GPS WRITING CONCEPTS & SKILLS CHECKLISTS Kindergarten Understands print and pictures have different purposes Understand print represents language Reading directionality—left to right, top to bottom Differentiates between letters, words, sentences Knows that sentences are made up of separate words Knows all sentences include punctuation Knows all sentences include capitalization Writes/dictates to describe Creates meaning through drawings Creates meaning through letters Uses phonics to create meaning Prints name Uses upper & lowercase letters Writes left to right Uses punctuation in writing Uses capitalization in writing First Grade Understands words have correct spellings Identifies beginning and end of paragraphs Knows sentences include punctuation Knows sentences include capitalization Writes text of multiple sentences Uses writing process Writes in first person Addresses a topic Tells a story Describes an experience Adds details to writing Edits to make corrections Exhibits appropriate spacing in printing Writes in complete sentences Uses correct subject-verb agreement Uses singular and plural nouns Uses personal pronouns (I, me, we, us) Uses singular possessive pronouns Uses different types of sentences (simple/compound and declarative/interrogative) Uses common rules of spelling Uses a variety of sources to gather information to write about a topic Uses end punctuation (period, question mark) Capitalizes initial words and proper nouns Uses commas in a series Second Grade Writes appropriate length of text Uses organizational patterns (chronological order, similarity and difference, question/answer) Uses transition words and phrases Creates graphic features (charts, tables, graphs) Uses letter writing format (date, salutation, body, closing) Literature responses shows comprehension Literature responses express and support an opinion States and supports opinion in persuasive writing Prewrites to generate ideas Produces a draft based on prewriting Revises Edits Writes legibly Uses complete sentences Uses nouns correctly (singular, plural, possessive) Uses singular possessive pronouns Uses personal pronouns Uses complex sentence structures Employs common spelling rules Capitalizes appropriately Punctuates appropriately (period, question mark, exclamation point) Uses commas Uses periods after abbreviations Uses a variety of resources in research Recognizes correct use of quotation marks Uses a dictionary Uses a thesaurus Third Grade Sets a purpose for writing Develops a point of view Selects a focus for writing Selects an appropriate organizations pattern for writing Writes text of appropriate length Uses organizational patterns to convey information (chronological order, cause and effect, similarity and difference, questions and answers) Uses structure to ensure coherence (transition words and phrases, bullets, subheadings, numbering) Uses sensory details (strong verbs, adjectives) Develops characters through action Develops characters through dialogue Uses descriptive adjectives and verbs Communicates setting Communicates character Communicates plot Includes relevant examples Includes relevant facts Includes relevant anecdotes Includes relevant details Uses a variety of resources for research Shares information on a topic Writes responses that demonstrate comprehension of a text Writes responses that formulate opinions Supports opinions Writes a persuasive piece with a clear position Generates ideas by prewriting Develops a rough draft Revises Edits Publishes Identifies and uses subject/verb agreement Identifies and uses adjectives Identifies and uses nouns (singular, plural, possessive) Identifies and uses contractions Identifies and uses personal and possessive pronouns Writes in complete and coherent sentences Uses complex sentence structure Distinguishes between complete and incomplete sentences Knows when to use formal or informal language (slang, colloquialisms, idioms) Determines the meaning of a word based on how it is used in a sentence Uses resources (encyclopedias, Internet, books) to research a topic Uses the dictionary Uses a thesaurus Uses common rules of spelling Corrects spelling using dictionaries and other resources Uses capitalization Uses punctuation (end marks, commas, apostrophes, quotation marks) Writes legibly in cursive Spaces writing appropriately Fourth Grade Selects a focus for writing Selects an organizational structure for writing Selects a point of view Writes a text of appropriate length to tell a story or address a topic Uses conventional structures (chronological order, cause and effect, similarity and difference, posing and answering questions Uses transition elements to ensure coherence Develops reader interest Establishes a plot, setting, and conflict, and/or the significance of events Creates organizing structure Includes sensory details Eliminates unnecessary details and inconsistencies Develops complex characters (actions, motivations, conversations) Uses narrative strategies (dialogue, tension, suspense) Provides closure Frames a central question or issue Includes appropriate facts Uses a variety of resources for information (speakers, books, newspapers, online materials) Supports judgments through references to text, other works, authors or non-print media, personal knowledge) Demonstrates an understanding of literary works (summarizes main idea and most significant details) Supports facts through evidence Acknowledges information from sources Uses prefaces and appendices to locate information Uses dictionary Uses thesaurus Uses encyclopedias Demonstrates keyboarding skills Demonstrates computer terminology (software, memory, disk drive, hard drive) Plans writing independently Drafts writing independently Revises by adding, deleting, consolidating, and rearranging Edits or correct spelling and punctuation errors Recognizes subject-predicate relationships in sentences Identifies four basic parts of speech (adjective, noun, verb, adverb) Uses correct mechanics (end marks, comas for series, capitalization) Uses correct usage (subject-verb agreement in simple sentences) Uses correct sentence structure (elimination of sentence fragments) Uses words or word parts from other language that have been adopted into English Writes legibly in cursive Spaces letters and words correctly Monitors and corrects spelling using knowledge of letter sounds, word parts, word segmentation, and syllabication Spells most commonly used homophones correctly (there, they’re, their; two, too, to) Uses a variety of sentence structures (declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory, functional fragments) Uses a variety in sentence order Uses simple and compound sentences Fifth Grade Selects a focus for writing Organizes structure Selects a point of view Writes text of appropriate length Writes in chronological order Uses cause and effect Uses similarity and differences Poses and answers questions Writes coherently Produces narrative text Establishes a context Develops reader interest Establishes setting Establishes conflict Establishes significance of events Includes sensory details Includes concrete language Excludes extraneous details and inconsistencies Develops complex characters Uses appropriate narrative strategies Provides closure Uses higher level language Produces information writing Creates a persona Conveys a perspective on a subject Includes appropriate facts and details Uses more than on source of information Produces response to literature Produces an interpretative judgment Produces an evaluative judgment Produces a reflective judgment Supports judgments through references Exhibits comprehension Produces a persuasive essay States a clear position Supports disposition with evidence Addresses reader concerns Acknowledges information from sources Uses organizational features of printed texts to locate information (citations, end notes, bibliographic references) Uses reference materials to aid writing (dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, electronic information) Uses features of texts to obtain and organize information (index, table of contents, guide words, alphabetical/numerical order) Demonstrates basic keyboarding skills Demonstrates familiarity with computer terminology (software, memory, disk drive, hard drive) Creates simple documents by using electronic media (passwords, entry and pull-down menus, word searches, spell check, thesaurus) Uses thesaurus to identify alternative word choices and meanings Prewrites independently Drafts independently Revises to improve meaning and focus Revises by adding deleting, consolidating, clarifying, and rearranging words and sentences Edits for spelling errors Edits for punctuation errors Identifies and uses eight basic parts of speech (noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction, preposition, interjection) Expands or reduces sentences (adding or deleting modifiers, combining sentences, revising sentences) Identifies and uses verb phrases and verb tenses Varies sentence structure (declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory, functional fragments) Varies sentence order Varies sentence complexity (simple, compound, complex, and compound complex) Identifies and uses correct mechanics (apostrophes, quotation marks, comma use in compound sentences, paragraph indentions) Uses correct sentence structure (elimination of sentence fragments and run-ons) Uses correct standard English spelling (commonly used homophones)