Biodiversity year Focus Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. From which two words does biodiversity come? In your own words, explain what biodiversity means. How many new species are being identified each year? Australia is one of the most biodiverse places on Earth. What does that mean? Why is biodiversity important? Describe the impact humans can have on biodiversity. Why are scientists concerned about the loss of biodiversity? What do you think the International Year of Biodiversity is trying to achieve? How do you think individuals can help preserve biodiversity? What do you understand more clearly about biodiversity since watching the BtN story? Biodiversity Before students begin the activities, hold a class discussion to clarify their understanding of biodiversity. Record their responses on a mind map/concept map. As students work through the investigations they can continue to add to the map. Students will learn more about biodiversity through the following activities. Negotiate with students how many activities they will need to complete. EPISODE 13 16TH FEBRUARY 2010 Learning Area Science, Society and Environment Key learning Students will develop a deeper understanding of biodiversity and ways to preserve it. Remember and understand 2010 is International Year of Biodiversity. Using the official website find out the following: Who decides what the International Year will be? What is the aim of IYB? How are people being encouraged to participate? Make 10 question and answer quiz cards about biodiversity facts. Find out what these key biodiversity words mean and illustrate each one: ecosystem habitat food chain food web species Apply and Analyse What is an ecosystem and how do they relate to biodiversity? Research and illustrate an example. Explore ways your school can support and conserve biodiversity. Projects could include: Planting a garden using native plants Building a frog pond Planting an organic kitchen garden for the school community to access. © ABC 2010 . Create an action plan to help preserve biodiversity at home or school. Use the following as a guide: What are you going to do? Where will it occur? Who is involved? Why? (What is the purpose?) When? (time frame) How (steps involved) Evaluate – What was successful and what could be improved? Create a `Species of the day’ display about a threatened Australian animal. Students can include the following information in their display: Name of species Classification (vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered) Habitat Where it lives Population What is being done to protect the species The following website has more information about threatened Australian animals: Students can present their display to the class. Evaluate and create Create an advertisement that raises awareness and encourages people to take action in the International Year of Biodiversity. Display the advertisements around the school. What are the benefits of biodiversity? These can include social, economic or personal. Students then choose one benefit to research further and present to the class using information communication technologies. Create a collage or artwork that illustrates biodiversity. Related Research Links ABC News – State-of-the-art showcase of SA biodiversity ABC News – Biodiversity crashing Australia-wide Centre for Biological Diversity – 2010 International Year of Biodiversity South Australian Museum – Biodiversity gallery © ABC 2010 Department of Environment, Heritage, Water and the Arts – Threatened Fauna list Up2me for kids – Conserving Australia’s biological diversity © ABC 2010