Moss Point School District Tressie Shaw Harper, Ph.D. Superintendent 4924 Church Street Moss Point, MS 39563 228/475-0691 Greetings Parent/Guardian, The Moss Point Technology Department is proud to serve your child for the 2004-2005 school year. Over the past year we have made major strides in technology. We have improved our infrastructure to provide your child a very stable network. This year we are going to continue to strive to bring the best opportunities to our students so they are technology literate and ready to go out and meet the demands of the working world. The attached documents are for your child’s protection. We want him/her to get the best education and as always keep safety top priority. As you know the Internet is a very powerful tool, but it can also be a very dangerous one. These documents will allow your child to use the computer and allow us to monitor usage to ensure your child remains safe as he/she uses the Internet. Each student will have a computer account with a password that only they will have access to use. Please assist us in informing your child, the urgency of not giving out their password to anyone. We are monitoring the network usage and we reference usage by the username. When you child has completed using the computer he/she needs to logoff the computer to make sure no one else works under their name. The first document is an acceptable use policy that outlines what is considered unacceptable for school use. The second document is for the creation of the student username and password. Please make sure both are filled out completely. We are pleased to bring this technology to your child. We are very proud of our students and their accomplishments. With your continued assistance we will provide the best education possible for our students. Thank you James E. Glover, Director of Technology MOSS POINT SCHOOL DISTRICT INTERNET USER AGREEMENT/ PARENT PERMISSION FORM As a user of the Moss Point School District computer network, I hereby agree to comply with the stated rules, communicating over the network in a reliable fashion while honoring all relevant laws and restrictions. I realize this is a public network provided by the Mississippi Department of Education and is for educational use only. I will not publish or participate in any of the following activities: 1. Sending or displaying messages or pictures containing profanity, nudity, vulgarity, hate group information, pornography, sexually explicit materials, or other offensive materials. 2. Using obscene language or vulgar speech. 3. Harassing, insulting or attacking others. 4. Damaging computers, computer systems of other computer networks (including introducing viruses, either intentionally or unintentionally, to the computer network). 5. Violating copyright laws. 6. Employing the network for commercial purposes. 7. Publishing personal information about self or any other students or faculty members Student Signature_______________________________________________________________________ As the parent or legal guardian of the minor student signing above, I grant permission for my child to access networked computer services such as electronic mail and the Internet. I understand that individuals and families may be held liable for violations of FCC rules and guidelines or regulations of the school district and for improper use of copyrighted materials. I understand that some materials on the internet may be objectionable; therefore, I accept responsibility for guidance of internet use—setting and conveying standards for my child to follow when selecting, sharing, or exploring information and media and realize that this network is fully compliant with CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act) and the COPPA (Child Online Privacy Protection Act) regulations. CIPA and COPPA laws have been passed that place measures and requirements on public networks to protect student information and to prevent viewing of inappropriate material. Guardian Signature_______________________________________________Date____________________ Name of Student_______________________________________________________________________ School________________________________________________________Grade___________________ Social Security Number ___________________________Date of Birth____________________________ Street Address_________________________________________________________________________ City________________________________________State________________Zip___________________ Home Telephone _______________________________________________________________________ Student Username and Password This authorizes the Moss Point School District to create a student username. The username and password created are the responsibility of the student using the account. If there is any reason to believe that the password has been compromised, it is the student’s responsibility to inform the Student Accounts Director at their school to have it changed. (Jason Holder-High School)(Richelle Dedeaux-Jr. High) A. User Information ______________________________________________ _____________ Last Name Middle Initial __________________________________ First Name ______________________________________________ Signature of Parent ______________________________________________ Signature of Student __________________________________ Password ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B. Password Creation The first time you login you will be prompted to change the password provided. Choose your password wisely. Make sure it is easily remembered by you. All rules on use of profanity apply to passwords. Now, choose your password and make sure these rules are followed: 1. The password must be at least five (5) alpha-numeric characters 2. The password must contain at least one capital letter 3. The password must have at least one number in the password 4. The passwords are case sensitive C. Password examples Here are some examples of passwords that are acceptable Apples1 dOLPHIN16 yelloW2000 Here are examples of passwords that are not acceptable apples1 – no capital letter Dolphin – no numbers Big5 – not at least five characters