CHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY ANIMAL CARE AND ETHICS COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR THE USE OF ANIMALS FOR TEACHING PURPOSES This application form is restricted to proposals for teaching (practical sessions) as part of the requirements of a specific subject. A separate application must be submitted for each practical class proposal. To expedite resolution of any minor issues raised by the ACEC during consideration of your application, please provide a landline telephone contact number appropriate for the duration of the relevant ACEC meeting. Alternatively you are welcome to speak to your application at the meeting. If you wish to address the meeting, please contact the ACEC’s Executive Officer on 6338 4773. Telephone Number: OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received: / / Period of Approval: / / ACEC Agenda Item No.: to / / __________________ Protocol No.: _________________ Date: __________________ Executive Officer, ACEC _____________________________________ NOTE: This form must be typed. 1. SUBJECT CODE AND NAME You are required to enter the Subject Name as well as the Subject Code Description of Teaching Activity (animal handling, physiological experiments with rats and mice, etc.) 2. NUMBER OF STUDENTS ENROLLED Internal Students External Students 3. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF STUDENTS TO BE SUPERVISED BY EACH TEACHER 4. NAME AND DESIGNATION OF CHIEF INSTRUCTOR CONTACT DETAILS: School or Section School or Section address Telephone Between hours After hours Email Address ACEC T1 LAST UPDATED 04.01.16 PAGE 1 5. SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL (INCLUDING UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC AND TECHNICAL STAFF) Position 6. Title Name Qualifications DATES FOR APPROVAL (use DD/MM/YY format) If your teaching project is span multiple days, or if it is likely that it will need to be repeated due to adverse circumstances for the proposed teaching program, please ensure that the dates for which approval is requested encompass an appropriate timeframe. PLEASE NOTE THAT TEACHING ACTIVITIES INVOLVING ANIMALS MAY ONLY BE CONDUCTED WITHIN THE TIMEFRAMES APPROVED BY THE ANIMAL CARE AND ETHICS COMMITTEE. From: To: For ongoing work where methodology does not change, you may apply for an approval period of up to three (3) years after the proposed commencement date, as the ACEC can approve ongoing projects for up to 3 years subject to receipt of annual reports (ACEC T2). Please note that Annual Review Forms are required under the Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes (2.4.34) 7. ANIMALS TO BE STUDIED SPECIES 8. Scientific Name Breed / Strain Sex NUMBER TO BE USED PER YEAR ORIGIN OF ANIMALS DECLARATION BY MANAGER, ANIMAL HOUSE / MANAGER, HOLDING FACILITY: Please cross out the sections below that do not apply I confirm that housing is available in the Animal House / Holding Facility for the number of animals requested for the teaching period nominated, and that the Animal House / Facility staff can provide adequate maintenance and care of the animals during that time ACEC T1 LAST UPDATED 04.01.16 PAGE 2 OR Housing will be available for _______ animals in the Animal House / Holding Facility for the teaching period nominated. Additional housing will be provided at: _________________________________________________________________________________ There will be staff at both facilities to provide adequate maintenance and care of the animals during that time. OR Housing and staff to provide adequate maintenance and care of the animals are not available in the Animal House / Holding Facility for the animals requested during the teaching period nominated. Name: _______________________________________________________ Signed: _______________________________________________________ Animal House / Facility name: ____________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________________________ DECLARATION BY CHIEF INSTRUCTOR: I have personally inspected the animal housing / holding facility to be used during this teaching project, and I am satisfied in regard to the smooth running of the housing facility for the duration of the project. Signature: 9. 10. _______________________________________________________ LOCATION WHERE TEACHING PROJECT IS TO BE CONDUCTED: A. ARE LICENCES REQUIRED? Choose one: Yes No If YES, do the Supervising staff have the appropriate licences? Choose one: Yes No If a current licence is not held and is required, then any approval will be subject to the ACEC being notified of receipt of a licence and advised of the type of licence, licence number and licence expiry date. The study may not commence without a licence. PROVIDE DETAILS Staff Member Type of Licence Licence Number Expiry Date B. HAVE ANY OF THE PEOPLE PARTICIPATING IN THE PROJECT HAD ANY ANIMAL RESEARCH AUTHORITY OR ANIMAL SUPPLIER’S LICENCE CANCELLED? Choose one: Yes No ACEC T1 LAST UPDATED 04.01.16 PAGE 3 If YES, please provide details including the name of the person, the date on which the authority or licence was cancelled, who cancelled the authority and the reason for cancellation: Name of Staff Date Authority / Name of Cancelling Reason for Cancellation Member Licence Cancelled Body of Authority / Licence 11. A. USE OF ANIMALS (PLEASE CHECK THE BOX AGAINST AGAINST THE APPLICABLE CATEGORY) Dissection Feeding Experiments Behaviour Experiments Physiological Experiments Pharmacological Experiments Immunological Experiments Other (please specify) B. i) JUSTIFICATION FOR THE NUMBER OF ANIMALS TO BE USED ii) WHAT STEPS HAVE YOU TAKEN TO “REDUCE, REFINE OR REPLACE”? C. JUSTIFICATION FOR THE USE OF ANIMALS IN TERMS OF BENEFIT TO THE TEACHING PROGRAM D. WHAT NON-ANIMAL ALTERNATIVES HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED? EXPLAIN WHY IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO USE THESE AND WHY THEY ARE NOT APPROPRIATE. E. HAVE ANY ANIMALS TO BE USED IN THIS PROJECT BEEN THE SUBJECT OF PREVIOUS RESEARCH OR TEACHING PROGRAMS? Choose one: Yes No Unknown If YES, give justification for use of these animals in this program: F. i) PLEASE INDICATE THE MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ANIMALS TO BE USED BY EACH STUDENT Minimum Maximum ii) ACEC T1 LAST UPDATED 04.01.16 PLEASE INDICATE THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TIMES EACH ANIMAL WILL BE USED PAGE 4 12. PERSONNEL Indicate person(s) responsible for procedures used on animals (eg., euthanasia). Please tell the Committee what experience the person has relevant to the procedure to be performed, and how many years’ experience in that field that nominee has. Name 13. Qualifications and Experience Procedure WILL STUDENTS PERFORM EXPERIMENTS / PROCEDURES? Choose one: Yes No If YES, who will instruct students in procedures to be carried out? Indicate experience of the instructor in the application of these techniques. 14. HOW WILL THE ATTAINMENT OF THE EDUCATION OBJECTIVES BE ASSESSED? 15. OUTLINE THE TREATMENT OF ANIMALS BEFORE, DURING, AND AFTER USE. Factors may include handling, housing, etc., as well as specific procedures. Refer to the CHECKLIST at the end of this application form to ensure all details have been considered and refer to published Standard Operating Procedures where appropriate. Where possible, attach a protocol of procedures to be used. Include detail on the location and care of animals during the proposed period. ALL procedures MUST be in accordance with the prescribed Code of Practice under the Animals Research Act 1985 (NSW) and Animal Research Regulation 1995. Please list any Standard Operating Procedures which are to be used – please refer to the ACEC Register of Standard Operating Procedures on the ACEC website for a complete list of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) already approved by the Animal Care and Ethics Committee. If you are submitting a new Standard Operating Procedure for approval by the Committee, please insert “None- New for Approval” under “SOP Number”. SOP Number 16. SOP Name A. JUSTIFY ALL PROCEDURES WHICH HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO CAUSE PAIN OR DISTRESS B. DETAIL STEPS TO BE TAKEN TO AVOID OR MINIMISE THE PAIN OR DISTRESS ACEC T1 LAST UPDATED 04.01.16 PAGE 5 17. WHO WILL MONITOR THE ANIMALS A. During weekdays? Please tell the Committee what experience the person has relevant to care of the species to be used in the project, and how many years’ experience with those animals that nominee has. NAME QUALIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE WITH SPECIES USED B. At night (If applicable)? Please tell the Committee what experience the person has relevant to care of the species to be used in the project, and how many years’ experience with those animals that nominee has. NAME QUALIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE WITH SPECIES USED C. During weekends and holidays? Please tell the Committee what experience the person has relevant to care of the species to be used in the project, and how many years’ experience with those animals that nominee has. NAME QUALIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE WITH SPECIES USED 18.. DESCRIBE HOW THE ANIMALS WILL BE MONITORED A. While the procedures are being carried out. Include frequency and methods used. B. For the duration of the project. Include frequency and methods used. 19. A. METHOD(S) OF DISPOSAL OF ANIMALS ON COMPLETION OF PROGRAM(S) B. EUTHANASIA OF ANIMALS Where animals are to be euthanized for preparation of whole animal or tissue specimens, or at the conclusion of experimentation, or due to an unforeseen injury, provide details of the method of euthanasia, eg., cervical dislocation, carbon dioxide asphyxiation, anaesthetic overdose, other. ACEC T1 LAST UPDATED 04.01.16 PAGE 6 Euthanasia of any animals under these circumstances is to be reported to the Animal Care and Ethics Committee within forty0eight (48) hours. For cervical dislocation, give details of the experience of the person carrying out of the procedure. For anaesthetic overdose, indicate which anaesthetic will be used and give details of route of administration and dose rate. In the event of an unforeseen incident that requires euthanasia of an animal, I declare that this will be performed humanely by a registered veterinarian. If not, the alternative I propose is set out below: (A blank space below, with just a signature, will be taken as assent with this clause) ...................................................................................................................... Signature How is death confirmed? What material, if any, is to be collected? 20. DESCRIBE STEPS TO BE TAKEN TO ENSURE THE SAFETY AND HEALTH OF SURVIVING ANIMALS IN THIS PROGRAM 21. ARE THERE ANY FEATURES OF THE PROPOSAL WHICH RAISE SPECIAL ETHICAL CONSIDERATION? Choose one: Yes No If YES, give details. 22. HAS AN APPLICATION BEEN MADE TO ANY OTHER ANIMAL ETHICS COMMITTEE TO CONDUCT THE SAME PROJECT, OR ANOTHER SUBSTANTIALLY SIMILAR? Choose one: Yes No If YES, please indicate who the other Animal Ethics Committee is, and the name / nature of the project: DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBILITIES A. Declaration by Subject Co-Ordinator I certify that the use of animals in this project will conform with the NSW legislation and the general principles of the NHMRC / CSIRO / ARC / AVCC Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes. I accept responsibility for the conduct of all procedures detailed in this application and for the supervision of all personnel delegated to perform any such procedures and understand it is an ACEC T1 LAST UPDATED 04.01.16 PAGE 7 offence to conduct experiments unless approval in writing from the University’s Animal Care and Ethics Committee (ACEC) has been received. I confirm that all supervisory personnel have read this application and have agreed to comply with procedures described and any conditions imposed by the ACEC. I confirm that I have taken into account potential hazards to staff working with animals in this project, and have ensured that appropriate safety measures have been implemented. Subject Co-Ordinator:____________________________________ (Signature) Date: ____________________ (Print Name) B. Declaration by Head of School / Section (as applicable) I have read this application and am satisfied that the use of animals is justified on scientific, educational or diagnostic grounds. Head of School / Section:__________________________________ (Signature) Date:_____________________ (Print Name) School / Section:_________________________________________ SUBMIT THIS FORM TO: ACEC T1 LAST UPDATED 04.01.16 The Executive Officer, Animal Care and Ethics Committee Office of Governance and Corporate Affairs Charles Sturt University – Bathurst campus Building 1294-L3 Email: PAGE 8 CHECKLIST Anaesthesia Fasting Induction – drug, dose, route Maintenance – drug, dose, route Methods of monitoring What is happening to the animals? What will be the effects? How will the effects be minimised? Euthanasia Method Location (where procedure will be performed) Expertise of personnel anaesthesia and recovery Additional support during anaesthesia and recovery (e.g., heat, intravenous fluids) Location of induction and recovery areas Behaviour Modification Stimulus (type, duration, frequency) Blood / Body Fluid Collection Volume Route Frequency Anaesthesia or analgesia Restraint Animal monitoring (methods & frequency) Diet / Water Modifications Type Amount Effects Measurement of Intake Animal Monitoring Drug Treatments Substance Volume Route Frequency / total number per animal Local and systemic effects Anaesthesia or analgesia Possible side effects Restraint ACEC T1 LAST UPDATED 04.01.16 Genetic Manipulation Methods Potential effects Housing Location Group housing (stocking rates, sexes) Isolation Shelter Bedding Hiding areas Environmental enrichment Duration held Conditioning period In-vitro Studies Source of animals Duration held Euthanasia Surgery Anaesthesia Location of pre-operative preparation area Surgical procedure (site, technique) Sterile technique (instruments, drapes, surgeon) Location of and housing in postoperative recovery area Post-operative management Post-operative monitoring (methods, frequency, duration) Use of analgesics (type, dose, route, frequency, means of determining necessity for use) Expertise Toxicology Substance Volume Route Frequency of treatments / Total number per animal Local and systemic effects Anaesthesia or analgesia Restraint Animal monitoring (methods and frequency Endpoint / duration Tumour / neoplasia induction Method Site Endpoint Animal monitoring (methods, frequency Transport Type Duration Confinement Numbers of animals Air conditioning Teaching Source of animals Housing Duration held Method of disposal Wildlife Studies Location Methods Capture methods Handling methods Handling / restraint Housing / holding Monitoring Release Effects on population PAGE 9