Week 3 Information on Feeding an Infant COM 340 This document is a basic and user-friendly guide to teach neophyte on how to feed an infant. This would lead anyone who entirely familiar with the feeding of a new born until age of 12 months old. Feeding an infant is both rewarding and tedious. It is critical to make proper caution since feeding could be scary for both the infant and the person feeding. The instructions herewith would provide an easy guide to follow that would assure important details of the feeding process would not be forgotten. A bond is form during the feeding process. This bond is important in establishing the trust of the infant to the person. Signs and gestures could be given by the child and the person feeding should be observant of these because it would tell if the child is still hungry, food is too hot, food does not taste pleasant or the infant is already full. Some infants are picky and require patience and perseverance. Always bear in mind to follow all the instructions of the manufacturers’ label when making formula to use in the bottles. If the preparation is not good several injuries could negatively affect the child such as choking, sickness or burn. Cleanliness should always be followed in handling feeding materials such as bottles, spatula and the likes. This feeding guides the person into: 1. Preparing the bottles and milk formula 2. Actual feeding of the infant 3. Burping the infant 4. Cleaning up the area and child This guide is just a basic guide and does not include the complete instruction on how each step is done. This paper is limited to include only the general overview of how to feed a child. The feeding person should be knowledgeable of the infant’s food preparation whether it is formula or breast milk. It also requires the person is responsible enough to maintain cleanliness and proper sanitation of the home and the immediate premises. 1. Food preparation: a. Identify the where the food is store and follow thoroughly the specifications on the label b. Prepare the sterilized bottles and put in the formula milk c. Use a towel to wipe and test temperature of the milk on your wrist if it is already tolerable 2. Preparing the child: a. The position of the child is determined whether he sits in a high chair or he is carried with the head higher than the body. b. Place a bib or a towel under the child’s chin to wipe and get excess milk 3. Feeding the Child: a. Position the bottle in the mouth of the infant at an angle that would allow air to go out of the tip of the bottle b. Allow the child to set the speed of his intake of the food 4. Knowing when child has enough food: a. When the child is suddenly agitated or stop sucking, feeding ends b. Stop feeding when the child is already asleep c. Set aside left-over milk in the bottle and do not force the child to finish it 5. Burping the child: a. Place a towel over one shoulder and carry the child up to that level b. Pat the child gently on the back until the child burps c. Clean the area and the child after he burps 6. Cleaning up: a. Remove the bib from the child and change his clothes if necessary b. Wash the skin and face of the child with baby wipes or soft cloth c. Wipe surfaces of the feeding area thoroughly Feeding a child is a great task and requires serious mood. The instructions mentioned above are generalized overview to remind people in some important highlights feeding an infant. As much as possible, if you have any doubt, read and follow the instructions indicated manufacturer and asked reliable and experienced experts in the field such as parents, grandparents and medical workers. The feeding process would give the infant a means to receive nourishment and a good bonding experience with their parents. During the process, the child’s comfort and hygiene should always be prioritized. Outline: A. Preparing to Feed: 1. Feeding Preparation a. Recommended bottles should be cleaned and sterilized b. If the child prefers warm bottles, put the bottle hot water bath 2. Food Preparation a. Shake first the bottled breast or formula milk before feeding or heating b. Heat breast or formula milk not in microwave oven c. Throw out remaining formula or breast milk in the bottles d. Clean the lid of milk cans before opening to avoid contaminants B. Feeding the Infant: 1. Feed the infant a. Feed the child only when hungry b. Feed the infant continuously, allow the infant to dictate the speed and volume c. Hold infants with the head a little higher than the body during feeding d. Remove bottle when the child is asleep e. Burping the child only after he stops taking up food f. Stop feeding when the child shows signs that he is full g. Do not force an infant to finish off left-over milk in the bottle h. Older infants could be fed in a high chair C. Cleaning up: 1. Throw out all the left over milk in the bottle 2. Thoroughly clean and sterilized the bottles 3. Clean and sanitized the area where the formula is being mixed 4. Follow storage instructions from the manufacturer’s guide 5. Clean up the child thoroughly References: http://www.nal.usda.gov/wicworks/Topics/FG/Chapter4_InfantFormulaFeedin g.pdf http://kidshealth.org/parent/growth/feeding/feednewborn.html