2006PW3824 - City of Edmonton

Agenda Item No.: G.1.d. C
Cigarette Litter Management Pilot Project (City-Wide Clean Up Days)
That Transportation and Public Works
Committee recommend to the December 5,
2006, City Council Budget meeting:
That the Cigarette Litter Management
Pilot Project recommended by the
Capital City Clean Up Business
Advisory Committee at a cost of
$313,400 be approved for the 2007
Operating Budget.
Report Summary
This report recommends that a cigarette
litter management pilot project be conducted
in the downtown and Whyte Avenue areas.
This pilot is recommended by the Capital
City Clean Up Business Advisory
Committee, and includes the installation and
servicing of special cigarette litter containers
and associated public education.
Description of Pilot Project
The Cigarette Litter Management Pilot
Project recommended by the Capital City
Clean Up Business Advisory Committee and
Administration consists of the following
 The City will install and service
sidewalk cigarette litter containers along
Whyte Avenue between 103 Street and
109 Street; along Jasper Avenue
between 97 Street and 109 Street; and in
the central core including Rice Howard
Way, City Centre and Churchill Square.
 Businesses will be solicited to empty full
cigarette litter containers into existing
larger litter containers if the former are
full before the City’s scheduled
Written By:
October 24, 2006
File: 2006PW3824
Capital City Clean Up will continue to
support the Downtown Business
Association’s project to encourage
property owners to install and service
containers outside buildings where staff
and patrons congregate.
 A public education strategy will be
developed that builds awareness of litter
bylaws and encourages use of
The increase in outdoor smoking, following
the implementation of Edmonton’s Smoking
Bylaw, and lack of cigarette containers have
led to a very visible increase in cigarette
litter and warrants action to address this
This assessment is endorsed by the Capital
City Clean Up Business Advisory
Committee. This committee is chaired by
Mayor S. Mandel and includes
representatives from Subway, 7-Eleven,
Safeway, Real Canadian Superstore, Mac’s
Convenience Stores, Arby’s, McDonalds,
Boston Pizza, Quizno’s, BOMA, Shell,
Westfair Foods, A&W, KFC and Tim
Cigarette litter occurs mostly at entrances to
bars, restaurants and clubs and anywhere
people congregate such as resting areas with
benches, bus stops, etc.
Three Key Activities
Administration concurs with the research
conducted by “Keep America Beautiful
Inc.,” that recommends three areas of
activity for a successful cigarette litter
Transportation and Public Works Committee, City Council - Budget
W. D. Burn/R. Neehall
R. Neehall
Asset Management and Public Works Department
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Cigarette Litter Management Pilot Project (City-Wide Clean Up Days)
management program: 1) enforcement of
bylaws; 2) delivery of public awareness
campaign; and 3) provision and servicing of
1. Enforcement of Bylaws
 Bylaw enforcement activities can be
an effective tool for changing
attitudes and behaviour in our
community through raising public
awareness about cigarette litter.
 The Development and Compliance
Branch, as a member of the CCCU
Steering Committee, will be
assessing opportunities to support
CCCU in 2007, including support of
the Cigarette Litter Pilot Project.
2. Public Awareness Campaigns
 The public awareness campaign, to
be developed and delivered in 2007
as part of the pilot project, will
encourage smokers to take personal
responsibility for proper disposal of
cigarette litter.
3. Provision and Servicing of Containers
 The variety of cigarette butt/ash
containers on the market must meet
basic criteria such as ease of use and
adequate capacity and visibility, but
must also meet local requirements.
In the case of our City, the design
and material must match our yearround weather conditions, be
attractive and not be easily
susceptible to damage.
Evaluation of Containers
Potential containers for the pilot project
were evaluated for: 1) ease of installation
and use; 2) misuse and vandalism; 3)
susceptibility to wind; 4) visual/aesthetic
appeal; and 5) cost. Four types were
evaluated: Landmakr, MEGA Urn, Exposed
Concrete Aggregate and Butler. These are
illustrated in Attachment 1.
1. Installation
 Exposed aggregate concrete
container requires placement and
filling with sand.
 Other containers examined require a
pedestal or some form of fastening to
a light pole, bench or other street
2. Misuse and Vandalism
 Exposed aggregate concrete
containers will experience less
likelihood of damage or decay.
 The Butler container would be rated
second with respect to likelihood of
damage or decay.
 Wall-mounted metal types are most
vandalized and the concrete type
least vandalized.
3. Wind Blown Litter
 Of the four containers examined, the
exposed aggregate concrete
container is subject to litter being
blown around during high winds
because of its open design.
4. Visual/Aesthetic Appeal
 The exposed aggregate concrete
container is the least visually
appealing, notwithstanding its
appearance may be improved by
using coloured concrete.
 The Butler container is considered
the most visually appealing.
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Cigarette Litter Management Pilot Project (City-Wide Clean Up Days)
In addition, of the three metal
containers examined, the finishes
available for the Butler are superior
to the other two.
 Based on visual appearance,
compatibility with Edmonton’s
modern image and versatility in
application, the Butler Ash Container
SUBUT-LGS would be the container
of choice.
5. Cost
 The cost of containers varies from
$150 to $600 depending on size,
colour, finish and quantity ordered.
The Exposed Concrete Aggregate
Container Model EP5 with no colour
is at the low end, and the Butler Ash
Container SUBUT-LGS with full
colour options and long-lasting finish
is at the high end.
deadline for Administration’s 2007 Budget
submission preceded the decision of the
Capital City Clean Up Business Advisory
Committee to recommend approval of the
pilot project.
Justification of Recommendation
The overall evaluation of containers resulted
in the Butler being the container of choice
when all factors were considered.
Cost of Pilot
The proposed pilot would require purchase
and installation of 250 of the preferred
Butler containers. Existing vacuum
collection vehicles will be used to service
these containers.
Cigarette litter has visibly increased
since the Smoking Bylaw came into
effect and was identified at an early
stage in the Capital City Clean Up
initiative as an issue requiring attention.
The recommended pilot project is a
reasoned response to this need.
The pilot project as detailed in this
report was reviewed by the Capital City
Clean Up Business Advisory Committee
and recommended for approval by City
Referral of Recommendation 1 to City
Council’s deliberations on the 2007
Operating Budget is needed since the
deadline for Administration’s 2007
Budget submission preceded the
decision of the Capital City Clean Up
Business Advisory Committee to
recommend approval of the pilot project.
Background Information Attached
1. Illustrations of Containers Evaluated
The estimated cost of the pilot project for
2007 is approximately $313,400.
Budget/Financial Implications
The cost of the proposed pilot project,
$313,400, is not included in the 2007
Budget for Capital City Clean Up since the
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