breeding 83

PNL Volume 16
Kraft, J. M.
USDA/Agricultural Research Service
WSU Irrigated Agriculture Research & Extension Center
Prosser, WA USA
Three F8 breeding lines, developed by USUA-ARS and the Washington
State University Experiment Station, were released in June 1983. Each
line combines resistance to several soilborne d i s e a s e s together w i t h
white flowers, green cotyledons, and dimpled or smooth seed.
'WR-1158' has a semi-fasciated growth habit, w i t h a strong doublepodding tendency. WR-1158 blooms in the 13th node and usually will not
exceed 76 cm in vine length. The dry seeds are slightly dimpled and are
dark green in color. W R - 1 1 5 8 is resistant to races 1 , 2, 5, and 6 of
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi (van Hall) Snyd. & H a n s , and i s tolerant
to the root rot complex of eastern Washington.
'WR-1167' blooms in the 1 3 t h n o d e , i s d o u b l e podded w i t h long
pointed pods, green dimpled seed, and is about 76 cm t a l l when grown at
Prosser, Washington. WR-1167 is resistant to races 1 , 2, 5, and 6 of F.
oxysporum f. sp. pisi and to P. solani f. sp. pisi in both artificially
and naturally infested soil.
'RR-1178' is about 76 cm t a l l at Prosser, blooms i n the 14 to 15th
node, is double podded with long, pointed pods, and p r o d u c e s a mixture
of dimpled and wrinkled, g r e e n seed. R R - 1 1 7 8 is resistant to races 1
and 2 of F. oxysporum f. sp. pisi a n d , in a r t i f i c i a l l y infested soil, i t
was significantly more resistant to root r o t caused by F. solani f. sp.
pisi than 'Dark Skin Perfection'. R R - 1 1 7 8 was found to be r e s i s t a n t t o
root rot in naturally infested s o i l in New Z e a l a n d In L980.
Pedzinski, M.
Garden Plant Breeding Station
Nochowo, Poland
'PEGAZ ' ('Cud Kelvedonu' x ' Brtllant'). Dwarf ( 4 0 -60 cm), early
variety (65-73 days). Pods ripen simultaneously, 1 - 2 per peduncle, 8-20
per plant, and are well-filled (7-10) w i t h large, green seeds. Pegaz is
resistant to BYMV. It is suitable for f r e e z i n g a n d c a n n i n g ; i t has a
relatively low s t a r c h c o n t e n t (1-4%), a r e l a t i v e l y h i g h sugar content
(9.09%), and good flavor and aroma.
' B E N I A M INEK ' ( ' Bord e w u n d e r ' x 'Cud K e l v e d o n u ' ) . M e d i u m - l a t e
variety (80-85 days) with a s t i f f , short s t e m (65-80 c m ) . Seeds ( 7 -8
per pod) are dark-green, of a medium size, w i t h h i g h content of sugar
and extract. Its dense plant h a b i t and u n i f o r m r i p e n i n g are s p e c i a l
advantages. This cultivar is high-yielding and resistant to BYMV.
'TOPAZ ' ('Hada' x ' S z l a c h e t n a P e r l a ' ). L e n g t h o f s t e m i s
80-100 cm, number o f internodes 2 1 - 2 7 . A b o u t 60% of p l a n t s show a
tendency to branching. The plant bears two pods per peduncle w i t h 7-10
seeds per pod. Seeds are dark-green, of a medium size, and dense in
pod. Late variety, but earlier than 'Nike', w i t h u n i f o r m ripening.
Suitable for freezing and canning.