Answer Key—Chapter 1—Improve Your Grade Activity 1: Fight Identity Theft Section I: Check Your Comprehension 1. g 2. b 3. f 4. a 5. h 6. c 7. d 8. e Section II: Personalize Your Learning 1. Answers will vary. Here are some possible answers. Your birthdate is too obvious and too many people know it, so it is not good to use for a secret number or password. You should use numbers or words that only you know, such as the numbers of your favorite baseball players in history. 2. Answers will vary. Here are some possible answers. Checking your credit report will let you know if someone opened a credit card or bank account with your name. 3. Answers will vary. Here are some possible answers. I would take my Social Security card, birth certificate, passport, copy of your driver’s license, list of all credit cards and their numbers and contact information, and bank account information. Activity 2: Learning about Hackers Section I: Check Your Comprehension 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. T Section II: Personalize Your Learning Answers will vary. Here are some possible answers. 1. Advantage: It is easy and quick. I always know how much money I have. Disadvantage: It might be easy for a hacker to get my information. 2. Advantage: I can reach more people who might be interested in buying. Disadvantage: I have to put my financial information on the website. 3. Advantage: It is easy to remember what my password is. Disadvantage: If a hacker gets my password from one place, he can access all of my information. Copyright © Heinle. All rights reserved. 1