-------------------No.: 422/QD-UBND
Independence – Freedom – Happiness
-----------------------Thai Binh, February 27th, 2015
On approving the Plan on investment promotion in 2015 in Thai Binh province
----------------------------PEOPLE’S COMMITTEE OF THAI BINH PROVINCE
Pursuant to the Law on Organization of People’s Council and People’s Committee
dated 26/11/2003;
Pursuant to the Law on Investment dated 29/11/2005;
Pursuant to the Decree No. 108/2006/ND-CP dated 22/09/2006 of the Government on
detailed regulations and guidance for enforcement of some articles of the Law on Investment;
In consideration of the request of Department of Planning and Investment in the
Report No. 51/BC-SKHDT dated 05/02/2015.
Article 1. To approve the Plan on Investment Promotion in 2015 in Thai Binh
province with the main following contents:
1. Objectives of investment promotion in 2015
- To increase projects and investment capital by 10% and over as compared with 2014,
in which:
+ To pay attention to big projects and foreign-invested ones.
+ To increase occupancy rate of Industrial zones with infrastructure investors such as:
Song Tra, Cau Nghin; other industrial zones such as: Gia Le, Tien Hai and Industrial clusters
such as: Vu Thu, Thai Tho, etc.
+ To call for investment in one to two infrastructure business projects of Industrial
Zones and clusters.
- To promote support for the provincial enterprises.
- To strive to make the PCI (Provincial Competitiveness Index) increased from 1 to 5
levels as compared with 2014.
2. Contents of the Plan on Investment Promotion in 2015
2.1. Implementation of investment promotion in foreign countries
a. To organize a business trip for investment promotion and sign the memorandum of
cooperation with Yamagata province, Japan. Expected time of the business trip is in April
- Implementation agency: Thai Binh Department of Planning and Investment shall
preside and cooperate with Department of Foreign Investment – Ministry of Planning and
Investment, the Central Ministries and Agencies and the relevant departments and agencies.
b. To participate in the programs on investment promotion of the Ministry of Planning
and Investment, and the Central Ministries and Agencies organized in foreign countries or
local regions and localities or basing on various fields.
- Implementation agency: Departments and agencies relevant to the investment
promotion as decided by the Provincial People’s Committee.
- Implementation time: According to the particular programs of the Central Ministries
and Agencies organized in 2015.
2.2. Participation and organization of domestic investment promotion
a) To coordinate with Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry in organizing a
Conference on investment promotion for Thai Binh province in Hai Phong City in order to
introduce its potential and strengths, attract investment capital of investors from Hai Phong
city as well as provinces and cities in the Red River delta in Thai Binh province in the fields
of: development of infrastructure for industrial zones and clusters; the industry of
manufacturing electrical and electronic equipment, mechanic engineering, production of
agricultural equipment and machinery and other production areas of auxiliary industries, etc.
- Implementation agency: Thai Binh Department of Planning and Investment shall
preside and cooperate with the relevant departments and agencies, Vietnam Chamber of
Commerce and Industry and the Central Ministries and Agencies and Consulting Unit.
- Organization time: From Q2 to Q3 2015.
b. To actively work with and communicate the information with local and foreign
partners having demands to invest in the province, mainly Japan, Korea, etc.
- Implementation agency: Department of Planning and Investment, Department of
Industry and Trade, Industrial Zones Management Board and the relevant departments and
agencies in collaboration with the central functional agencies.
- Implementation time: In 2015.
c. To organize seminars with foreign enterprises having invested in Vietnam (Japan,
Korea, etc) to attract investment in the province.
- Implementation agency: Department of Planning and Investment, Department of
Industry and Trade, Industrial Zones Management Board and the relevant departments and
agencies in collaboration with the central functional agencies.
- Implementation time: From Q2 to Q3 2015.
d. To work with domestic big Corporations and Economic Groups such as Petroleum,
Electricity, Coal – Mineral, Chemical, etc to attract investment in the province.
- Implementation agency: Thai Binh Department of Industry and Trade shall preside
and cooperate with the relevant departments and agencies.
- Implementation time: From Q2 to Q4 2015.
2.3. Strengthening of support for small- and medium-sized enterprises in the
province to improve the business environment and enhance the competitiveness
a. To strengthen support for the provincial enterprises through the surveys on training
demand; classes specialized in training, fostering legal knowledge, training to improve
business management skills and capacity of production management organization as required
by the enterprises.
To work with the Ministry of Planning and Investment and relevant ministries and
branches to provide information for the enterprises to access and exploit the Central Support
Fund for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises.
- Implementation agency: Department of Planning and Investment shall preside and
cooperates with the relevant departments and agencies, the provincial Business Association,
Agency for Enterprises Development, VCCI and economic organizations, business
associations and professional training units.
- Implementation time: From Q1 to Q4 2015.
b. To review specified policies and procedures relevant to investment attraction; to
formulate incentive mechanisms and policies for investors in construction of infrastructure of
coastal Industrial Zones and Clusters (having been planned); to have particular incentive
policies for the projects of socio-economic development of the province, big and hi-tech
projects with high economic efficiency.
- Implementation agency: Department of Planning and Investment shall preside and
cooperates with the relevant departments.
- Implementation time: From Q1 to Q4 2015.
c. To review and adjust the planning of Industrial zones and clusters towards bringing
projects of garment and textile, footwear and mechanics in service for agriculture and laborintensive projects into small industrial clusters in rural areas for labor restructuring from
agriculture to industry and services, contributing to building a new countryside.
- Implementation agency: Department of Industry and Trade shall preside and
cooperates with the relevant departments and agencies.
- Implementation time: From Q2 2015.
d. To invest in socio-economic infrastructure of Industrial Zones and Clusters.
- To cooperate with the investors of infrastructure of Song Tra and Cau Nghin
industrial zones in promptly investing in construction of infrastructure to create favorable
conditions for investment attraction; to determine appropriate levels of land hire price and
service charges to guarantee competitiveness in investment attraction.
+ Implementation agency: Management Board of Industrial Zones shall preside and
cooperate with Department of Industry and Trade and the relevant departments and agencies.
+ Implementation time: In 2015.
- To attract investors doing business of infrastructure of Tien Hai Industrial Zone to
construct technical infrastructure in service for investment demands of the secondary
enterprises when source of gas from Ham Rong mine is taken to the shore.
+ Implementation agency: Management Board of Industrial Zones shall preside and
cooperate with the relevant departments and agencies.
+ Implementation time: In 2015.
- To attract investors doing business of infrastructure of Industrial clusters in districts
and city to construct technical infrastructure in service for investment demands of the smalland medium-sized enterprises, manufacturing enterprises of auxiliary industries.
+ Implementation agency: People’s Committees of districts and city shall preside and
cooperate with Department of Industry and Trade and the relevant departments and agencies.
+ Implementation time: In 2015.
e. To promptly update mechanisms and policies on investment attraction on websites
of the province and the Department of Planning and Investment in order to facilitate
enterprises in learning business and investment environment, the fields and projects calling
and encouraging investment in the province.
- Implementation agency: Department of Planning and Investment.
- Implementation time: In 2015.
4. Expected expenditure for investment promotion of the province in 2015:
- Total expenditure: 3.2 billion dongs.
- Source of expenditure: Under the Decision No. 2959/QD-UBND dated 10/12/2014
on assigning the tasks of receipt and payment estimate of the state budget in 2015.
Basing on the allocated expenditures, it is necessary to research, mobilize and
supplement other legal sources of expenditure.
Article 2. Basing on the contents approved in the Article 1, the Department of
Planning and Investment is appointed to preside and cooperate with the relevant departments,
agencies and units to implement the provincial Plan on investment promotion in 2015,
guaranteeing practicality, effective promotion and satisfaction of the set forward targets and
Article 3. Chief of Office the Provincial People’s Committee; Directors of underlying
departments; Director of the provincial State Treasury; Chairmen of district, city People’s
Committees; Heads of the relevant agencies and units are responsible for executing this
- As stated in the Article 3;
- The Provincial Standing Committee of the
Party, the Provincial Standing People’s Council;
- Chairman, Vice Chairmen of the Provincial
People’s Committee;
- Office Leaders;
- Archives: VT, KHTC, CN, TH.
(Signed and sealed)
Pham Van Sinh