
Forensic Science
Innocence Project Assignment
Part 1:
Research “Innocence Project” (death row exoneration cases) on the internet (or another source). Give a brief
history of the Innocence Project (include who, what, why, where and when). Choose a case that interests you
and print out or copy the information on that case. This will need to be turned in with your assignment.
Summarize the case and give your personal opinion about the case. In your summary, be sure to include: how
long the person was wrongfully imprisoned, why the DNA was not analyzed, when the crime occurred, when
the person was convicted, if they found out who really committed the crime etc. See check list below.
Part II:
After having watched the 60 minutes special on the Police Chemist, Joyce Gilchrist (Black Magic) and the
subsequent exoneration of Jeff Pierce, express your personal opinion about the National effort to halt all
executions in which DNA evidence had not been analyzed. These cases are of crimes committed either before
DNA analysis was available or where DNA analysis simply was not done etc. When these people are released
are they given anything for the years of wrongful imprisonment? How do you think the Justice system should
compensate people who were wrongly imprisoned? How would you feel if you were wrongly convicted and
imprisoned for a crime you did not commit? Also research and explain the government program called CODIS.
See check list below.
Part III:
You must have a Works Cited page documenting all sources used. If you quote directly from a source, you
must use quotes and document which source you got the quote from. You must have at least 3 sources.
See check list below.
Create a visual product about your case. The product should tell the story of the person you researched. OR
you may choose to write a report. If you choose to write a report, it must be typed (12 pt. times new roman, 1”
margins all the way around, double spaced). The TOTAL LENGTH should be at least 24 FULL lines AND you
must have a visual aide to display during your presentation. If doing a power point, your project should have no
less than 12 slides including the Title slide and Works Cited slide. Do not put too much information on a single
You may work by yourself or with a partner. You/ you & your partner will make a brief presentation of the
project in front of the class. Please be very familiar with your information during your presentation. Points will
be deducted for reading directly from the project, cards etc. BOTH PARTNERS MUST PRESENT and must
do so EQUALLY. If you choose not to present, you will receive a zero for the entire project.
Project Check List:
Part I:
________ Innocence Project ( ___who, ___what, ___why, ___where, ___when)
________ Summarize the case
_______ A. Tell the story of what took place during the crime.
_______ B. What evidence was used to convict.
_______ C. When did the crime occur?
_______ D. When were they convicted?
_______ E. How long did they serve before being exonerated?
_______ F. Why was the DNA evidence not used in the original case?
_______ G. Was this person compensated? If so how? If not, why?
_______ H. Give your personal opinion about the case.
Part II:
________ Express your personal opinion about the national effort to halt all executions in which DNA
evidence has not been analyzed.
________ Research compensation for wrongful imprisonment laws. How do you think the Justice system
should compensate people who were wrongly imprisoned?
________ How would you feel if you had been wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for a crime you did not
________ What does C.O.D.I.S. stand for and what does the program do?
Part III:
________ 3 sources used.
________ Works Cited Page
________ Present your project to the class.
______ A. Know your material.
______ B. Do not read directly from your project, note cards etc.
______ C. Speak loud and clear.
______ D. Have good eye contact with your audience.
______ E. Present an equal amount of material as your partner.
________ Does it include all elements covered in Parts I, II, and III above?
________ Is it neat?
________ Is it visually appealing?
________ Does it demonstrate significant effort?