Kindergarten - Farmington River Regional School District

1. Introducing Letters
a) Letter Sounds
b) Letter Formation
1.Introducing Letters
Letters in child's name
Identifying alphabet letters w/ flashcards
Identifying alphabet letters in ABC books
a) Introducing Letter Sounds for Mm and Tt.
Brainstorm "m" words, brainstorm "t" words
Discuss letter sounds @ beginning of names,
color words, number words.
b) Introducing formation of letters
Trace over name w/ colorful markers.
Practice writing names using correct formation
of letters.
Discuss/practice characteristics of letter form
lines, slides, curves, circles)
Practice writing letters on small white boards.
2. Modeled Writing
2. Draw a picture and write a sentence about it.
Write a sentence about an event.
Sharing Stories: an apple--use of descriptive
3. Telling stories through
3. Draw a picture with lots of detail that tells a
Draw a detailed picture that tells a story and
add labels, words that will help tell about the
Ten Apples Up On Top
4. Shared Writing
4. Children help write a sentence about a letter
person and copy the sentence on to small
The class works together to write a daily
sentence about an upcoming event, the weather,
a holiday, a class experience, etc.
The class works together to write a sentence
about a story.
5. Story Sequence
5. Read Brown Bear and use felt characters to
MA_Curriculum_Frameworks English Language
Arts (2001): p-2
• 7.2.A understand that a sound is a phoneme, or one
distinct sound; Introduced
• 7.2.B understand that words are made up of one or
more syllables; Introduced
• 7.2.D identify the initial, medial, and final sounds of a
word; Introduced
• 7.3.A know that there is a link between letters and
sounds; Introduced
• 7.3.B recognize letter-sound matches by naming and
identifying each letter of the alphabet; Introduced
• 7.4.A know the order of the letters in the
alphabet; Introduced
• 7.4.B understand that spoken words are represented in
written English by sequences of letters; Introduced
• Learning Standard 7.5 Demonstrate orally that
phonemes exist: Introduced
• Learning Standard 7.7 Use letter-sound knowledge to
decode written English: Introduced
• 7.7.A decode accurately phonetically regular onesyllable and multi-syllable real words and nonsense
words; Introduced
• General Standard 20 Students will write for different
audiences and purposes. Introduced
• Learning Standard 22.1 Print upper- and lower-case
letters of the alphabet. Introduced
• 22.2.A printing upper- and lower-case letters legibly
and using them to make words; Introduced
• 22.2.B separating words with spaces; Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.1 Draw pictures and/or use letters
or phonetically spelled words to tell a story. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.3 Draw pictures and/or use letters
or phonetically spelled words to give others
information. Introduced
• General Standard 23 Students will organize ideas in
writing in a way that makes sense for their
purpose. Introduced
1 of 14
1. Introducing Letters
1.Introducing Letters
MA_Curriculum_Frameworks English Language
Identifying alphabet letters w/Flashcards and
Arts (2001) : p-2
identifying alphabet letters in ABC books
Introduce Letters Hh, Ff, Nn
• 7.2.A understand that a sound is a phoneme, or one
distinct sound; Introduced
a) Letter Sounds
a) Introducing Letter Sounds
Introduce special sounds,brainstorm words
• 7.2.B understand that words are made up of one or
Discuss letter sounds @ beginning of names,
more syllables; Introduced
color words, number words.
• 7.2.D identify the initial, medial, and final sounds of a
b) Letter Formation
b) Introducing formation of letters.
word; Introduced
Practice writing names using correct formation
of letters.
• 7.3.A know that there is a link between letters and
Discuss/practice characteristics of letter form
sounds; Introduced
(lines, slides, curves, circles)
Practice writing letters on small whiteboards.
• 7.3.B recognize letter-sound matches by naming and
identifying each letter of the alphabet; Introduced
2. Modeled Writing
2. Sharing Stories
Small group Halloween story.
• 7.4.A know the order of the letters in the
Five Senses and Fall use of descriptive words.
alphabet; Introduced
Make a classbook :Our Trip to the Farm .
Have children copy words on to their page.
• 7.4.B understand that spoken words are represented in
Make a classbook What will you be on
written English by sequences of letters; Introduced
Halloween ? Have children copy words on to
their page.
• Learning Standard 7.5 Demonstrate orally that
Draw a picture and write a sentence about it.
phonemes exist: Introduced
Write a sentence about an event.
• Learning Standard 7.7 Use letter-sound knowledge to
3. Telling stories through 3. Draw a detailed picture that tells a story and
decode written English: Introduced
add labels and/or words that will help tell about
the picture.
• 7.7.A decode accurately phonetically regular onesyllable and multi-syllable real words and nonsense
words; Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.1 Draw pictures and/or use letters
or phonetically spelled words to tell a story. Introduced
2 of 14
4. Shared Writing
4. Children help write a sentence about a letter
MA_Curriculum_Frameworks English Language
person and copy the sentence on to small
Arts (2001): p-2
• Learning Standard 19.2 Dictate sentences for a story
The class works together to write a daily
and collaborate to put the sentences in chronological
sentence about an up-coming event, the
sequence. Introduced
weather, a holiday, a class experience, etc.
The class works together to write a sentence
• Learning Standard 19.3 Draw pictures and/or use letters
about a story.
or phonetically spelled words to give others
information. Introduced
5. Story Sequence
5. Read The Very Busy Spider -use story cards
to sequence in large group.
• Learning Standard 19.4 Dictate sentences for a letter or
Children do cut and paste sequence.
directions and collaborate to put the sentences in
Five Little Pumpkin song sequence activity.
order. Introduced
Sequence and tell a story about a fall tree.
Discuss the beginning, middle, and end of story. • Learning Standard 19.7 Write or dictate letters,
directions, or short accounts of personal experiences that
follow a logical order. Introduced
• Learning Standard 22.1 Print upper- and lower-case
letters of the alphabet. Introduced
• 22.2.A printing upper- and lower-case letters legibly
and using them to make words; Introduced
• 22.2.B separating words with spaces; Introduced
• 22.2.C understanding and applying rules for
capitalization at the beginning of a sentence, for names
and places (“Janet,” “I,” “George Washington,”
“Springfield”), and capitalization and commas in dates
(“February 24, 2001”); Introduced
• 22.2.E using appropriate end marks such as periods and
question marks. Introduced
• General Standard 23 Students will organize ideas in
writing in a way that makes sense for their
purpose. Introduced
3 of 14
1. Ideas
2. Organization
3. Voice
Writing folder--draw a detailed picture from
personal experience and write a story to go with
it. Classroom discussion on "How do you think
a turkey feels about Thanksgiving and why?"
Sequencing a story about a fall tree. Cut
pictures out and tell story about it.
Sort and Sequence by color, by initials, by age.
Read The Three Snow Bears, about half way
through, have students predict the outcome.
Will it be the same as the The Three Bears? or
ill it have a different ending? What would
make sense?
Talk about using imagination, making a picture
in your head. Talk about everyday objects and
then use descriptive words to make them more
interesting. How many ways can you describe
something? Choose an object, make a list.
Read the Napping House and discuss the
author's use of descriptive words.
Make a class book The Amazing Zoo in which
the children draw a detailed picture and use
descriptive words to tell about their animal.
4. Word Choice
4. Word Choice
Read Harry the Dirty Dog and discus author's
use of descriptive words.
Make a classbook - I am Thankful.
Working with synonyms. How else can we say
big, little, happy, sad, good, and bad. Can we
use other words?
MA_Curriculum_Frameworks English Language
Arts (2001): p-2
• General Standard 19 Students will write with a clear
focus, coherent organization, and sufficient
detail. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.1 Draw pictures and/or use letters
or phonetically spelled words to tell a story. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.2 Dictate sentences for a story
and collaborate to put the sentences in chronological
sequence. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.3 Draw pictures and/or use letters
or phonetically spelled words to give others
information. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.7 Write or dictate letters,
directions, or short accounts of personal experiences that
follow a logical order. Introduced
• General Standard 20 Students will write for different
audiences and purposes. Introduced
• Example: Example: students describe an object in a
sentence, and then they work together to create a two-line
rhyming description using the same information, and
discuss the differences. Introduced
• General Standard 22 Students will use knowledge of
standard English conventions in their writing, revising,
and editing. Introduced
• Learning Standard 22.1 Print upper- and lower-case
letters of the alphabet. Introduced
4 of 14
5. Sentence Fluency
5. Sentence Fluency
• Learning Standard 22.2 Use correct standard English
Interactive Writing--Children help write
mechanics such as: Introduced
sentence about daily occurrence on large
whiteboard and copy it on to individual
• 22.2.A printing upper- and lower-case letters legibly
and using them to make words; Introduced
• 22.2.B separating words with spaces; Introduced
6. Conventions
6. Conventions
Introduce Aa, Bb, and Zz, brainstorm
words, practice formation. Copy sentences from
large whiteboard.
Practice writing sentences on whiteboards;
remind use of uppercase at the beginning,
period at the end, spaces between words, and
Practice tapping out sounds and clapping out
syllables in words.
Practice blending sounds together to make a
Match upper and lower case letters.
Use the computer to practice writing names and
• 22.2.C understanding and applying rules for
capitalization at the beginning of a sentence, for names
and places (“Janet,” “I,” “George Washington,”
“Springfield”), and capitalization and commas in dates
(“February 24, 2001”); Introduced
• 22.2.E using appropriate end marks such as periods and
question marks. Introduced
• General Standard 23 Students will organize ideas in
writing in a way that makes sense for their
purpose. Introduced
• Learning Standard 7.2 Demonstrate orally that
phonemes exist and that they can be isolated and
manipulated: Introduced
• 7.2.A understand that a sound is a phoneme, or one
distinct sound; Introduced
• 7.2.B understand that words are made up of one or
more syllables; Introduced
• 7.2.D identify the initial, medial, and final sounds of a
word; Introduced
• 7.2.E blend sounds to make words. Introduced
5 of 14
1. Ideas
1. Ideas
Writing folder--draw a detailed picture from
personal experience and write a story to go with
Guess the gift. Children look at gift, shake it
and make a written prediction of what the gift
could be.
2. Organization
2. Organization
After listening to The Gingerbread Man
children retell the story.
After listening to The Gingerbread Baby
children retell the story. Children compare
similarities and differences in The Gingerbread
Baby and The Gingerbread Man.
3. Voice
3. Voice
Children make a gingerbread puppet and
gingerbread house and make up their own
Gingerbread Baby stories.
In Jan Brett's Who's Knocking on Christmas
Eve, discuss the use of voice and how the
author makes the book exciting.
4. Word Choice
4. Word Choice
Children go on a classroom scavenger hunt to
look for words for each letter introduced.
Brainstorm different ways to say things e.g.
How can we say 'it is a rainy day" differently?
5. Sentence Fluency
5. Sentence Fluency
Interactive Writing--Children help write
sentences about daily occurrences on large
whiteboard and copy it on to individual
Holiday songs and poems to model fluency.
MA_Curriculum_Frameworks English Language
Arts (2001): p-2
• Learning Standard 4.1 Identify and sort common words
into various classifications (colors, shapes,
textures). Introduced
• Learning Standard 4.2 Describe common objects and
events in general and specific language. Introduced
• Learning Standard 4.3 Identify and sort common words
into conceptual categories (opposites, living
things). Introduced
• Learning Standard 4.6 Identify common antonyms and
synonyms. Introduced
• Learning Standard 5.4 Identify appropriate end marks
(periods, question marks). Introduced
• Learning Standard 7.2 Demonstrate orally that
phonemes exist and that they can be isolated and
manipulated: Introduced
• 7.2.A understand that a sound is a phoneme, or one
distinct sound; Introduced
• 7.2.B understand that words are made up of one or
more syllables; Introduced
• 7.2.C recognize and produce rhyming
words; Introduced
• 7.2.D identify the initial, medial, and final sounds of a
word; Introduced
• 7.2.E blend sounds to make words. Introduced
• 7.3.A know that there is a link between letters and
sounds; Introduced
• 7.3.B recognize letter-sound matches by naming and
identifying each letter of the alphabet; Introduced
• 7.3.C understand that written words are composed of
letters that represent sounds; Introduced
• General Standard 15 Students will identify and analyze
how an author’s words appeal to the senses, create
imagery, suggest mood, and set tone and provide
evidence from the text to support their
understanding. Introduced
6 of 14
6. Conventions
6. Conventions
• Learning Standard 19.1 Draw pictures and/or use letters
Introduce Pp, Vv, and Ss. Brainstorm words,
or phonetically spelled words to tell a story. Introduced
practice formation. Copy sentences \from large • Learning Standard 19.2 Dictate sentences for a story
and collaborate to put the sentences in chronological
Practice writing sentences on whiteboard;
sequence. Introduced
remind use of uppercase at the beginning,
• Learning Standard 19.3 Draw pictures and/or use letters
period at the end, spaces between words, and
or phonetically spelled words to give others
information. Introduced
Practice tapping out sounds and clapping out
• Learning Standard 19.4 Dictate sentences for a letter or
syllables in words.
directions and collaborate to put the sentences in
Practice blending sounds together to make a
order. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.5 Write or dictate stories that
Match upper and lower case letters.
have a beginning, middle, and end. Introduced
Use the computer to practice writing names and • Learning Standard 19.7 Write or dictate letters,
directions, or short accounts of personal experiences that
follow a logical order. Introduced
• Learning Standard 22.1 Print upper- and lower-case
letters of the alphabet. Introduced
• 22.2.A printing upper- and lower-case letters legibly
and using them to make words; Introduced
• 22.2.B separating words with spaces; Introduced
• 22.2.C understanding and applying rules for
capitalization at the beginning of a sentence, for names
and places (“Janet,” “I,” “George Washington,”
“Springfield”), and capitalization and commas in dates
(“February 24, 2001”); Introduced
• 22.2.E using appropriate end marks such as periods and
question marks. Introduced
• Learning Standard 23.1 Arrange events in order when
writing or dictating. Introduced
• Learning Standard 23.2 Arrange ideas in a way that
makes sense. Introduced
7 of 14
1. Ideas
1. Ideas
MA_Curriculum_Frameworks English Language
Writing folder: draw a detailed picture from
Arts (2001): p-2
personal experience and write a story to go with
it. Make a New Year classbook. Have the
• Learning Standard 4.1 Identify and sort common words
children draw a picture and write a sentence
into various classifications (colors, shapes,
about something they would like to do in the
textures). Introduced
new year.
• Learning Standard 4.2 Describe common objects and
Sharing Story--Children make up their own
events in general and specific language. Introduced
version of The Mitten story.
• Learning Standard 4.3 Identify and sort common words
into conceptual categories (opposites, living
2. Organization
2. Organization
things). Introduced
Children use cut and paste pictures to sequence • Learning Standard 4.6 Identify common antonyms and
how to make a snowman.
synonyms. Introduced
Read Jan Brett's book The Mitten. Discuss
• Learning Standard 5.4 Identify appropriate end marks
story, retell, and have children act out the story (periods, question marks). Introduced
using puppets.
• Learning Standard 7.2 Demonstrate orally that
phonemes exist and that they can be isolated and
3. Voice
3. Voice
manipulated: Introduced
After making a snowman the children using a
• 7.2.A understand that a sound is a phoneme, or one
conversation cloud will write what they think a distinct sound; Introduced
snowman might say.
• 7.2.B understand that words are made up of one or
Read Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus and
more syllables; Introduced
discuss the use of the pigeon talking to the
• 7.2.C recognize and produce rhyming
words; Introduced
• 7.2.D identify the initial, medial, and final sounds of a
4. Word Choice
4. Word Choice
word; Introduced
After discussing the importance of the sun to
• 7.2.E blend sounds to make words. Introduced
our planet, the children write a sentence
• 7.3.A know that there is a link between letters and
describing the importance of the sun.
sounds; Introduced
Children complete the sentence If I were an
• 7.3.B recognize letter-sound matches by naming and
identifying each letter of the alphabet; Introduced
Describe Winter--brainstorm descriptive words • 7.3.C understand that written words are composed of
that describe the season.
letters that represent sounds; Introduced
• General Standard 15 Students will identify and analyze
how an author’s words appeal to the senses, create
imagery, suggest mood, and set tone and provide
evidence from the text to support their
understanding. Introduced
8 of 14
5. Sentence Fluency
5. Sentence Fluency
Read and learn winter poems and songs.
Interactive Writing--Children help write
sentence about daily occurrence on large
whiteboard and copy it on to individual
6. Conventions
6. Conventions
Introduce Oo, Ll, Dd, and Gg, Brainstorm
words, practice formation.
Copy sentence from the large whiteboard.
Practice writing sentences on
individual whiteboards; remind use of
uppercase at the beginning, period at the end,
spaces between words, and neatness.
Practice tapping out sounds and clapping out
syllables in words.
Practice blending sounds together to make a
Match upper and lower case letters.
Use the computer to practice writing names and
• Learning Standard 19.1 Draw pictures and/or use letters
or phonetically spelled words to tell a story. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.2 Dictate sentences for a story
and collaborate to put the sentences in chronological
sequence. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.3 Draw pictures and/or use letters
or phonetically spelled words to give others
information. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.4 Dictate sentences for a letter or
directions and collaborate to put the sentences in
order. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.5 Write or dictate stories that
have a beginning, middle, and end. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.7 Write or dictate letters,
directions, or short accounts of personal experiences that
follow a logical order. Introduced
• Learning Standard 22.1 Print upper- and lower-case
letters of the alphabet. Introduced
• 22.2.A printing upper- and lower-case letters legibly
and using them to make words; Introduced
• 22.2.B separating words with spaces; Introduced
• 22.2.C understanding and applying rules for
capitalization at the beginning of a sentence, for names
and places (“Janet,” “I,” “George Washington,”
“Springfield”), and capitalization and commas in dates
(“February 24, 2001”); Introduced
• 22.2.E using appropriate end marks such as periods and
question marks. Introduced
• Learning Standard 23.1 Arrange events in order when
writing or dictating. Introduced
• Learning Standard 23.2 Arrange ideas in a way that
makes sense. Introduced
9 of 14
1. Ideas
1. Ideas
Writing folder--draw a detailed picture from
personal experience and write a story to go
with it.
Love List--Children write a list of things that
they love.
Birthday--Children draw a picture and write
about how they celebrate their birthday.
2. Organization
2. Organization
Daily Schedule--Children draw a picture of
something they do in the morning, afternoon,
and night and dictate a sentence.
3. Voice
3. Voice
Children make Valentine's Day Card and write
4. Word Choice
4. Word Choice
Read Corduroy, discuss story. Writers
Workshop--Children write sentence about how
Corduroy felt when Lisa left him on the store.
5. Sentence Fluency
5. Sentence Fluency
Read and learn Valentine poems and songs.
Interactive Writing--Children help write
sentences about daily occurrences on large
whiteboard and copy it on to individual
MA_Curriculum_Frameworks English Language
Arts (2001): p-2
• Learning Standard 4.1 Identify and sort common words
into various classifications (colors, shapes,
textures). Introduced
• Learning Standard 4.2 Describe common objects and
events in general and specific language. Introduced
• Learning Standard 4.3 Identify and sort common words
into conceptual categories (opposites, living
things). Introduced
• Learning Standard 4.6 Identify common antonyms and
synonyms. Introduced
• Learning Standard 5.4 Identify appropriate end marks
(periods, question marks). Introduced
• Learning Standard 7.2 Demonstrate orally that
phonemes exist and that they can be isolated and
manipulated: Introduced
• 7.2.A understand that a sound is a phoneme, or one
distinct sound; Introduced
• 7.2.B understand that words are made up of one or
more syllables; Introduced
• 7.2.C recognize and produce rhyming
words; Introduced
• 7.2.D identify the initial, medial, and final sounds of a
word; Introduced
• 7.2.E blend sounds to make words. Introduced
• 7.3.A know that there is a link between letters and
sounds; Introduced
• 7.3.B recognize letter-sound matches by naming and
identifying each letter of the alphabet; Introduced
• 7.3.C understand that written words are composed of
letters that represent sounds; Introduced
• General Standard 15 Students will identify and analyze
how an author’s words appeal to the senses, create
imagery, suggest mood, and set tone and provide
evidence from the text to support their
understanding. Introduced
10 of 14
6. Conventions
6. Conventions
Introduce Cc and Oo. Brainstorm words,
practice formation.
Copy sentences from large whiteboard.
Practice writing sentences on whiteboards;
remind use of uppercase at the beginning,
period at the end, spaces between words, and
Practice tapping out sounds and clapping out
syllables in words.
Practice blending sounds together to make a
Match upper and lower case letters.
Use the computer to practice writing names and
• Learning Standard 19.1 Draw pictures and/or use letters
or phonetically spelled words to tell a story. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.2 Dictate sentences for a story
and collaborate to put the sentences in chronological
sequence. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.3 Draw pictures and/or use letters
or phonetically spelled words to give others
information. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.4 Dictate sentences for a letter or
directions and collaborate to put the sentences in
order. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.5 Write or dictate stories that
have a beginning, middle, and end. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.7 Write or dictate letters,
directions, or short accounts of personal experiences that
follow a logical order. Introduced
• Learning Standard 22.1 Print upper- and lower-case
letters of the alphabet. Introduced
• 22.2.A printing upper- and lower-case letters legibly
and using them to make words; Introduced
• 22.2.B separating words with spaces; Introduced
• 22.2.C understanding and applying rules for
capitalization at the beginning of a sentence, for names
and places (“Janet,” “I,” “George Washington,”
“Springfield”), and capitalization and commas in dates
(“February 24, 2001”); Introduced
• 22.2.E using appropriate end marks such as periods and
question marks. Introduced
• Learning Standard 23.1 Arrange events in order when
writing or dictating. Introduced
• Learning Standard 23.2 Arrange ideas in a way that
makes sense. Introduced
• General Standard 20 Students will write for different
audiences and purposes. Introduced
11 of 14
1. Ideas
1. Ideas
Writing folder:draw a detailed picture from
personal experience and write a story to go with
Draw a detailed picture and write a story about
what would happen if you found a pot of gold.
Make an ABC Classbook, written in style of
Dr. Seuss' ABC's.
2. Organization
2. Organization
Class story about a picture of a boy and a dog.
Write beginning, middle and ending of story.
After listening to a story, retell story.
Put sequence cards in correct order and tell a
story about them.
3. Voice
3. Voice
Compare books written by Dr. Seuss to other
authors. How are Dr. Seuss books unique?
Listen to Make Way for Ducklings then draw a
picture and write about your favorite part of the
story, tell why you liked it.
4. Word Choice
4. Word choice
Brainstorm words about Spring. Make a list of
words to use when writing a story about spring.
Think of different ways to describe a bunny.
Make a list of adjectives.
MA_Curriculum_Frameworks English Language
Arts (2001): p-2
• General Standard 20 Students will write for different
audiences and purposes. Introduced
• Learning Standard 4.1 Identify and sort common words
into various classifications (colors, shapes,
textures). Introduced
• Learning Standard 4.2 Describe common objects and
events in general and specific language. Introduced
• Learning Standard 4.3 Identify and sort common words
into conceptual categories (opposites, living
things). Introduced
• Learning Standard 4.6 Identify common antonyms and
synonyms. Introduced
• Learning Standard 5.4 Identify appropriate end marks
(periods, question marks). Introduced
• Learning Standard 7.2 Demonstrate orally that
phonemes exist and that they can be isolated and
manipulated: Introduced
• 7.2.A understand that a sound is a phoneme, or one
distinct sound; Introduced
• 7.2.B understand that words are made up of one or
more syllables; Introduced
• 7.2.C recognize and produce rhyming
words; Introduced
• 7.2.D identify the initial, medial, and final sounds of a
word; Introduced
• 7.2.E blend sounds to make words. Introduced
• 7.3.A know that there is a link between letters and
sounds; Introduced
• 7.3.B recognize letter-sound matches by naming and
identifying each letter of the alphabet; Introduced
• 7.3.C understand that written words are composed of
letters that represent sounds; Introduced
12 of 14
5. Sentence Fluency
5.Sentence Fluency
Make a Class story about a picture. Write
beginning, middle and end ,making sure the
sentences flow into each other.
Sharing Stories--make sure the story makes
Interactive Writing--Children help write
sentences about daily occurrences on
large whiteboard and copy it on to individual
6. Conventions
6. Conventions
Introduce Kk, Ee, Jj, and Rr. Brainstorm
words, practice formation.
Copy sentences from large whiteboard.
Practice writing sentences on whiteboards;
remind use of uppercase at the beginning,
period at the end, spaces between words, and
Practice tapping out sounds and clapping out
syllables in words.
Practice blending sounds together to make a
Match upper and lower case letters.
Use the computer to practice writing names and
• General Standard 15 Students will identify and analyze
how an author’s words appeal to the senses, create
imagery, suggest mood, and set tone and provide
evidence from the text to support their
understanding. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.1 Draw pictures and/or use letters
or phonetically spelled words to tell a story. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.2 Dictate sentences for a story
and collaborate to put the sentences in chronological
sequence. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.3 Draw pictures and/or use letters
or phonetically spelled words to give others
information. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.4 Dictate sentences for a letter or
directions and collaborate to put the sentences in
order. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.5 Write or dictate stories that
have a beginning, middle, and end. Introduced
• Learning Standard 19.7 Write or dictate letters,
directions, or short accounts of personal experiences that
follow a logical order. Introduced
• Learning Standard 22.1 Print upper- and lower-case
letters of the alphabet. Introduced
• 22.2.A printing upper- and lower-case letters legibly
and using them to make words; Introduced
• 22.2.B separating words with spaces; Introduced
• 22.2.C understanding and applying rules for
capitalization at the beginning of a sentence, for names
and places (“Janet,” “I,” “George Washington,”
“Springfield”), and capitalization and commas in dates
(“February 24, 2001”); Introduced
• 22.2.E using appropriate end marks such as periods and
question marks. Introduced
• Learning Standard 23.1 Arrange events in order when
writing or dictating. Introduced
• Learning Standard 23.2 Arrange ideas in a way that
makes sense. Introduced
13 of 14
1. Ideas
1. Ideas
Writing folder--draw a detailed picture from
personal experience and write a story to go with
2. Organization
3. Voice
4. Word Choice
5. Sentence Fluency
6. Conventions
6. Conventions
Introduce Yy, Qq, and Xx and brainstorm
words, practice formation.
Copy sentences from large whiteboard.
Practice writing sentences on whiteboards;
remind use of uppercase at the beginning,
period at the end, spaces between words, and
Practice tapping out sounds and clapping out
syllables in words.
Practice blending sounds together to make a
Match upper and lower case letters.
Use the computer to practice writing names and
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