Unit 4 – Utilize word processing and desktop publishing software

Name _________________________________________________ Class ________________
Unit 4 – Utilize word processing and desktop publishing software
Study Guide
Word processing is using the computer to create, edit, proofread, format, and print documents.
Word processing software would be best for keying (typing) text documents, such as a letter,
essay, or report.
The cursor is the on-screen blinking character that shows where the next character will appear
on a document.
The vertical or horizontal setup of a printed page is known as its orientation.
Portrait is the default (preset) printing orientation for a page of text. When something is
printed in portrait, the height of the page is greater than the width.
Landscape orientation is the page layout in which text and/or graphics are printed across the
long edge of a page. When something is printed in landscape, the width of the page is greater
than the height.
A header allows text to be printed above the top margin of a document.
A footer allows text to be printed below the bottom margin of a document.
Alignment refers to the way multiple lines of text line up along the left, right, or both margins
of a document.
Flush left/left align is the alignment of text along the left margin, leaving an uneven right
Flush right/right align is the alignment of text along the right margin, leaving an uneven left
Center alignment will result in a ragged left and right margin.
Justified means that words are even at both the left and right margins.
Font is the type design for an entire set of characters, the distinctive design of a set of type,
distinguished by its weight, posture, and type size.
Times New Roman and Arial are examples of fonts.
Weight refers to the overall lightness or darkness of a typeface design (font type).
A point is the standard unit f measurement for typography in word processing/desktop
One inch is equal to 72 points.
Shading is when you apply a background color to text.
Word wrap is the word processing feature that automatically moves text to the next line
without you having to strike the Enter key.
Single spacing leaves one blank line between each line keyed.
Insert mode allows text to be added in the middle of an existing line.
The Tab key will move the cursor a predetermined (5) number of spaces on a line.
If you want text to start at certain points across a page, you would use the Tabs feature.
Setting tabs would be the best feature to use for text to be indented a preset distance on the
second line of an item.
Indentation is when a line starts .5” from the margin.
Setting up columns would be the best feature to use for 2 sections of text side-by-side on one
Copy and paste are word processing features that allow text to remain in the old position and
also be duplicated to a new position in a document.
Cut and paste is the word processing feature that allows text to be removed from the old position
and be placed in a new position in a document.
The print preview feature allows the user to view a document before it is printed.
Editing is the process of updating a word processing document to correct spelling, layout issues,
and other items to make the document visually appealing.
Spell check is the word processing feature that compares every word in a document with an
electronic dictionary.
You should spell check and save every document before printing.
Name _________________________________________________ Class ________________
A thesaurus allows you to find synonyms, words with similar meanings.
Bullets would be the best enhancement to use to set a list of items apart from the rest of the
Integration is when you combine the features of two programs, for example, including charts
from spreadsheets with word processing documents.
Minutes are used to inform members of what happened at a previous meeting. They should
always be distributed after a meeting.
The top margin of a minutes document is 2”.
A business letter is a formal correspondence that is sent from a business to another business or
to an individual.
When letterhead stationery is used, you do not key the return address.
The side margins of a business letter are 1”.
When keying a business letter without letterhead, the dateline is the first letter part keyed.
The salutation of a business letter offers greetings to the recipient.
“Sincerely” is an example of a complimentary close.
The writer of a business letter keys his/her name 4 lines (QS) beneath the complimentary close
to leave space for their signature.
Reference initials are used below the keyed signature line of a letter to indicate that someone
other than the author of the letter typed it.
Reference initials should be keyed in lowercase with no space or punctuation between them.
DS between reference initials and an enclosure notation.
Paper that is of the same color and quality as the letterhead that is used should be used for the
second page of a business letter.
At least 2 lines must be carried over to the second page if you have more than a one-page
business letter.
The top margin of the second page of a 2-page business letter is 1”.
Memorandums (memos) are a type of correspondence that is used to inform people about what
is happening within a company.
Academic reports are used to present your findings about a given topic. A research paper is a
type of academic report.
The entire body of an academic report should be double-spaced.
The reference lines of an academic report should be single-spaced.
Flyers can be used to communicate the sale of items from a business to potential customers and
publicize an upcoming event.
Desktop publishing is the use of a personal computer as an inexpensive production system for
creating typeset-quality text and graphics.
Desktop publishing software is a more advanced version of word processing software.
Desktop publishing software would be best for creating flyers, newsletters, and invitations.
A newsletter would be the best format for communicating the monthly activities of a school club
to its members.
Newsletters are generally formatted to have columns, graphics, and varying font sizes.
A template is when a document includes the text needed to create standardized documents.