curriculum vitae - MGH Neurosurgical Service

Robert L. Martuza, M.D.
Office Address:
Higgins Professor of Neurosurgery
Chief, Neurosurgery Service
Massachusetts General Hospital WHT502
55 Fruit Street, Boston, MA. 02114-2696
Phone: 617-726-8581
Fax: 617-726-4814
Place of Birth:
Wilkes-Barre, PA (USA)
Date of Birth:
July 1, l948
Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Postdoctoral Training:
Internship and Residencies:
Intern in General Surgery,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Resident in Neurosurgery,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Chief Resident in Neurosurgery,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Research Fellowships:
Student Research Fellow in Virology (Tumor virology; Dr. Paul Black),
Massachusetts General Hospital
Clinical and Research Fellow in Neurosurgery
Neurosurgical Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital
Licensure and Certification:
Massachusetts Medical License Registration
(39007; issued 1/30/76)
American Board of Neurological Surgeons
(Board certified, May l983)
Fellow, American College of Surgeons
Academic Appointments:
Instructor in Surgery, Harvard Medical School
Assistant Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School
Associate Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School
Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery,
Georgetown University
Higgins Professor of Neurosurgery, Harvard Medical School
Hospital Appointments:
Assistant in Neurosurgery, Massachusetts General Hospital
Assistant Visiting Neurosurgeon, Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Visiting Neurosurgeon, Massachusetts General Hospital
Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery,
Georgetown University Hospital
Chief, Neurosurgery Service, Massachusetts General Hospital
Other Professional Positions and Major Visiting Appointments:
Director, Neurofibromatosis Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital
Co-director, MGH Brain Tumor Center
Director, Georgetown Brain Tumor Center
Associate Director for Clinical Research
Lombardi Cancer Center, Georgetown University
Director, Pappas Center for Neuro-Oncology, MGH
Board of Trustees, Massachusetts General Physicians Organization, Inc.
Principal Clinical and Hospital Service Responsibilities:
Emergency Ward Committee, Massachusetts General Hospital
Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit Committee
Massachusetts General Hospital
Co-director of Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit
Massachusetts General Hospital
Subcommittee Review for Research Proposals,
Massachusetts General Hospital
Cancer Affairs Committee, Massachusetts General Hospital
CT Subcommittee, Massachusetts General Hospital
Chairman, Laser Safety Committee,
Massachusetts General Hospital
Chairman, Ad Hoc Committee on Lasers,
Massachusetts General Hospital
General Clinical Research Center Advisory Committee, Massachusetts
General Hospital
MGH Laser Committee
Georgetown Operating Room Committee
Georgetown Executive Faculty Committee
Georgetown Executive Staff Committee
Georgetown Ophthalmology Chairman Search Committee
Fiscal Affairs Committee, Georgetown Faculty Practice Group
Georgetown Endocrinology Chief Search Committee
Georgetown Space Utilization Committee
Georgetown, Internal Advisory Board for The Program
in Cognitive and Computational Sciences
Chair, Search Committee for Chair of Neuroscience Department,
Georgetown University
Staff Appointments Committee, Georgetown University Medical Center
Associate Director for Clinical Research Lombardi Cancer Center,
Georgetown University
Managed Care Committee, Massachusetts General Hospital
Executive Committee on Research, Massachusetts General Hospital
Partners Research Council, Partners Healthcare
General Executive Committee, The Massachusetts General Hospital
Member, Search Committee for Neurosurgical Chief, Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center
Clinical Co-Chair, MGH Vascular Center
Major Committee Assignments:
National and Regional:
Medical Advisory Board of the National Neuro-fibromatosis Foundation,
New York, New York
Joint Committee on Education, Congress of Neurological Surgeons
and American Association of Neurological Surgeons
Member of Executive Committee, Joint Section on Tumors,
Congress of Neurological Surgeons, American Association of
Neurological Surgeons
Subcommittee on Research of Brain Tumors, Congress of Neurological
Co-Chairman of Research Advisory Board, National Neurofibromatosis
Joint Subcommittee on Research, Congress of Neurological Surgeons,
American Association of Neurological Surgeons
Joint Section on Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
The Academy Resident Award Committee, The American Academy of
Neurological Surgery
First World Health Organization Planning Conference on
Neurofibromatosis, FL
Planning committee for NIH Consensus Conference on Acoustic
Ethics and Human Values Committee, American Association of
Neurological Surgeons
Co-director, Review and Update in Neurobiology for Neurosurgeons,
Woods Hole, MA
Chairman, The Academy of Neurological Surgery Resident Award
Co-Chair, Technology Assessment Committee, Society of Neurological
Joint Washington Committee, Congress of Neurological Surgeons
Chairman, Decade of the Brain Task Force American Association of
Neurological Surgeons Congress of Neurological Surgeons
National Cancer Advisory Board, Liaison Representative of AANS
Member NIH Site Visit Team, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL
Scientific Advisory Board, MediGene, Inc, (Neurovir, Inc.).
NIH Grant Reviewer for NSD-B study section meeting on Pilot Clinical
Trial Grants
NIH Grant Reviewer for NCI-F study section on Training Grants in
American Society of Gene Therapy, coordinating reviewer
Member of NIH/NINDS Brain Tumor Genome Anatomy Project
Program Committee, American Society of Gene Therapy
Board of Scientific Counselors, National Institute of Neurological
Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
Scientific Advisory Board, Direct Gene, Inc.
Advisory Board, CEREGENE, Inc.
Director, American Board of Neurological Surgery
Professional Societies:
1983-1991; 2000-present
Massachusetts Medical Society
American Medical Association
American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery
Congress of Neurological Surgery
New England Neurosurgical Society
Massachusetts Neurosurgical Society
American Association of Neurological Surgeons
Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
The New York Academy of Sciences
Massachusetts Chapter, American College of Surgeons
Society for Neuroscience
The American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
Member, Section of Surgery, Royal Society of Medicine
American Academy of Neurological Surgeons
American College of Surgeons, Washington, D.C. Chapter
Society of Neurological Surgery
D.C. Medical Society
Southern Neurosurgical Society
The Charles A. Dana Foundation
American Association for Cancer Research
American Society of Gene Therapy
Member, Cancer Gene Therapy Committee, American Society
of Gene Therapy
Co-chair, Program Committee, American Society of Gene Therapy
Editorial Boards:
Assistant Clinical Editor, Neurofibromatosis Research Newsletter
Editorial Board, Journal of Neuro-oncology
Editorial Board, Cancer Gene Therapy
Commentator, Neurologia medico-chirurgica
Editorial Board, Brain Tumor Pathology
Editorial Board, Neoplasia
Editorial Board, Journal of Neurosurgery
Scientific Advisory Board, Encyclopedia of Neuroscience.
Awards and Honors:
Phi Beta Kappa, Bucknell University
Louis Robey Award, Bucknell University
Cum Laude, Chemistry, Bucknell University
Alpha Omega Alpha, Harvard Medical School
Magna Cum Laude (thesis in a special field),
Harvard Medical School
Traveling Fellowship from The Royal College
of Surgeons of England
Von Recklinghausen’s Award for the advancement of medical sciences
in the field of neuro-fibromatosis; from the National Neuro-fibromatosis
Grass Award, Society of Neurological Surgeons
NF, Inc. Scholar Award
Funded Grants:
Teacher-Investigator Development Award (NS00654)
“Neurofibromatosis: Cellular features, hormonal controls”
Principal Investigator, National Neurofibromatosis Foundation Research
Physician’s Recognition Award, American Medical Association
Principal Investigator, National Institutes of Health Grant
(RO1NS20025) “Hormonal modulation of tumors of neurofibromatosis”
Co-investigator, National Neurofibromatosis Research Grant “DNA
transfection analysis of the tumors of neurofibromatosis” (P.I., L.
Principal Investigator, Whitaker Health Sciences Fund Grant “The
combined treatment of malignant brain tumors with stereo-tactically
applied photodynamic therapy, hyperthermia, and ionizing radiation”
Principal Investigator, National Neuro-fibromatosis Foundation Research
Grant “Melanocyte growth and modulation in
Co-investigator, National Neurofibromatosis Foundation Research
Grant, “Chromosomal alterations in tumors associated with bi-lateral
acoustic neurofibromatosis: a molecular genetic approach focused on
chromosome 22” (P.I., B. Seizinger)
Principal Investigator, renewal of RO1NS20025,”Hormonal modulation
of tumors of neurofibromatosis”
Principal Investigator “Studies of melanocytes in neurofibromatosis and
tuberous sclerosis”. Neurogenetics Center Grant (PO1-NS24279)
Principal Investigator “Evaluation of a two-wavelength laser in
neurosurgery” subcontract via Abiomed,Inc. from National Institutes of
Principal Investigator “Genetic alteration of nervous system tumors”,
project 2 of Neurogenetics Center Grant (l-PO1-NS24279)
Principal Investigator “Molecular targeting of therapy for nervous
system tumors”. (P20-CA60176-01)
Co-Investigator, “Gene delivery to the CNS to modulate epilepsy” (S.
Rabkin, PI)(R01 NS 33342)
Principal Investigator “National CNS Tumor Consortium Georgetown/Lombardi Cancer Center” (U01 CA62454)
Principal Investigator, “Genetically engineered viruses for brain tumor
therapy” (R01 NS 32677)
Co-investigator, “Early clinical trials of antiangiogenesis agents” M.
Hawkins, PI (U01 CA62500)
Principal Investigator, subcontract, 3-D Aids to stereotactic brain
cancer surgery (R44 NS32610-03)
Principal Investigator, Pre-clinical studies of G207 (Neurovir, Inc.)
Program Leader, Neuro-oncology, Cancer Center Support Grant,
M.Lippman, PI
Co- Investigator, A dose escalating Phase I Study of the treatment
of Malignant Gliomas with G207, a genetically engineered HSV-1
(Neurovir, Inc.)
Principal Investigator, “Herpes vectors for prostate cancer therapy”
CaPCURE Foundation
Principal Investigator, “Herpes virus therapy of prostate cancer”,
Dept. of Defense (DAMD17-98-1-8490)
Principal Investigator, “Genetically engineered viruses
for brain tumor therapy” (R01 NS 32677 -12)
Principal Investigator, “Clinical Research Training Program in
Neuro-Oncology”, National Cancer Institute, (K12-CA90354)
Principal Investigator, “Immunologic Approaches for Oncolytic
Viral Therapy of Prostate Cancer”, Department of Defensive (Idea
Development Award) (W8IXWH-04-1-0254)
Principal Investigator, “HSV Vector Therapy for NF2 Lesions in
Mouse Models” Department of Defense (Therapeutic Development
Award) (W8IXWH-04-1-0237 )
Principal Investigator, “ Genetically engineered viruses for prostate
cancer therapy” (CA102139)
Major Research Interests:
1. Central Nervous System Tumors: Alteration or destruction of tumor cells by genetically
engineered viruses. Studies of etiology, modulation, and treatment of nervous system tumors. Use of
biologic modifiers, gene and viral therapy to treat nervous system tumors.
2. Neurofibromatosis: Clinical aspects; pathogenesis of the meningeal, Schwann cell and glial
tumors. Experimental therapeutics using anti-angiogenesis agents and “nerve-sparing” viral vectors.
3. Cancer Therapy with Viral Vectors: Development of HSV1-derived vectors to treat prostate and
other cancers. Development of “nerve-sparing vectors” for cancer therapy and viral vectors and cellspecific vectors as oncolytic agents and as in situ anti-cancer vaccines.
4. Molecular Neurosurgery: Use of viral vectors and genetically engineered cells for gene transfer in
vitro and in vivo in order to alter nervous system function and treat intrinsic nervous system and neurovascular diseases.
Teaching Experience:
Developed and directed a continuing neuro-pathology course for
neurosurgery residents
Instructor in Surgery for Introduction to the Clinic for Harvard Medical
Developed and instructed a lecture and dissection course in
neuroanatomy and peripheral nerve surgery for neurosurgery residents
Developed and directed with the National Neurofibromatosis Foundation
a symposium for physicians and associated health care persons.
“Neurofibromatosis: Clinical care research directions”.
Lecturer, MGH Neurosurgery Post-graduate Course
Organizer, moderator, speaker in section on malignant brain tumors
MGH Neurosurgery Post-graduate Course
Lecturer, Frontiers in Medicine Georgetown Physiology Graduate
Lecture Series
Lecturer, Neuroscience Survey Course
Medical student lectures on neurosurgery, Georgetown
Medical student and Neurology resident lectures on CNS tumors
Lecturer, Neuroscience Survey Course, Georgetown University
Invited Lectures and Visiting Professorships
Invited lecturer “Lasers and phototherapy in Neurosurgery”,
Mayo Clinic
Invited lecturer, CT Stereotactic-Surgery, Sponsored by: Division of
Neurosurgery, University of Utah School of Medicine
Invited Guest Speaker, First LINK Conference on Neurofibromatosis,
Runnymeade, England1987-1993
Invited lecturer at Woods Hole
course “Review and Update in Neuroscience for Neurosurgeons”
Visiting Professor and lecturer, The Royal Hallamshire Hospital,
Sheffield, England
Visiting Fellow and Lecturer, The Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, England
Visiting Fellow and Lecturer, The Midland Centre for Neurosurgery,
Birmingham, England
Visiting Fellow and Lecturer, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, England
Invited Speaker and Session Chairman, First Meeting of the International
Society on Neurocutaneous Disorders, Tokyo, Japan
Invited Guest Speaker, The American Academy of Neurological
Surgery, Tuscon
Visiting Professor, Chicago Neurosurgical Center
Visiting Professor, Dartmouth Medical School
Organizer and speaker, First MGH Brain Tumor Workshop
Invited Speaker, Banbury Conference on Neurofibromatosis, Cold
Spring Harbor, NY
Guest Speaker, American Neurological Association, Atlanta
Invited Guest Speaker, 8th Nikko Brain Tumor Conference, Saga, Japan
Co-director, Woods Hole course “Review and Update in Neuroscience
for Neurosurgeons”
Browder Memorial Lecture, New York Neurosurgical Society
Arkin Memorial Lectureship, Chicago Children’s Hospital
Invited Guest Speaker, LINK Conference on Neurofibromatosis,
Oxford, U.K.
Invited speaker, American Academy of Neurological Surgeons
Invited Guest Speaker, 5th Canadian Neuro-Oncology Meeting
First Visiting Professor, Carolyn Farb Endowment Fund in
Neurofibromatosis, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Invited speaker, Preuss Foundation Seminar, Miami Beach
Invited speaker, Decade of the Brain Symposium
“Advances in the Treatment of Brain Tumors”, Univ. Cincinnati
Invited guest lecturer, Japan Neurosurgery Society, Tokyo
Visiting Professor, Asian Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
Galbraith Lectureship and Visiting Professor, University of Alabama
Janssen Distinguished Lecturer, “Current concepts in brain tumor
biology and therapy”, 21st Annual Meeting, SNACC,
Washington, DC
Invited speaker, Second Conference on Cancer Gene Therapy, San
Invited Lecturer, UCLA post-graduate update on brain tumor therapy,
Los Angeles
Invited speaker, Scandinavian Glioma Conference, Copenhagen
Visiting Professor, Emory University
Altman Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania
Keith Visiting Lectureship, University of Toronto
Visiting Professor and guest lecturer University of Chicago
Chairman and lecturer Decade of the Brain Symposium
“Gene Therapy in the Nervous System” 1994 AANS meeting, San Diego
Invited speaker, Preuss Foundation Seminar on Tumor markers for glial
tumors, San Diego CA
Invited speaker, Grass Award Lecture, Society of Neurological
Surgeons, Charlottesville, VA
Invited Lecturer, 7th Canadian Neuro-oncology Meeting, Calgary
Guest speaker, Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences,
Johns, Newfoundland
Session leader and guest speaker, Therapeutic approaches to
neurofibromatosis, FASEB conference on neurofibromatosis, Santa
Cruz, CA
Aitken Memorial Lecture, London, Ontario
Invited speaker, Brain Tumor Symposium on New Therapies,
Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle
Invited speaker, Taxin Brain Tumor Symposium, Wistar Institute,
Philadelphia, PA
Neuro-oncology Lectureship Visiting Professor, Mayo Clinic
Lecturer, Gene Therapy Series, National Institutes of Health
Invited Speaker and Scientific Committee Member Gene Therapy for
CNS Disorders, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Session Leader and invited speaker, NNFF International Consortium for
Molecular Biology of NF1 and NF2, Philadelphia, PA
Invited Speaker, “Development of replication competent viruses for
therapy of brain tumors” at the “International Symposium of
Molecular Neurosurgery Based on Gene Therapy” Nagoya, Japan
Invited Speaker and Chair of Gene Therapy Session, The Eleventh
International Conference on Brain Tumor Research and Therapy,
Napa, California, U.S.A.
Invited Speaker, Delaware Neurosurgical Society
Invited Speaker, Huntsman Cancer Center, Salt Lake City, Utah
Invited speaker, Preuss Conference on Gene Therapy for Brain Tumors,
San Diego, CA.
Visiting Professor, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA
Invited lecturer, Univ. Michigan Cancer Center, Ann Arbor, MI
Invited lecturer, Univ. So. Carolina, Charleston, SC
Chair, AANS Decade of the Brain Symposium,
“Watching the Brain Work”, Minneapolis, Minn.
Invited Speaker and Moderator of section on CNS Gene Therapy, TIGR
Gene Therapy Conference, Hilton Head, NC
Chair, Section on Experimental Therapeutics for NF, FASEB
Conference on NF, Aspen, CO
Visiting Professor, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI
Invited speaker, FDA/NIH conference on Gene Therapy, Bethesda, MD
Pennathur Sundarum Memorial Lecturer, Herpes Virus Therapy of
Cancer, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
Invited Speaker, NIH Conference on Herpes Vectors
Visiting Professor, Wake Forest University Medical Center (formerly
Bowman-Gray Medical School)
Invited Lecturer, New York University post graduate course, “A Systems
Approach to Glial Neoplasms”
Speaker and symposium moderator, “State of the Art Treatment of Brain
Tumors”; American Brain Tumor Association and
Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation, Washington, D.C.
Invited speaker, Workshop on NF2: Present and Future,Bethesda, MD
Invited Lecturer, Wood’s Hole RUNN course
Invited speaker, AANS Tumor Satellite Meeting, Phila., PA
Invited speaker, American Society of Gene Therapy, First Annual
Meeting, Seattle, WA. “Herpes virus targeting of glioblastoma”
Invited speaker, First International Congress, Genetics in
Neuroscience, Terni, Italy
Invited speaker, CaPCURE Annual Research Retreat
Invited Lecturer, Wood’s Hole RUNN course
Chairman and speaker of session on “Neurocutaneous Syndromes”,
Congress of Neurological Surgeons meeting, Seattle
Invited Lecturer, New York University post graduate course, “A
Systems Approach to Glial Neoplasms”
Invited lecturer, Institute for Human Gene Therapy Annual Retreat,
Univ. Pennsylvania
Visiting Professor and Invited speaker, Johns Hopkins Medical
School, Dept. Neurosurgery
The First Annual Arthur and Sonia Labatt Brain Tumor Research
Center Academic Lecturer, Toronto
Invited speaker, Second US-Japan Gene Therapy Conference,
Bethesda, MD
Invited Speaker, “Conditionally replicating herpes vectors for tumor
therapy”, Amer. Assoc. for Cancer Research 90th meeting,
Philadelphia, PA
Chair, Cancer I Session, American Society of Gene Therapy,
Second Annual Meeting, Washington, DC
Invited speaker, International Heresvirus Workshop, Cambridge, MA
Invited Speaker, “Development of herpes vectors for cancer therapy,”
National Cancer Institute Phase I Meeting, Bethesda, MD
Invited presenter, CaPCURE Annual Research Retreat
Visiting Professor, Saga Medical School, Saga, Japan
Visiting Professor, Nagoya Medical School, Nagoya, Japan
Honored Guest Speaker, 58th Japan Neurosurgical Society, Tokyo
Invited Speaker, RUNN Course, Woods Hole, MA
Invited Speaker, “Development of herpes vectors for abnormal
prostate cancer”, CaPCURE Retreat, Lake Tahoe, Nevada
Invited Speaker, Second International Symposium on Genetic
Anticancer Agents, Valencia, Spain
Invited speaker, CaPCURE Eighth Annual Scientific Retreat, Lake
Taho, Nevada
Invited Speaker, 93rd Annual Meeting, American Association for
Cancer Research, San Francisco, CA
Invited Speaker and Moderator, Annual Meeting, American Association
of Neurological Surgeons, Chicago, Il.
Invited Speaker, 53rd Annual Meeting of the German Society of
Neurosurgery, Halle/Saale, Germany
Invited Speaker, Third International Symposium on Genetic
Anticancer Agents, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Invited Speaker, Japan Neurosurgical Society 61st Annual Meeting,
Matsumoto, Japan
Keiji Sano Lectureship, Teikyo University School of Medicine,
Tokyo, Japan
Invited Speaker, Brain Tumor Forum, Nagoya Brain Tumor
Society, Nagoya Japan
Invited Speaker, Oncolytic Viruses as Cancer Therapeutics Conference,
Banff, Alberta Canada
Invited Speaker, 15th International Conference on Brain Tumor Research and
Therapy, Sorrento, Italy
Visiting Professor/Speaker, Departments of Medicine and Surgery and of
Neurosurgery, “La Sapienza” (University of Rome), Policlinico Umberto I
Hospital, Rome, Italy
Invited speaker, Tenth Annual Meeting of the Blood-Brain Barrier
Disruption Consortium, Bend, Oregon
Keynote Speaker, 5th Annual Meeting of the Japan Molecular Neurosurgical
Meeting, Tokyo, Japan
Frank P. Smith Visiting Professor, University of Rochester
Medical School, Rochester, New York
Keynote Speaker, 3rd Meeting of the Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology
and 3rd Shanghai International Conference of Neurosurgery (Joint
Conference), Shanghai, China
Invited Speaker, Beijing Tiantan Hospital and Beijing
Neurosurgical Institute, Beijing, China
Keynote Speaker, Japan Neurological Society, Yokohama, Japan
Keynote Speaker, RUNN Course, Woods Hole, MA
Lecturer, Harvard Medical School, Course on Brain Tumors,
Boston, MA
Inventions and Patents
Inhibition of neurofibrosarcoma growth and angiogenesis (patent filed 1990; patent issued July 18,
2000; # 6,090,794)
Viral mediated destruction of neoplastic cells (patent filed 1990)
Viral targeted destruction of neoplastic cells (patent filed 1990)
Transfer and expression of gene sequences into central nervous system cells using herpes
simplex virus mutants with deletions in genes for viral replication (patent filed 1992)
Replication-competent herpes simplex-1 virus mediates destruction
of neoplastic cells (patent filed 1994; patent issued Dec.17, 1996; #5,585,096)
Tumor- or cell-specific herpes simplex viral replication (patent filed 1995; patent issued
Mar.17, 1998; #5,728,379)
7. Use of herpes vectors for tumor therapy (application #60/055,142; filed 08/12/97)
8. Implanting HSV-TK Retrovirus Producing Cells To Treat Tumors (patent filed 1995, patent
issued: 08/462,508)
9. Implantation of HSV-TK Retrovirus Producer Cells to Destroy Glioma (patent filed 1995, patent
issued: 08/462,500)
10. Transfer and Expression of Gene Sequences into Nervous System Cells Using Herpes Simplex
Virus Mutants with Deletions in Genes for Viral Replication (patent filed 1994, patent issued 2003
6,610,287 B1)
11. Replication-Competent Herpes Simplex Virus Mediates Destruction of Neoplastic Cells (patent
filed 2000, patient issued 2004 6,699,468 B1)
Original Reports (Published and In Press)
Martuza RL, Black PH, Kornblith PL, Dohan FC Jr. Evidence for presence of a virus in
glioblastoma multiforme cells. Surg For 1973; 24: 459-61.
Martuza RL, Shamberger RC, Phillips JP, Kornblith PL, Dohan FC Jr, Hochberg FH. A
lymphocyte-dependent antibody assay for detection of antibodies to human glioma cells. Surg For
1975; 26: 492-4.
Martuza RL, Proffitt MR, Moore MB, Dohan CF Jr. Evaporation as a cause of positional
differences in cell plating and growth in microtiter plates. Transplantation 1976 Mar; 2l(3):
Stewart RM, Martuza RL, Baldessarini RJ, Kornblith PL. Glutamate accumulation by human
gliomas and meningiomas in tissue culture. Brain Res 1976 Dec24; 118(3): 441-52.
Phillips JP, Sujatanond M, Martuza RL, Quindlen EA, Wood WC, Kornblith PL, Dohan FC Jr.
Cytotoxic antibodies in preoperative glioma patients: A diagnostic assay. Acta Neur 1976; 35(13): 43-52.
Martuza RL, Kornblith PL, Liszczak TM. Characteristics of human optic gliomas in tissue
culture. J Neurosurg 1977 Jan; 46(1): 78-84.
Chapman PH, Martuza RL, Poletti CE, Karchmer AW. Symptomatic spinal epidural lipomatosis
associated with Cushing’s Syndrome. Neurosurg 1981 Jun; 8(6): 724-7.
Martuza RL, Ojemann RG, Shillito J Jr, Wepsic JG. Facial pain associated with a middle fossa
arachnoid cyst. Neurosurg 1981 Jun; 8(6): 712-16.
Martuza RL, MacLaughlin DT, Ojemann RG. Specific estradiol binding in schwannomas,
meningiomas, and neurofibromas. Neurosurg 1981 Dec; 9(6): 665-71.
Martuza RL, Ojemann RG. Bilateral acoustic neuromas: clinical aspects, pathogenesis, and
treatment. Neurosurg 1982 Jan; l0(1): l-l2.
Conner ES, Martuza RL, Heros RC. Seizures due to metrizamide myelography in patients with
acute cervical spine injury. Neurosurg 1982 Feb: 10(2): 266-7.
Martuza RL, Liszczak T, Okun A, Wang T-Y. Human neurofibromas in co-culture with mouse
neurons. 40th Ann Proc Elec Micro Soc Amer 1982: 194-195.
Martuza RL. Genetics in neuro-oncology. Clin NeurosSurg 1983; 31: 417-40.
Nakagawa H, Hori Y, Sato S, Fitzpatrick TB, Martuza RL. The nature and origin of the melanin
macroglobule. J Invest Dermatol 1984; 83(2): 134-9.
Mirimanoff RO, Dosoretz DE, Linggood RM, Ojemann RG, Martuza RL. Meningioma: Analysis
of recurrence and progression following neurosurgical resection. J Neurosurg 1984 Jan; 62(1):
Granick MS, Martuza RL, Parker SW, Ojemann RG, Montgomery WW. Cerebellopontine angle
meningiomas: Clinical manifestations and diagnosis. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1985 Jan-Feb;
94(1 Pt 1): 34-8.
Jay JR, MacLaughlin DT, Riley KR, Martuza RL. Modulation of meningioma cell growth by sex
steroid hormones in vitro. J Neurosurg 1985 May; 62(5): 757-62.
Martuza RL, Miller DC, MacLaughlin DT. Estrogen and progestin binding by cytosolic and
nuclear fractions of human meningiomas. J Neurosurg 1985 May; 62(5): 750-6.
Martuza RL, Phillipe I, Fitzpatrick TB, Zwaan J, Seki Y, Lederman J. Melanin macroglobules as
a cellular marker of neurofibromatosis: A quantitative study. J Invest Dermatol 1985 Oct; 85(4):
Kostron H, Swartz MR, Miller DC, Martuza RL. The interaction of hematoporphyrin derivative,
light, and ionizing radiation in a rat glioma model. Cancer 1986 Mar 1; 57(5): 964-70.
Kostron H, Bellnier DA, Lin CW, Schwartz MR, Martuza RL. Distribution, retention, and
phototoxicity of hematoporphyrin derivative in a rat glioma. Intraneoplastic versus intraperitoneal
injection. J Neurosurg 1986 May; 64(5): 768-74.
Cohen AM, Wood WC, Bamberg M, Martuza R. Cytotoxicity of human brain tumors by
hematoporphyrin derivative. J Surg Res 1986 Jul; 41(1): 81-3.
Seizinger BR, Martuza RL, Gusella JF. Loss of genes on chromosome 22 in tumorigenesis of
human acoustic neuroma. Nature 1986 Aug 14-20; 322(6080): 644-7.
Bouckoms A, Martuza RL, Henderson M. Capgras syndrome with subarachnoid hemorrhage. J
Nerv Ment Dis 1986 Aug; 174(8): 484-8.
Brockes JP, Breakefield XO, Martuza RL. Glial growth factor-like activity in Schwann cell
tumors. Ann of Neurol. 20(3): 3l7-22, 1986 Sep.
Steichen JD, Dashner K, Martuza RL. Distribution of hematoporphyrin derivative in canine
glioma following intraneoplastic and intraperitoneal injection. J Neurosurg 1986 Sep; 65(3):
Jacoby L, Martuza RL. DNA transfection analysis of the tumors of neurofibromatosis. Ann NY
Acad Sci 1986; 486: 333-5.
Jay JR, MacLaughlin DT, Badger TM, Miller DC, Martuza RL. Hormonal modulation of
Schwann cell tumors. I. The effects of estradiol and tamoxifen on methylnitrosourea-induced rat
Schwann cell tumors. Ann NY Acad Sci 1986; 486: 371-82.
Fitzpatrick TB, Martuza RL. Clinical diagnosis of von Recklinghausen’s neurofibromatosis. Ann
NY Acad Sci 1986; 486: 383-5.
Seizinger BR, Rouleau G, Ozelius LJ, Lane AH, St. George-Hyslop P, Huson S, Gusella JF,
Martuza RL. Common pathogenetic mechanism for three tumor types in bilateral acoustic
neurofibromatosis. Science 1987 Apr 17; 236(4799): 317-9.
Seizinger BR, Rouleau GA, Ozelius LJ, Lane AH, Faryniarz AG, Chao MV, Huson S, Korf BR,
Parry DM, Pericak-Vance MA, Collins FS, Hobbs W, Falcone BG, Iannazzi JA, Roy FC, St
George-Hyslop PH, Tanzi RE, Bothwell MA, Upadhyaya M, Harper P, Goldstein AE, Hoover
DL, Bader JL, Spence MA, Mulvihill JJ, Aylsworth AS, Vance JM, Rossenwasser GOD, Gaskell
PC, Roses AD, Martuza RL, Breakefield XO, Gusella JF. Genetic linkage of von Recklinghausen
neurofibromatosis to the nerve growth factor receptor gene. Cell 1987 Jun 5; 49(5): 589-94.
Seizinger BR, de la Monte S, Atkins L, Gusella JF, Martuza RL. Molecular genetic approach to
human meningioma: Loss of genes on chromosome 22. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 1987 Aug;
84(15): 54l9-23.
33. Rouleau GA, Wertelecki W, Haines JL, Hobbs WJ, Trofatter JA, Seizinger BR, Martuza RL,
Superneau DW, Conneally PM, Gusella JF. Genetic linkage of bilateral acoustic
neurofibromatosis to a DNA marker on chromosome 22. Nature 1987 Sep 17-23; 329(6136):
34. Nadol JB Jr, Levine R, Ojemann RG, Martuza RL, Montgomery WW, de Sandoval PK. Preservation
of hearing in surgical removal of acoustic neuromas of the internal auditory canal and cerebellar
pontine angle. Laryngoscope 1987 Nov; 97(11): l287-94.
35. Seizinger BR, Martuza RL, Rouleau G, Breakefield XO, Gusella JF. Models for inherited
susceptibility to cancer in the nervous system: A molecular-genetic approach to neurofibromatosis.
Develop Neurosci 1987; 9(3): 144-53.
36. Seizinger BR, Rouleau GA, Ozelius LJ, Lane AH, Farmer GE, Lamiell JM, Haines J, Yuen JWM,
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Books, Chapters, Monographs, Reviews, Other Publications
Martuza RL, Ojemann RG. Intracranial neoplasms. In Current Diagnosis. (Conn HF and
Conn RB Jr). WB Saunders Co., Philadelphia. 13: 895-902, 1980.
Martuza RL. Neurofibromatosis: neurological and neurosurgical considerations. Neurology
and Neurosurgery Update Series. Continuing Professional Education Center, Inc. 38(3), l982.
Martuza RL. Genetics in neuro-oncology. Clin Neurosurg. 31: 4l7-40, 1984.
Martuza RL. Neurofibromatosis and other phakomatoses. In Neurosurgery (Wilkins RH and
Rengachary SS). McGraw-Hill Book Co., NY. II(55): 511-21, 1984.
Martuza RL. Genetic factors in brain tumors. In Neurosurgery (Wilkins RH and Rengachary
SS). McGraw-Hill Book Co., NY. II(54): 505-ll, 1984.
Martuza RL. Parker SW. Nadol JB Jr. Davis KR. Ojemann RG. Diagnosis of cerebellopontine
angle tumors. Clin Neurosurg. 32: l77-2l3, 1985.
Martuza RL. Aquino T. Trauma. In Manual of Neurologic Therapeutics, Third Edition
(Samuels MA). Little, Brown, Co. Boston, MA. 1985.
Martuza RL. Seizinger BR. Jacoby LB. Rouleau GA. Gusella JF. The molecular biology of
human glial tumors. Trends in Neurosciences. 11(1): 22-7, 1988 Jan.
Martuza RL. Eldridge R. Neurofibromatosis 2 (bilateral acoustic neurofibromatosis). New
England Journal of Medicine. 318(11): 684-8, 1988 Mar 17.
Martuza RL. Neurosurgical aspects of neurofibromatosis. In Neurofibromatosis. In A
Handbook for Patients, Families, and Health Care Professionals (Rubenstein A and Korf B).
Thieme-Stratton Pub. Co.
Ojemann RG. Martuza RL. Acoustic neuroma. In Neurological Surgery, Third Edition
(Youmans J). WB Saunders Co., Philadelphia. Ch 113; 3316-50, 1990.
Chiocca EA. Martuza RL. Neurosurgical therapy of the obsessive-compulsive disorder. In
Obsessive Compulsive Disorders: Theory and Management, Second Edition (Jenike M, Baer L
and Minichiello WE). Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc., Chicago. 1990.
Fontaine B. Rouleau GA. Seizinger BS. Menon AG. Jewell AF. Martuza RL. Gusella JF.
Molecular genetics of neurofibromatosis 2 and related tumors (acoustic neuroma and
meningioma). Ann NY Acad Sci. 615: 338-343, 1990.
Martuza RL. Rouleau G. Genetic aspects of neurosurgical problems. In Neurological
Surgery, Third Edition (Youmans J). WB Saunders Co., Philadelphia. Ch 38; 1061-1080,
Steichen JD. Martuza RL. Trauma. In Manual of Neurologic Therapeutics, Fourth Edition
(Samuels MA). Little, Brown, Co., Boston, MA. 1990.
Eldridge R. Martuza RL. Parry DM. Neurofibromatosis 2. In Current Therapy in Neurologic
Disease. (Johnson RT). B.C. Decker Inc., Philadelphia. 1990.
Martuza RL. Chiocca EA. Jenike MA. Giriunas I, Ballantine HT. Stereotactic radiofrequency
thermal cingulotomy for obsessive-compulsive disorder. J of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical
Neurosciences. 2(3): 331-6, 1990 Summer.
Martuza RL. Neurofibromatosis as a model for tumor formation in the human nervous system.
Neurobiology of Brain Tumors. Concepts in Neurosurgery. 4: 53-62, 1991.
19. Gusella JF. Seizinger BR. Rouseau G. Menon A. Fontaine B. Martuza RL. Molecular genetic
analysis of the phakomatoses. In Molecular Mechanisms and Their Clinical Applications in
Malignancies. Academic Press, Inc. 1991.
20. Martuza RL. Pathogenesis and treatment of nervous system tumors in NF2. In Tuberous
sclerosis and Neurofibromatosis: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Biology, and Management
(Ishibashi Y and Hori E). Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam. 1991.
Martuza RL. Genetic alterations of nervous system tumors. In Biologic Aspects of Brain
Tumors (Tabuchi). Springer-Verlag Inc., Tokyo. 18-27, 1991.
Short MP. Martuza RL. Clinical and genetic aspects of NF2: clinical features, family studies,
counseling, and management issues. In Neurofibromatosis (Hughes RAC and Huson ).
Chapman and Hall Ltd, London. 1991.
Martuza RL. Viral vectors for experimental brain tumor therapy. In Molecular Genetics
of Nervous System Tumors (Levine A and Schmidek H). 381-386.
Chiocca EA. Andersen JK. Takamiya Y. Martuza RL. Breakefield XO. Virus-mediated
genetic treatment of rodent gliomas. Gene Therapeutics (Wolff JA). Birkhauser Publishers,
Boston. 245-63, 1994.
Baer L. Rauch AL. Ballantine HT Jr. Martuza RL. Cosgrove R. et al. Cingulotomy for
intractable obsessive-compulsive disorder: prospective long-term follow-up of 18 patients.
Arch Gen Psych. 52(5): 384-92, 1995 May.
Hunter W. Rabkin S. Martuza RL. Brain tumor therapy using genetically engineered
replication competent virus. In Viral Vectors (Kaplitt MG and Loewy AD). Academic Press,
Inc., San Diego. 259-7, 1995.
Martuza RL. Proctor MR. Trauma. Manual of Neurologic Therapeutics (Samuels MA).
Little, Brown, Co., Boston, MA. 5th revised edition: 250-76, 1995.
Viola JJ. Martuza RL. Gene therapies for glioblastomas. In Ballieres Clinical Neurology,
Cerebral Gliomas (Yung WKA). 5(2): 413-24, 1996 Jun.
Sampson JH. Martuza RL. Genetic factors in brain tumors. In Neurosurgery, Second Edition
(Wilkins RH and Rengachary SS). McGraw-Hill, New York. 665-71, 1996.
Sampson JH. Martuza RL. Neurofibromatosis and other phakomatoses. In Neurosurgery,
Second Edition (Wilkins RH and Rengachary SS). McGraw-Hill, New York. 673-685, 1996.
Hunter W. Yazaki T. Rabkin SD. Martuza RL. Replication-competent viral therapy of tumors
of the central nervous system. In Protocols for Gene Transfer in Neuroscience: Towards Gene
Therapy of Neurological Disorders (Lowenstein P and Enquist). Wiley and Sons Ltd. 305-17,
Martuza RL. Act locally, think globally. Nature Medicine. 3(12): 1323, 1997 Dec.
Lin TS. Martuza RL. Neurofibromatosis and other dysgenetic disorders. Handbook of
Clinical Neurology: Neuro-Oncology, Part II (Vecht ChJ). Elsevier Science B.V. 24(68):
Baidas S. Martuza RL. Tumors of the brain and spinal cord. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience.
Elsevier Science. 1998.
Martuza RL. Coumans JV CE. Trauma: Severe head Injury, Spinal Cord Injury. In Manual of
Neurologic Therapeutics, Sixth Edition (Samuels MA). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
Philadelphia, PA. Ch 12: 285-314, 1999.
Lin T. Martuza RL. Gliomas in neurofibromatosis and other phakomatoses. In The Gliomas
(Berger MS and Wilson C). W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, PA. 15-24: 1999.
Feigenbaum F. Manz HJ. Platenberg LC. Martuza RL. Primary intrinsic tumors of the Brain.
In Principles of Neurosurgery (Grossman RG and Loftus CM). Lippincott-Raven Publishers,
Philadelphia, PA. 469-520: 1999.
Hunter WD. Martuza RL. Meningioma. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Elsevier Science.
Martuza RL. Conditionally-replicating herpes vectors for cancer therapy. J Clin Invest.
105(7): 841-6, 2000 Apr.
40. Kirn D. Martuza RL. Zwiebel J. Replication-selective virotherapy for cancer: Biological
principles, risk management and future directions. Nature Medicine. 7(7): 781-7, 2001 Jul.
41. Mashour GA,. Walker EE, Martuza RL,. Psychosurgery: Past, Present, and Future., Brain Res
Reviews. 48:409-419, 2005
42. Doolittle ND, Abrey LE, Bleyer WA, Brem S, Davis TP, Dore-Duffy P, Drewes LR, Hall WA,
Hoffman JM, Korfel A, Martuza R, Muldoon LL, Peereboom D, Peterson DR, Rabkin SD,
Smith Q, Stevens GH, Neuwelt EA. New frontiers in translational research in neuro-oncology
and the blood-brain barrier: report of the tenth annual Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption
Consortium Meeting. Clin Cancer Res 2005 Jan 15; 11: 421-428, '05
43. Aghi M, Martuza RL. Oncolytic viral therapies - the clinical experience. Oncogene. 2005 Nov