OXIDATION OF SIC/SIC COMPOSITES IN GAS FAST REACTORS IN OPERATING CONDITIONS: THERMODYNAMIC AND EXPERIMENTAL APPROACHES Nicolas HUN1,2, Francis REBILLAT2, Laurent BRISSONNEAU1 1 CEA, DEN/DTN/STPA/LPC, F-13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France, nicolas.hun@cea.fr, laurent.brissonneau@cea.fr 2 Université de Bordeaux, Laboratoire des Composites Thermostructuraux (LCTS), France, rebillat@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr Abstract: Gas Fast Reactor (GFR) is a promising Generation IV concept for energy production. The hard neutron spectrum allows waste burning and a better use of fuel resource. The helium coolant enables easy in-service inspection, low corrosion and high core outlet temperature (850°C) for high efficiency or versatile applications. SiC/SiC composites are candidates of primary interest for a GFR (Gas Fast Reactor) fuel cladding use, from stability under neutron irradiation, high temperature mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. The helium coolant has to be slightly oxidant to passivate heat exchangers in the hot leg of the reactor. The amount of oxidizing species in the gas, expected to be very small (impurity partial pressure as H2O or O2 below a few dozens of Pascal), is reached through a purification loop. In standard operating conditions and such composition specifications, SiC/SiC can present two different oxidation processes, depending on the nature and concentration of impurities. Under oxygen atmospheres and high partial pressures, SiC tends to form a protective silica layer at the material surfaces (passive oxidation), but the pyrocarboned fibre/matrix interphase is very reactive. Under moist atmospheres, higher temperatures and low partial pressures, SiC is volatilised (active oxidation) but the interphase is less reactive regarding its behaviour under O2. The mechanical protection of the cladding is highly dependant on the interphase integrity, and it is important to know which oxidation mechanism is the worse. Therefore, to guarantee the protection of materials by purification processes, the active to passive oxidation transition of SiC has to be known, in order to target the less damaging range of oxidizing species composition. The active to passive transition is studied using a thermodynamic approach providing useful information on possible mechanisms. It shows that major volatile species are CO and SiO, as hydroxide silicon species form in negligible amounts. Experimental tests are performed by thermogravimetric analysis at 1100°C in Ar/O2, Ar/H2O, Ar/H2O/O2, Ar/H2O/H2, corresponding to active and passive domains. The provided kinetics data will help in the modelling of the composite oxidation, following an approach developed at LCTS. Keywords: SiC/SiC composites, GFR, operating conditions, Oxidation transitions, Determination -1- Gas Fast Reactor (GFR) is a promising Generation IV concept for energy production. The hard neutron spectrum allows waste burning and a better use of fuel resource. SiC/SiC composites are candidates of primary interest for a GFR fuel cladding use, from stability under neutron irradiation, high temperature mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. A SiC/SiC composite is made of woven SiC fibers, wrapped in a SiC matrix. The attractive mechanical properties (impact resistance, creep resistance, Young modulus…) of the composite are mainly due to the fibers [1], and to the pyrocarbon fiber/matrix interphase, which are able to deviate the crack propagation [2]. The helium coolant enables easy in-service inspection, low corrosion and high core outlet temperature (850°C) for high efficiency or versatile applications. The coolant has to be slightly oxidant to passivate heat exchangers in the hot leg of the reactor. The amount of oxidizing species in the gas, expected to be very small (impurity partial pressure as H2O or O2 below a few dozens of Pascal), is reached through a purification loop. In standard operating conditions and such composition specifications, SiC/SiC can present two different oxidation processes, depending on the nature and concentration of impurities. The major oxidizing species are O2 and H2O (as CO2 oxidation rate is negligible compared to O2 and H2O) [3]. O2 and H2O have different roles towards SiC and PyC oxidation: Under oxygen atmospheres and high enough partial pressures, SiC tends to form a protective silica layer at the material surface (passive oxidation), but the pyrocarbon at fiber/matrix interphase is very reactive. On the other hand, low O2 partial pressure might lead to SiC volatilization in SiO (active oxidation). Likewise, H2O lowers the protective role of silica, and favours under low pressure the active oxidation of SiC. However, in this case, the interphase is less reactive regarding its behaviour under O2 [4], especially in the presence of H2 [5]. Passive oxidation kinetics of SiC under H2O atmospheres are up to ten times faster than under O2 [4]. An intermediate rate of volatilisation-oxidation, described by Tedmon [6], also has to be taken into account. SiC oxidizes, actively and passively at the same time. This oxidation rate could be the worse towards SiC consumption. In this paper, a study of the active to passive transitions is studied using a thermodynamic approach providing useful information on the possible mechanisms. Experimental tests are performed by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) in order to identify the active and passive domains. The experimental data will be used as input in the modeling of composites oxidation through a matrix crack. 1 Transition domains determination by thermodynamic approach The calculations have been performed with the HSC software, and the Allendorf’s [7] Si-O-H database for Sandia National Laboratories. 1.1 Update of the HSC software with the Sandia database Opila [8, 9] observed hydroxygenated species when silica reacts with H2O, which are not described in HSC classical database for Si-O-H species. Allendorf [7] provides a larger Si-OH database than HSC. There are, in particular, data on Si(OH)4 and SiO(OH)2 determined by Opila [8]. As the format of the models used by HSC and Sandia are different (cf. Equation 1 and Equation 2), it has been necessary to convert the data of Allendorf to the HSC format. -2- HSC is able to convert data automatically and to get a value for A, B C and D coefficients. These coefficients and H° and S° values have then to be computed into HSC database. The Cp values calculated with HSC are exactly the same as Allendorf’s, but G values are diverging, especially at high temperatures (cf. Figure 1). A possible explanation is that the HSC system is using only 4 coefficients to calculate G evolutions, versus 7 for Allendorf’s system. The lack of precision implied by the low number of coefficients can explain the growing gap between the values of the two equations. Cp(T ) A B 10 3 T C 10 5 T 2 D 10 6 T 2 Cp(T ) / R a1 a 2T a 3T 2 a 4T 3 a 5T 4 a T a T 2 a 4 T 3 a 5T 4 H (T ) a1 2 3 RT 2 3 4 5 2 3 a T a T4 a T S (T ) a1 ln( T ) a 2T 3 4 5 a7 R 2 3 4 Equation 1 : Allendorf’s data format Equation 2 : HSC data format It is possible to reduce the gap by changing H° and S° values in HSC. The initial and corrected values of H° and S° are shown in Table 1. Si(OH)4 H° (kcal/mol) S° (cal/(mol.K)) SiO(OH)2 H° (kcal/mol) S° (cal/(mol.K)) Initial value Corrected value Correction -428.005 46.058 -420.005 64.058 +8 +18 -192.194 69.931 -187.194 81.931 +5 +12 Table 1: Modification of Allendorf data in order to use them in HSC The correction values have been chosen in order to minimize an error function defined as 2 error HSC Allendorf . Comparison of Allendorf and HSC G values for Si(OH)4 and SiO(OH)2 -200 G (kcal/mol) -250 0 500 1000 1500 Si(OH)4 Allendorf Si(OH)4 modified HSC values SiO(OH)2 Allendorf -300 -350 -400 SiO(OH)2 modified HSC values SiO(OH)2 non modified HSC values Si(OH)4 non modified HSC values -450 -500 -550 T (°C) Figure 1 : Comparison of DG with Allendorf and HSC modified values for Si(OH)4 and SiO(OH)2 -3- The use of the modified data was validated by comparing calculations performed with another software (GEMINI) at LCTS. The study of a Ar-Si-O-H system at atmospheric pressure and constant temperature with the two different software showed comparable results for equilibrium composition. The transition partial pressure of oxidation can therefore be calculated with the HSC software and its updated database. 1.2 Results The aim of this study is to delimitate the passive/active transition domains of oxidation under O2, H2O, and different O2/H2O and H2/H2O ratios. The calculations have been done with 1 mole of silicon, at constant temperature and pressure. The total amount of gaseous species (helium + oxidizing species) is constant and equals to 1 mole, but the amount of oxidizing species is changing. The transition criterions are reached when SiO2 appears (low transition) and when the amount of SiO equals the amount of SiO2 (high transition). The gap between these two criterions may correspond to the volatilization-oxidation domain described by Tedmon [6]. 1.2.1 Main species In the operating conditions of GFR, the following oxidation reactions of SiC with O2 or H2O are the most likely to occur [8, 10, 11]: SiC + O2(g) = SiO(g) + CO(g) SiC + 3/2O2(g) = SiO2 + CO(g) SiC + 2H2O(g) = SiO(g) + CO(g) +2H2(g) SiC + 3H2O = SiO2 + CO(g) + 3H2(g) SiO2 + 2H2O(g) = Si(OH)4(g) SiO2 + H2O(g) = SiO(OH)2(g) 2H2O(g) = 2H2(g) + O2(g) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) A typical result of the calculated amounts of reaction products, in mixed atmosphere, depending on the amount of O2 or H2O is shown in Figure 2. Calculations show that the more stable species are the reaction products of (1), (2), (3) and (4). Reaction (3) produces 2 moles of gas, and reactions (4)+(5) neither produce, nor consume any. At low total or partial pressure of H2O, reaction (3) is favored, while (5) is most likely to occur at high pressures. This remark is confirmed by thermodynamics, which show that the higher the partial pressure of water, the higher the Si(OH)4 amount and the lower the SiO amount (cf Table 2). Partial pressure of water (Bar) SiO (mol) Si(OH)4 (mol) 0,1 1,38E-04 1,42E-18 1 6,93E-05 4,47E-16 10 4,90E-05 1,10E-13 50 4,81E-05 2,48E-12 100 4,54E-05 8,97E-12 Table 2: SiC volatilization: compared amount of SiO and Si(OH)4 depending on the partial pressure of water at total atmospheric pressure. Opila observed the volatilization of SiO2 in Si(OH)4 by a transpiration method [9] (up to 10-6 bar at 1500°C in moist saturated oxygen). This difference is due to the fact that Opila worked on pure silica. Calculations done with the HSC software on silica give that Si(OH)4 is favored at very high pressures, but SiO is in GFR operating condition the main volatilized specie. -4- Partial pressure of water (Bar) SiO (mol) Si(OH)4 (mol) 0,1 2,16E-08 1,30E-12 1 9,18E-09 2,20E-10 10 4,63E-09 1,34E-08 50 2,70E-09 3,35E-07 100 2,16E-09 1,31E-06 Table 3: SiO2 volatilization: compared amount of SiO and Si(OH)4 depending on the partial pressure of water These calculations show that SiO is the main volatile specie for SiC oxidation and allow us to use transition criterions independent of Si(OH)4 and SiO(OH)2. It is interesting to note that the same chemical species are formed under O2 or H2O, which will simplify the modeling work. Thermodynamic equilibrium depending on the water amount in the system at 1100°C 0 Log(kmol) SiC(C) H2(g) CO(g) SiO2(V) SiO(g) -5 High transition Low transition H2O(g) CO2(g) CH4(g) -10 SiO2(g) -15 SiO(OH)2(g) -20 O2(g) -25 -30 0.00000 Si(OH)4(g) 0.00005 0.00010 0.00015 0.00020 0.00025 H2O(g) 0.00030 kmol Figure 2 : Thermodynamic equilibrium depending on the water amount in the system at 1100°C The transition points are circled in red on Figure 2. The low transition is determined when SiO2 starts to form, and the high transition when as many SiO as SiO2 is formed. 1.2.2 Influence of the oxygen amount, equivalent partial pressure Under O2, H2O or mixed atmospheres, the higher the temperature is, the larger the passive domain of oxidation. It means that high temperatures help SiC volatilization under higher oxidizing partial pressures. Transition pressures are following a Poxt A exp( B / T ) type law, therefore Log(POx)=f(1/T) diagrams can be drawn to visualize the transition frontiers. As hydroxide silicon species compounds form in negligible amount (cf § 1.2.1), transitions can be determined as a function of an equivalent amount of oxygen. Water mainly reacts by reaction (3) and (4). Neglecting the other reaction products, reactions (3) and (4) (for H2O) and (1) and (2) (for O2) are equivalent. The amount of H2O just needs to be twice the amount -5- of O2 to form as many SiO as SiO2. As reported in the literature, the active oxidation domain is larger in presence of water than oxygen [10, 12]. The calculation of transition domains under O2, H2O, O2/H2O, H2/H2O are in agreement with this assumption. The results of these calculations are presented in Figure 3 and Table 4. Equivalent transition partial pressure of oxygen (Pa) Transtion pressure (Pa) 1,00E+04 1,00E+03 Passive oxidation domain 1,00E+02 1,00E+01 Active oxidation domain 1,00E+00 1,00E-01 5,50E+00 6,00E+00 6,50E+00 7,00E+00 7,50E+00 O2 high O2 low H2O high H2O low H2O/O2 (35/65) high H2O/O2 (35/65) low H2O/H2 (50/50) high H2O/H2 (50/50) low 8,00E+00 4 10 /T Figure 3 : Comparison of equivalent transition partial pressure under O2, H2O, O2/H2O, H2/H2O as a function of temperature Table 4 gives A and B values, at equivalent transition partial pressure under different atmospheres. Limite haute Limite basse O2 A B 1,05E+14 42600 4,45E+13 42403 H2O/O2 (35-65) A B 9,40E+13 42443 4,46E+13 42408 H2O A B 1,11E+14 42673 4,73E+13 42489 H2O/H2 (50-50) A B 1,10E+14 42662 5,09E+13 42612 Table 4: Exponential and pre-exponential coefficients for transition pressure evolution Using an average of these values, we get the following relations: (42478 97) tO 2 eq Plow (4,68 0,3) 1013 exp T (42595 105) tO 2 eq Phigh (10,5 0,7) 1013 exp T The standard deviations (values given in the measurement uncertainties) are rather small (about 1% for A and 0,2% for B). This validates the assumption of an equivalent oxygen amount. This hypothesis would enable us to easily determine theoretical transition frontiers for mixed atmospheres. 1.2.3 Comparison with literature The results can be synthesized in a log(PO2)=f(1/T) graph (cf Figure 4). Vaughn [13] and Schneider [14] showed that an increase in the gaseous flow increases the passive oxidation of SiC, by lowering the transition partial pressure. Many authors [13-16] observed that experimentally determined transitions are lower than calculated ones. It is interesting to note that the slope of the experimental domains is in each case nearly equivalent, and aligned. This -6- means that different experimental systems allow us to determine the same mechanisms. The gap between experimental and calculated values can be explained by the difficulty to take the nature and the impurities of SiC into account, and also by the fact that the calculations are based on a only 2 equation system. Active/passive transition diagram, comparison between experimental and calculated transition frontiers 10000,00 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 Schneider high frontier Passive oxydation 1000,00 Thermodynamic study 100,00 PO2 (Pa) Goto and Homma Vaughn and Maahs 10,00 Eck et al. (Wagner model) Theoretical calculations Schneider low frontier 1,00 Experimental points Gulbransen et al. 0,10 Experimental tests Active oxidation 0,01 5 5,2 5,4 5,6 5,8 6 6,2 6,4 6,6 6,8 7 104/T Figure 4 : Active/passive transition diagram comparison between experimental (Goto and Homma [16], Vaughn and Maahs [13] and Gulbransen et al. [15]) and calculated (Eck et al. [10], Schneider [14] and our study) transition frontiers In the experimental conditions of the thermobalance (atmospheric pressure and low gas speed), the high frontier calculated in this study with HSC is very close to the frontier calculated by Schneider [14] and Eck [10] by using Wagner model and GEMINI calculations. Schneider high frontier PO2 3 1013 exp( 42233 / T ) PO2 5 1013 exp( 43292 / T ) O2 Eck (Wagner model) P 9,89 10 exp( 43644 / T ) Eck (GEMINI calculations) (42595 105) tO 2 eq Phigh (10,5 0,7) 1013 exp T Our calculations 13 At equal oxidizing species amount, the experimental transition temperatures (Vaughn and Maahs [13], Goto and Homma [16] and Gulbransen [15]) are higher than the calculated ones. We were therefore expecting our experimental results to be between theoretical and experimental values. -7- 1.3 Experimental approach 1.3.1 Experimental installation The identification of active/passive transitions is made using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The TGA machine is placed into a glove box. This glove box is swept out by argon, to avoid oxygen contamination in the TGA. The reactive gases are mixed in the mixing bay and are sent in the TGA. The moist amount is controlled at the inlet or at the outlet of the glove box with a chilled mirror hygrometer (dew point meter). The reaction products are controlled with a micro gas chromatograph (µGC). A diagram of this installation is shown in Figure 5. O2 H2 O Glove box Mixing bay TGA Purification bay Ar Water trap Hygrometer Oxygen trap µGC Figure 5 : Diagram of the experimental installation Data of the installation are given below: Gas properties: - Glove box gas : o Purified argon (purification bay): below 10 ppm O2 and 40 ppm H2O O2 Ar Compressed tank purity Flowmeter precision Maximal flow allowed Total flow during test H2 O pure <100 ppb O2 744 ± 15 ppm 326 ± 16 ppm <500 ppb H2O 1 ml/min 200 ml/min 0,01ml/min 10ml/min 150 ml/min Table 5: Gas characteristics TGA Mettler Toledo TGA/SDTA851: - Detection limit: 0,1µg/s - Maximal reachable temperature: 1600°C - Maximal temperature for extended periods: 1450°C -8- 0,01ml/min 10ml/min Chilled mirror Mitchell S4000: - method: The mirror surface is cooled by Peltier effect. When temperature is slow enough, water in the gas condensate at the mirror surface. A beam control system enables to know the gas dew point as the first droplets of water deflect the beam. Knowing the dew point of the gas, the amount of water is calculated. - Detection limit: -85°C ie 0,01 ± 0,01 ppm µGC Agilent S973 quad serie: - Detected species: o He, H2, O2, Ar, N2, CH4, CO, CO2, C2H6, C2H4, H2S, H2O, C3H8, SO2 - Detection limit: 1 ± 1 ppm 1.3.2 Experimental procedure Two materials were tested in this study: Tyranno SA SiC fibers and Hi Nicalon S fibers. Both fibers are stoechiometric fibers with 1% O and 2% free C remaining [17]. Test specimens were fibers cut in 20 pieces of 1 cm (about 30g of material) and put in a 10x9 mm in diameter alumina crucible. Fibers were deseizing following a method explained below. The specimens were tested in an atmospheric flowing argon glove box using a high temperature TGA to determine the active to passive transition. Argon and reactive gases are supplied to the TGA at a constant flow rate (150 ml/min), via the mixing bay. The amounts of O2 and H2O injected are respectively measured with the µGC and the cooled mirror. The amount of water in the system is not completely monitored: some water adsorbed in the gas pipes desorbs during the experiment. The residual amount of water in the pipes is measured to be around 16 ppm. However, this value can vary depending on the room. After the desired flow rate and the composition are established in the TGA, the temperature is raised at the rate of 10°C/min to 1300°C, then the temperature is raised at 1°C/min through the transition temperature up to 1450°C. The temperature is held at 1450°C for 1 hour in order to volatilize the SiO2 formed. The temperature is then decreased at the rate of 1°C/min through the transition temperature down to 1300°C. During a run, the recorded mass change is due to four separate effects: instrument thermal drift, flow impingement, SiC volatilization (-40g/mol) and SiO2 growth (+20g/mol). First the balance exhibits some drift in mass with temperature, at high temperature the offset is consistent and reversible from run to run. Second, the temperature variations are changing the gas velocity and density. The change of the air flow through the sample chamber strikes the sample and the balance mechanism, causing a wrong mass reading. Blanks tests are realized to get rid of these effects. These blanks are subtracted to the test curves in order to visualize the active and passive oxidation only. 1.3.3 Fiber deseizing Samples are deseized by a four hours oxidation run at 100°C under 40 ppm O2 and around 16 ppm H2O. The amount of oxygen is the maximal amount reachable with this experimental setup (cf Table 5 § 1.3.1). Four hours is the needed time to observe a mass gain after the loss due to the lubrication. The mass gain corresponds to the beginning of passive oxidation of the fibers. The deseizing procedure is described below: - Raise up of temperature from 25 to 120°C at 10°C/min under pure Ar - Desorption of potentially adsorbed humidity at the sample surface by a one hour stage at 120°C under pure Ar -9- - Raise up from 120 to 1000°C at 10°C/min under pure Ar 30 minutes stage at 1000°C under pure Ar to stabilize the temperature in the balance Injection of reactive gas (40 ppm O2 around 16 ppm H2O) for 4 hours 1.3.4 Performed experiments The experimental procedure described in § 1.3.2 was adopted after non conclusive tests based on calculated thermodynamic transition temperatures. The samples did not oxidize actively for temperatures below 1300°C at 8 ppm O2 and around 16 ppm H2O. An experiment with temperature steps between 1450°C (maximal step temperature for the TGA) and 1200°C was performed to determine if the transitions could be observable within the operating range of the TGA. A mass loss at 1450°C was observed followed by a mass gain for temperatures under 1400°C (cf Figure 6). This experiment shows that transition occurs between 1450 and 1400°C under 8 ppm O2 and around 16 ppm H2O at atmospheric pressure. 1600 17,4 17,38 1400 17,36 1200 17,34 17,32 800 17,3 17,28 Sample mass (mg) température (°C) 1000 600 17,26 400 17,24 200 17,22 0 17,2 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0 6,5 7,0 time (h) Tr [ー C] Value [mg] Figure 6 : Mass change and temperature versus time The transition tests have been defined § 1.3.2 using Vaughn and Maahs [13] procedure as a starting point. The difference between their method and ours is that we also observe the transition during the decrease of the temperature, which enables us to observe SiC behavior whether it is oxidized or not. Indeed, a one hour plateau at 1450°C is imposed to volatilize all the silica formed at the SiC surface during the deseizing and the temperature raise up. On the whole, Hi Nicalon S and Tyranno SA fibers have the same behavior. (cf Figure 7 and Figure 8). We can observe: - Weight mass gain from 1300 to about 1340°C (point 1 Figure 8) - Weight mass loss from 1340 to about 1380°C (point 2 Figure 8) - Weight mass gain, or slow weight mass loss from 1380 to about 1410°C (point 3 Figure 8) - 10 - - Linear weight mass loss during the 1450°C plateau Diminution of the weight mass loss between 1430 and 1400°C (while decreasing temperature) (point 4 Figure 8) Weight mass gain for temperatures under 1400°C (point 5 Figure 8) 1500 17 1480 1460 16,95 1440 1420 16,9 1380 1360 16,85 1340 1320 1300 sample mass (mg) température (°C) 1400 16,8 1280 1260 16,75 1240 1220 1200 16,7 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0 6,5 7,0 7,5 8,0 8,5 9,0 9,5 10,0 time (h) Tr [ー C] Value [mg] Figure 7 : Typical shape of a transition curve, Tyranno SA fiber under 8 ppm O2 and around 16 ppm H2O Table 6 below compares temperature values for different performed experiments under 8 ppm O2 and around 16 ppm H2O (cf Figure 8). - TSA et HNS are reference names for Tyranno SA and Hi Nicalon S fibers - 09-032 like notations are reference numbers of each experiment - 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are noteworthy points (cf Figure 8) - 09-042 experiment was realized with slower increasing and decreasing rates of temperature (0,5°C/min) to observe the heat rate influence. TSA TSA HNS HNS HNS 09-032 09-034 09-035 09-036 09-042 1 1350 1335 1338 1338 1330 2 X 1368 1370 1380 X 3 X 1410 1410 1425 1408 4 1430 1430 1430 1435 1425 5 1390 1400 1400 1400 1400 Amount of water measured at the outlet of the TGA for each test: 13 ppm 9 ppm 9 ppm 20 ppm 12 ppm Table 6: Temperature of noteworthy points on transition curves - 11 - moyenne 1338 1373 1413 1430 1398 ecart type 7 6 8 4 4 Forme typiqueshape d'une courbe lors d'uncurves, essai denoteworthy transitions 1300Typical of transition 1450-1300°C 8ppmon O2the et ~15ppm pointssous plotted curve H2O masse de l'échantillon (mg) 20,55 1 20,5 3 20,45 2 20,4 20,35 4 5 20,3 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 7,0 8,0 temps (h) Time (h) Value [mg] Figure 8 : Noteworthy points on transition curves It is worth noting that the temperature difference between the 5 tests is very small (8°C max). That means that the behavior of Hi Nicalon S and Tyranno SA fibers towards oxidation transition is similar. The values measured during the cooling period are very close, while they are more dispersed during the heating period. A possible explanation is that the fibers are more or less oxidized during the increase of temperature, while they are identically deoxidized during the decrease of temperature (following the 1 hour at 1450°C temperature stage which volatilizes silica). Indeed, the mass loss between point 3 and 1450°C is more important than the masse gain between 1300°C and point 1. All the silica formed should be volatilized at this point. What’s more, the linear mass loss at 1450°C can mean that only SiC is volatilized. The determination of the nature of points 1, 2 and 3 is still under study. The most possible explanation would be that, during the raise up of temperature, residual silica remains from deseizing and from oxidation before point 1. The change in the silica nature (amorphous silica crystallizes in cristobalite near 1400°C [18]) could explain the shape of these curves. Anyway, the nature of the mechanisms corresponding to these points are not fully understood, and this point is still under study. The slope change between point 4 and 5 is due to silica creation at the sample surface. The following weight mass gain (after point 5) is due to the faster creation of silica than volatilization of SiO. These first results are in accordance with Vaughn and Maahs (cf Figure 4) experimental points. This shows that experimental results can be compared when using different experimental installations. Other tests are done to end this study on passive to active transitions. Kinetic studies of oxidation and volatilisation will further be realized. - 12 - 1.4 Modeling approach The experimental tests are performed in order to feed the model. By now, there are not enough data to completely run the program. The composites considered in the model are in fact micro-composites: One SiC fiber is coated with pyrocarbon and infiltrated with a SiC matrix. A crack in the matrix allows the access of oxygen to the fiber/matrix interphase. The oxygen diffusion through the crack and its reaction with the SiC matrix, the PyC interface and the SiC fiber is modeled. This model is based on Rebillat [19], Filipuzzi [20] and Lamouroux [21] work. It allows the modelling of active and passive oxidation, and volatilizationoxidation type oxidation under O2 or H2O. Oxidation under mixed O2/H2O atmospheres is not calculated as not enough information on this kind of oxidation was available. The difference between CVD matrix SiC and SiC fibers oxidation kinetics is done. In such environmental conditions, the reactions taken into account are: 2C O2 2CO SiC 3 2 O2 SiO2 CO SiC O2 SiO CO C H 2O CO H 2 SiC 3H 2O SiO2 CO 3H 2 SiC 2H 2O SiO CO 2H 2 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) The modelling approach is described below: (i) calculation of the oxidant concentration profile along the matrix crack, (ii) determination of the end of pore concentration, (iii) calculation of the carbon consummated amount, (iv) determination of the weight mass change as a function of time. The concentration evolution profile, along the matrix crack and the interphase is given below: 2. oxyde k p C ( z ) Np k l .C ( z ) Nl nO 2 d Deff .e( z ).C0 dC ( z ) 0 dz C0 C ( z )1 dz noxyde. formé M oxyde 2 ( z ) Cr Np Cr Nl Equation 3 Where Deff is the effective diffusion coefficient (m2.s-1), e(z) is the crack width at z depth (m), C(z) is the oxygen concentration at z depth (mol.m-3), is the ratio of oxidized gas amount versus the oxidizing gas amount for stoechiometric reactions, X0 is the oxygen molar fraction (-), SiO2 is the volumetric mass of silica (g.m-3), Moxyde is the molar mass of silica (MSiO2 = 60 g.mol-1), kp is the parabolic oxidation rate constant of SiC for a 1 atm pure oxygen pressure ( m2.s-1), kl is the linear volatilisation rate constant of SiC for a pure 1 atm pure oxygen pressure (g.s-1) (z) is the silica layer thickness along the crack (m) Cr is the oxygen concentration for a 1 atm pure oxygen pressure (mol.m-3), Np is the reaction partial order for passive oxidation (-), Nl is the reaction partial order for active oxidation (-), - 13 - Boundary conditions are used at depth z=lr (lr being the carbon interphase consumed length). At steady state, the oxygen diffusing at the bottom of the cracks is totally consumed by the carbon oxidation at interphase. Nc Deff .S f ( z ) dC ( z ) C ( z) K C .S i ( z ). 1 1 X 0 dz Cr Equation 4 Where KC is the linear volatilisation rate constant of C for a pure 1 atm pure oxygen pressure (g.s-1), NC is the reaction partial order for carbon oxidation (-), Sf(z) is the crack section at z depth (m) Si(z) is the carbon interphase section (m) The outputs of the model are: - Oxidant concentration as a function of time and depth - Silica layer thickness as a function of time and depth - Depth of the crack as a function of time - Width of the crack as a function of time - Mass variation as a function of time 2 Conclusion Thermodynamic calculations highlighted the fact that in GFR functioning environment, the oxidation products under oxygen or moist atmospheres are the same, as hydroxygenated species form in negligible amount. 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