Prior to Program Exit Candidate Effect on Student Learning: EDS 518 Case study of two or three students that includes progress monitoring assessment data and implementation of a research-validated instructional program. 1. Description of the assessment and its use in the program. The case study assignment in EDS 518 (Supervised Internship) is designed to evaluate our candidates’ ability to implement a research validated instructional practice and to collect assessment data for a period of 8-10 weeks. The assignment asks candidates to select two or three students who are having difficulty in the same area (e.g., fluency). They are to select a research validated practice and review and summarize findings from 6 research studies on that topic (for a paper for EDS 512- Leadership and program management for elementary and middle school students which they take concurrently). Then they are to design an intervention based on the research and after collecting at least three data points of baseline data, implement the intervention for 8-10 weeks, collecting probe data on an ongoing basis. This assignment builds upon the assessment foundation that students obtained from taking the assessment course the first semester. Candidates are evaluated on five elements of the case study: Using assessment data to identify learning needs, demonstrating an understanding of measurement theory, conducting informal data collection, interpreting results, and selecting and implementing a research validated instructional program. The following scoring is used: 1=Needs improvement, 2=Meets the standard and 3=Exceeds the standard. To meet the standard on this assessment, candidates must meet the standard on all five elements. 2. Alignment with CEC standards. The case study that involves progress monitoring addresses CEC standards 4 and 8. In terms of standard 8, candidates must use assessment data to identify learning needs and to develop an individualized program. They must demonstrate their understanding of measurement theory by selecting they appropriate type of data to collect and discussing their rationale for that selection. They collect the data and analyze it and interpret the result, discussing the effects on student learning. Relative to standard 4, they must select and implement a research validated strategy that matches the needs of the students based on their IEPs. EDS 518: Progress Monitoring Case Study Project Description Today’s Special Educator must be skillful in monitoring students’ progress while implementing research-based interventions. A Special Educator must be able to collect data, analyze it, and subsequently make instructional decisions for students. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to hone your skills in identifying students’ areas of need, collecting data on their progress, and implementing carefully considered interventions. Directions: As you begin your student internship experience and review students’ IEPs, identify 2-3 students who share similar academic or behavioral needs. These students will participate in your progress monitoring case study. (Standard 8) Once you have identified your students, determine how you will collect data on their skill level. Will you be measuring frequency, duration, latency, rate of accuracy, or number of events? (CEC Standard 8) Determine the CBM that best fits your students. This could be a writing, reading, or mathematical measure. It could also be a counting of behaviors such as calling out or raising hands. (Websites:; and Vaughn and Bos (2009), EDS 510) (CEC Standard 8) Bring a 1-page summary of the above 3 bullet points to your first EDS 512 class. You will have an opportunity to share ideas and get feedback before proceeding with this project. You will be collecting at least 12 data points on this behavior spanning over 8-10 weeks of student internship. The data collection will proceed as follows: 1) Give students the CBM you have developed (or borrowed) or observe and record students’ behaviors for 2-3 data points prior to intervention (baseline), 2) Next begin research-based intervention and collect 6-8 data points during this phase; and 3) Fade out your intervention and collect 2 data points without the intervention in place (return to baseline and generalization). (CEC Standard 4 and 8) For example, your students are struggling with reading fluency. You develop a data collection sheet that shows the date, level of passage, and words/minute read. During your first week of the project, you give students a running record 2-3 times. You record the number of words per minute read correctly (baseline). Next, you begin using repeated readings as an intervention. During the time you are working on repeated readings, you continue to conduct running records on passages not used in training, and by calculating the number of words per minute. Lastly, you stop using running records in class, but collect two more data points from running records. You will use this data to create a graph with baseline and intervention phases marked. We discussed in class how graphs are an easy way to communicate information to parents and other school professionals. Guidelines on how to construct a graph will be given. (CEC Standard 8) Lastly, you will write a 1-2 page summary of what happened during your progress monitoring case study. You should discuss the impact of the intervention, changes that had to occur, and/or how you would intervene with this skill next time. (CEC Standard 8) Submission of this assignment includes: 1. EDS 512 one page brainstorm/summary 2. Data collection sheets for all data points 3. Graph of each student’s progress 4. 1-2 page summary *****See weekly schedule for EDS 518 for project due date*********** Assignment Element with CEC Standards Exceeds the standard (3) Meets the standard (2) Needs Improvement (1) Uses results of assessment information on IEPs to identify learning needs and to develop an appropriate data collection system for progress monitoring that uses technology. Uses results of assessment information on IEPs to identify learning needs and to develop an appropriate data collection system for progress monitoring. Assessment information from students’ IEPs are not closely linked to proposed data collection system for progress monitoring. Understands measurement theory Discusses type of data they will collect and provides a very sophisticated discussion of why they chose that type over other types. Discusses type of data they will collect (e.g., frequency, rate) and provides a solid rationale for their choice. Discussion of type of data they will collect or their rationale is weak or inaccurate. Conducts informal assessment of data Completed more than 10 weeks of data with sufficient data collected per week. The student objective is fully described in measurable terms including: the behavior, the context for the behavior, and the criteria for mastery. Completed 8-10 weeks of data with sufficient data collected per week. The student objective contains 2 out of 3 elements. Completed fewer than 8 weeks or an insufficient amount of data are collected each week. The objective contains 1 or 2 elements. Interprets results The student clearly describes the results from their data collection using performance level or rate of growth. They link the change in The student clearly describes the results from their data collection. They link the change in behavior to intervention in The student provides an unclear synopsis of the results. Does not link change in behavior to Assessment Standard 8 Uses assessment data to identify learning needs and to develop individual program Instructional Strategies Standard 4 behavior to intervention(s) in the classroom. If assessing social behaviors, the student links the student behavior to an antecedent and a function. If academic behaviors, the student should discuss a potential plan for maintaining these skills. the classroom. academic or behavioral support. Selects and implements a research validated instructional program that matches the needs identified on the student’s IEP; attempts to incorporate technology in instruction. Selects and implements a research validated instructional program that meets the needs of the student based on his/her IEP. Selects an instructional program that lacks efficacy data.