Finding services in Hampshire Local Authority Services A local authority may be a ‘county council’, a ‘district council’ or a ‘unitary authority’. These organisations deliver a wide range of public services including for example, housing. social care and transport. In large county areas there may be a ‘two tier’ system with service delivery divided between the authorities. Tier One : County councils County Councils deliver Social care ( for Children and Adults), manage certain aspects of roads and transport and cultural and recreation opportunities and access to education/ schools. Tier Two : District/ borough/city councils These authorities are responsible for local housing policy and planning, they facilitate access to social housing or may have their own housing stock. They have a role in working with local communities, relating to the provision sports and leisure facilities and also in business development. They are also responsible for licensing, waste collection, adaptations (DFGs) and housing benefit. In large urban areas all services are delivered by unitary authorities. Hampshire County Council are responsible for the following relevant services: Adult Services (including advice and information, social care, occupational therapy, access to equipment and adaptations, sensory services, help for carers, safeguarding, prevention and early intervention services) Children’s Services (including schools admissions, child protection, childcare support) Roads and transport and economic development Culture and recreation The 11 District Councils1 in Hampshire are responsible for the following services: Housing (including housing benefit and access to social housing, disabled facilities grants) Business Leisure and culture Waste collection Local planning services. To find the local authority you are looking for, check the postcode at the following link. The general enquiries phone number is also provided. Portsmouth or Southampton (Unitary Authorities) All services are delivered by the relevant Unitary Authority, i.e. Portsmouth City Council and Southampton City Council each deliver housing, social care, children’s services, access to education, roads and transport services in their local area. Health Services Find your local GPs, dentists, pharmacies and more on the website below or contact NHS direct on 0845 46 47 1 Basingstoke and Deane, East Hants, Eastleigh, Fareham, Gosport, Hart, Havant, New Forest, Rushmoor, Test Valley, Winchester Oct 2012 1 Hampshire County Council Key Points of Contact: Extensive information about the range of services available from Hampshire County Council is available on the dedicated Hampshire Armed Forces WebPages. See The Hampshire County Council Contact Centre provides callers with information, advice and access to services: Contact them to find out what help and assistance is available. They may be able to provide information and signposting on the phone, can send you specific information relevant to your enquiry, refer you to a specialist team such as OPAL ( Older Peoples Area Link) or carry out an assessment. Key Numbers : General enquiries : Telephone 0845 603 5638 or email Adult Services : 0845 603 5630 Children’s Services : 0845 603 5620 Text phone for hearing and speech impaired customers within Hampshire - 0845 603 5625 Main switchboard - 01962 841841 Services available from Hampshire County Council Information, advice or assistance Adult Services What does it do People may need social care or support during a crisis, because of their age, long term ill health or disability, or because they are caring for others. Continuing Healthcare If you consider the individual may have ‘continuing healthcare’ needs please contact Continuing Healthcare team. Telephone : 01252 796269 Personal care needs Everyone is entitled to an assessment of their needs to see if Hampshire County Council Adult Services Department can help. The main emphasis of the County Council is on providing help that will keep people living independently for as long as possible. Whether the individual has a long term impairment, has just come out of hospital or is struggling as a result of age or illness adult services may be able to help. Fair Access to Care The ‘Fair Access to Care’ guidance helps Local Authorities, like Hampshire County Council, decide who their ‘most needy’ members of the community are by setting out ‘Eligibility Criteria’. The following will be considered as part of this process: Ordinary residence2 Information and contact details Tel : 0845 603 5630 Info on: Eligibility criteria for care Support for people with disabilities Support for people with sensory loss Home care Residential care Carer and family support Ordinary Residence : Dept of Health Guidance : um_dh/groups/dh_digitalass ets/documents/digitalasset/ dh_128109.pdf Guidance re levels of need : l-substantial.htm 2 For the purposes of ordinary residence where care at home is the requirement the eligibility will be determined by the home address of the individual. Please refer to guidance where residential care is required as the situation is more complex. Oct 2012 2 Blue badge scheme See also the full Dept of Health guidance on ordinary residence Level of need (In Hampshire this means you need to be assessed as being in ‘critical and substantial need’) Financial circumstances Financial Circumstances; Hampshire Contributions Policy : tions_policy_framework_fo r_adult_social_care.doc The Hampshire Care Choices WebPages will help you to find services including help with staying at home, support for carers, and living with disabilites. Hampshire Care Choices Website: The blue badge scheme allows the holder use of designated parking spaces and free parking at parking meters. e.htm To see if a case qualifies visit the criteria: Tel : 0845 603 5633 Children’s services Find our about local childcare, family services and schools, home to school transport. -services.htm Access child protection services, free schools meals or uniform grant services (eligibility applies) These teams help people in the community, whether they have just become ill, have a short-term illness, or need on-going support (for example, if they have a long-term illness, or after they have been discharged from a psychiatric hospital). Access to mental health services is via the GP. This website is run by the Hampshire Domestic Abuse Forum (HDAF), which is a group of organisations and agencies in Hampshire that work together to help and support people who are experiencing domestic abuse. Tel : 0845 603 5620 Occupational Therapists Occupational therapists (OT’s) carry out assessments and provide services to help people remain as independent as possible in their own homes - this includes assessments required for home adaptations. Hampshire OT Direct0845 600 4555 Substance Misuse Service Directory If treatment is required for a substance misuse problem there is a 24 hour advice line : 023 9268 3371 or find a service using the web site. CatInfo.asp?id=205 Supporting People Services Housing support for vulnerable people – including for example those that are homeless or at risk of losing their home, have disabilities or are at risk of abuse ng-people/sp-serviceusers/sp-services.htm Community mental health teams Domestic Abuse Services mhteams.htm http://hampshiredomesticab District and Borough Housing Services Housing services cannot be accessed directly from Hampshire County Council. For access to housing or housing advice and information you must contact the relevant district / borough or Portsmouth/ Southampton councils. The following housing link will use your postcode to find the correct local authority. It will direct you to local information about housing services and housing benefit. Alternatively, if you know which council you require you can contact their housing department direct: Council Website for services Direct contact number Basingstoke and Deane Borough (1) housing and council tax 01256 810680 (2) Housing waiting list enquiries, Oct 2012 3 East Hampshire District Eastleigh Borough Gosport Borough Hart District /webpages/Welcome Havant Borough ousing.htm New Forest District Rushmoor Borough Test Valley Borough Winchester City 4239 43 35 homelessness enquiries 01256 845250 01730 234345 02380 688165 0800 328 6958 Housing Options Service: 02392 545 476 Housing Register (Waiting list and Transfers): 02392 545 476 01252 774 420 Housing Advice & Homelessness: 023 9244 6379 Hampshire Home Choice: 023 9244 6507 023 8028 5000- Main switchboard number 01252 398634: Housing Options team 01264 368000 01962 840 222 Portsmouth City Council - for all council services in Portsmouth Service Housing information- see website for all including Supporting People. Contact details 023 9283 4989 : Homelessness team Parking badges for disabled (blue badge scheme) 0239284 1981: Housing needs, advice and support services Email enquiries to : Email enquiries about support services to 023 9284 117 email Occupational therapists Social care services 023 9260 6008 023 9268 0810 : Helpdesk Southampton City Council - for all services in Southampton Service Housing information- see website for all including Supporting People. Social care services Oct 2012 Contact details 023 8083 3006: Housing allocations (including homelessness and housing advice) 023 8083 3003 : Adult social care, including blue badge parking permits, and occupational therapists 4 Oct 2012 5