Heartland Community College Social and Business Sciences Division Course Syllabus for Students Spring 2006 Course Prefix and Number: PSY 203-02 Course Title: Abnormal Psychology Credit Hours: 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Laboratory Hours: 0 Day and time the course meets: MW 3:30 – 4:45 PM Introduction: The purpose of this course is to provide the opportunity to acquire comprehensive knowledge of human behavior. As a behavioral science, psychology utilizes a multidisciplinary approach drawing on many avenues of research. Although there are no absolute answers in this discipline, psychology is a science that uses both empirical research and statistics to support the merits of each theory. On the surface much of psychology may appear to be common sense, because it is a subject matter that everyone can relate to; however, psychology is a complex and difficult field made up of a wide range of theories, philosophies, and convictions about human nature. The study of human behavior is essential to understanding not only ourselves, but also the social context in which we exist. As students examine topics such as interpersonal relations, mental illness, parenting, and sexuality, they should challenge themselves to widen their perspectives and apply their growing understanding of human behavior to the real world. Catalog Description: The study of psychology as a science and the determinants of human personality and functioning. This course also focuses on how we may use the principles of physical and emotional/cognitive growth, learning, personality functioning and coping, and social interactions in our everyday lives. Instructor Information: Instructor name: Douglas Simeone Phone number to contact instructor: (309) 268-8575 Email address: Doug.Simeone@heartland.edu Website: http://www.hcc.cc.il.us/Staff/dougs/index.htm Location of instructor’s office: ICB 2116 (located in ICB 2100 office area) Days and hours of instructor’s office hours (students can also schedule an appointment): Mondays: 12:45 – 1:45 p.m. Tuesdays: 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Wednesdays: 12:45 – 1:45 and 4:45 – 5:45 p.m. Thursdays: 9:45 – 10:45 a.m. Textbook: Required: Meyer. (2006) Case Studies in Abnormal Behavior. 7th Ed. Boston, MA. Pearson (Allyn & Bacon). Relationship to Academic Development Programs and Transfer: This course fulfills 3 of the 9 semester hours of credit in Social Sciences required for the A.A. or A.S. degree. This course should transfer as part of the General Education Core Curriculum described in the Illinois Articulation Initiative to other Illinois colleges and universities participating in the IAI. However, students should consult an academic advisor for transfer information regarding particular institutions. Refer to the IAI web page at www.itransfer.org for more information. Course Objectives (Learning Outcomes): At the completion of this course, the student will be able to accomplish the following objectives: 1. 2. 3. Misconceptions of abnormal behavior popularly held. Major scientific methodologies involved in researching abnormal behavior. Historical context for attitudes and beliefs concerning abnormal behavior. 4. Knowledge of basic tenets of biological, psychosocial and sociocultural viewpoints of behavior. The role of stress in maladaptive behavior categories of stressors and coping strategies. Knowledge of anxiety based disorders as viewed from the psychodynamic, learning, cognitive and biological perspectives. Understanding of the relationship between psychological and biological factors in illness. Recognition of personality disorders, which are socially maladaptive. Awareness of affective disorders and conditions influencing mood. Information regarding schizophrenic disorders. Substance abuse and other addictive disorders. Symptoms and problems associated with organic brain disorders and mental retardation. Review of psychological disturbances of childhood and adolescence. The clinical assessment and techniques used to determine the nature and severity of maladaptive behavior. Therapies utilized in the treatment of mental disorder. An understanding of social measures for the prevention and amelioration of psychological disorders. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. - - Course/Lab Outline: The following is a very brief outline of the most basic topics every instructor teaching the course will include. There will of course be additional topics; each instructor may vary in these topics, as well as how much time is spent on each topic. 1. Introduction and Methods of Research a. Defining Abnormal Behavior b. Historical Views of Abnormal Behavior c. Research Methods in Abnormal Psychology 2. Contemporary Theoretical Perspectives a. Psychodynamic Perspectives b. Cognitive Perspectives c. Humanistic and Sociocultural Perspectives d. Biological Perspectives 3. Classification and Assessment of Abnormal Behavior a. DSM b. Assessment Testing c. Reliability and Validity 4. Therapy and Treatment a. Psychodynamic Therapies b. Humanistic Therapies c. Cognitive Therapies d. Behavioral Therapies e. Biological Therapies d. Group and Family Therapies 5. Stress and Coping a. Stress and Health b. Biological and Psychological Factors 6. Anxiety disorders a. Panic Disorder b. Generalized Anxiety Disorder c. Phobias 7. Dissociative and Somatoform disorders a. Dissociative Amnesia b. Dissociative Fugue c. Depersonalization Disorder d. Dissociative Identity Disorder e. Conversion Disorder f. Somatoform Disorders 8. Mood disorders and Suicide a. Major Depressive Disorder b. Bipolar Disorder c. Suicide 9. Personality disorders a. Antisocial Personality Disorder b. Schizoid and Schizotypal Personality Disorders c. Histrionic and Narcissistic Personality Disorders 10. Substance-related disorders a. Abuse and Dependence b. Alcoholism c. Other Drug Addictions 11. Eating Disorders, Obesity, and Sleep Disorders a. Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa b. Causes of Obesity c. Dyssomnias and Parasomnias 12. Sexual and Gender Identity disorders a. Gender Identity Disorder b. Paraphilias 13. Schizophrenic and Psychotic disorders a. Schizophrenia b. Other Forms of Psychosis 14. Abnormal Behavior in Childhood and Adolescence a. Risk Factors b. Attention Deficit Disorder c. Conduct Disorder d. Mental Retardation 15. Cognitive Disorders a. Alzheimer’s Disease b. Other Medical Conditions 16. Violence and Abuse a. Rape b. Child Abuse 17. Contemporary and Legal Issues a. Patient’s Rights b. The Insanity Defense c. Predicting and Preventing Psychological Disorders Methods of Instruction: Instructional methods for this course include lecture, small group activities and the use of videos. Course Policies: Method of Evaluation (Written Project/Exams/Midterm/Final Exam): Written Project: Students will be required to write a 6 - 8 page “story” revolving around a number of characters, each of who have been diagnosed with different psychological disorders. More in-depth information about this assignment will be given out during the first few weeks of the semester. The written project will be worth up to one hundred (100) points. Projects handed in after the due date will be docked 10 points for each DAY it is late. Exams: Students will be given two exams during the course of the semester. Students will be tested on material taken from the lectures as well as material from the text that I have not lectured on. Each exam will be worth up to fifty (50) points, making both exams worth a total of one hundred (100) points. Missed exams cannot be made up unless (a) the student lets me know PRIOR to the exam why s/he will not be in class and (b) the student brings in documentation that clearly proves the student had a legitimate reason for missing the exam (i.e., doctor's note, death certificate, court order, etc.). Make-up exams will consist of essay questions only. Students needing to take an exam early must give me at least 2 days notice prior to taking the exam. Students will be given at least one (1) week’s notice as to when an exam will be administered. Midterm Exam: Students will be given a comprehensive midterm exam. Students will be tested on material primarily from the lectures, though there will be some questions taken from the readings in the textbook (including the text material I didn’t lecture on). The midterm will be worth up to one hundred (100) points. Missed mid-terms cannot be made up, but they can be taken early. Final Exam: There will be a comprehensive final exam worth a maximum of two hundred (200) points. Missed final exams cannot be made up, but they can be taken early. Final Grade Determination: Students can earn up to 500 points in this class. The written project is worth up to one hundred (100) points. There are two (2) exams, each worth up to fifty (50) points, totaling one hundred (100) possible points. The midterm is worth up to one hundred (100) points and the final exam is worth up to two hundred (200) points. Final grades will be determined as follows: 450-500 points earned = A (90-100%) 400-449 points earned = B (80-89%) 350-399 points earned = C (70-79%) 300-349 points earned = D (60-69%) 299 and below points earned = F (59% and below) Participation and Attendance: Students are expected to attend all class sessions and to participate meaningfully in class activities. Incompletes: Policy as written in Heartland Community College’s catalogue. Extra Credit: This instructor doesn’t give extra credit assignments as he does not believe in inflating grades. Make-up of tests and assignments: Students cannot make up any missed exams. Students missing any of the exams will be given a score of zero (0). Deadlines: Any and all assignments must be turned in by the due date. Assignments turned in late will be docked 10 points for each day it is late. Required Writing and Reading: Every instructor will require a minimum of 10 pages of writing from each student. This may be accomplished through a combination of various writing requirements such as: term papers, essay questions on exams, journals, or other written assignments. Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Academic Integrity Academic integrity is a fundamental principle of collegial life at Heartland Community College and is essential to the credibility of the College=s educational programs. Moreover, because grading may be competitive, students who misrepresent their academic work violate the right of their fellow students. The College, therefore, views any act of academic dishonest as a serious offense requiring disciplinary measures, including course failure, suspension, and even expulsion from the College. In addition, an act of academic dishonesty may have unforeseen effects far beyond any officially imposed penalties. Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to cheating, aiding or suborning cheating or other acts of academic dishonesty, plagiarism, misrepresentation of data, falsification of academic records or documents and unauthorized access to computerized academic or administrative records or systems. Definitions of these violations may be found in the college catalog. Plagiarism Plagiarism is the presenting of others= ideas as if they were your own. When you write a paper, create a project, do a presentation or create anything original, it is assumed that all the work, except for that which is attributed to another author or creator, is your own. Plagiarism is considered a serious academic offense and may take the following forms: 1 Copying word-for-word from another source and not giving that source credit. 2 Paraphrasing the work of another and not giving that source credit. 3 Adopting a particularly apt phrase as your own 4 Using an image or a copy of an image without crediting its source 5 Paraphrasing someone else=s line of thinking in the development of a topic as if it were your own. 6 Receiving excessive help from a friend or elsewhere, or using another project as if it were your own. Note that word-for-word copying is not the only form of plagiarism. The penalties for plagiarism may be severe, ranging from failure -on the particular piece of work, failure in the course or expulsion from school in extreme cases. [Adapted from the Modem Language Association=s MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: MLA, 1995: 26] Support Services: Open Computing Lab www.hcc.cc.il.us/asc/computerlab.html The Open Computing Lab provides free computing for HCC students at convenient times throughout the week. The computer lab is staffed by trained Lab Assistants and offers the use of approximately 70 computers, a scanner, a laser printer, and an electric typewriter. Syllabi disclaimer: This syllabus is printed on paper, not written in stone. It is possible that changes will occur in regard to the material covered during the course of the semester. Changes will not be made in regard to the written project or the number of quizzes or tests given, or the point totals of the written project quizzes, mid-term or final exam. Changes will not be made in how the student’s final grade is determined. Course Calendar: PowerPoint Presentation Text Reading Introduction and Methods of Research Contemporary Perspectives on Abnormal Behavior Classification and Assessment of Abnormal Behavior Methods of Treatment Stress, Psychological Factors and Health Anxiety Disorders Dissociative and Somatoform Disorders Mood Disorders and Suicide Eating Disorders, Obesity and Sleep Disorders Disorders Involving Gender and Sexuality Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders Personality Disorders Abnormal Behavior in Childhood and Adolescence Cognitive Disorders and Disorders Related to Aging Abnormal Psychology and the Law Substance Abuse and Dependence Chapter 1 (PowerPoint 1) Chapter 1 (PP 2) Chapter 2 (PP 3) Chapter 2 (PP 4) Handouts (PP 5) Chapter 3 (PP6) Chapters 4 & 5 (PP 7) Chapter 7 (PP 8) Chapters 4 & 10 (PP 10) Chapter 8 (PP 11) Chapter 6 (PP 12) Chapter 11 (PP 13) Chapters 14 & 15 (PP 14) Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 9 Dates of Note: March 6 & 8 March 13 – 18 April 12 (Wed.) May 15 (Mon.) COMPREHENSIVE MID-TERM EXAM MID-TERM BREAK WRITTEN PROJECTS DUE COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAM: 2:00 - 3:50 P.M. NOTE: April 13 (Thursday) is the last day to withdraw and receive “W” Grade Adapted by the Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee June 1998 Adapted 6/98