Effective Writing an ACEC/MA Leadership Education Development Program Wednesday, November 2, 2011 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc., One Edgewater Drive, Norwood, MA 02062 ACEC/MA is pleased to announce the return of Effective Writing, an ACEC/MA Leadership Education Development Program. For many years, ACEC/MA heard principals of engineering companies talk about the need for technical writing improvement for their employees; Effective Writing addresses this need in a course format that recognizes the technical writing many of the participants will perform. Effective Writing, taught by Michael Paster, PE, of GEI Consultants, Inc., is modeled after the program offered by GEI for its internal employees Over many years, the program has been tailored to the need of GEI's employees and has proven to be well worth the small investment in time for this course. Snacks and coffee will be served. Course Format: Goals: Clarity, Brevity, Think of the reader Simplifying words and phrases Active and passive voice Words to be avoided Writing for clarity Common mistake of grammar and punctuation Taboo and caution words for our industry Report and letter organization E-mails, proposals Reviewing and editing draft reports Field Reports Specifications *Fee: $175 ACEC/MA Member; $225 Non-member Register online at http://acecma.org/index.cfm?pk=custom&ac=viewEventDetails&eventId=AC_EFFECWRIT_11-2-11 or use this form. Enrollment is limited to 25 participants to ensure high quality learning and networking experience. Registration is open to one person per firm and is conducted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Additional employees from your firm can be placed on a wait list by contacting Bailey Boykan at bboykan@engineers.org or 617-227-5551. Please register by Friday, October 28, 2011. *If your firm is a member, you are a member. To receive the member rate you must login using your personalized login information. If you do not recall your personalized login information, contact bboykan@engineers.org or call 617/227-5551. Registration Information Payment Options Registrant Name:__________________________________________ Visa, MC or Amex or Checks payable to: ACEC/MA Firm Name: ______________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________ City:___________________________ State: ____ Zip: ___________ Phone: ______________________Email: ______________________ □ ACEC/MA Member* □ Non-Member Name on Credit Card:_______________________________________ Billing Address:____________________________________________ Billing City / State / Zip _________________/ _________/ __________ Card #_____________________________ Expiration Date:_________ Signature: ________________________________________________ American Council of Engineering Companies of Massachusetts The Engineering Center, One Walnut Street, Boston, MA 02108-3616 P: 617/227-5551 F: 617/227-6783 www.acecma.org