Literacy Unit Summary

Literacy Unit Summary
Year Group: One and Two
Non-Fiction Unit 3
Recount, Dictionary
Week Beginning:
Year 1 and 2 Objectives
The use of dictionaries and alphabetic order
is ongoing and needs frequent practical
opportunities for assessing progress
through purposeful cross-curricular
enquiries, games and play. Written
outcomes can be used to judge children's
understanding of recount and sentence
construction and assessments used for
future teaching in Year 1 non-fiction unit 5.
In order that children make effective progress in core skills across the year, it is important that these Strands are planned for in every unit:
Strand 5 – Word Recognition: decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) at KS1
Strand 6 – Word Structure and Spelling at KS2
Strand 11 – Sentence Structure and Punctuation at both key stages
Children describe incidents from
their own experience in an audible
voice using sequencing words
and phrases such as 'then', 'after
that'. Some children will find it
easier to describe an incident if
they have first drawn some
pictures showing the series of
events. Model listening to a
recount and asking questions to
prompt extending the recount or
providing more detail. Children
then listen to one another's
recounts and ask relevant
questions to provide detailed
information or extend the recount.
Model writing a short recount of a
personal incident in the home.
(Something commonplace such
as the baby smearing his food all
over his face and the furniture or
the dog tearing up the unread
newspaper will nudge the children
to think up equivalent experiences
of their own.) Children write
simple first-person recounts linked
to personal experience.
Play games to introduce the use
of the alphabet to order items in a
dictionary or encyclopedia.
Write extended captions for a
class display. Read captions,
pictures and diagrams on wall
displays that explain a process.
Draw pictures to illustrate a
process and use the picture to
explain the process orally.
These are in addition to the Objectives listed below
1. Speaking
 Y1 – Tell stories and describe incidents from their own experience in an audible voice
 Y2 – Speak with clarity and use appropriate intonation when reading and reciting texts
2. Listening and responding
 Y1 – Listen with sustained concentration, building new stores of words in different contexts
 Y2 – Listen to others in class, ask relevant questions and follow instructions
3. Group discussion and interaction
 Y1 – Ask and answer questions, make relevant contributions, offer suggestions and take turns
 Y2 – Work effectively in groups by ensuring that each group member takes a turn challenging, supporting and moving on
4. Word recognition: decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling)
 Y1 – Recognise and use alternative ways of pronouncing the graphemes already taught
 Y1 – Recognise and use alternative ways of spelling the graphemes already taught
 Y1 – Identify the constituent parts of two-syllable and three-syllable words to support application of phonic knowledge and skills
 Y1 – Recognise automatically an increasing number of familiar high frequency words
 Y1 – Apply phonic knowledge and skills as the prime approach to reading and spelling unfamiliar words that are not completely decodable
 Y1 – Read more challenging texts which can be decoded using their acquired phonic knowledge and skills, along with automatic recognition of high frequency
 Y1 – Read and spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllable words
 Y2 – Read independently and with increasing fluency longer and less familiar texts
 Y2 – Spell with increasing accuracy and confidence, drawing on word recognition and knowledge of word structure, and spelling patterns
 Y2 – Know how to tackle unfamiliar words that are not completely decodable
 Y2 – Read and spell less common alternative graphemes including trigraphs
 Y2 – Read high and medium frequency words independently and automatically
6. Word structure and spelling
 Y1 – Spell new words using phonics as the prime approach
 Y1 – Segment sounds into their constituent phonemes in order to spell them correctly
 Y1 – Recognise and use alternative ways of spelling the graphemes already taught
 Y1 – Use knowledge of common inflections in spelling, such as plurals, -ly, -er
 Y1 – Read and spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllable words
 Y2 – Spell with increasing accuracy and confidence, drawing on words recognition and knowledge of word structure, and spelling patterns including common
inflections and use of double letters
 Y2 – Read and spell less common alternative graphemes including trigraphs
7. Understanding and interpreting texts
 Y1 – Identify the main events and characters in stories and find specific information in simple texts
 Y2 – Draw together ideas and information from across a whole text, using simple signposts in the text
 Y1 – Recognise the main elements that shape different texts
 Y2 – Explain organisational features of texts, including alphabetical order, layout, diagrams, captions, hyperlinks, and bullet points
8. Engaging with and responding to texts
 Y1 – Visualise and comment on events, characters and ideas, making imaginative links to their own experiences
 Y2 – Engage with books through exploring and enacting interpretations
9. Creating and shaping texts
 Y1 – Independently choose what to write about, plan and follow it through
 Y2 – Draw on knowledge and experience of texts in deciding and planning what and how to write
Continued overleaf
Prior Learning
Check that children can already:
 Listen attentively to recounts and are
able to recall some details including the
correct ordering of events.
 Ask relevant questions and are
confident to speak about their own
 Y1 – Convey information and ideas in simple non-narrative forms
 Y2 – Maintain consistency in non-narrative, including purpose of text
 Y1 – Create short simple texts on paper and on screen that combine words with images and sounds
 Y2 – Select from different presentational features to suit particular writing purposes on paper and on screen
10. Text structure and organisation
 Y1 – Write chronological and non-chronological texts using simple structures
 Y2 – Use planning to establish clear sections for writing
 Y1 – Group written sentences together in chunks of meaning or subject
 Y2 – Use appropriate language to make sections hang together
11. Sentence structure and punctuation
 Y1 – Compose and write simple sentences independently to communicate meaning
 Y2 – Write simple and compound sentences and begin to use subordination in relation to time and reason
 Y1 – Use capital letters and full stops when punctuating simple sentences
 Y2 – Compose sentences using tense consistently (present and past)
 Y2 – Use questions marks, and use commas to separate items in a list
12. Presentation
 Y1 – Use the space bar and keyboard to type their name and simple texts
 Y2 – Word process a short narrative and non-narrative texts
Phase 1 – approx 3 days
Phase 1 Learning outcomes
The teacher models orally a recount of a visit or an event using such
phrases as last week, then and after that. Children are given plenty of
opportunities to ask the teacher questions about what the teacher
has remembered.
Phase 2 – approx 2 days
Phase 2 Learning outcomes
The teacher and children analyse the activity orally and children
practise with their response partners a recount of the same event or
visit. The teacher and children listen to each other's recounts and
make a series of pictures or a simple time line to order events. This
could be modelled using digital photographs on an interactive
whiteboard (IWB). The teacher demonstrates how to write a simple
recount and edits and scribes as children volunteer suggestions.
Phase 3 – approx 5 days
Phase 3 Learning outcomes
Read the recount written by children and the teacher, discuss,
identify and record language features. Use this as a lead into
Developing early writing, Ref: 0055/2001, Year 1 unit 9: The day the
fire engine came to school
primary/publications/literacy/63337/ or any event in school
experienced by children. Children talk about an actual event,
including generating questions and ordering events with the support
of photographs or pictures. The teacher scribes and supports
composition. Children work in groups or pairs to make their own
simple recount in sentences using the past tense and time
Dictionary work will be ongoing throughout phase 3 with the teacher
demonstrating effective use of the dictionary.
Children can listen to a recount and ask questions to support
their understanding.
Children can order events correctly.
Children can identify and explain the main features of a
Children can use knowledge of the alphabet to locate words in
simple dictionaries.
Children can write at least three simple sentences in the past
tense and use some time connectives in a recount.
Interactive whiteboard (IWB)
Digital cameras and PC upload software
Speaking, listening, learning: working with children at Key Stage
1 and 2 (Ref: 0627-2003)
8497/pns_speaklisten062403acts.pdf (PDF Kb 189) and the
accompanying video clip of Year 1 Recount work (Ref: 06282003)
Developing early writing (Ref: 0055/2001) Year 1 unit 9: The day
the fire engine came to school, pp. 78-82
Learning to learn: key aspects of learning across the primary
curriculum (Ref: 0526-2004) from Learning and teaching in the
primary years
Writing flier 5 - Recount: it happened like this... (Ref: 0532/2001)
353/nls_teachwriting053201reco5.pdf (PDF 189 Kb)