REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF HEALTH NATIONAL CHEMICALS BUREAU Regional Chemical Safety Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 16 May 2005 DRAFT MINUTES IFCS - CEE REGIONAL CHEMICAL SAFETY CONFERENCE Children and chemical safety Ljubljana 16.5.2005 Agenda, item 1: Participants were welcomed by the host, Dr. Marta Ciraj, Secretary at the National Chemicals Bureau of the Republic of Slovenia. The conference was then opened by Prof. Dr. B. Kurlyandskiy, Vice President of the IFCS. Ms. dr. Judy A. Stober, secretary general, IFCS, introduced basic facts about IFCS and its goals and objectives. She stressed that IFCS is based on full and open cooperation of all interested stakeholders (governments, NGO's, scientific institutions, etc....) with task to give recommendations and guidance, monitor progress elements, etc... on chemical safety. Special needs and concerns are devoted to chemicals problems connected to children, due to the growing evidence of serious consequences of children exposure to chemicals. IFCS's Forum IV also recognized that children can be especially vulnerable in chemicals polluted environment. That's why this conference is very important. First part of the conference was chaired by Dunja Piškur Kosmač, D.M. and Metka Macarol Hiti, D.M. from Slovenia. Agenda, item 2: As first lecturer Prof. Dr. György Ungváry presented specific vulnerability of children regarding to exposure to chemicals. Working group on chemical safety within IFCS issued a study "Protecting Children from Harmful Chemical Exposures", which was published in Central European Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Prof. Ungváry explained reasons for vulnerability of children, which consist of biological factors, toxico kinetics factors and physiological factors and behavioural factors. Children for instance inhale more air and consume more food (use more calories) that adults, compared to their body mass, have different behaviour, and are consequently exposed to higher doses of toxins. In children, very important route of exposure is the absorption through the skin. Even very small exposure can have serious consequences on IQ of the children. Further development on this issue is needed. REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF HEALTH NATIONAL CHEMICALS BUREAU Regional Chemical Safety Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 16 May 2005 Agenda, item 3: In connection to the pilot project on preparation of assessment and action plan for at least 3 countries of CEE region in different stages of economic development, Dr. Marta Ciraj presented the results of questionnaire which was sent to the countries of CEE region. 13 countries gave answers to the questionnaire, 8 of them confirmed that they have system for gathering information on poisoning of children with chemicals, most of the countries (11) obtained information from hospital, some also from ambulances, police, health institutes and special clinics. Only 5 countries have system of gathering information on long term effects, including carcinogenicity, mutagenic effects, etc... Most frequent poisonings of children are with household chemicals, pesticides, followed by industrial chemicals and other resources, like waste chemicals, etc.... Reasons of poisoning are low awareness, improper packaging and non-original packaging etc... Countries also gave proposals, what should be established or improved in the future: data collection, education, awareness raising, transmission of data to poison control centres, etc... This was followed by presentation on initial national assessment of children's environmental health and chemical safety in Hungary and Bulgaria, given by the representatives of those countries. Hungary has established very high level of children's protection from chemical exposure, their Chemicals Safety Act even requires inclusion of education programs into schools, besides that they have requirements on labelling and childproof packaging according to EU legislation. They performed analyse of children's knowledge of chemical safety in years 2003 and 2004, after teaching children about chemical safety. Results were significantly better in year 2004 than a year before. Bulgaria prepared National Action Plan for Environmental Health, Programme for limitation of health risks for the population from the harmful chemicals; they accepted Health Protection Act and established Poison Centres who gathers the information on poisonings. During the discussion on presented matters IFCS recommended to CEE countries representatives the need for updating a National Profiles and inclusion in their context the field of specific vulnerable population, particularly children .All countries in CEE Region should prepare a relevant National Action Plan or update existing in the same sense. Dr. Judy A. Stober presented, in the name of Jenny Pronczuk, WHO, the WHO activities to support the Forum IV recommendations on children and chemical safety. In year 1990 12,7 million children under 5 year of age died, in year 2000 number decreased to 10,9 million, from which 1 million can be allocated to indoor air pollution. In the age group 014 years there is 35.000 deaths due to the unintentional poisonings. Lead, mercury, pesticides, REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF HEALTH NATIONAL CHEMICALS BUREAU Regional Chemical Safety Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 16 May 2005 POP's, mycotoxins, nitrates, fluorides, arsenic, endocrine disrupters are the main reasons for this situation. IFCS prepared several recommendations, 6 case studies, books, training materials, and leaflets for doctors, etc.... IFCS is also developing indicators on children exposure Due to the IFCS Forum IV conclusions, initial assessment on children chemicals exposure should be prepared by 2006, 3 countries should be selected from CEE region, to which WHO would help with preparation of this assessment. Countries of the region should think about possible candidates. Agenda, item 5: Dr. Marta Ciraj presented results of questionnaire on risk reduction measures in CEE countries. 13 countries answered to the questionnaire, 12 of them have in place requirements on risk reduction measures for prevention of children exposure to chemicals. Measures are mostly of legislative nature: sanitary conditions, classification, labelling and packaging, etc... Only Hungary notified legally binding awareness raising programs. Countries proposed simplification of the codification, special page on INFOCAP, development of national chemical safety web site for dissemination and exchange of information for stakeholders, public and others, broadcasting on the radio and TV, etc.... Representative of Croatia stressed the importance of unified methodology for data collecting; without that, the results of risk assessments and other relevant data are hardly comparable and don’t enable good quality of risk reduction measures. Representative of Poland offered reflection after two years of using the risk reduction measures in accordance with EU legislation. He believes that classification, labelling and packaging are essential, mostly symbols for danger, R, S phrases, child resistant packages, and restrictions. They are faced with big import of toys and other products for children, from countries outside EU, that's why the proper training of inspector, which will be able to check if this products meet the requirements, is essential. Participants agreed that legislation of this field is very important, which can be underpinned by the fact that UN in its millennium development goals, in chapter "environment" explicitly mentioned chemicals. Marija Jamšek, D.M. presented role of Poison Control Centre in Prevention of Childhood poisoning in the Republic of Slovenia. Main task of centre is prevention of childhood poisoning, they collect information on poisoning and run statistics on it, and they offer 24 hour information and consultation service to general doctors. In period 1985 - 2002, 28 children under age of 14 died of poisoning, reasons were mostly: carbon monoxide, mushrooms, pesticides, ethanol and other solvents. 14% of all poisoning REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF HEALTH NATIONAL CHEMICALS BUREAU Regional Chemical Safety Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 16 May 2005 hospitalization was made for children under age of 14s, 59 % it was non medical causes, 49 % medical causes. Accidental poisoning is prevailing, except in group 10-14 years, where there is approximately the same rate of accidental and suicidal poisonings. The biggest problem is interpretation of data and different codification, (doctors sometimes doesn't codify cases correctly), which is not the good basis for preventive measures. Cooperation between all involved and proper education and exchange of information is essential. Mrs. Jamšek also explained that in Slovenia there is no specialistic study of clinical toxicology, but there is 35 hours training of toxicology, which is included in program of other specialisations and is performed each year. Representative of Russia explained that they have 43 Poison Control Centres that give assistance in cases of acute poisoning. In Moscow are 2 centres, which coordinate all other centres. All general doctors can get information on treatment of poisonings. System, which deals with statistical data, is running smoothly. Most poisoning are from alcohol, drugs and funguses. Clinical toxicology is taught at university, they are in the process of introducing preventive toxicology specialization. Dr. Judy A. Stober presented WHO Multilevel Course on the Sound Management of Pesticides and on the Dyagnosis and treatment of pesticide poisoning, which was developed in 1994 and should enable sound management of pesticides. Course is decided into three levels: basic, intermediate and advances level. Basic course deals with general absorption and effects of pesticides, personal protection, protection of others, chemical danger groups and modes of pesticide poisoning, first aid and medical treatment of pesticide poisoning and evaluation, etc... On higher level course they are lectures about how adverse effects can be prevented, how should be treated poisoning if it occurs, how to organize course and how to train the trainers, medical treatment, evaluation, reference part (documents, etc....). She also mentioned case, when 120 children died in Philippines, when accidentally pesticide was mixed with food. Participants had opportunity to see the Children & POP's Video from Uruguay, where children were expressing their views on POP's after they were taught about dangers of persistent chemicals. This is a good example, how we can teach public, especially children to become responsible citizens of the world, who will be able to demand proper actions for the protection of the world. Second part of the conference was chaired by Prof. Dr. György Ungváry and dr. Marta Ciraj. REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF HEALTH NATIONAL CHEMICALS BUREAU Regional Chemical Safety Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 16 May 2005 Agenda, items 7 and 8: On the issue of exchange of information dr. Judy A. Stober presented some available sources of information, which are: websites of different conventions, UNITAR website on education, INFOCAP, different brochure, etc.... INFOCAP (Information Exchange Network on capacity building for the Sound Management of Chemicals) was established in 1970, and was brought forward to create information exchange network. INFOCAP is area on website, where countries can publish their national plans, where experience on projects can be shared, where DNA's are listed, where is special section for regional groups and which can be a platform for international information exchange. Representative of Russia proposed that INFOCAP should include free databases on chemicals. He believes that Safety Data Sheets are mostly inappropriate, often without toxicological data, which is not a good starting point for sound management of chemicals. Some States presented their system of information exchange. Belarus is in process of preparation of National Profile, also website should be in operation soon. They have register of data on import and production, but no data on use of chemicals. There is no Poison Control Centre in Belarus. In Armenia State Committee for pesticides is established, there is no Poison Control Centre. They have issued National Profile, website is in preparation. In Romania they want to implement REACH system (which includes also exchange of information); in the field of pesticides they are working in close cooperation with NGO's. Poland finds its website as the most powerful awareness raising tool. They believe that each country should have it on national language and in English version. They also have a database of 25.000 Safety Data Sheets, which is connected into data exchange network and can be used by responsible authorities, for instance inspectors. Problems with validation of data still exist. CEE region should think about common network, which was already proposed at SAICM meeting; we should check which information exchange systems are already available. A small regional steering group should be established for information exchange issues. There is a need to elaborate which information exchange resources already exist, and which has to be additionally established. Countries are encouraged to express their interest in cooperation in such steering group. Third part of the conference was chaired by Darja Boštjančič and Karmen Krajnc, both from Slovenia. REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF HEALTH NATIONAL CHEMICALS BUREAU Regional Chemical Safety Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 16 May 2005 Agenda, item 10: As a part of preparation for following SAICM regional meeting, possible institutional arrangements for the post SAICM period were discussed. Dr. Judy A. Stober presented IFCS view on possible role of IFCS after SAIC is complete in year 2006. Establishment of IFCS was response to situation that there was no special forum, which would deal only with chemicals as a whole, and which would also include other stakeholders beside governments. IFCS was established in 1994 to improve international coordination and cooperation on chemical safety issues and one of its main aims is to integrate in this process different stakeholders. First conference was in 1994, fifth conference will be in Budapest next year. Key IFCS achievements were development of documents "Priorities for action beyond 2000", "Bahia declaration on chemical safety" and many other guidelines for safe management of chemicals. IFCS also introduced voluntary GHS system and provide initial assessment of POP's chemicals. IOMC paper on SAICM identified three roles of future organizational scheme of SAICM, namely implementation, monitoring and oversight (intersectional work). The participants should decide who will perform each of these individual tasks. It was sugested to separate the implementation role from monitoring and oversight (consideration of the outcomes of monitoring). IFCS Thought Starter on International Aspects of Chemicals Management post SAICM is neutrally proposed possible solution, but it doesn't cover implementation part, for instance, it is still unknown who will check the progress, etc.... Regional Groups should look through the paper and give proposals. It is of essential importance to include different stakeholders and to stipulate good and strong cooperation between different IGO's. Since IFCS is some kind of umbrella for other IGO's IFCS definitely could play an important role in future of SAICM. Elizabeth Hattan, from DEFRA, United Kingdom, presented conclusion of workshop on institutional and governance arrangements on post-SAICM period, which was held in London on 22-23 March 2005. Key tasks in post-SAICM period should be: oversight role, role in monitoring and assessing, promotion of national coordination and implementation, develop funding mechanisms, to promote synergies inside the IGO's, increase efficiency, sense of ownership and to prepare proposals for other actions and facilitate interagency work. Possible governance structure includes five elements: Decision Making Body (including governments, IGO's and NGO's), Intersectional subsidiary body, Secretariat, Interagency coordination (IOMC) and IGO's Governing Council. Intersessional subsidiary body should be a platform for regular discussion in the period between meetings of Decision Making Body. UNEP was selected as one of strong candidates REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF HEALTH NATIONAL CHEMICALS BUREAU Regional Chemical Safety Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 16 May 2005 for the secretariat. Very important is also public support and institutional support on national, regional and global level. Participants stressed the importance of coordination mechanisms on regional level and need for relatively frequent meetings of the highest Decision Making Body, at least every 2-3 years. Participants stress their reserve concerning presented constituents of Decision Making Body taking in account that since the government represents views of national stakeholders, probably only international NGO's can be members of Decision Making Body too. Participants should think about the future role of IFCS in post SAICM period and express their views on the forthcoming meeting of SAICM. Report prepared by: Ivana Halle, Croatia Karmen Krajnc, Slovenia