Secondary English/Literacy Team Longer Writing Task – mark scheme Section A Band Sentence Structure and Punctuation Marks available AF5 vary sentences or clarity, purpose and effect. AF6 write with technical accuracy of syntax and punctuation in phrases, clauses and sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 EA2008 Simple connectives used to link ideas. Repetition of sentence structures and limited detail. Sentences generally correctly demarcated with some attempt to use other punctuation. Grammatically sound sentences with slightly wider use of connectives. Some variation in sentence structure. Detail provided through expanded noun phrases. Most sentences correctly demarcated with some use of other punctuation. Compound and complex sentences used with some variety of connectives. Use of different sentence types and movement in verb forms. Relevant detail and information built up through phrases. Almost all sentences correctly demarcated, with some use of a range of other punctuation. Range of sentence structures used – a variety of lengths and focuses. Secure movement between tenses and verb forms. Range of punctuation used, generally securely, to mark the structure of sentences and give clarity. A variety of sentence types and structures used for clarity and emphasis. Secure movement between verb forms and manipulation of sentence structure for effect. Range of punctuation used securely to give clarity. Confident control of a wide variety of sentence structures for effect and emphasis. Range of punctuation used to enhance meaning and create particular effects. 0 1, 2 3, 4 5, 6 7 8 1 Secondary English/Literacy Team Longer Writing Task – mark scheme Section B Band Text Structure and Organisation Marks available AF3 organise and present whole texts effectively, sequencing and structuring information, ideas and events AF4 construct paragraphs and use cohesion within and between paragraphs 1 2 3 4 5 6 EA2008 Simple overall structure to the writing. Within sections, ideas are linked mainly through topic. Some of the changes in focus are abrupt Clear structure to the writing with main ideas clarified through some use of paragraphs or sections. Transitions between sections may be awkward. Sections or paragraphs organised around a main idea, with some development. Paragraphs or sections support the overall structure of the writing. Some links between the paragraphs and some attempt at an effective opening or ending. Within paragraphs or sections, main ideas are developed. Text connectives clarify links between ideas. The structure of the writing is clarified by paragraphs which are linked in a variety of ways. Paragraphs are varied to support the structure of the whole text. The ending may refer back to the opening. Within paragraphs, ideas are linked to develop or illustrate points. The whole piece of writing is structured to give clarity and emphasis to the key points. Paragraphs are clearly linked and references may be made backwards and forwards within the text. The opening and ending may be deliberately linked for effect. Within paragraphs, a range of techniques is used to support cohesion. The whole piece of writing is shaped and controlled for emphasis and clarity. Within paragraphs, a range of devices is used with control to create effective cohesion. 0 1, 2 3, 4 5, 6 7 8 2 Secondary English/Literacy Team Longer Writing Task – mark scheme Section C Band Composition and Effect Marks available AF1 write imaginative, interesting and thoughtful texts AF2 produce texts which are appropriate to task, reader and purpose. 1 2 3 4 5 6 EA2008 Some features of an appropriate form are evident Evidence of a simple, limited viewpoint Some awareness of appropriate style. An appropriate form, which attempts to gain the reader’s attention, is mostly maintained A viewpoint is established and maintained Some straightforward stylistic features support the purpose of the writing. Appropriate aspects of an appropriate form are adapted to gain the reader’s attention. A clear and consistent viewpoint is established, perhaps taking into account others’ views. Some use of appropriate stylistic features. The chosen form is adapted for impact and to engage the interest of the reader. A well controlled, widening viewpoint. A range of stylistic features adds to effect. The chosen form is deliberately adapted to manipulate the reader. The viewpoint recognises the wider context. The choice of stylistic features is well judged for impact. The chosen form for the writing is skilfully exploited, showing full appreciation of the purpose of the task. The viewpoint addresses the complexities of the situation. A range of stylistic features is skilfully used to support the chosen form and viewpoint. 0 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9 10, 11, 12 13, 14 3 Secondary English/Literacy Team Shorter Writing Task – mark scheme Section D Band Sentence structure, punctuation and text organisation Marks available AF5 vary sentences or clarity, purpose and effect. AF6 write with technical accuracy of syntax and punctuation in phrases, clauses and sentences AF4 use cohesion within paragraphs 1 2 3 4 5 EA2008 Sentences mostly simple or compound with use mainly of connectives ‘and’, ‘but’. Tense changes not always controlled. Limited detail and some attempt to link ideas. Sentences generally correctly demarcated with some attempt to use other punctuation. Sentences generally grammatically sound with some variation in structure. Some relevant detail included. Within sentences or paragraphs, content organised around main ideas. Most sentences correctly demarcated with some use of other punctuation. Compound and complex sentences used with some variety of connectives. Use of different sentence types and movement in verb forms generally secure. Within paragraphs or sections, main ideas developed by examples or details. Almost all sentences correctly demarcated, with some use of other punctuation within sentences. Length, focus and structure of sentences varied to add interest. Detail added precisely and succinctly. Within paragraphs, ideas linked by a range of devices. Punctuation used, generally securely, to mark the structure of sentences and give clarity. Range of different sentence structures used to give clarity and contribute to the writing. Variety of verb forms, including movement between tenses, used confidently to create interest. Within paragraphs, a range of devices to link ideas is used deliberately. Range of punctuation used to clarify meaning and sometimes create particular effects. 0 1, 2 3, 4 5 6 4 Secondary English/Literacy Team Shorter Writing Task – mark scheme Section E Band Composition and Effect Marks available AF1 write imaginative, interesting and thoughtful texts AF2 produce texts which are appropriate to task, reader and purpose. 1 2 3 4 5 EA2008 Some awareness of purpose and reader Evidence of a simple, limited viewpoint, not always sustained Some awareness of appropriate vocabulary choice. Attempt to engage reader through mostly suitable selection of tone and material. A viewpoint is established and maintained Some appropriate stylistic features support the purpose of the writing. The writing maintains an appropriate tone and engages the reader’s interest. A clear and consistent viewpoint is established and controlled. Appropriate stylistic features support the purpose of the writing or add interest. The chosen form is adapted to engage the interest of the reader. A developed and well controlled viewpoint. A range of stylistic features is used to add interest and variety. The chosen form is skilfully adapted for the reader. An individual viewpoint is adopted, recognising the wider context. Confident choice of appropriate stylistic features. 0 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9 10 5