MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF BIAŁYSTOK ul. Jana Kilińskiego 1, 15-089 Białystok Tel. 85 748 54 15, fax 85 748 54 16 e-mail: APPLICATION FOR THE FINANCING OF A DIDACTIC AND RESEARCH PROJECT FROM THE PRO-QUALITY GRAND KNOW 1) PROJECT TITLE ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. 2) PROJECT AUTHOR First name and surname: ................................................................................................................... Title/Degree: ...................................................................................................................................... Department: ....................................................................................................................................... (Scientific achievements) 3) AREA OF RESEARCH □ neoplastic diseases/mutagenesis □ cardiovascular diseases □ neurodegenerative diseases □ metabolic diseases □ other, if other please specify: …………………………………………………………………..…… 4) METODOLOGY OF RESEARCH □ metabolomics/lipidomics □ proteomics □ immunology □ transcriptomics □ genomics □ molecular biology □ biostatistics/bioinformatics □ other, if other please specify: …………………………………………………………………..…… MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF BIAŁYSTOK ul. Jana Kilińskiego 1, 15-089 Białystok Tel. 85 748 54 15, fax 85 748 54 16 e-mail: 5) OTHER PEOPLE INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT INCLUDING STUDENTS / PhD STUDENTS (Title, degree, first name and surname, Department, position) 6) DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION FOR THE PROJECT Planned time frame for realization: ........................................................................................ Objectives and aims of research: (Indicate cohesion with research topics included in the KNOW application form) Methodology: The didactic and research project is subject to evaluation of: □ Bioethics Committee (date of obtaining the Committee's consent: ……………………..…………….) □ Local Ethics Committee for Experiments on Animals (LEC) (date of obtaining the Committee's consent: ……………………..…………….) □ Does not apply, because pertains to tissues sampled in the course of experiments that were previously given LEC consent no. ……………………….. previously □ Does not apply 7) FINANCING FROM THE PRO-QUALITY GRAND KNOW Justification for financing: (Demonstrate consistency with research topics included in the KNOW application form) MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF BIAŁYSTOK ul. Jana Kilińskiego 1, 15-089 Białystok Tel. 85 748 54 15, fax 85 748 54 16 e-mail: Describe the planned efforts for obtaining other funds for scientific research. (How will the proposed project contribute to the chances of obtaining financing from other sources?) Describe the planned co-operation with other units participating in KNOW. (Will other centers (including foreign ones) participate in the project?) 8) DIDACTIC AND RESEARCH TASK COST ESTIMATE Content Amount planned Materials and reagents: Subcontracted services: PET/MRI Scans: Local: Business trips Foreign: Total cost: ……………………………. Date ……………………..……….. Project Author's signature