LASCO Observations of a Streamer CME on 13-14 Aug 1997 M. D. Andrews1,2, and R. A. Howard2 1 Raytheon ITSS, 4500 Forbes Blvd, Lanham, MD 20706 E. O. Hulburt Center for Space Research, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC 20375 2 Abstract. The LASCO instruments observed a low-velocity Streamer Blowout CME on 13-14 August 1997. Data animations show the development typical of a streamer CME. The event begins with a slow brightening of the preexisting helmet streamer. This particular CME develops into two teardrop-shaped loops that may be the signature of disconnected magnetic structures. Several features have been tracked through the C2 and C3 FOVs. All of the structures show a constant acceleration of 1.6-2.7 m/s2. LASCO polarization data have been analyzed for this event. The CME shows a peak polarization fraction of 0.91. This implies that the scattering electrons are close to the plane of the sky. The total mass of the CME is measured to be 5.8 E +15 gr. The polarization data allow an estimate to be made of the electron density in this CME. The largest density is 1.7 + 0.4 E+5 e-/cm3. INTRODUCTION 1 The LASCO coronagraphs on SOHO have been observing and measuring Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) since early 1996. The initial results from LASCO were reported by Howard et al. [1]. They divided the LASCO CMEs into two classes: fast and slow. This paper considers a single slow CME. The slow events begin very slowly with the start of the event often not clearly defined. These events usually show significant acceleration in the C2 and/or C3 fields-of-view (FOV). Sheeley et al. [2] examined a particular CME observed on 27 May 1979 which produced a splitting of a bright pre-existing coronal streamer. They suggested that “Streamer Blowouts” are relatively common. Howard et al. [3] presented some general characteristics of Streamer Blowout CMEs. They indicated that these events occur in two phases: a pre-existing streamer brightens over a period of a few hours to a few days followed by the ejection of material. After the CME, the streamer was cleaned out and appeared as a dark, depleted region. 1 LASCO is the Large Angle Spectroscopic Coronagraph which is one of the instruments on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) which is a mission of international cooperation between NASA and ESA. The LASCO experiment was developed by a consortium of institutions from four countries: E. O. Hulburt Center for Space Research, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC; Laboratoire d’Astronomie Spatiale, Marseille, France; Max-Planck-Institut fur Aeronomie, Lindau, Germany; and Space Research Group, School of Physics and Space Research, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK In this paper, we consider a single CME as observed by LASCO on 13-14 August 1997. This CME completely removed the pre-existing coronal helmet streamer. The following section will present the LASCO observations of this event. The observed morphology, time-height profiles, polarization measurements, mass calculation, and estimated electron density will be presented. The paper will conclude with a discussion section in which we present a possible physical interpretation of this CME and briefly consider other observations of this event. OBSERVATIONS In this paper, we consider only the LASCO C2 and C3 observations. The C2 telescope images the region from approximately 2.0 to 6.0 R with a resolution of ~23" and a pixel size of 11.9". The C3 telescope images the region of approximately 3.7 to 32 R with a resolution of ~113" and a pixel size of 56". During August 1997, the normal procedure was to observe only the equatorial regions in C2 and C3. The data presented here cover the region of –3.5 to +3.6 R (-17.7 to + 15.7 R) in the S-N direction for C2 (C3). Each of the instruments has a number of optical filters. These data were collected using the Orange filter (540-640 nm) for C2 and the Clear filter (400-850 nm) for C3. Brueckner et al. [4] present additional information on the design and performance of the C2 and C3 coronagraphs. Figure 1. Two LASCO C3 partial frame images of the 13-14 August 1997 CME as it propagates away from the sun. The points labeled A and B indicate the rear edge of the first loop and the V-shaped “disconnection point.” The points labeled C, D, and E indicate the rear and leading edge of the bright knot and trailing edge of the second loop. See text. The morphology of the CME is illustrated in Figure 1 and the data animations, e.g. movies, on the CD-ROM that accompanies this volume. This event is not a big, bright CME. The structures being discussed in this paper are not easily shown in a single, static image. The structure of this CME changes dramatically as it moves away from the Sun. These dynamics are much more visible in the movies. The CME occurs on the West limb of the sun in the middle of a bright pre-existing helmet streamer. The CME is first visible as a distinct structure in the C2 image recorded at 10:26UT on 13 August 1997. As the CME slowly moves outward, the bright amorphous blob evolves into two distinct loop-like structures both of which are clearly seen in the C2 image at 16:23UT. The trailing loop is visible in C2 until 23:50UT 13 August 1977. Figure 1 shows the CME at two positions in the C3 FOV. The left panel displays one of the first images in which both structures are distinctly visible. Only the trailing portions of the leading loop can be seen. The features labeled A and B are the rear edge of a dark cavity within the loop and the V-shaped “disconnection point.” The right panel shows the CME approximately seven hours later. The leading loop has faded from view. The trailing loop has a bright knot near the rear of the loop. The features labeled C, D, and E are the rear of the bright knot, the leading edge of the bright knot, and the rear edge of the loop. This loop remains visible throughout the C3 FOV until it disappears at 21:18UT on 14 August 1997. The Height vs. Time plot of the five features labeled in Figure 1 is shown in Figure 2. Each of the five features has been individually tracked through the C2 and C3 FOVs. The C2 and C3 measurements are labeled 2 and 3, respectively. The uncertainty in the measurement is comparable to the size of the symbol. The curves are a least squares fit of a second order polynomial, e.g., constant acceleration. As Figure 2 shows, a constant acceleration is a very good match to the data. All of the derived accelerations are between 1.6-2.7 m/s2. The accelerations of features C and D, 1.6 m/s2 and 2.7 m/s2, are labeled in Figure 2. The features labeled A and B become too faint to track at heights below 20 R, at which point the velocities are approximately 275 km/s and 250 km/s respectively. Features C, D, and E are visible to the edge of the C3 FOV. The final velocities are approximately 260 km/s for features C and E and 320 km/s for feature D. The observed velocities and calculated accelerations for this CME are very small. The event is not bright and the leading loop fades from view at low solar heights. All of these factors could be explained if this CME were located at a significant distance from the plane-of-the-sky. The low velocities and accelerations, the low brightness, and the fading could all be explained as projection effects. As the following paragraphs will acceleration are very close to the actual radial values. The leading loop is not as strongly polarized and this emission probably originates at a larger angle with respect to the plane-of-the-sky. The coronal mass can be precisely calculated from the observed white light images if the distribution along the lineof-sight is known. For these data, we have assumed that all of the electrons were at an angle of 18 from the plane-of the-sky and applied the method of Hildner [6], to estimate the coronal mass. Andrews, Wu, and Wang [7] discuss the calculation of coronal mass based on LASCO C3 images in more detail. This calculation can have large systematic errors. In particular, while the use of 18 for the angle is justified for the brightest parts of the CME, it probably results in an underestimate of the mass for the other areas of the corona. The zero point of the mass calculation is completely arbitrary and is based on the use of a single image to remove the “background mass.” The results of the mass calculation are shown in Figure 3 and the data animation (mass_aug) on the accompanying CDROM. Figure 3 shows the mass of both Figure 2. Height vs. Time plot of the five features labeled A-E in Figure the East and West streamer belts, which in 1. The measurements from C2 and C3 are indicated by the symbols 2 and this calculation was the region within 3. Each set of measurements has been fit to a second order polynomial, approximately +6 R of the solar equator. e.g., constant acceleration. The fit is excellent. The values of the The mass on the West side slowly acceleration are those determined for features C and D. increases over a period of about 35 hours. The calculated mass then decreases slowly show, this is clearly not the case for the features labeled as material moves out of the C3 FOV. The mass of the C, D, and E. Western steamer reaches a level significantly lower than During this period, the LASCO C3 coronagraph was prior to the CME. The mass of the CME is taken to be recording polarization sequences every 12 hours. While the difference between the largest and smallest mass this is not a very rapid cadence, this CME was so slow values: 5.8 E+15 gr. For this CME, the lowest value that it was observed five times and quantitative analysis occurs after the event. is possible. In particular, the increase in brightness at 8 The mass of the East-side streamer belt shows much R due to the bright knot is approximately 91% smaller changes. The changes in the East are probably polarized. due to rotation. The Thomson scattering of solar radiation by The movie (mass_aug on the CD-ROM) shows electrons is described by Billings [5]. The polarization coronal images processed into units of mass/pixel. The of the scattered radiation is a function of the three movie clearly shows that after the CME, the Western dimensional structure of the coronal plasma. A equatorial region mass is reduced to the background polarization of 91% implies that the CME must be close coronal level. This CME does clean out the streamer to the plane-of-the-sky. With reasonable assumptions and the term Streamer Blowout is quite appropriate. for the structure of the CME, the emission is found to be We have estimated the electron density for the bright at an angle of approximately 18 from the plane-of-theknot at solar elevations near 8 R. This it not usually sky. This implies that the features labeled C, D, and E possible since the determination of the density requires are not at large angles and the observed velocity and that the distribution along the line-of-sight be known. small. Second, this CME formed two loops: one was “hollow” while the other had a bright core. At this time, we have no explanation for either of these unusual features. This CME was observed at a height of 8 R by UVCS as reported by Strahan [10]. They report outflow velocities and densities consistent with the LASCO results. On 19-20 August 1997, an interplanetary CME was observed by the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) magnetometer (D. Rust, personal communication). NEAR was located at an angle of approximately 30 forward from the plane-of-the-sky. The possibility that Figure 3. The calculated change in coronal mass for the East- and West-limb the leading loop of the LASCO CME was streamer belts during the 13-14 August 1997 CME. The Eastern (Western) observed at NEAR is being investigated. data is indicated by (). The mass of the CME is approximately 5.8 E +15 For the two observations to be of the same gr. event, the average propagation velocity For this particular CME, the large observed polarization must be approximately 480 km/s. While the features A implies that the scattering electrons are close to the and B in the LASCO CME may correspond to the plane-of-the-sky and that the depth along the line-ofNEAR observations, this would require additional sight is not large. The bright knot has the projected size acceleration since the velocities observed by LASCO of approximately 3 R. With the assumption that the are too small to reproduce the observed arrival time. knot is 3 R deep, the electron density is obtained by dividing the mass/pixel by the appropriate volume. The largest estimated density of the bright knot is 1.7 + E+5 REFERENCES e-/cm3. Typical values are 0.5 to 1.0 E+5 e-/cm3. 1. Howard, R. A., et al., “Observations of CMEs from DISCUSSION The Streamer Blowout CME of 13-14 August 1997 shows several features that are typical of this type of event. The event begins with the slow swelling and brightening of a pre-existing helmet streamer. The initial velocities are small with significant, in this case constant, acceleration throughout the C2 and C3 FOVs. As the CME develops, the shape evolves into two teardrop shaped loops. With the notable exception of the twin loops, all of these features are typical of a Streamer Blowout CME. Simnett et al. [8] have presented LASCO observations of two streamer CMEs: 28 July and 5 November 1996. They interpret the loop-like structures and the trailing V shape as the signature of disconnected plasmoids. Wu, Guo, and Andrews [9] presented a MHD model of the 28 July 1996 CME. They show that the emergence of an evacuated flux rope will trigger the CME. The observed teardrop shaped loop is the deformed flux tube. The 13-14 August 1997 CME is unusual in two ways. First, the velocity and acceleration are unusually SOHO/LASCO,” in Coronal Mass Ejections, edited by N. Crooker, J. Joselyn, and J. Feynman, AGU Monograph 99, 1997, pp.17-26. 2. Sheeley, Jr., N. R., et al., Space Sci. Rev., 33, 213 (1982). 3. Howard, R. A., et al. JGR, 90, 8173 (1985). 4. Brueckner, G. E., et al., Solar Phys., 162, 291 (1997). 5. Billings, D. E., A Guide to the Solar Corona, Academic Press, San Diego, 1966, pp. 65. 6. Hildner, e., Gosling, J. T., MacQueen, R. M., Oland, A. I., and Ross, C. L., Solar Phys., 42, 163 (1975). 7. Andrews, M. D., Wang, A.-H., and Wu, S. T., Solar Phys., submitted (1999). 8. Simnett, G. M., Solar Phys., 175, 685 (1997). 9. Wu, S. T., Guo, W. P., Andrews, M. A., et al., Solar Phys., 175, 719 (1997). 10. Strachan, L., et al., this proceedings (1999).