Summary Meeting Notes WRAP Emissions Forum Portland, OR July 1-2, 2003 Attendees Alice Edwards, EF Co-Chair Dennis Schwehr, EF Co-Chair Brock LeBaron, EF Member Wayne Leipold, EF Member Michael Uhl, EF Member Mike Sundblom, EF Member Lisa Riener, EF Member Sarah Kelly, EF Member Bob Palzer, EF Member Steve Aalbers, EIWG Member Pete Lahm, FEJF Co-Chair Tom Moore, WRAP Technical Support Staff. Jeffrey Stocum, EI Section Don Arkell, Visibility Program Coordinator Mark Janssen, Mid-West RPO EI Coordinator Chris Fatagoma, EDMS Contractor Barry Rubin, EDMS Contractor Samir Badri, IAS System Programer Wes Risher, ODEQ Chris Swab, ODEQ Emission Data Management System “Needs Assessment” This was a status report on the “Needs Assessment” project performed by EA Engineering that will describe as a template the design of the EDMS database, its management, where it will reside, and what it should be able to do for the WRAP states and tribes and the public. This system will ultimately try to be all things to all people, with the capabilities to provide for most of the RH-related emission data compilation and reporting needs. The report will be completed by July 25th. The completed system will include point, area, fire, mobile, windblown dust, and biogenic source categories. Nine RH pollutants will be inventoried (VOC, NO x, SO2, PM10, PM2.5, EC, OC, CO & NH3). It will also address special RH tracking requirements for Milestone/Market Trading stationary SO2 sources, Clean Air Corridors, mobile source emissions and dust impacts to Class I areas. The system would be developed in two phases, with Phase I consisting of a full WRAP region Emission Inventory and Phase II for expansion to other pollutants, activity data and tracking functions. Input formats will be consistent with current formats of required NEI, CERR, etc. Initial testing of the Phase I EDMS will be completed by late 2003. In early 2004, the WRAP would initiate a live Phase I system, and would spend the balance of 2004 collecting and inputting the 2002 data. The recommendations include establishing a strong GIS component Concerns: Will states really utilize the EDMS to its full capacity? The EDMS is intended to reduce the additional workload created by by RH program by creating a central point about which all RH emissions data gathering, compiling and reporting throughout the region. It has the potential of reducing some of the current emissions workload by integrating RH with other programs, but it is not meant to substitute for current emission compiling and reporting requirements. Because in concept it appears large and complex, it could become unwieldy and discourage use. Regional Modeling Center (RMC) Activities The Regional Modeling Center has corrected a number of previous errors discovered in past modeling runs, and is about to run the final “all controls” scenario. This should essentially complete the 309 modeling effort for the initial SIPs. Windblown Dust Modeling Project This is a project will provide more up to date 1996 windblown dust emission inventories for the WRAP region. The completion date is somewhat delayed due to revisions in emission factors that were initially proposed by the contractor. The 1996 EI for the region is now anticipated to be available by September ‘03. Possible Inter-RPO projects. After reviewing a number of possible inter-RPO emission related projects, the EF recommended funding in 2004 to support two at $50K each -- An ammonia emissions model revision project at Carnegie Mellon University (emphasizing CAFO and fertilizer NH3), and development of a hybrid emissions processor to replace the EMS (expensive) and SMOKE (difficult to use) emissions processors which have been used by the RMC for model runs in the west. The Modeling Forum will be involved in these. Other inter-RPO projects include a national 2002 wildfire emissions inventory Tribal Emission Inventory Software Solution (TEISS) This is a project of the Tribal Data Development Workgroup (TDDWG) to develop software specifically for calculating emission inventories on tribal lands. This could have useful application for states or local agencies. The software is proprietary at this point. The TDDWG originally planned to test the software this summer, but they have added several elements to the project, and now expect testing in December of 2003. Forum Workplan and Budget for 2004 The proposed workplan for the Emissions Forum will emphasize development of a “2002-like” EI for Phase I of the 308 planning effort to provide states with a first look at the sources they may be addressing in their SIPs; developing the EDMS; improving elements of the EI, including mobile, dust, ammonia, speciation, and looking at several Alaska-specific projects for village and aviation emissions. The total wish-list is about $770,000