
Interchange Conference Transcript
[Message #1
10:06:39 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Karen Wong:
Prompt: Scroll down to determine which character you've been assigned to.
Describe his/her personality based on dialogue, thoughts, actions, interactions,
and textual description; also include any questions that her/his behavior may
raise. Secondly, predict how this character will develop and/or what you think
will happen to her/him. Draw from specific scenes and/or quotes from the novel
to substantiate your response.
[Message #2
10:32:21 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Daisy Cruz:
About jorge I don't know much about this character but from what I have read I
know that he has died and has been apearing to his daughter louredes, since he
has been appearing to his daughter this may cause some conflict for his daughter
because people will judge her as beeing crazy because it is not rare or common
that a dead person appears to a human. I predict that if he keeps appearing to
his daughter, it's going to cause confusion to lourdes and others because
lourdes won't know if it is real that her father jorge is appearing or her mind
is playing tricks on her and for the people around lourdes they just going to
think shes crazy.
[Message #3
10:40:35 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Alejandra Gamez:
Jorge del Pino is dead, but when he was a live, he had a good relationship with
his daughter Lourdes. They watched base ball games on tv together and attended
them as well. That is the way that they bonded. He traveled a lot, for he sold
"electric brooms" and was never with his family. he was known to be a hard
worker, and always dressed with his suit, even on the hottest days. When he was
first married to Celia, they lived with his mother and sister. Both his mother
and sister never treated Celia with respect. I think that they made her crazy.
But jorge never found out how badly they treated her. I think he would not do
anything if he found aout anyway. He loved Celia very much. He loved her so
much that he did not care if she was in love with another man, he still loved
her and had hope that she would forget Gustavo.
[Message #4
10:41:02 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Lorena Alfaro:
Jorge del Pino is somewhat of a confusing character for me. I know he loves his
wife and daughters; he demonstrates his love for Celia by writing her elaborate
love letters. I conclude that Jorge is a hopeless romantic. He always writes
beautiful letters of love to his wife, while she, on the other hand, writes a
bunch of facts with no feelings, and this disappointes him. By what I have
read, I can infer that he is a mommy's boy. Celia talks about the early days of
her marriage to Jorge. He traveled a lot because of his job and left her by
herself with his mother and sister. They did not ike her at all, and did nasty
things to belittle her. She never told Jorge about the way they treated her
because she knew that he would do nothing about it. He put his family before
her, and that tells me he is very respectful. Jorge demonstrates his love,
loyalty, and understanding for Celia by recognizing that she is not in love with
him when they get married. He knows that she is in love with Gustavo, a Spanish
man she met while working at El Encanto selling cameras.
He suggests that
Celia writes him so she could feel better. I think that was a nice gesture from
his part. In a letter to Gustavo, Celia writes, "Jorge makes love to me as if
he were afraid I might shatter." (Garcia, 1992, pg. 49) I think that this once
again proves how gentle he is. It seems as if he carries himself that way
through life, even up until his death. When he talks to Celia and Lourdes in
visions that they have of him after his death, he is always gentle. He chooses
his words carefully and seems to speak in a conforting tone.
[Message #5
10:41:21 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Joenna Gomez:
Jorge del Pino was the type of business man that always travels and wasnt home
really. He wasnt really out spoken towards his wife, he wont say nothing about
Celia writing those love letters to Gustavo. He loved his family very much. I
noticed that his family does not like his wife Celia. His mother and sister
would always give her a hard time about things. She never told Jorge what they
would tell her due to the fact that he wouldnt do anything to stop it. Jorge
seems very respectful in a way because he would always put his family before
her. His feelings for his wife are strong, he loves and he is a good man to her.
He has a good relationship wit his kids. Except for Felicia, his second
daughter, they had some problems and didnt talk for a really long time. It all
started because Jorge doesnt like his Hugo Villaverde, felicia's ex husband. " '
He didnt even say good bye.' the last timeFelicia saw her father, he had smashed
a chair over ex husband Hugos back.'If you leave with this sonofabitch, dont
ever come back!' her father had shouted as they fled." that was the last time
she saw or even talked to her dad.
[Message #6
10:41:28 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Jorge is not present during the book because he has died, but somehow you know a
lot about him. He is mentioned a lot by his daughters and wife. Jorge died of
stomach cancer. The book also mentions how he would travel a lot because he
would sell his new inventions. When they first got married, Jorge and Celia
barely saw eachother. Jorge would always be traveling and Celia would be stuck
in her mother-in-law's house. His spirit comes and visit Lourdes. He was very
close to Lourdes, when he was alive they would always go to the baseball games.
Jorge wasn't too fond of Felicia's first husband, Hugo, he slammed a chair on
his back.
[Message #7
10:44:43 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Raymond Soudah:
Jorge was someone with not too many words, he was not out spoken. He did not
mind what was around him, he kept to himself, but took care of his family. Jorge
didn't really care about much, he went on with his business and enjoyed sports.
Not much to say about Jorge, except he kept to himself, but had strong family
ties. Reding how Jorge didn't mind about much, He didn't mind when his wife,
Celia, was writing to Gustavo, shows how he does not care. Not being around
much, when he was around his presence was not visible that much.
[Message #8
10:49:33 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Lorena Alfaro:
Good points everyone... i like yer point, Alejandra, about how he was a hard
worker, not too many of us emphasized that aspect of his personality
[Message #9
10:50:28 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Daisy Cruz:
do you guys think it will be a problem for lourdes if jorge keeps appearing???
[Message #10
10:50:56 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Jorges relationship with his daughter Lourdes reminds me of Pilar's relationship
with her father. The cycle of not getting along with their mother is repeating
[Message #11
10:51:37 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Karen Wong:
What did you make of Jorge's absolute rejection of the revolution? Why do you
think that he rejected it?
[Message #12
10:51:38 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Alejandra Gamez:
I think we all share the same oppinion on Jorge, but I think he was so
understanding about Celias love letters because he probably has someone else as
[Message #13
10:52:06 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Raymond Soudah:
I think he just didn't cae about much, but his daughters.
[Message #14
10:52:17 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
I agree with you alejandra
[Message #15
10:52:24 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Alejandra Gamez:
Thanks Lore!
[Message #16
10:52:43 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Joenna Gomez:
Jorges had a strong relationship with Lourdes and i think his spirits will stay
with her
[Message #17
10:53:04 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Joenna Gomez:
[Message #18
10:53:12 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
that seems like it would be true. he is never there so that is supporting
[Message #19
10:53:14 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Lorena Alfaro:
no, he cared about Lourdes. they had a good relationship.... the one who he
didn't get along with was Felicia. have u noticed how he's appeared to Lourdes
and Celia a lot, and not to Felicia?
[Message #20
10:53:29 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Daisy Cruz:
i agree with you joenna
[Message #21
10:54:03 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Alejandra Gamez:
Do you guys really think that he is truly appearing to them? Or are they just
seeing what they want to see or hear?
[Message #22
10:54:24 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Joenna Gomez:
good question alejandra
[Message #23
10:54:45 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Alejandra Gamez:
Thaks Joenna
[Message #24
10:54:46 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
it might be the wayu they are dealing with his lost
[Message #25
10:55:15 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Alejandra Gamez:
Because I think they are a little crazy
[Message #26
10:55:21 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Daisy Cruz:
i think that there just seeing and hearing him because they miss him and it's
the only way they can communicate
[Message #27
10:55:32 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Joenna Gomez:
i think its both because Lourdes knows and wants her dad to be with her even
though hes up above and its not easy for her to let him go
[Message #28
10:55:41 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Daisy Cruz:
and feel that they are near him
[Message #29
10:56:15 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Lorena Alfaro:
hmmm, i'd say both. well, in Celia's case, i think she really sees him. in
Lourdes's case, i think she wants to see him. i agree with Mayela's point that
maybe that's the way they cope with his lost
[Message #30
10:57:15 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Lorena Alfaro:
but, yeh, i think Celia's a little crazy.. her and Felicia
[Message #31
10:57:50 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Joenna Gomez:
i agree with lorena... they both are too crazy
[Message #32
10:57:56 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
i think Felicia iherited some of celia's mental instability
[Message #33
10:58:38 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Alejandra Gamez:
I think that their family as a whole has issues, I think that they are like this
because they never had a father figure, what do you think?
[Message #34
Joenna Gomez:
10:58:49 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
[Message #35
10:59:10 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
i think that is true, alejandra
[Message #36
10:59:14 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Lorena Alfaro:
in response to Karen's question of why he so deeply opposes the revolution, i
can only assume that maybe it's b/c he's a traditionalist
[Message #37
10:59:30 AM, Wednesday, March 03, 2004]
Lorena Alfaro:
yeh alejandra's right