SSC 101 Midterm Assessment

SSC 101 Midterm Assessment
Culture, Media and Socialization
Rev. 03.09
In this assessment your main goal is to show a mastery of some key ideas we have studied so far,
by analyzing and responding to some recent research on the role of Disney images in the
socialization of children both here and around the world. This assessment will also help us move
into themes we will explore during the next part of the course.
Step 1. The Obervation
60 minutes
We will view in class a 2001 documentary entitled Mickey Mouse Monopoly, which presents a
highly critical analysis of the role of Disney’s influence on our society. During the video you will
take notes so that you can speak, and later, write about key ideas it sets forth. Your goals are to
really understand the claims and point of view of those who made the documentary, consider how
one would refute the claims and point of view of the documentary, and think about whether you
agree with the documentary producers’ point of view or not.
Step 2. Reflection and debate 60 minutes
After the video you will have a brief period to continue to write notes on your own, and in
conversation with others, to build for yourself a solid record of data and thoughts to use later.
Then we will break into small groups of 4-6 people. You will be assigned a role to either
advocate the video’s point of view, or oppose the video’s point of view, or judge the debate.
After some prep time, you will debate the merits of the video’s point of view using the following
Step 3.
15 minutes prep time for teams to get ready. Meanwhile Judges from all groups assemble
to generate some shared criteria for what you will look for in all the teams’ arguments,
so as to be able evaluate them as effective or ineffective using a level playing field.
5 minutes for advocates of the video’s point of view to make their best arguments, using
specific data and information from both the video and material from our textbook as
appropriate, without interruption.
5 minutes for opponents of the video’s point of view to make their best arguments,
without interruption.
3 minutes for advocates to criticize opponents’ position, without interruption
3 minutes for opponents to criticize advocates’ position, without interruption
10 minutes of open discussion and argument. Judges may probe or ask questions but not
take a side or express a personal opinion.
Judges confer to decide whether advocates or opponents made the better case.
Debriefing of the debate
30 minutes
Large group conversation to see how things went in the debate groups and what key points seem
to emerge on each side. Judges will report out their decisions on winners.
Step 4. Your take-home essay. Everyone does Questions 1through 4. Vieau School service
learners also do #5.
Write an essay with the instructor as your audience, in which you
1. Summarize the main pro and con arguments that emerged in your debate group about the
merits of the video’s point of view. Use what you gained from the group debate to
develop these summaries. Add anything else from the video you observed that perhaps
the teams did not mention or consider, that is important for understanding what the video
is about. Briefly give your own view of which side you agree with, regardless of the role
you had to play in the debate process.
2. Then, using the concepts of culture, socialization, social stratification, explain what you
learned from watching this video about how popular media like Disney movies can affect
the broader society, whether you agree with the video’s point of view or not. . Provide a
specific formal definition of each concept you employ. This is really important, so
that you don’t use an idea incorrectly.
3. The video producers are clearly employing at least one and perhaps more theoretical
approaches from social science to develop their criticism of the Disney empire. In other
words, they talk about Disney to illustrate a theory. What main theoretical framework
from sociology do you think seems to be the basis of the video producers’ point of view,
and what evidence do you have for this? The three main frameworks are functionalism,
conflict/feminist theory, and symbolic interactionism. Summarize the key elements of
each perspective you refer to here.
4. Finally, consider Disney’s messages on children from a CST point of view. Select one
of the nine themes Massaro reviews, briefly define the theme(s), and argue whether you
think Disney movies enhance social justice or retard it in our society in terms of that
5. If you are a Vieau School service learner, add a page or two of observations and
reflections on how popular culture seems to influence the children at the school. What
popular culture figures or characters do they celebrate or refer to or like? What messages
do you think these figures and characters send to the kids?
The focus in this assignment is on
Analysis level 1 and Problem-solving Level 1: the ability to accurately make social scientific
observations and separate fact from opinion
Analysis level 2 and Problem-solving Level 2: the ability to accurately use social scientific
concepts to describe social facts and ideas, and organize information into clear social scientific
Analysis level 3: the ability to recognize theoretical frameworks used to explain social facts
Developing a Global Perspective level 1: the ability to articulate your own awareness of some
cultural differences in the world
Valuing level 1: the ability to identify your own values and perspective and express them clearly.
Length: 6-7 pages typed. Due: In class the Thursday following midterm assessment week. Don’t
forget to number and staple all your pages, and keep a copy of everything for your files.