Checklist for Making an Event Environmentally Friendly


Checklist for Making an Event Environmentally Friendly

This checklist is to guide partners on the different aspects of the event, which would influence the impact on the environment. Partners are encouraged to use the checklist accordingly with respect to your event specifics. a) Reduce Waste

Recycling and Waste


Are name card holders reused?

Are hardcopies of proceedings minimized by posting the presentations or papers online or on CDs?

Tick, if yes


What about thumb drives instead of CDs?

Are handouts printed on two sides using post-consumer recycled paper?

Is the giving out of plastic bags minimized?

Are there recycling and waste management programmes?

Has a private cleansing contractor been appointed to maintain the cleanliness of the event site?

Has recycling been incorporated in the cleansing contract?

Are ample recycling and waste bins placed within the event site?

Are recycling and waste bins placed at suitable areas with proper markings?

Are the recycling bins placed at highly visible and convenient places?

Are the recycling bins visually different from waste bins?

Are the recycling stations monitored throughout the event?

Are the vendors / participating organisations engaged to participate in recycling and waste management programmes?

Are exhibitors encouraged to avoid excessive packaging for their products?

If tokens of appreciation are necessary, is it something useful given?

Refreshments Tick, if yes

Has the caterer been informed to use reusable utensils such as melamine ware?

Are disposables avoided as far as possible?

If disposables cannot be avoided, are they made from recycled materials?

Are reusable beverage containers provided?

Is the distribution of bottled water to participants minimized?


Stage / Exhibition design Tick, if yes

Is it specified in the event management contract for exhibition that reusable booths and panels should be used as far as possible, and to recycle whatever other materials that cannot be reused?

Does the stage / exhibition design incorporate reused products or products that are sustainable?

b) Save Energy


Is there a planned energysaving strategy to reduce electricity use?

Are there any electric appliances, which are not vital for the event?

Are there any natural lighting or ventilation to reduce electricity consumption?

Is the air-conditioner set at about 25


Lighting Tick, if yes

Are energy efficient LED

(Light Emitting Diode) bulbs or compact fluorescent lights used?

Are incandescent lamps such as halogen lights disallowed?

Tick, if yes




c) Clean Environment


Are sufficient toilets provided for the event?

Are the water fittings in good working condition? Check and ensure there is no leak

(taps, WC, flush valve, pipe) or notify the venue owner promptly for any issues.

Are contact numbers displayed for public to call for prompt rectification if they come across any water leakage or faulty water fittings?

Are water conservation messages/posters displayed at strategic positions to remind public how precious water is? (E.g. turn the tap off when soaping your hands) d) Be Environmentally Friendly

Signage and banners

Tick, if yes

Tick, if yes

Is the signage produced with non-PVC or biodegradable materials?

If the production involves

PVC or similar materials, will they be donated, recycled or reused in a creative way after the event?



Audience and staff transportation Tick, if yes

Is the venue conveniently situated near public transportation services for participants to get to and from the event?

Are information and maps on public transportation provided?

Are the participants encouraged to take public transport or carpool?

If there is no public transportation to and from the venue, are there shuttle services provided?

Communication and marketing Tick, if yes

Could registration, communication and marketing methods be paperless? Example: New

Media, e-registration, e-invite and e-posters

Are messages from the emcees, stage and on the screens used to engage the audience on proper waste management?

Are programme brochures, pamphlets and flyers printed on recycled paper?

Are wasteful distributions of programme brochures, pamphlets and flyers reduced?



Suggested Emcee Script for Events

General Clean & Green Singapore (CGS) messaging

 This is a CGS event. Let’s adopt a Clean & Green lifestyle! There are simple steps, which you can incorporate into your lifestyle to help save the environment!

A Clean & Green Lifestyle starts with you and me. Start doing your part for the environment today!

Water is precious. Make every drop count.

 Plant a seed; plant your kids’ future. Don’t take their futures for granted.

Every little effort helps.

Reduce, reuse, recycle! Resource conservation starts today!


Remember to recycle your unwanted items. Please sort them properly into the recycling bins provided.

Please dispose your recyclables properly in the recycling bins provided.

Make recycling your habit from today! Look for the coloured bins.

Think before you throw! The items in your hands could be recycled!

Choose reusable bags instead of plastics ones for groceries!

Reduce waste

Do not take more than you need. Use less plastic bags.

 Let’s save the environment by taking less plastic bags.

Choose recycled products or products with minimal packaging. Make

“green” choices a way of your life.

Save energy

Please set the air-conditio ning to 25°C or above to save energy!

The airconditioning has been set to 25°C for your comfort and to conserve energy.

 Is the temperature of the area to your liking? It has been set to 25°C to save energy.

When you are at home, remember to switch off appliances when not in use. Our little efforts add up together.


 ‘ Let’s Clean Up’ this event site. Just Bin It. Please bag your litter and throw it into the litterbins around you for a ‘ litter-free’ Singapore. Together, let’s make this event ‘litter-free’!

 Come on! Let’s play our part for a clean and ‘litter-free’ Singapore! Let’s

Clean Up and Just Bin It. Please hold on to your unwanted items and dispose it into the litterbins around you.

 Everyone! A clean and ‘litter-free’ Singapore requires everyone’s effort.

Please bin your litter into the litterbins around you. Let’s Clean Up and

Just Bin It.
