MESA COLLEGE, SAN DIEGO SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS & NATURAL SCIENCE General Biology (BIO107); Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. C Chhaapptteerr 77:: TThhee D Daarrkk R Reeaaccttiioonn ooff P Phhoottoossyynntthheessiiss - Part II The C Caallvviinn--B Beennssoonn ccyyccllee Plants are the primary producers of food materials of all major food chains on planet Earth Due to the importance of plants as the primary suppliers of raw materials, most importantly in form of glucose, fructose and starch, to most forms of life, the chemical process called Calvin-Benson cycle (or short: Calvin cycle) has to be considered as the single most important biological process on planet Earth the Calvin cycle is a cyclic series of chemical reactions happening in the stroma of the chloroplast that leads to the build-up (= synthesis) of the mono sugar molecules glucose and fructose and the polysaccharide starch the Calvin cycle builds-up (= synthesizes) the energy-rich 3 carbon molecule glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (= G3P) from CO2, ATP and NADPH + H+ CO2 is extracted from air, which diffuses freely into the chloroplast via special leaf openings, called stomata ATP and NADPH + H+ is supplied via the two light reactions in PS I and PS II (see part I) G3P the end product of the Calvin cycle is the key precursor molecule of all important 6 carbon sugar molecules, most importantly of glucose and fructose the chemical reactions of the Calvin cycle occur in the stroma of the chloroplast TThhee tthhrreeee sstteeppss ooff tthhee C Caallvviinn ccyyccllee 11.. C Caarrbboonn ffiixxaattiioonn 3C CO O222 molecules are combined with 3 molecules of the 5 carbon- molecule R Riibbuulloossee-bbiisspphhoosspphhaattee ((R i b P 2 ) Rib-P2) to receive 6 molecules of the 3 carbon compound 33--P Phhoosspphhooggllyycceerriicc aacciidd ((== 33--P PG G)) this reaction is catalyzed by Rubisco, the key enzyme of the Calvin cycle of C: 3 xC C + 3 3 xC C55 6 xC C33 + 15 18 1 MESA COLLEGE, SAN DIEGO SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS & NATURAL SCIENCE General Biology (BIO107); Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. C Caarrbboonn ffiixxaattiioonn rreeaaccttiioonn ooff tthhee R Ruubbiissccoo eennzzyym mee despite its central role in PS, the Rubisco enzyme is remarkably inefficient and slow typical enzymes can process more than 1000 molecules per second Rubisco fixes only about three CO2 molecules per second plant cells compensate for this slow rate by building lots of the enzyme since chloroplasts are literally packed with Rubisco, it makes it the most plentiful single enzyme on planet Earth! M Mooddeell ooff tthhee ccaarrbboonn--ffiixxiinngg eennzzyym mee R Ruubbiissccoo based on X-ray crystallography Plants & Algae: 8 copies of a large protein chain 8 copies of a smaller protein chain contains Mg2+ as co-factor 22.. E Enneerrggyy ccoonnssuum mppttiioonn aanndd rreeddooxx rreeaaccttiioonnss 2 chemical reactions of the Calvin cycle consume energy from 6 ATP and oxidize 6 NADPH + H+ molecules to reduce 6 molecules of 3-PG to the energy-rich G3P molecule 2 MESA COLLEGE, SAN DIEGO SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS & NATURAL SCIENCE General Biology (BIO107); Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. 33.. R Reelleeaassee ooff oonnee m moolleeccuullee ooff G G33P P ppeerr ccoom mpplleettee ccyyccllee 5 of the synthesized 6 G3P (C3) molecules remain in the Calvin cycle to recover 3 molecules of Rib-P2 (C5), which can re-enter the cycle only one molecule G3P (C3) leaves the Calvin cycle and is available for the subsequent glucose (C6) synthesis since G3P is only a 3 carbon compound (C3) it takes two rounds of the Calvin cycle to finally make one glucose molecule (C6) since plants usually produce more sugar than they actually need for maintaining their vital biological functions, many sugars are stock-piled as storage sugars in form of starch in roots, tubers and fruits the photosynthesis reaction of plants produces billions of tons of organic matter or biomass each year; this bio-production is unmatched by any other chemical process on Earth! (see Graphic below) most of the organic matter produced by plants via photosynthesis is the ultimate source of food for virtually all organisms on our planet plants are the foundation of our Earth’s diverse food chains life on Earth as we know it is not possible without this unique photochemical process called photosynthesis! C Crruucciiaall cchheem miiccaall sstteeppss ooff tthhee C Caallvviinn ccyyccllee (molecule numbers shown for two complete rounds within the cycle to make one molecule of glucose ) 3 MESA COLLEGE, SAN DIEGO SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS & NATURAL SCIENCE General Biology (BIO107); Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. the Calvin cycle is the plants core chemical reaction and is the ‘turbine’ of its sugar manufactory process the sugar produced during the Calvin cycle is used by the plants as: 1. fuel molecule for cellular respiration 2. as nectar for insect attraction or 3. as starting material for the biosynthesis of structural molecules, e.g. cellulose or storage molecules, e.g. starch Carbon fixation and release in numbers • Carbon fixation rate: 5g CO2 / m2 x day (temperate forest) • Global carbon fixation 100 Giga t C / y (due to photosynthesis) • Global carbon fixation 92 Giga t C / y (due to Ocean uptake) • Global atmospheric carbon • Carbon (CO2) release 750 Giga t C 5.4 Giga t C / y (anthropogenic, fossil fuels) • Plant and soil respiration 50 + 50 Giga t C / y Global atmospheric CO2 concentration 4 MESA COLLEGE, SAN DIEGO SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS & NATURAL SCIENCE General Biology (BIO107); Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. C Caarrbboonn ffiixxaattiioonn ssttrraatteeggiieess ooff ppllaannttss One of the reasons for the great evolutionary success of plants on Earth lays in their adaptive flexibility and in their different ways of taking up and fixing atmospheric CO2 as well as saving water during photosynthesis Depending on their way of fixing the air’s trace gas CO2 (only 0.03% of air is CO2!), plants are classified into three groups: 11.. C C33--ppllaannttss the Calvin cycle in these plants uses CO2 directly from the entered air the first carbon compound synthesized is the 3 carbon molecule (= C3) 3-PGA C3-plants are common and widely distributed; amongst it are many agriculturally important plants, e.g. soybeans, oats, wheat, rice C3 plants are draught-sensitive and close their stomata (= leaf openings) on hot, dry days to prevent loss of water as an unavoidable consequence of the stomata closure on hot, dry days, the C CO O222 supply s l o w s d o w n also slows down, while the O2 released from the PS reaction builds up in the plant cell as a result of this, the Rubisco enzyme of the Calvin cycle incorporates O2 into Ribulose-Bisphosphate (RibP2) instead of CO2; as a consequence Rubisco enzyme cleaves and retrieves only one 3-PG (= C3) molecule (instead of two) and one C2 compound (= Phospho-glycolate) and triggers a process called photorespiration since Rubisco is an extraordinarily ancient enzyme that evolved when the planet's atmosphere lacked oxygen, it “never learned” how to distinguish CO2 from oxygen in photorespiration the uptake of O2 instead of carbon dioxide by Rubisco leads to one C3 molecule and one C2 molecule: 1. 3-phosphoglyceric acid (3-PG) (= C3) just as in the Calvin cycle under “normal” temperature conditions 22.. P Phhoosspphhoo--ggllyyccoollaattee ((== C C22)) this molecule enters the peroxisome where it forms an intermediate molecule (= glycoxylate) under consumption of oxygen (see Graphic below) a further derivative of the intermediate C2 molecule (= glycine) enters the mitochondrion where it is cleaved to CO2 and water 5 MESA COLLEGE, SAN DIEGO SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS & NATURAL SCIENCE General Biology (BIO107); Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. The major chemical events during photorespiration in C3-Plants - Happens at high light intensities - Happens at high daylight temperatures Plant Cell 2-Oxoglutarate P O – CH2 – CH – COOH 3-PG Calvin Cycle P O – CH2 – COOH L- Glycine Phosphoglycolate O2 NH4+ H2O2 Glu Pi Rubisco HOCH2 – COOH Glycolate Rib-P2 Peroxisome CO2 Mitochondrion NADH + H+ O2 CO2 Glycolate Chloroplast Oxygenase act. NAD+ H2N – CH2 – COOH H2N – CH2 – COOH Serine L- Glycine (2x) Hydroxymethyl H2N – CH2 – COOH L- Serine NH4+ Stomata closed Glycoxylate Transferase Graphics©E.Schmid/SWC2003 photorespiration, similar to cellular respiration, consumes oxygen and releases carbon dioxide, but unlike photosynthesis yields no sugar and does nnoott produce ATP molecules this outcome is very disadvantageous for the many C3 agricultural plants!! since in agricultural plants like soybean, Rubisco captures oxygen instead of CO 2 about 20 percent of it’s active time, today scientists try to genetically replace the inefficient plant Rubisco enzyme with an enzyme from green algae that captures CO 2 more quickly 22.. C C44--ppllaannttss they evolved special adaptations to save water and also to prevent photorespiration C4-plants also close their stomata on dry, hot days, but they have a special enzyme which fixes CO2 into a four carbon (= C4) compound instead of incorporating it into 3PGA! more importantly: this enzyme does not switch to O2 incorporation under dry conditions 6 MESA COLLEGE, SAN DIEGO SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS & NATURAL SCIENCE General Biology (BIO107); Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. therefore, on hot, dry days C4 plants can continue to fix carbon in the Calvin cycle even though the CO2 concentration within the leaf is low due to the stomata closure important agricultural plants e.g. corn and sugar cane are C4 plants the C4 plants evolved in the tropics as a adaptive response to the permanently hot-dry climate in these regions 33.. C CA AM M ((== ccrraassssuullaacceeaann aacciidd m meettaabboolliissm m)) ppllaannttss have evolved in form of e.g. cacti, pineapple and succulents (ice plant!) as a response to persistently dry and hot climates these plants conserve water by allowing opening of its stomata and influx of CO2 only at night (when the temperatures usually are lower!) during night, CO2 is fixed into a four carbon (C4) molecule which is later used during the day to retrieve CO2 for the ATP synthesis 7 MESA COLLEGE, SAN DIEGO SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS & NATURAL SCIENCE General Biology (BIO107); Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. P Phhoottoossyynntthheessiiss,, TTooxxiinnss & &E Ennvviirroonnm meennttaall P Poolllluuttaannttss photosynthesis is a highly complex biological process, enabled and driven by many enzymes and enzyme systems, which work in well-defined structures in well ordered and integrated sequences (= enzyme cascades) these enzymes and structures, playing a crucial role in photosynthesis, are the point of attack of many molecules released by bacteria, fungi or herbivorous insects e.g. Fusarium solani, a fungal pathogen of many plants, produces Naphthazarian toxins which destroy the chloroplast membranes as a consequence the chlorophyll of the affected leaves bleaches and the plant starts to wilt the “photosynthesis bioapparatus” is also highly vulnerable to many environmental pollutants released by human activity and is purposely attacked by commonly used herbicidal agents critical plant-harming environmental pollutants are sulfur dioxide (= SO2) and ozone (= O3), which are common air pollutants in today’s urban and inner-city areas Sulfur dioxide results from the burning of fossil fuels such as oil, gasoline and coal (especially brown coal combustion) Ozone is a highly aggressive by-product of automobile exhaust and may accumulate in urban areas on sunny days it is estimated that air pollution may reduce yields of some farm crops by as much as 20 percent! herbicides which are commonly used in agricultural weed control and known to target the enzymatic reactions, structures or processes in the chloroplasts are: 1. Triazines (e.g. Evik, Bladec) and Phenylureas (e.g. Lorox, Spike) site of action in the chloroplast is the D-1 quinone-binding protein of the photosynthetic electron transport chain 2. Diphenylether and Bipyridylium herbicides these contact herbicides destroy plant cell membranes after activation by exposure to sunlight and formation of aggressive oxygen compounds such as hydrogen peroxide 3. Bipyridiliums (e.g. Paraquat) the non-selective weed controlling herbicide Paraquat (Gramoxone Extra) is activated by the photosystem I (PSI) and destroys the chloroplast by generating free radicals 4. Diphenylethers (e.g. Blazer, Cobra) these herbicides inhibit the protoporphyrinogen oxidase enzyme of the electron transport chain 8 MESA COLLEGE, SAN DIEGO SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS & NATURAL SCIENCE General Biology (BIO107); Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. Certain herbicides work as so-called un-couplers, e.g. DNP or CCCP and prevent the synthesis of ATP in chloroplasts by shuttling protons across the thylacoid membrane they do not interfere with the passage of electrons down the electron transport chain to NADP, but destroy the proton gradient essential for ATP synthesis 9