Nine Week Plans

Second Grade Nine Week Plans-First Quarter
Develops and expands
2.6 The student will use semantic clues and syntax to expand vocabulary when
a. Use information in the story to read words
d. Reread and self-correct
2.7 The student will expand vocabulary when reading.
d. Discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary by listening and
reading a variety of texts.
e. Use vocabulary from other content areas.
Applies phonetic principles
Reads orally with fluency
Comprehends fiction
2.5 The student will use phonetic strategies when reading and spelling.
a. Use knowledge of consonants, consonant blends, and consonant digraphs
to decode and spell words.
2.8 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts.
j. Read and reread familiar stories, poems, and passages with fluency,
accuracy, and meaningful expressions.
2.8 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts.
a. Make and confirm predictions.
b. Relate previous experiences to the main idea.
f. Identify the problem and solution.
Uses effective oral
communication in a variety
of settings
Applies phonetic principles
in written work
Learns assigned spelling
2.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of oral language structure.
a. Create oral stories to share with others.
2.2 The student will expand understanding and use of word meanings.
a. Increase listening and speaking vocabularies.
LCENG 1 The student will use developmentally appropriate sound, pattern, and/or
word meaning units to spell in written work.
LCENG2 The student will use developmentally appropriate sound, pattern, and/or
word meaning units to spell in isolation.
Second Grade Nine Week Plans-First Quarter
Generates ideas and writing
Edits writing for
capitalization, punctuation,
spelling, grammar , and
sentence structure.
Mathematics Measurement
Mathematics Number and Number Sense
2.12 The student will write stories, letters, and simple explanations.
a. Generate ideas before writing.
2.13 The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation,
and spelling.
a. Recognize and use complete sentences.
2.12 The student will tell and write time to the nearest five minutes, using analog
and digital clocks.
2.13 The student will
a. determine past and future days of the week; and
b. identify specific days and dates on a given calendar
2.14 The student will read the temperature on a Celsius and /or Fahrenheit
thermometer to the nearest 10 degrees.
2.17 The student will use data from experiments to construct picture graphs,
pictographs, and bar graphs.
2.1 a,b, c, The student will a) read, write, and identify the place value of each digit
in nearest ten, and compare two numbers b)round two-digit numbers to the
nearest ten, and c) compare two whole numbers between 0 and 999, using
symbols(<,>,or =) and words (less than, greater than, or equal to).
2.2 The student will
a. identify ordinal positions first through twentieth, using an ordered set of
objects; and
b. write the ordinal number
2.4 The student will
a. count forward by 2s, 5s, 10s, to 100, starting at various multiples of
2, 5, 10.
b. count backward by 10s from 100; and
c. recognize even and odd numbers.
2.10 List at least 4 responsibilities of good citizenship, and give examples of each.
a. respecting and protecting the rights and property of others;
Second Grade Nine Week Plans-First Quarter
c. Generate ideas and take actions to improve the school and community
d. Self-reliance and self-control.
e. Honesty and trustworthiness
2.11 List and describe/draw at least 6 historical models of good citizenship, and tell
other what qualities make these people good citizens. The student will identify
George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Helen Keller, Jackie
Robinson, and Martin Luther King, Jr. , as Americans whose contributions improved
the lives of other Americans.
22.12 a, b List at least 4 different cultural backgrounds of people living in Virginia,
and explain how democracy and good citizenship bring so many different people
Scientific Investigation
Demonstrates an
understanding of health
concepts presented
2.1 The student will demonstrate and understanding of scientific reasoning, logic,
and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in which
a. questions are formed, predictions and observations are made,
i. data are analyzed
j. conclusions are drawn
k. observations and data are communicated.
2.2 The student will explain that personal health decisions and health habits
influence health and wellness throughout life. Key concepts/skills include
how food choices contribute to a healthy lifestyle