Thermal Profile Conducted June 18, 2005 at Lake Hopatcong This profile was conducted by Tim Clancy with assistance by Don Eckelhoffer. Samples were taken at deep-water areas (30+) to determine impact of recent heat wave on suitable trout habitat. Samples wee taken using an Aquacal deep-water submersible temperature gauge manufactured by Catalina Technologies. Unit was attached to a down rigger with 4 lb. weight and all samples were taken from an anchored position to assure accuracy of depths and temperatures (temps). Sample were collected at two foot increments from surface to bottom and any change in temps of five degrees or more were rechecked in one foot increments. After 30 feet samples were taken in five foot increments because little variations were noted at those depths. Any fractions of degrees of 3/10 or less were rounded down and 4/10 or more rounded up to the next full degree. Sampling Stations: A—Northwest portion of main lake., between Cow Tongue Pt. and Bonaparte Point at confluence of Henderson and Byram Bays. Maximum depth 32”. B—Northeast portion of main lake at Nolan’s Pointe. Maximum depth 52’ but unit wire could only reach depth of 45’. C—Center of main lake between Chestnut and Elba Points. Maximum depth 48’. D—Southwest portion of main lake, between Sharps Rock and Yacht Club on Bertrand Island. Maximum depth 35’. E—This station was added because of anomaly witnessed to confirm results from Station A. Located further into Byram Bay between Sunrise and Pine Tree Points. Maximum depth 30’. Results: Depth: A: B: C: D: E: 0 76 76 76 76 77 2 76 76 76 76 77 4 76 76 76 76 77 6 76 76 76 76 76 8 76 76 76 76 75 10 75 75 76 76 73 12 66 * 75 75 76 67 * 14 64 74 75 76 65 16 63 65 * 74 75 64 18 60 61 69 * 71 60 20 58 59 61 63 * 59 22 56 58 59 60 59 24 56 57 58 59 58 26 55 56 57 57 57 28 55 56 56 57 56 30 54 56 56 57 55 35 N/A 54 55 55 N/A 40 N/A 53 53 N/A N/A 45 N/A 51 51 N/A N/A Denotes major temperature change and additional sample taken I’ above, depth and temp noted below. 11’-73 15’-69 17’-70 18’-69 11’71 Conclusions: Originally it was assumed the deeper waters would have the shallowest colder temps but this was not seen and when we sampled closer to the outflow at the State Park the cooler temps were found deeper regardless of depth of water. We added an additional sampling station further northwest of station A and found conditions similar to Station A. It was then determined that the northwest portion of the lake remained cooler even though shallower because other areas were impacted by the natural flow of the lake. Much of this flow originates in very shallow and warmer areas such as Woodport, Raccoon Is. to Prospect Point to Castle Rock Park and the River Styx/Crescent Cove area. As these warm flows enter the main lake they have a cumulative effect that is maximized as they approach the downstream out flow at the State Park. We do not know if these conditions will even out as the lake continues to warm up but at the time of this sampling ideal trout habitat was witnessed between 12-18 feet northwest of Raccoon Is. and 18-22 feet downstream of there. As the summer progresses and anoxic conditions present themselves in the Hypolinium more suitable trout habitat may be seen in the northwest section of the main lake than other areas.