMT lines In line with the above definition, the GEF proposal has been structured as follows: Component 1 will enable cities to undertake their urban GHG inventories, assess abatement potential and establish relevant city-wide emission reduction targets Component 2 will put in place enabling institutional framework for implementation urban mitigation actions based on public-private partnership model Component 3 will establish revolving financing scheme under the National Fund for Urban Modernization to provide start-up financing for selected urban NAMAs Component 4 will identify and finance pilot urban mitigation actions in one of Astana’s district Component 5 will establish monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system to track the achievement of urban emission reduction targets and link urban NAMAs with domestic ETS Component 1: Urban GHG Inventories, Abatement Potential, and Emission Reduction Targets The first “readiness” phase of the project will support preparation of urban GHG inventories and baseline scenarios, assessment of abatement potential and costs, and adoption of city-wide GHG reduction targets in 15 main cities. As a result, local authorities will be able to articulate their climate-related priorities and goals, estimate financial resources required to meet them, as well as to identify and prioritize investment projects where GHG emissions can be achieved most cost-effectively and where opportunities therefore exist to leverage private capital and financing via domestic ETS. Assessments of the required financing needs will allow policy-makers to match their priorities with available resources, as well as to plan how to deploy those resources most effectively. The project will directly support “readiness” activities in 15 largest Kazakhstani cities covering at least 70% of its urban population and GHG emissions, while additional technical and methodological support will be offered to all other cities and towns wishing to engage with the project on a demand basis. Under this component, technical training and methodological support will be provided to 15 municipalities, as well as assistance with data collection, processing and analysis. The two key decision making tools that the project will adopt are a) urban GHG inventories and sectoral baselines, and b) abatement cost-curves for the cities and for their main GHG emitting sectors (energy supply, transport, buildings and waste). Based on the analysis and finding of sectoral baselines and abatement potential, city-wide GHG emission targets will be proposed and adopted by regional authorities. City-wide targets will be consistent with national target and sector target, as defined in the National Green Growth Strategy. Based on the result of abatement potential study and consistent with established GHG targets, priority emission reduction projects (investment-grade) will be identified, their cost established, discussed and proposed for implementation. A series of stakeholder consultation will be organized at this stage to solicit inputs from civil society and cities’ 12 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 residents and align prioritized investment with local socio-economic development priorities. Apart from city authorities, the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP), Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Affairs (ACHCA), Kazakhstan Scientific and Reseach Institute for Ecology and Climate Research “KAZNIEK” will be closely involved in implementation of the “readiness” phase. The Ministry and KAZNIEK are in charge of national GHG accounting, including set-up of ETS and its infrustructure; they will ensure quality of urban inventories and NAMAs, consistency of city targets with national commitments, and will collect and assemble the data in a national data-base. As discussed above, baseline activities for Component 1 only cover national-level inventory and national and sectoral traget setting. There are no plans under BAU to conduct city-level assessment and adopt citywide targets, and therefore the proposed set of activities under component 1 is fully additional. With GEF support the following baseline activities will be enhanced to deliver additional GHG emission reductions: Baseline National and sectoral inventories and GHG emission targets GEF-supported alternative City-wide GHG emission targets and inventories for 15 main cities Component 2: Institutional framework for urban NAMAs The enormous capital requirements for large-scale modernization and GHG emission reduction in Kazakhstan’s urban sector make it clear that success in meeting this challenge will hinge in large part on the capacity of the city authorities to unleash commercial sector capital. Apart from investment, private sector can bring essential expertise, capacities and technologies, which are critical for accelerating the pace of emission reduction in Kazakhstani cities. However, the current level of commercial investment in lowcarbon urban infrastructure is almost negligible: private companies provide only 15% of the baseline financing in district heating, waste and water management, public transport, and even those few entities have poor financial standing and lack motivation and incentives to improve efficiency of their operations and inject additional capital in low-carbon activities. Component 2 will build upon and further strengthen institutional framework for private investment in urban sector, which the Government is putting in place under BAU, namely the establishment and capacity building of Municipal Management Companies (MMCs). By doing so it will put in place institutional model required for implementation of prioritized investment project in urban NAMAs, defined under Component 1. Specifically, additional assistance will be provided to MMCs to identify cost-effective low-carbon solutions in buildings and public infrastructure, develop and implement investment projects based on ESCO model, including structuring EPCs, business planning and project-level MRV system. Assistance will also be provided for the development and adoption of clear, predictable and transparent rules, procedures and public contracts for MMCs when it concerns energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. All in all, on top of institutional and technical support the Government will provide to MMCs under BAU, incremental GEFfunded activities will specifically target capacity building of MMCs to develop and implement bankable emission reduction projects in the areas of urban infrastructure they’re responsible for. Baseline Establishment and capacity building of MMCs (general management and operational effectiveness) Business planning and development of investment portfolio GEF-supported alternative Capacity building of MMCs to identify and implement lowcarbon projects Preparation of bankable emission reduction projects 13 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 Component 3: Financial framework for urban NAMAs In the BAU, public sources will be the largest, but still insufficient source of financing for urban mitigation actions. ETS will only cover major industrial emitters, while external financing from national and international banks, including MDBs, will only be available for large mitigation projects in largest cities, Astana and Almaty. Smaller and financially weaker local governments and MMCs have difficulty obtaining long-term financing because the amount they can afford to borrow is too small to attract capital market investors, and their individual credit ratings is below investment grade. Also, most MMCs have little or no experience preparing projects for financing and require both financial and technical assistance throughout the process. Urban NAMAs will not be able to benefit neither from financial demand from ETS actors, nor access affordable credit resources from MDBs. The alternative under Component 3 will build upon plans to set up National Fund for Urban Modernization (NFUM). Under baseline, the NFUM will provide financing for all types of urban development projects. There is no provisions to provide financing for low-carbon projects per se. GEF financing will be utilized to partially cover additional costs of low-carbon urban infrastructure projects via revolving loan scheme. Reflows will be dependent on the type of financing requirement of the individual projects. In addition to GEF funding, EADB and National Fund will provide additional direct financing for PPP window of US$41 million. The loans to be offered to PPPs will cover up to 50% of the project cost and thus will leverage PPP co-financing of another US$50-100 million. In this respect, the catalytic impact of additional GEF support will be that it will establish, for the first time in Kazakhstan, a dedicated funding window for low-carbon urban investment projects implemented by PPPs and thus unlock substantial private sector investment in the sector. GEF, EADB and additional NFUM resources will be used to create a separate funding window within the Fund to provide revolving loans to MMCs and other private sector entities for implementation of small-scale investment projects as defined in urban NAMAs (for a representative example see Table 2). Project pipeline, selection criteria and funding terms will be defined jointly by the Government, EADB and UNDP. Also, tripartite committee comprising ACHCA, UNDP and EADB will be set-up to review application and decide on project eligibility and funding allocation. Standard EADB due diligence procedures will be applied to assess financial risks and viability; UNDP and ACHCA will jointly be responsible for technical and socio-economic due diligence and oversight. Table 2: Example of small-scale emission reduction project in a typical residential building Activity description CAPEX, OPEX, Energy saving GHG emission Pay-back US$ US$ (% to BAU) reductions, tCO2 (year/lifecycle) Modernization of building25,000 800 60% 150/1,500 9 years level heat supply sub-station Baseline Establishment and capitalization of the Fund for Urban Modernization GEF-supported alternative Additional funding window within the Fund specifically for emission reduction projects prioritized in urban NAMAs Component 4: Implementation of urban NAMAs There is no experience in Kazakhstan, nor globally with NAMA implementation. To ground test proposed approach, the project will focus on one district in the capital city of Astana. The district “Prigorodnoye” described in the baseline Component 4 provides a good basis for such demonstration. 14 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 GEF funds (US$ 0.7 mln) will complement UNDP-ACHCA baseline project (US$ 11 mln) and will be used to invest in additional emission reduction measures, which go beyond the baseline requirement of national modernization program (NMP). The exact list of additional measures will be defined based on abatement cost curve for Prigorodnoye to be developed under Component 1 as part of urban NAMA design. For example, under NMP, it is mandatory to equip all residential buildings with heat meters and automated heat substations, however full thermal modernization is not required and is yet not commercially viable investment for tenants or MMCs to invest on their own. Similarly, installation of decentralized renewable energy systems (such as solar rooftops or solar water heating) is not mandated under NMP, but can significant reduce district’s carbon footprint for its primary energy source is the coal-based thermal and power plant. The target is to reduce district emissions by additional 50% below baseline or by 18,750 tCO2/year, an equivalent of 187,500 tCO2 over investment lifetime8. The Government is fully committed to provide additional funding (above baseline) for demo-project to make sure the ambitious 50% target is met. The demonstration impact of GEF investment in “Prigorodnoye” district will be further amplified by the fact that Astana will host Global Expo 2017 under the theme “Energy for the Future”. The district is ideally located (in the vicinity of Astana International Airport and exhibition center for EXPO) to serve as a demonstration platform for sustainable and low-carbon urban solutions in Kazakhstan and globally. Baseline Complex modernization of district “Prigorodonoye” in the capital of Astana GEF-supported alternative Implementation of additional measures to reduce district emissions by 50% below baseline requirements under NMP Component 5: MRV and National Registry for Urban NAMAs Under baseline project, the Government is setting up an MRV for industrial users covered under ETS. The project will complement it with MRV for urban sector so that Kazakhstan has ONE MRV system in place, which covers both. This way it avoids duplication and ensure consistency in MRV requirements across sectors. MRV systems will be designed to suit the different types of NAMAs (e.g. unilateral NAMA, supported NAMA and credited NAMA). The MEP, as the governing body in Kazakhstan for climate change, is in charge of setting a national registry mechanism for mitigation actions. A specific section of the registry will be for urban NAMAs. National guidelines and methodologies will be designed to ensure consistency and uniformity in the design of urban NAMAs and their MRVs, as well as compliance with internationally accepted standards and domestic MRV systems for market-based mechanisms. The latter is essential for adopting credited NAMA approach for those mitigation projects which are not yet covered by domestic ETS, but offer high absolute abatement potential and could be scaled-up through market mechanisms at the national level. The MEP has also been appointed as the Designated National Authority for NAMA submission to global registry. Once individual urban NAMAs are developed and approved, the MEP will officially submit them to the global registry, whereas GEF and UNDP will complement this submission with information on resources and implementation, respectively. To explore the possibility of linking urban NAMAs and ETS, the development of one credited urban NAMA will be supported under this component. On the demand side, the project will work closely with domestic entities covered by ETS to understand their needs for and the willingness to pay for emission reduction. On the supply side, it will work with its partner municipalities to help define and operationalize the concept of credited urban NAMAs, establish their MRV, and facilitate the signature of carbon credit purchase 8 Baseline and project emission reductions were estimated following top-down approach, i.e. by using urban per capita emissions for Kazakhstan, i.e. 15tCO2/cap/year and number of residents in the pilot district (2,500). Bottom up estimates will be obtained at PPG stage where baseline data on pilot district will be collected and analysed. 15 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 agreements with interested domestic entities. Required rules and regulations for “linking” credits from urban NAMAs and ETS will also be worked out and adopted by MEP to operationalize the scheme. On-the-job training will be provided to municipal staff and MEP on MRV requirements and procedures. The project will also facilitate capture and exchange of knowledge, lessons learnt and best practices on urban GHG accounting, MRVs and NAMAs via on-line knowledge platform and other exchange schemes. Baseline ETS covering large emitters, national registry and MRV GEF-supported alternative Registry and MRVs for urban NAMAs Rules and regulations providing for “linking” credited urban NAMAs and domestic ETS Signed ERPA between ETS entities and municipalities 5) Global environmental benefits: GHG Project emission Component reductions Direct Component 4: GEF direct investment in pilot urban NAMA tCO2 (cumulative) Comments Assumptions 187,500 GEF attributable GHG emission reductions Urban per capita emissions: 15 tCO2 Number of residents: 2,500 Emission reduction target: 50% Investment lifecycle: 10 years Direct postproject Component 3: GEF financing for capitalization of revolving fund 2,200,000 GEF attributable GHG emission reductions Cost-effectiveness threshold for investment: 20US$/tCO2 Capitalization target for revolving fund: 44 mln US$ Investment lifecycle: 10 years Indirect (topdown) Components 1 and 5: NAMA design and MRV, including GEF indirect support to design one credited NAMA and facilitate the sakes of emission reduction from one out of 15 NAMAs 4,650,000 The amount of GHG emissions from one credited NAMA will be subtracted from the total indirect impact, i.e. cca 7% of the total estimated impact -10% of the national voluntary emission reduction target of 50 MtCO2 by 2020 -7% or 350,000 tCO2 will be attributed to credited NAMA and is deducted to avoid double counting TOTAL 7,037,500 6) Innovativeness, sustainability and potential for scaling up: Innovativeness: the project is the first attempt globally to pilot-test the concept of urban NAMAs and leverage carbon finance for urban emission reduction projects The strategy to ensure sustainability of project results and in particular of the National Fund for Urban Modernization is based on the following: 16 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 The Government of Kazakhstan is fully committed to support Fund’s capitalization till 2020 (the end of National Modernization Program) at which point the Fund is expected to generate sufficient reflows for its continued operations o The project will support the development of Fund’s diversification strategy and mechanisms to leverage additional financing from public, private and international sources of funding, such as Green Climate Fund or carbon markets. The project has vast potential for scaling-up not only in Kazakhstan, but also in other country and regions with similar urbanization and GHG emission patterns. If successful, urban NAMA can become a powerful tool for city-wide GHG emission reduction. In Kazakhstan alone, there are over 100 cities and towns where the approach can be scaled-up. o A.2. Stakeholders. Identify key stakeholders (including civil society organizations, indigenous people, gender groups, and others as relevant) and describe how they will be engaged in project preparation: Public sector National Agency for Construction and Housing &Communal Affairs (ACHCA) is the central executive authority in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction, housing relations, municipal services. In line with its mandate, ACHCA will be the leading executing agency for this project. It also oversees municipal waste management, water supply and sanitation, power distribution (0,4 kV), municipal gas and heat supply (except for thermal power station with capacity 100 Gcal/hour and more). The Agency has established the Center for Utilities Modernization and Development as the principal body in charge of the implementation of National Modernization Program (NMP) and the designated entity for operation and management of the National Fund for Urban Modernization. The Agency and its Center will therefore play critical role in directing NMP funding to priority climate change mitigation actions in cities and to ensuring that the public funding can serve to catalyze investment from the private sector. Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) is the governing body and policy maker for climate change management at the national level. It oversees the preparation of national GHG inventory and is responsible for introduction of ETS, elaboration of nationally appropriate mitigation actions, the establishment and monitoring of national emission reduction targets. It also provides methodological guidelines for GHG emission accounting by private and public sector. MEP will have a key role in the establishment of criteria for the definition of urban mitigation actions, the development of the national registry and MRV methodologies, and ensuring quality of city inventories, MRV and NAMAs. MEP will be the main governmental agency responsible for implementation of Components 1 and 5. Local authorities (akimats) will be key partners in project implementation, they will be directly involved in all project activities, i.e. identification, development, implementation, and monitoring of urban mitigation actions in partnership with relevant national authorities, private sector and civil society. Private sector will be an important partner and beneficiary of the project. To leverage maximum private sector participation, the project will partner with the National Chamber for Communal Affairs and Housing, the entity which represents over 200 urban enterprises, such as heat and water supply companies, ESCOs, management companies, etc. The project will also directly engage with largest industrial entities covered under ETS to understand the scope of their demand for and facilitate the supply of cost-effective emission reduction from urban NAMAs. NGOs and community-based organizations Climate Change Coordination Center (C4) is the main Kazakhstani NGO which is involved in a number of advocacy, capacity buildings and analytical projects, such as national GHG inventory, provision of training on climate mitigation for public and private entities, and has been instrumental in developing and promoting important legal and regulatory changes on climate change, energy efficiency and renewable 17 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 energy. The project will leverage Center’s expertise for local capacity building, abatement cost assessment and other technical training activities at local level. Central Asian Regional Environmental Center (CAREC) is the prominent regional NGOs actively engaged in climate change awareness and advocacy across Central Asia. CAREC’s role in the project will be to support PR and communication about urban mitigation actions among urban residents and nationwide. Associations of apartment owners, women groups and other local NGOs will be closely involved in and consulted during identification and design of urban NAMAs. They will also benefit from the training and knowledge management activities supported by the project. Financial sector The project involves an innovative partnership with the Eurasian Development Bank (EADB). EADB will bring substantial (US$ 25 mln) financial contribution for NAMA financial framework. Also, EADB, as an international financial organization with a long history of operation in Kazakhstan and other transition economies, will bring in its unique expertise with assessing and structuring financing for energy and infrastructure projects. EADB’s strategy from 2010 lists municipal infrastructure and energy efficiency projects among its key priorities in the region and Kazakhstan specifically. The proposed partnership is mutually beneficial for the Government, UNDP-GEF and the Bank as it builds on each partner’s strong comparative advantages in political, technical and financial areas, such combination is critical for the catalytic impact of the project to be achieved. A.3 Risk. Indicate risks, including climate change, potential social and environmental risks that might prevent the project objectives from being achieved, and, if possible, propose measures that address these risks to be further developed during the project design (table format acceptable): Potential risks associated with the project, along with proposed mitigation measures, are summarized in a table below: Risks Political risk of Kazakhstan withdrawing its commitment under UNFCCC Lack of private sector interest and motivation to invest in urban mitigation actions Rating Low High Mitigation measures Kazakhstan has consistently demonstrated its high-level political commitment to climate change mitigation starting from its voluntary decision to join Annex I in 1999, accepting binding emission stabilization targets and later on in 2010 by taking additional voluntary commitment to reduce GHG emission by 15% below 1992 baseline. The project will build on this and will generate additional political support and commitments to reduce emissions among the Kazakhstani cities. A high level political involvement from regional and cities’ authorities will be ensured throughout the implementation of the project to secure their continuous involvement and buy-in. The risk is indeed high, but so is also the interest and motivation of the Government to remove barriers to private sector participation and investment in climate mitigation, as demonstrated by its decision to introduce ETS. To mitigate this risk the project will: - Engage with domestic entities covered under ETS to understand their potential demand for emission reduction and the cost-effectiveness threshold, as well as facilitate design of mechanisms to link NAMAs with ETS (Component 5) - Conduct rigorous economic assessment of urban mitigation measures to identify and demonstrate their profitability and cost-effectiveness, as well as engage private sector 18 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 Low capacity of city authorities to implement required regulatory changes Moderate Lack of political will and insufficient capacities to implement ETS Moderate Climate Change impacts Moderate Combination of two innovative approaches and instruments, such as PPPs and carbon finance, in one project makes project design more complex and its implementation inherently risky Moderate representatives early on in consultation about potential mitigation actions in cities and solicit their views and perspectives regarding their feasibility (Component 1) - Support establishment and capacity building of PPPs (Component 2) This is a moderate risk, which can be effectively mitigated by adopting the following approach to capacity building activities: - Instead of organizing stand-alone training and workshop, the project will support learning-by-doing activities for the municipal staff, such as preparation of GHG inventories, identification and formulation of urban mitigation actions, designing pilot public-private partnership schemes; - Supporting cross-cities collaboration, exchanges and networking so that municipal staff can learn from each other and be inspired by successful examples in Kazakhstan . The Government of Kazakhstan is fully committed to implement ETS: the scheme will be launched in January 2013 in “pilot” mode and since 2014 full-fledged implementation will begin. The plan has been officially approved and announced nationally and globally, including at COP18 in Doha. However, capacities of MEP and among domestic entities are insufficient to put in place and enforce robust MRV system for domestic trading, this might prevent full-fledged implementation of ETS. To mitigate this risk, the Government has requested technical assistance from bilateral partners, such a German Government and potentially USAID (under negotiation). Component 5 of the proposed project will also help mitigate this risk by strengthening capacities at MEP, private sector and municipalities to implement credited urban NAMAs and link them with ETS. Climate change is predicted to have adverse impacts on Kazakhstan with most severe consequences for the cities coming from intensified water shortages and raising summer temperature. These risks pose additional challenges to low-carbon urban development because of the increased energy needs for water supply/cooling in cities. The project will work closely with adaptation teams and experts in the Ministry of Environmental Protection and KAZNIEK to help city authorities identify such risks and integrate appropriate response measures in the proposed mitigation actions. Realizing complexity of the issues the project will deal with, it puts only marginal importance on carbon finance and its role in financing urban NAMAs, i.e. only one out of fifteen envisaged NAMA will aim at piloting carbon crediting approach. Only a small portion of GEF resources under Component 5 will be used to facilitate this transaction, thus limiting GEF’s exposure and risks. On the other side, if successful, credited urban NAMA, can become a viable instrument for financing mitigation activities in urban sector and has therefore large potential for replication in Kazakhstan and other urbanized developing and emerging economies. Finally, both national partners, MENR and ACHCHA have expressed strong support and demand for such scheme: their political commitment is also an important factor in mitigating implementation risks. A.4. Coordination. Outline the coordination with other relevant GEF financed and other initiatives: The purpose of coordination with key baseline initiative and national investment programs Project Board will 19 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 be set up. The Board will be co-chaired by UNDP and ACHCA and will consist of nominees from key partners and stakeholders such as MEP, Chamber for Housing and Communal Affairs, EADB, Akimats (the list to be confirmed at PPG stage). The role of the Board will be to ensure appropriate coordination between project partners and their on-going initiatives, such as the following 1) UNDP climate change portfolio in Kazakhstan: Joint UNDP-MEP project on integrating climate change in sustainable development planning and development of national green growth strategy. Promoting low-carbon urban development is seen by the Government of Kazakhstan as an important element of the national green growth strategy. As such, this UNDP-MEP project has an important role to play in terms of linking urban NAMA development process with the national strategy and making sure that identified actions, as well as required policy and regulatory changes and institutional modesls are incorporated in the National Green Growth Strategy and other relevant policy documents (e.g. provisions to operationalize the ETS). UNDP- GEF Enabling Activity: This on-going project is supporting preparation of national GHG inventory and National Communication to UNFCCC. The project implemented by KAZNIEK will be an important source of baseline data, analysis, as well as technical skills and knowledge for development of urban inventories, NAMAs and MRVs. UNDP-GEF “Removing Barriers to Energy Efficiency in Municiapal Heat and Hot Water Supply”: The project is in its final year of implementation, its results and lessons learnt are essential for the success of the proposed project. First, it facilitated the development and adoption of the revised Law on Energy Saving, including specific provisions to stimulate energy efficiency in municipal heating sector, such as differentiated heat tariff, ESCO modality and EE requirements for district-heating systems. It has also supported the establishment of the first and only private ESCO company in Kazakhstan, which is now acting as the main implementing partner and the source of private co-financing for the publicly-funded NMP. The project also successfully piloted tripartite partnership agreements between the municipalities, private sector and association of apartment owners for financing and implementation of EE retrofit projects in residential sector. UNDP-GEF “Energy-Efficient Design and Construction of Residential Buildings”: This on-going project which supports the introduction and enforcement of EE building codes and works with publicly funded construction programs to integrate energy efficiency consideration in the design of new residential buildings. Bearing in mind that improvement of energy efficiency in building stock offers large and cost-effective GHG emission reduction opportunities in urban sector, this UNDP-GEF project will provide essential analytical data and hands-on experience for the design of prospective NAMAs in urban building sector. UNDP-GEF “City of Almaty Sustainable Transport (CAST)” project is focused on promoting sustainable urban transport in Kazakhstan’s largest city, Almaty. Project experience with GHG accounting and monitoring system for urban transport, as well as with the design and implementation of pilot sustainable urban transport solutions and their respective MRVs, will be essential for developing urban NAMAs in transport sector in Almaty and other Kazakhstani cities. UNDP-GEF “Promoting of Energy Efficient Lighting”: this on-going project is working with the Ministry of Industry and Energy to set up comprehensive policy framework for phasing-out inefficient lighting in Kazakhstan, as well as to develop and implement advanced EE solutions for public lighting, such as LED, in cooperation with the municipality of Almaty. As in the case of CAST, this project will provide important baseline data, GHG accounting tools and methodologies, as well as technical knowledge from pilot projects for the design, costing and implementation of urban NAMAs in lighting sector. All in all, the three on-going GEF-supported sectoral projects in building, transport and lighting sector will provide important inputs for the scaling up urban mitigation actions under proposed project, as follows: - enabling national policies and regulations in building, transport and lighting sectors; 20 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 - baseline data and methodology for sectoral GHG accounting, monitoring and reporting; and - analysis and lessons learnt from pilot projects in terms of cost-effectiveness of the proposed low-carbon technologies and appropriate business and financing models for their implementation. 2) Other partners and donors: German Government/ICI-funded project “Integrated approached to development of climate friendly economies in Central Asia” (2.9 mln Euro): The project aims at supporting Central Asian countries, including Kazakhstan, in developing a comprehensive policy framework for mitigating climate change and assisting them in re-orienting their economic development in a low-carbon, climate-friendly way. Project is being implemented by the German company, DIW econ, in partnership with CAREC and Climate Change Coordination Center and specifically in Kazakhstan is focused on assisting the Government in introducing ETS and providing recommendations and analysis for the development of national green growth strategy. The project is expected to be completed in 2013 and will lay important foundation for the proposed UNDPGEF initiative, both in the form of operational ETS, as well as via its analytical activities to identify and justify key greening opportunities for Kazakhstan economy. Description of the consistency of the project with: B.1 National strategies and plans or reports and assessments under relevant conventions, if applicable, i.e. NAPAS, NAPs, NBSAPs, national communications, TNAs, NCSAs, NIPs, PRSPs, NPFE, Biennial Update Reports, etc.: The project is consistent with Kazakhstan’s 2nd National Communications to the UNFCCC (2009). The National Communication (NC) identifies urban sectors (district heating, buildings, waste and transport) as the priority areas for national climate change mitigation actions. According to NC, these areas have a potential to reduce annual GHG emissions by 20-30MtCO2/yr that is almost 30% of the cumulative GHG abatement potential for Kazakhstan. The proposed project is also fully aligned with the national priorities to strengthen economic and energy independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan by promoting resources efficient and climate resilient growth. In particular, the need for sustainable and low-carbon urban development is highlighted in several strategic documents such as the Development Strategy-2015 and 2030; Comprehensive Plan for Energy Efficiency, Law on Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency; Industrial and Innovation Development Strategy until 2015; the Strategy on entering 50 most competitive economies in the world; and most importantly the recently adopted National Program for Modernization of Residential and Communal Sector for 2011-2020. Kazakhstan has completed its National Portfolio Formulation Exercise (NPFE) and communicated its priorities to the GEF Secretariat back in 2011 (please refer to the letter from Kazakhstan OFP to GEFSec dated June 2011). The proposed project was identified and included in the list under the title “Sustainable Cities Program” based on unanimous agreement of all concerned national parties and GEF Agencies consulted during NPFE. B.2. GEF focal area and/or fund(s) strategies, eligibility criteria and priorities: The project is fully consistent with GEF-5 Climate Change Focal Area Strategy which envisages that in large, medium-income developing countries, such as Kazakhstan, the GEF will support programs and projects that will bring significant GHG reductions, such as market transformation in the building, industry, and transport sectors. Specifically, the project will contribute to the achievement of the GEF CC Objective 6 “Support Enabling Activities under the Convention” and Objective 4 “Promote energy efficient, low-carbon transport and urban systems” by building human and institutional capacities and supporting design and implementation of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in urban 21 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 sector. It will do so by helping set-up urban GHG emission reduction targets, identify appropriate and cost-effective mitigation actions and remove barriers to private investment in their implementation, including from the domestic emission trading scheme (ETS). Because of the substantial internal demand that it will create, ETS is seen as a major opportunity to stimulate investment in cost-effective emission reduction actions nation-wide. However, many small-scale, but cumulatively significant opportunities for urban emission reductions will remain outside of ETS scope and won’t be able to benefit from this demand. With this project, the Government of Kazakhstan is requesting GEF support to help identify, develop and leverage financing for Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in its urban sector. Urban GHG emission reductions are prioritized in this proposal because a) it is the sector with significant and cost-effective abatement potential; b) it is the only sector not explicitly covered by domestic ETS; and c) it is the sector where reduction of GHG emissions will directly result in tangible socio-economic and local environmental benefits. GEF resources will not be used to provide direct financing for implementation of a credited NAMA to avoid double counting. For the same reason, the amount of GHG emission reductions accrued under credited NAMA will be subtracted from the amount of indirect GHG emission to be associated with GEF project. B.3 The GEF Agency’s comparative advantage for implementing this project: UNDP is one of the leading agencies of the GEF to implement enabling activities and capacity development activities related to climate change mitigation in Kazakhstan. UNDP has supported the country in developing its First and Second National Climate Change Communication to the UNFCCC and is currently supporting the MEP for the preparation of Kazakhstan’s Third National Climate Change Communication. UNDP is implementing two important initiatives, which serve as a source of its co-financing for this project, namely development of national Green Growth strategy (Component 1: 60,000 US$) and urban modernization project for “Prigorodnoye” district of Astana (Component 4: 1,000,000 US$). Also, UNDP Kazakhstan has successful experience with facilitating the establishment of revolving financing schemes. Under the “UNDP-GEF Wetland Conservation Project” it has developed a Biodiversity Conservation Credit Facility in partnership with the Fund for Financial Support to Agriculture of Kazakhstan, one of the large joint stock companies providing micro‐crediting services to small businesses and rural population. Also, UNDP supported the establishment of the first and only private ESCO company in Kazakhstan, which is now acting as the main implementing partner and the source of private co-financing for the publicly-funded NMP. The project is in line with the following UNDAF and CPAP outcomes: UNDAF Outcome for 2010-2015: Environmental Sustainability. By 2015, communities, national and local authorities use more effective mechanisms and partnerships that promote environmental sustainability and enable them to prepare, respond and recover from natural and man-made disasters. CPAP Outcome: The Government, industries and civil society take steps to adapt to climate change and mitigate its impact through energy efficiency measures and climate change adaptation policies. CPAP Output: Government and energy consumers are better equipped with knowledge, policies and pilot cases on energy efficiency in sectors with high carbon dioxide emission levels. UNDP Country Office will assign eight staff members to be responsible for the overall management and supervision of the project implementation. In particular, Mr. Kim, Head of Energy and Environmental (EE) Unit will be responsible for overall supervision and monitoring of project activities, coordination with national government and other stakeholders. He has over twelve years of experience in programme and policy development, environment and energy project design and 22 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012 execution at international, national and local level (as a former Head of GEF SGP), as well as solid academic background in environmental science. The project will be under the direct supervision of Ms. Goryunova, Climate Change Portfolio manager, who has MSc in Environmental Policy and Science from Manchester University and over 5 years of experience in climate change mitigation and adaptation in Kazakhstan and other countries in Central Asia. She was directly involved in design and implementation of a number of flagship EE projects in Kazakhstan in the past. In term of educational background, Ms. Goryunova has a special focus on environmental law and economics, and has recently undertaken a specialized training on carbon emission trading. Technical backstopping and implementation support to the project on Procurement, Finance and Human Resources will be provided by five staff members – Senior Finance Associate (MBA, a Certified Management Accountant with more than seven years of experience in finance and management accounting at the international level), Finance Assistant (7 years of professional experience in Finance and Accounting with UNDP), Procurement Associate (3 year in procurement), HR associate (more than 5 years of experience in UNDP). These four staff members are directly supported and supervised by the Operations Manager (7 years of professional experience in development programme and operations management in UNDP). As this project is going to touch upon various social issue, including gender, working with local authorities and private sector, staff from the Governance and Local Development (GLD) Unit will be involved. In particular, Head of GLD Unit (10 years experience) will be responsible for the overall coordination of activities of the GLD Unit portfolio with the programme and project staff, as well as provide her policy advice in her respective area of expertise. PART III: APPROVAL/ENDORSEMENT BY GEF OPERATIONAL FOCAL POINT(S) AND GEF AGENCY(IES) A. RECORD OF ENDORSEMENT OF GEF OPERATIONAL FOCAL POINT (S) ON BEHALF OF THE GOVERNMENT(S): (Please attach the Operational Focal Point endorsement letter(s) with this template. For SGP, use this OFP endorsement letter). NAME Nurlan Kapparov POSITION Minister GEF Operational Focal Point MINISTRY MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DATE (MM/dd/yyyy) 12/13/2012 B. GEF AGENCY(IES) CERTIFICATION This request has been prepared in accordance with GEF/LDCF/SCCF/NPIF policies and procedures and meets the GEF/LDCF/SCCF/NPIF criteria for project identification and preparation. Agency Coordinator, Agency name Adriana Dinu Officer-inCharge UNDP/GEF Signature DATE (MM/dd/yy yy) Project Contact Person April 1, 2013 Marina Olshanskaya UNDP-GEF Regional Technical Advisor Email Address Telephone +421-907-840152 marina.olshanskaya 23 GEF-5 PIF Template-December 27, 2012