Taipei European School – Vertical Articulation and Progression - Reading Level 1 READING – Classroom Monitor descriptors broken in sub levels CM Reading Descriptor W+ 1c yellow He/she recognises familiar words in Follow print with eyes and point to the words as I simple texts. read them, where necessary. 1c 1b blue I can read 45 key words 1b 1a green I can read 90 key words. He/she uses his/her knowledge of letters and sound-symbol relationships in order to read words and to establish meaning when reading aloud although in these activities he/she may sometimes require support. He/she can read independently. Be prompted to use known words to work out unfamiliar words e.g. moo – zoo Use known words to work out unfamiliar words, more independently. e.g. look – took I can find words that rhyme and use rhyme to read new words e.g. mouse – house. Use other sources such as pictures to help me read new words I can read a sentence and go back to a word using the context of the sentence to help meaning Begin to self-correct more independently while reading Re-read a sentence to clarify meaning Solve new words using print detail while attending to meaning and syntax I can use letter sound to sound out simple C-V-C words. I can point to the title and read it. Begin to use punctuation to improve fluency and understanding I can correct mistakes on my own. Read fluently with attention to punctuation I can re-read a story to make sure I understand it. Track visually along lines of print without difficulty He/she expresses his/her response to poems, stories and non-fiction by identifying aspects he/she likes. I can talk about the things that I like and don’t like in a story. Begin to read and manage a variety of text types Read and begin to be able to show understanding of a growing variety of text types I can talk about the events in a book and get them in the right order. Discuss a text in a manner which shows understanding of the text I can talk simply about plot and characters. 2c 2b Turquoise and Purple I can read from word to word pausing to talk about the text and discuss meaning. 2b 2a gold I can generate questions before reading and use knowledge of texts to help retrieve specific information. I can infer some meaning from a text, where an answer is not directly ‘given’ in the text I can retell most of the main events from the story in the correct order. I can compare texts noting similarities and differences e.g. layout, theme, characters etc. Get started on a story with briefer introduction and relying less on pictures I can read a story without relying on the pictures. I can make predictions about content, layout and story development in a variety of text types Adapt to fiction, non-fiction and poetry with increased flexibility Adapt to fiction, non-fiction and poetry with confidence I can read silently (in my head) or quietly to myself at a more rapid pace. Recognize and react to a greater range of punctuation and text layouts, I am beginning to read silently (in my head) or quietly to myself and show understanding of the text I can read with good pace and almost entirely accurately. Can usually sustain reading through longer sentence structure and paragraphs, using punctuation to help I can use punctuation and text layout to read with increasing expression I can make predictions based on title, cover blurb etc. I can compare level appropriate texts identifying common themes/characters. I can make links between story settings and incidents and my own experience I can identify and discuss the main events or key points in a text. I can talk about how the plot links parts of the story together. I can identify key themes and discuss reasons for events in stories Begin to use appropriate terminology when discussing different types of text Begin to use reading to support speaking and listening at a word and sentence level. Use words and sentence structures I have read in my speaking and listening Begin to take conscious account of literary effects used by writers I can sometimes identify different styles used by authors. I can use letter blends and clusters to sound out new words. Tackle a larger number of complex words and solve most unfamiliar words ‘on the run’ I can confidently tackle more complex words using different strategies. Search for and use familiar syllables to read longer words I can sometimes read ahead. I can recognise the full range of digraphs and trigraphs. I can predict what might happen at the end of a story. Identify relationships between different level appropriate texts Level 2 READING – Classroom Monitor descriptors broken in sub levels CM Reading Descriptor 1a 2c Orange He/she can understand simple texts. I can choose my own books to read at an appropriate level. He/she can read accurately. I can read different kinds of texts with increasing accuracy. I can read Year 2 high frequency words I can find a line of text (or information) quickly when there are several lines of text. Begin to read longer phrases and more complex sentences He/she expresses opinions about major events or ideas in stories, poems and non-fiction. When reading unfamiliar words and establishing meaning, he/she uses more than one strategy such as phonic, graphic, syntactic or and contextual cues. I can use awareness of sentence grammar to help me read new or unfamiliar words as I read D:\106729976.doc I can retrieve information from within paragraphs or at the end of a page or section. Can sustain reading through longer sentence structure and paragraphs, making use of punctuation I can read aloud with intonation and expression taking account of the punctuation including speech. I can identify syllables in order to read polysyllabic words. Taipei European School – Vertical Articulation and Progression - Reading Level 3 READING – Classroom Monitor descriptors broken in sub levels CM Reading Descriptor 2a 3c White 3c 3b Lime 3b 3a I can read a range of texts fluently and accurately. I can read a head and scan what is to come e.g. punctuation, speech. I can recognise a wide range of prefixes and suffixes. I can show awareness of different voices in narrative. I can read with expression and intonation. I can read aloud with intonation and expression, taking into account punctuation and showing an awareness of audience. I can use phonic strategies securely. I am beginning to recognise features of different types of text and fiction genres. I read independently, using strategies appropriately to establish meaning. In responding to fiction and non-fiction I show understanding of the main points. I can scan to identify relevant details or information. I can answer inference questions about the story. I can use graphic, syntactical and contextual clues to construct the meaning of words in context. I can skim, scan and scroll through text. I can use texts for basic research. I can understand narrative order and chronology. I can summarise orally the contents of a text. I can use notes to summarise the main points both in fiction and non-fiction. I can recognise and discuss how characters are presented in different ways I can discuss actions for main characters in narrative and justify views using evidence from the text. I can make generalisations from textual information. I can identify why the author has chosen specific words. I can evaluate the usefulness of information. I recognise the use of persuasive techniques. I can use clues within the text to articulate judgments and opinions. I can explore underlying themes and ideas. I can employ alphabetical knowledge in locating books and information. I can employ alphabetical knowledge in locating books and information confidently. 4c 4b I can apply knowledge gained from reading to inform my writing. 4b 4a I can identify and comment on structural choices e.g. ‘he describes the action first and then goes back to tell you why the child was in the road’. I identify key events or ideas in texts and explain them clearly I can give a simple verbally summary of the main information/plot of a story. I can summarise verbally the main information/plot of a story. I can sustain interest in longer texts, returning to them easily after a break I can distinguish between fact and opinion and identify point of view being presented. I can understand the author’s point of view. I am beginning to recognise and appreciate that authors manipulate language in a variety of ways. I can recognise and appreciate that authors manipulate language in a variety of ways. I can trace developments through texts to deduce reasons, motive, cause and effect. I can interpret how the choice of language e.g. expressive or figurative creates mood, builds tension etc. I can make inferences based on evidence based on different points in the text e.g. interpreting a character’s motive from their actions at different points. I can make reference to specific sections of text and key words or phrases to infer meaning. I understand how the meaning of words can change over time I show an awareness of precise vocabulary I know how style and vocabulary are linked to the purpose of the text. I can identify basic features of the writer’s use of language e.g. all the questions make you want to find out what happens next. I express reasoned opinions about what is read I can justify my own interpretation of a text I can support my comments by using a relevant textual reference or quotation. I know that different texts can be interpreted in different ways I can discuss characters based on what they do. I can retell the story clearly and in detail. I can talk about the characters and how they relate to each other. In responding to fiction and non-fiction I express my preferences. I use my knowledge of the alphabet to locate books and find information. I can use dictionary, table of contents and index with occasional support. Level 4 READING – Classroom Monitor descriptors broken in sub levels CM Reading Descriptor 3a 4c In responding to a range of texts, I I can understand how paragraphs and chapters show understanding of significant are used to collect order and build up ideas. ideas, themes, events and characters. I am beginning to use inference and deduction when responding to text. When explaining my views, I refer to the text to give evidence. I can explain how the writer uses simile and metaphor to create images. I can locate and use ideas and information in the text. I can make use of features such as headings, sections, contents and index. I am beginning to use appropriate skills to locate information e.g. Skim, scan, text marking and ICT skills. I can use appropriate skills to locate information efficiently e.g. Skim, scan, text marking and ICT skills. Search for and find information in texts with flexibility I use text features to locate specific information. I can prepare for factual research by evaluating what is known and locating relevant sources to use. I read silently most of the time D:\106729976.doc I can identify features of organisation at text level. Taipei European School – Vertical Articulation and Progression - Reading Level 5 READING – Classroom Monitor descriptors broken in sub levels CM Reading Descriptor 4a working towards 5c 5c working towards 5b 5b working towards 5a I show understanding of a range of texts by selecting essential points and using deduction where appropriate. I can use a range of texts, selecting essential points for a particular purpose. I can explain implied meanings making reference to the text. I understand signposts that indicate a change of tone voice or opinion and use these. I am developing the skill of critical evaluation. I can interrogate a text, articulating problems and formulating relevant questions. I persevere to understand condensed information, complex reasoning and subtle arguments. I can distinguish between implicit and explicit points of view. In my responses, I identify key features, themes and characters. I consistently use inference and deduction where appropriate applying wider experience. I know the structures and grammatical features of a range of fiction and non-fiction texts. I can reflect personal interpretation of text when reading aloud. I evaluate texts critically by comparing how different sources treat the same information. I can discuss the author’s use of language and imagery. I can evaluate the author’s use of technique e.g. narrative structure, character action, themes, figurative language, making reference to the text. I recognise and respond to text complexity e.g. ambiguity and conflicting messages in text. I can discuss the authorial intent, giving examples. I can comment and make judgments on the ways authors represent people from different cultures and socio-economic groups. I can select sentences, phrases and relevant information to support my views. I have a good reading speed but I can slow down and re-read when the text requires close attention. I can identify and describe the styles of individual poets and authors. I consistently select sentences, phrases and relevant information to support my personal views. I can retrieve information from a range of sources. I can use note making appropriately to summarise the main points. I can skim and scan efficiently when researching across a range of texts including ICT. I can retrieve information quickly and efficiently. I can locate information confidently and efficiently. I make use of features to locate specific information. I can find and use information in any form e.g. map, diagram, database. I can collate information from a range of sources. D:\106729976.doc I am beginning to interpret and classify information in any form including text, maps, diagram, database. I can interpret and classify information in any form including text, maps, diagram, database. I can interpret and classify information in any form including text, maps, diagram, database, making connections and drawing conclusions.