Environmental Awareness Policy - University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

USRH Resolution. Passed Thursday, April 1, 1999
Northfarm Cooperative Patronage Proposal
Whereas, sustainable agriculture systems are environmentally sound, profitable for small
to medium-sized farmers (who are the bulk of Wisconsin farmers) and supportive or rural
Whereas, egg production factories are industrial in scale, produce enormous quantities of
animal waste and air and water pollution, and are high in energy use.
Whereas, egg production factories are not humane to animals.
Whereas, egg production factories limit consumer food choices that are free of antibiotics
and .or pesticides.
Whereas, egg production factories do not return money to the local economy.
Whereas odor from factory farms is unhealthy and lowers neighbors’ property values.
Whereas, Wisconsin’s heritage of diverse, sustainable family farms is threatened by large
confined animal livestock operations.
Therefore be it resolved, that USRH and the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, join
family farmers, conservation, environmental and religious groups in a campaign for
family farms and the environment.
Be it finally resolved, that the University Food Services purchase fresh eggs for use in
dining halls from Northfarm Cooperative at the additional cost of $8640 per 34 week
session, or approximately $2.70 per student (based on an average of 3200 students opting
for University food services).
Proposed OSA Resolution
Whereas, sustainable agriculture systems are environmentally sound, profitable for small
to medium-sized family farmers (who are the bulk of Wisconsin farmers) and supportive
of rural economies.
Whereas, livestock is part of a diverse, sustainable family farm. With proper
management, livestock grazing and pasturage recycles animal wastes back into the soil as
plant fertilizer and transforms vast amounts of coarse forages into usable protein.
Whereas, livestock factories are industrial in scale, produce enormous quantities of
animal waste and air and water pollution, and are high in energy use. Livestock factories
are not humane to animals, limit consumer food choices that are free of antibiotics, and
do not return money to the local econo9my. Odor from factory farms is unhealthy and
lowers neighbors’ property values.
Whereas, Wisconsin’s heritage of diverse, sustainable family farms is threatened by large
confined animal livestock operations.
Whereas, eggs distributed by North Farm Cooperative are produced by a locally owned
producer who uses practices which are relatively humane and sustainable, in contrast to
the factory farms which produce most of the eggs in the United States.
Therefore be it resolved, the Oshkosh Student Association joins family farmers,
conservation, environmental and religious groups in a Campaign for Family Farms and
the Environment. We support a moratorium on expansion and /or construction of
livestock factories of more than 500 animal units until comprehensive regulations dealing
with air and water quality and community concerns are in place.
Be it further resolved, we, the Oshkosh Student Association, urge the University of
Wisconsin Oshkosh food service to purchase it’s eggs from North Farm Cooperative by
sending a copy of this resolution signed by the OSA President, to the UWO Food Service
Director, Mike James, and a carbon copy to the Animal Liberation Action Group.