Dr.habil.oec. I L M A R S V A N A G S
Date of birth: July 12, 1938, Latvian, married
Head of Business Tendency and Territorial Statistics Division,
Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia
1, Lacplesha Street, Riga, LV 1301, Latvia
Phone: 3717 366880 Fax: 371 7830137 E-mail: ilmars.vanags@csb.gov.lv
 Business tendency surveys
 Regional policy and economy
 Harmonization of statistical projects
 Economic and financial estimation of investment and innovations
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
 University of Latvia, 1992, Nostrification of doctor's habil.oec. degree;
 State Academy of Finances, Moscow, 1992, Dr.habil.oec (doctor of econ.science);
 University of Latvia, 1973, Dr.oec. (cand. of econ. science);
 University of Latvia, 1961, economist.
 Head of Business Tendency and Territorial Statistics Division of the Central Statistical
Bureau of Latvia (2009-present)
 Senior research associate of Business Tendency and Territorial Statistics Division of the
Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia (2008-2009)
 Head of Laboratory of Conjuncture and Investment Statistics of the Latvian Statistical
Institute (2003-2007)
 Head of Laboratory of Structural Policy and Investment Statistics of the Latvian
Statistical Institute (1973-2003)
 Adviser to the President of the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia (1993-2008)
 Senior research associate of Latvian Department of Scientific Research Institute of the
Central Statistical Board of the USSR (1965-1973)
 Junior research associate of Latvian Scientific Research Institute of Mechanization
of Agriculture (1961-1965)
Honors and Awards:
 Corresponding Member of the International Informatization Academy (1993 - present)
Professional Activities and Memberships:
 Vice President of the Latvian Statistical Association (1999 – present)
 Member of the Council of Professors of Faculty of Economics and Management of the
University of Latvia (2006 - present)
 Member of the International Association of Official Statistics (1997 – present)
 Member of the Bernoulli Society of Mathematical Statistics and Probability (2000 –
 Expert of the Council of promotion of the University of Latvia in the branch
“Economics” (2001)
Member of the Commission of Experts in Economic and Law Sciences of the Latvian
Council of Science (2002 - 2006)
Member of the Management Council of Doctorands’ School of Faculty of Economy and
Management of the University of Latvia (2009 - present)
Scientific editor of Research papers “The Results of Statistical Scientific Research”,
Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia” (2008 – present)
Number of Publications: about 300
Recent /Representative Publications:
 Self-evaluation of Local Governments in Latvia 2005.-2010. (coauth. O.Krastins,
E.Valodins). Riga: CSB of Latvia, 2010. – 159 Pp. (in Latvian).
 Diversity of Latvia in numbers and visions (codzaut, E.Vanags, O.Krastins a.o.). R.: CSP,
2009. – 108 lpp. (in Latvian).
 Regional Policy and Development of Local Government in Latvia and the European
Union. (coauth. I.Vaidere, E.Vanags, I.Vilka). Riga: Academic publishers of University
of Latvia, 2008. - 326 Pp.
 Survive by Changing, Diverse Latvia (cozauth. E.Vanags, O.Krastins a.o.). Riga: CSB of
Latvia, 2010. – 318 Pp. (in Latvian).
 Detailed Labour Force and Labour Market Research in Sectors of National Economy
(coauth. E.Dubra, E.Kasalis a.o.). MW LR: Riga, University of Latvia, 2007, X + 224 Pp.
(in Latvian).
 The First Self-Evaluation 0f Local Governments (coauth. E.Vanags un O.Krastins). Riga:
Latvian Statistical Institute, 2010. – 140 Pp. (in Latvian).
 The Development of Conjuncture Survey of Local Governments in Latvia (coauth.
E.Vanags). //Paper prepared for 29th CIRET Conference “Business Tendency Surveys
and Policy Formulation”, Santiago, Chile, October 8-11, 2008. – 14 Pp.
 Innovation of Intergovernmental Relations: from Fragmented Governments to
Collaborative Network Governance (coauth. E.Vanags, I.Vilka). //Paper prepared for
Study Group on Intergovernmental Relations at the EGPAannual conference “Innovation
in the Public Sector”, Rotterdam, 3-6 September, 2008, Erasmus University. – 13 Pp.
Performance of local governments in the assessment of their leaders (coauth. E.Vanags,
O.Krastins, E.Valodins). //The Results of Statistical Scientific Research 2008. Research
Papers. - Riga: CSB of Latvia, - 2008. - Pp. 248. – 262 (in Latvian).
The main Trends and Principles of Public Administration Development throughout the
World and in Latvia (coauth. E.Vanags, I.Vilka). //Public Policy and Administration. No
18. 2006. – Pp.7-16.
An Introduction of Conjuncture Survey of Local Governments in Latvia (coauth.
E.Vanags). //Paper prepared for Special Topic-Regional and Local Surveys of the 28th
CIRET Conference, Rome, 20-23 September 2006. – 13 p.
Self-evaluation of Local Governments in Latvia (coauth. E.Vanags). Presentation
prepared for the SCORUS 25th Conference on Regional and Urban Statistics and
Research “Globalization Impact on Regional and Urban Statistics”, Wroclaw, 30 August
– 1 September 2006. – 17 p.
Model of the Integration of State Administration Reforms, Local Governance, National
Development Planning and Regional Policy (coauth. E.Vanags, I.Vilka). // Paper
prepared for Study groups V “Intergovermental relations” at the EGPA Annual
Conference “Public Managers under Pressure: Politics, Professionalism and Civil
Society”, 6 – 9 September 2006, Milan. – 16 p.
Harmonisation of Business Tendency Surveys in Latvia. In research papers “Problems of
Statistics and Management 2004”. Riga: Latvian Statistical Institute, 2004. – Pp.141-147.
Introduction of Business Tendency Surveys in Latvia in Compliance with the
Requirements of the European Union (coauth. I.Mukina, I Katkovska). In proceedings of
the conference “Research in Statistics – Basis of Social Sciences and Education”. Riga:
University of Latvia, 2004. – Pp.156 - 164.
The Development of Business Tendency Surveys in Latvia According to the EU
Requirements. Mater. of EU Workshop on Recent Developments in Business and
Consumer Surveys, Brussels: EC DGECFIN, 2003. – 7 p.
Classification of Functions of the Central Statistical Bureau in Connection with its
Organisational Structure (coauth. A.Zigure). In scientific papers “Problems of Statistics
and Management 2003”. Riga: Latvian Statistical Institute, 2003. – Pp.7-20 (in Latvian).
The Results of Business Tendency Survey in Latvia’s Industry (coauth. I.Mukina). Riga:
Latvian Statistical Institute. 2003. – 97 Pp. (in Latvian and English).
Resultant indicators of the performance of the Central Statistical Bureau. In scientific
papers “Problems of Statistics and Management 2002”. Riga: Latvian Statistical Institute.
2002. – Pp.6-10 (in Latvian).
The Results of Business Tendency Surveys in Latvia’s Construction (coauth. O.Beliha).
Riga: Latvian Statistical Institute, 2003. – 23 Pp. (in Latvian and English).
The Results of Business Tendency Surveys in Latvia’s Retail Trade. (coauth.
I.Katkovska). Riga: Latvian Statistical Institute, 2003. – 55 Pp. (in Latvian and English).
Research Projects:
 Specific Agreement ECFIN for carrying out industry, investment, construction, retail
trade and service surveys. – European Commission DG ECFIN, CSB of Latvia (20082011) (Project Manager).
 Grant Agreements ECFIN for carrying out industry survey. – European Commission DG
ECFIN, LSI (2001-2007) (Project Manager).
 Grant Agreements ECFIN for carrying out investment, construction, retail trade and
service surveys. – European Commission DG ECFIN, LSI (2002-2007) (Project
 Grant Agreement ECFIN for carrying out labour market survey.- European Commission
DG ECFIN, LSI (2004) (Project Manager).
 The Business Tendency Surveys in Latvian Industry, Construction, Retail Trade and
Investment Sphere – Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Economics of the
Republic of Latvia (1997 - 2004). (Project Manager).
 The Improvement of Statistics and Social-Economic Development of Territories in the
Context of EU. – Latvian Council of Science (2001-2004). (Member of Research Team).
 The Development of Statistical Information According to International Standards. –
Latvian Council of Science (1991-2000). (Member of Research Team).
October 1, 2011