SELF-ASSESSMENT: Attitudes toward Interracial Dating Scale

SELF-ASSESSMENT: Attitudes toward Interracial Dating Scale
Interracial dating or marrying is the dating or marrying of two people from different
races. The purpose of this survey is to gain a better understanding of what people think
and feel about interracial relationships. Please read each item carefully and consider how
you feel about each statement. There are no right or wrong answers to any of these
statements. Please read each statement carefully, and respond by using the following
_____1. I believe that interracial couples date outside their race to get attention.
_____2. I feel that interracial couples have little in common.
_____3. When I see an interracial couple I find myself evaluating them negatively.
_____4. People date outside their own race because they feel inferior.
_____5. Dating interracially shows a lack of respect for one’s own race.
_____6. I would be upset with a family member who dated outside his/her race.
_____7. I would be upset with a close friend who dated outside his/her race.
_____8. I feel uneasy around an interracial couple.
_____9. People of different races should associate only in nondating settings.
_____10. I am offended when I see an interracial couple.
_____11. Interracial couples are more likely to have low self-esteem.
_____12. Interracial dating interferes with my fundamental beliefs.
_____13. People should date only within their race.
_____14. I dislike seeing interracial couples together.
_____15. I would not pursue a relationship with someone of a different race regardless of
my feelings for him/her.
_____16. Interracial dating interferes with my concept of cultural identity.
_____17. I support dating between people with the same skin color, but not with a
different skin color.
_____18. I can imagine myself in a long-term relationship with someone of another race.
_____19. As long as the people involved love each other, I do not have a problem with
interracial dating.
_____20. I think interracial dating is a good thing.
Having placed a number representing the continuum from 1 to 7 in each of the twenty
spaces above, reverse-score items 18, 19, and 20. For example, if you selected 7 for item
18, replace it with a 1; if you selected 1, replace it with a 7, etc. Next, add your scores
and divide by 20. Possible scores range from 1 to 7 with 1 representing the most positive
attitudes toward interracial dating and 7 representing the most negative attitudes toward
interracial dating.
The norming sample was based upon 113 male and 200 female students attending
Valdosta State University. The average age was 23.02 years (SD = 5.09) and ranged from
18 to 50. The ethnic composition was 62.9% white, 32.6% Black, 1% Asian, .6%
Hispanic, and 2.2% classified themselves as “Other.” The classification of the sample
was 9.3% freshman, 16.3% sophomore, 29.1% junior, 37.1% senior, and 2.9% were
graduate students. The average score was 2.88 (SD = 1.48) and ranged from 1.00 to 6.60,
suggesting very positive views of interracial dating. Men scored an average of 2.97
(SD=1.58); women 2.84 (SD=1.42). There were no significant differences between
women and men.
Copyright: “The Attitudes Toward Interracial Dating Scale” 2004 by Mark Whatley,
Ph.D. Department of Psychology, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, Georgia 31698.
Information on validity and reliability may be obtained from Dr. Whatley. The scale is
used by permission of Dr. Whatley. Other uses of this scale by written permission only;