Primary Steps Day Nurseries

All Mulberry House School Policies are always to be read and considered in conjunction with
Equal Opportunities, Race Equality and Inclusion Policies
This Policy of Mulberry House School applies to all sections of the
school including the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Any adults whom staff do not recognise are not permitted to enter The
Mulberry House School.
In the First School Building it is the responsibility of the Administrator, Bursar
or Senior Teacher in the school to open the door to callers. If the visitor
arrives at the Second School Building, the Headteacher, Senior Teacher or
PA or Secretary will speak to the visitor and if necessary direct them to the
office in the First School Building. Other members of staff must not open the
door for casual callers but inform a secretary of their presence. If the
secretary is unavailable, the caller’s business should be ascertained. If the
visitor does not have an appointment, they should be asked to wait outside
and the Headteacher should be informed. If they do have an appointment,
they are to be escorted to the Headteacher.
The Visitors’ Book in the entrance hall must be signed and each visitor given
a badge. There is a Visitors’ Book and visitor badges in both school buildings.
At the end of their visit, their badge is to be returned and the Visitors’ Book
signed. The person must be escorted off the premises by a member of staff.
O:\Policies\Assessmt&Records\Visitors Policy.doc
Last reviewed Mar 14
Next review due Mar-16