Year 4 Termly Overview: Autumn Term 2015 Week 1 3rd/4th Sept Week 2 7th Sept English Mental addition and subtraction Roman Myths Science RE PE Week 5 28th Sept Week 6 5th Oct Week 7 12th Oct Decimals, percentages and their equivalence to fractions Mental addition and Week 8 19tht Oct Mental addition and subtraction Roman Myths Number and place value Fractions, ratio and proportion Mental multiplication and division Stories Stories with with A dilemma historical historical story setting setting Living things and their habitats. Fiction focus Written addition and subtracti on subtraction Measure ment Assess Informat ion texts Assess E safety/ We are musicians. Producing digital music. ICT PSHE Week 4 21st Sept The Romans and their impact of Britain Topic Maths Week 3 14th Sept Class rules Christianity: How did Jesus change lives? Developing confidence and responsibility and making Preparing to play an active role as the most of their abilities citizens. Gymnastics /Games History Geography Topic introductio n How was Rome founded? How did the Roman Empire expand? French What was family life in Rome like? Modern day Italy and Maps of the Roman Empire. Portraits and Mosaics Art DT What was life like for the soldiers? Weaving/Roman Food/Making Shields Unit 1 Numbers/Greetings/Food Half term What was Roman architecture like? Trip recount Week 1 2th Nov Week 2 9th Nov Topic Maths English Science ICT RE PSHE PE History Geography Music Art Decimals, percentages Mental and their multiplication equivalence to and division fractions Number and Fractions, place value ratio and Written proportion addition and subtraction Recounts Poetry Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 th th 16 Nov 23 Nov 30th Nov The Romans and their impact on Britain Measurement Statistics Number and place value Written addition and subtraction Mental addition and subtraction Week 6 7th Dec Week 7 14th Dec Mental multiplication and division Written multiplication and division Maths review and revisit Assessments Newspaper reports Non chronological reports Assessments Animals including humans. We are toy designers. Prototyping an interactive toys Christianity: How did Jesus change lives? Why are presents given at Christmas? Developing relationships and respecting the Developing a healthy safer lifestyle differences between people. Dance/Games Why did the Romans V Romans V Romans come The Invasion Boudicca Boudicca Recap/Assess Celts Celts to Britain? Modern day Britain and maps of the Roman Empire. Charanga unit 2/Christmas songs and production Roman Pottery Exploring different media. DT Making Torcs/Roman Cooking/ Making Swords. French Unit 1 Numbers/Greetings/Food/Christmas