syllabus - College of Education

March 1, 2004
1. Course Prefix and Number: ADE 7930
2. Course Title: Seminar in Adult Education
3. Regular Instructors: Waynne James and William Young
4. Course Prerequisites: ADE 6385 and ADE 6080 or Instructor Approval
5. Course Description: This is an intensive induction into doctoral studies in adult
education stressing scholarly inquiry, professionalism, collegiality, and the doctoral
degree process.
6. Course Goals and Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students should be
able to:
 Identify key milestones, requirements, and events in the doctoral process at the
University of South Florida
Describe the basics of scholarly inquiry
Formulate plans for a smooth transition into and successful completion of the
doctoral program
Fulfill several of the adult education doctoral residency requirements
Demonstrate the application of competencies necessary for high levels of
scholarship, professionalism, communication, and collegiality
Assess short and long-term options of individuals who have doctorates
7. Content Outline/Topics:
Key milestones in the doctoral process at USF
Program requirements for a doctoral degree in adult education
Program events important to all in the doctoral process
The basics of scholarly inquiry
Transitioning into the doctoral program
Fulfilling the residency requirement
Demonstrating a high level of scholarship
What is professionalism in adult education?
Leadership in the communications function
The necessity for collegiality in doctoral education
What happens after the doctorate for those who have it?
8. Evaluation of Student Outcomes:
Conceptualize, develop, write-up and defend a “small” research study
Submit a written critique of one research-based journal article
Submit a written critique of one completed dissertation
Attend one proposal defense
Attend one dissertation defense
Select a research project to be conducted during the course on a class, group or
individual basis
9. Grading Criteria:
The small research study
Written critique – journal article
Written critique – dissertation
Attend one proposal defense
Attend one dissertation defense
Class Participation
Research project
Policy on Academic Misconduct
This class will follow the procedures for academic misconduct set by the University of
South Florida. Substantive and procedural due process will be afforded students charged
with violations of cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, and misrepresentation.
Plagiarism involves borrowing someone else’s words and writing them as your own.
Plagiarism is wrong and will not be tolerated. See the American Psychological
Association (APA) manual for a discussion of plagiarism and how to recognize it.
Because it can be confusing to make decisions about how and when to quote and how
much paraphrasing is allowable, please read the section on plagiarism in the APA manual
and also the section in the USF Graduate Handbook. Plagiarism on papers for this course
will result in an “F” grade on the paper and for the course.
Statement on Equal Treatment and Disabilities
The instructor and students will act with integrity and engage in equitable and respectful
verbal and nonverbal behavior with respect to differences of any kind including age,
gender, race, disability, or religion.
A student should notify the instructor in writing or by e-mail within the first week if one
needs a reasonable accommodation for a disability for this course. The instructor must
receive a letter from USF Office of Student Disability Services within one week of the
request. The Student Disability Services office is located in the Student Services
Building, Room 1133 on the Tampa campus, Telephone 813-974-4309, e-mail Additional resource information on accommodations is available
through the USF Graduate Catalog.
Religious Observances
If a section of this course includes an in-person meeting, students should notify the
instructor in writing or by e-mail within the first two weeks of any announced meeting
that the student will not be attending class for religious reasons.
10. Textbooks and Readings:
Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.). 2001
On-line resource: USF handbook for theses and dissertations. Tampa, FL:
Graduate School, University of South Florida
1. Rationale for Setting Goals and Objectives:
Instructor knowledge and experience; research on doctoral completion and noncompletion; dialogue with eminent scholars in the field of adult education; and
discussions with other colleagues in the College of Education
2. List the specific competencies addressed from the relevant national guidelines:
3. Are there field-based experiences in this course?
Students are required to attend a proposal defense and a dissertation defense but in
the traditional sense this would not be labeled a field based experience.
4. Is technology used?
Students may present their material to other class members by using software such
as power point presentations and students will communicate with their class and
group members via e-mail. Students will be expected to access and download
reports, data, and documents from websites and web based data sources. Some
class material may be placed on electronic reserve and students will be expected to
use the USF virtual library on line.
5. List the specific competencies addressed from the Florida Adopted Subject Area
6. Are there any components of the course designed to prepare teacher candidates to help
K-12 students achieve the Sunshine State Standards?