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33rd Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association
(APLA 33)
November 6-7, 2009
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
Special Theme: The Effects of Globalization on Local Languages and Dialects
Keynote Speaker: Sylvie Dubois, Louisiana State University
Call for Papers
Deadline for Submission: Monday, August 24, 2009
APLA 33 explores the effects of globalization on local languages and dialects, a theme of
particular importance to the Atlantic region's English and French dialects and Aboriginal
languages. Regional English and French dialects and Aboriginal languages embody an
intellectual wealth which is at the heart of distinctive expressions of creativity, art, music, and
individuality. Yet, as a consequence of globalization, local languages and dialects are being
spoken in an increasingly restricted number of domains and are experiencing language shift
from the local language or dialect to the matrix language (standard English or French).
Globalization thus poses ongoing challenges, ranging from documenting and preserving local
varieties (which may be primarily oral), to preparing speakers of local languages and dialects
to participate in a global context while maintaining their local identities.
We invite proposals, in English or French, for papers in all areas of linguistics, especially
papers for the special theme of the effects of globalization on local languages. Graduate
students are encouraged to apply. Presentations will be 20 minutes long followed by a 10minute question period. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words in length, excluding title
and references, and must be submitted no later than Monday, August 24, 2009.
Abstracts must be submitted via e-mail to as a separate attachment
(MSWord, Rich Text Format or PDF). Abstracts using IPA fonts should be submitted as a PDF.
In the subject field of the e-mail enter: APLA 33 Abstract Submission. In the body of the e-mail,
include only the following information:
1) Title of the paper
2) Name(s) of the presenter(s)
3) Department and affiliation
4) Student or non-student
5) E-mail address
6) Indicate which session the abstract is for:
a) The general APLA conference
b) The special theme: The Effects of Globalization on Local Languages and
Abstracts will be anonymously peer-reviewed. Replies will be sent mid-September.
The registration fee for the conference is $70 ($50 for retirees and $20 for non-Canadian
students). All presenters must be members of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association
(APLA). The annual membership fee of $30 ($15 for students) may be paid at the conference.
For more information about APLA, please visit
Contact Information
mail : Department of Linguistics (Attn: APLA 33)
300 Prince Phillip Drive
Room 3050-B, Science Building
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, NL A1B 3X9
e-mail :
(709) 737-8134
(messages only)