CME 440 Process Engineering and Design I Credits and Contact Hours: 3 credits; 3 hours and 0 minutes Course Instructor: Devinder Mahajan Text(s): 1. Seider, W.D., Seader, J.D., and Lewin, D.R., Process Design Principles: Synthesis, Analysis, and Design, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., December 2008 and 2009. ISBN 978-0-470-04895-5. 2. Svrcek, W.Y., Mahoney, D.P., Young, B.R., A Real-Time Approach to Process Control, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2006. Specific course information a. Fundamentals of process control and its role in process design. Process synthesis and reactor design parameters. Process flow sheet, P&ID symbols. Incorporation of environmental and safety aspects into process design. Design project selection with multiple realistic constraints. Team assignments, final project title and industrial mentor assignments. Introduction to CHEMCAD. b. CME Major: U3 or U4 standing; CME 320, CME 322, CME 323 c. Required course Specific goals for the course: 1. Use modern tools and techniques, such as process simulation software. 2. Learn the key assumptions that underlie the design of chemical plants and their comparative merits. 3. Learn all phases of process design of a chemical plant -- concept, design, cost estimation, and economic analysis. 4. Apply the fundamentals of chemical engineering to the design of a chemical process. Criterion 3 a-k: Outcomes a. Ability to apply knowledge of math, engineering, and science b1. Ability to design and conduct experiments b2. Ability to analyze and interpret data c. Ability to design system, component or process to meet needs d. Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams e. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems k. Ability to use techniques, skills, and tools in engineering practice Any other outcomes and assessments? %contribution 20% 15% 15% 10% 10% 15% 15% 100% Brief list of topics to be covered (including exams/quizzes): Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6. Week 7. Week 8. Week Week Week Week 9. 10. 11. 12. Week 13. Week 14 Week 15 Introduction to process design, design project schematics, guidelines, and report format Process Control 1 – control and simulation, dynamic process simulation Process Control 2 – process control hardware, control system components, primary elements, controllers (mass flow, P, T), final control elements (control valves, e.g., for liquids). Process Control 3 – open-loop control, disturbances, feedback control, dead time, common control loops, basic control modes. Quiz#1 Process Control 4 – Control in real systems. Introduction to process flow sheet, P&ID symbols, process design symbols for process flow diagram/engineering diagram. Quiz#2 Project topic selection and layout Mid term week. Project Report due VISIO tool – Process flow sheet preparation Introduction to ChemCAD ChemCad Webinar- Building a process flowsheet Design of process piping: pumps, compressors. Heat exchangers: design, operation and control. Design project discussion Power Point Presentation: Preliminary process design Design project report due