ITEM 04 HUMAN RESOURCES PANEL 23 FEBRUARY 2006 FEEDBACK Employee Satisfaction Survey 2005 – Action Plan The Action Plan below sets out how the HR & Communications Director will look to make a number of improvements within the Council in order to address a number of the points raised by the recent employee satisfaction survey FEEDBACK, administered to all EEBC staff in October 2005. Whilst every effort will be made to implement change / make improvements where necessary, it is not possible to address every issue raised by the survey at this stage. There are certain financial constraints imposed upon the Council over which it has little or no control, and such constraints dictate the amount / type of work that can be done. However, as the following Action Plan indicates, all measures that can be taken will be done so. Concern Low pay / poor pay / pay structure has been highlighted as the least liked aspect of working for EEBC by 91 respondents. Action To conduct an Equal Pay Audit. To conduct a Market Pay Review. Outcome The intention is to report back findings in order to develop a process for reviewing and benchmarking the Borough’s pay with our partners on a regular basis to ensure the pay remains competitive to enable the organisation to recruit and retain high calibre staff. Timescales HR will communicate the recommendations as a result of the equal pay audit by September 2006. The outcome of the first review will be implemented in April 2007. The red tape / bureaucracy that exists within EEBC has been highlighted as another of the main aspects that employees like least about working for the Council (50 respondents) HR will implement a more streamlined process for policies and procedures within the division. This will enable managers easier and quicker access to policies and procedures. Page 1 of 7 Ongoing. Notes The need to conduct a market pay review has been highlighted not only by this survey, but also by the last exit interview summary which identified pay as one of the reasons for staff leaving the organisation. There is some evidence of high staff turnover within the last quarter. The review looks at not just comparison of pay within the various bandings, but also benchmarking of the Borough’s pay with our other Surrey neighbours. At the moment this extends only to the HR division, although managers working in other divisions are encouraged to implement their own processes to allow for improved efficiency. ITEM 04 Concern Employee opinion is somewhat divided when it comes to assessing how well the Council handles change. Over half (50.6%) of employees do not think that the Council tells the employees the reason for change well. A number of Band 3 employees have expressed concern regarding career development within the Council. Nearly three quarters (72.7%) answered that they did not think that EEBC does a good job of providing opportunities for advancement, and 45.5% would think about leaving the Council. HUMAN RESOURCES PANEL 23 FEBRUARY 2006 Action To ensure that clear documentation and information is produced and communicated to staff regarding change. The Internal Communications Group will undertake a review of communication methods within the Council, and implement processes / a framework to improve communications within the Council. To hold focus groups with a number of Band 3 employees to ascertain what the organisation can do to provide better career development opportunities. To look at succession planning within the organisation. To examine the possibility of introducing opportunities for development e.g. secondment. Outcome This will indicate the change to take place, the reason(s) for the change and detail the need for consultation before the change takes place, along with the expectations as a result of this change. By ensuring that the reason for change is communicated effectively, this will hopefully reduce the negative attitude/organisational culture that is recognised by many staff within EEBC. It needs to be acknowledged that EEBC is a small organisation and as a result it is difficult to meet the career development needs and aspirations of all staff. The commitment is to ensure that all staff are provided with effective learning and development opportunities to ensure that they have the skills to compete on the open market. The action could include assigning projects and secondment opportunities where available and appropriate. Looking at succession planning within EEBC will Page 2 of 7 Timescales January/February 2006 onwards. Notes Further information regarding improvements to Communication within EEBC is mentioned throughout this Action Plan. Early 2006. None. ITEM 04 HUMAN RESOURCES PANEL 23 FEBRUARY 2006 Concern A negative attitude / organisational culture is recognised amongst EEBC employees – 48 respondents have highlighted this as an issue preventing them from reaching their targets / goals. Action Communication between management and their staff is not always as effective as it should be: 29.1% of employees responded that they ‘occasionally’ have one- To introduce a reward scheme for staff. To look at the possibility of introducing a staff social committee to organise and co-ordinate council social events. To continue with the wellness initiatives already in place within the Council. To continue with the quarterly health and fitness tests available to staff. To communicate effectively the fact that the benefits package available to staff has been reviewed. To implement a Flexible Working Policy. To ensure effective twoway communication. To implement a Management Development Programme To review the internal communications strategy Outcome Enable the identification of actions to improve the opportunities available to staff. The actions highlighted will hopefully help to boost the morale of EEBC officers, and contribute to a more positive working culture. Timescales Early 2006 and ongoing. Page 3 of 7 NB. As part of the reward scheme, an ‘employee’ or ‘team of the month’ will be elected – the criteria for selection will go to Directors for approval February 2006 in order to implement the scheme in April 2006. A Flexi-time Audit was recently completed towards the end of 2005, and a Flexible Working Policy will be implemented as a result of this, but not before June 2006. To ensure that all managers understand what is expected from them in their jobs and that they adhere to the competencies required of them. Notes April 2006 and ongoing. The hope is to implement a ‘Celebrating Success’ reward scheme similar to those offered in the private sector by organisations such as Harrods and Sainsbury’s. It is likely that this will link to the GEM (Going the Extra Mile) scheme that has been proposed as a result of the ongoing Best Value Review of Customer Contact. A number of healthy workplace initiatives have already been implemented by our ‘Let’s Get Active’ Project Co-ordinator, and a programme of events for the New Year is to be implemented following forthcoming consultation with staff to establish the initiatives that have been enjoyed to date. None. ITEM 04 HUMAN RESOURCES PANEL 23 FEBRUARY 2006 Concern to-one meetings with their manager, and 10.8% stated that they ‘never’ have one-toone meetings. Action and all communication channels within the organisation. Outcome It is hoped that a wider communication process will be put in place, with the introduction of a more structured team briefing process co-ordinated by HR. Every section will be expected to feed their team brief to HR who will ensure that the information is fed back to the top of the organisation. This will help to ensure that two-way communication is an ongoing process within the Council. Timescales Notes HR to co-ordinate the team briefing process. A number of employees (37.4%) do not feel very well informed about what is happening in the organisation as a whole. To introduce communications ‘champions’ within the organisation. To ensure that all necessary information is distributed to members of staff in a timely, efficient and effective manner. January 2006. A number of employees (42.1%) do not feel that that EEBC Communications are open and honest. To introduce Director ‘Walkthroughs’. Once every quarter each Council venue will be visited by a Director. This will allow staff to familiarise themselves with senior management within the organisation, and gives an opportunity to voice any April 2006. Page 4 of 7 Communications ‘champions’ have already been identified within the organisation, and terms of reference for these ‘champions’ outlined. Their role and further information about their function within EEBC will be available on IRIS in early 2006. This should also provide an opportunity for staff at Council venues other than the Town Hall and who are unable to attend the Quarterly Staff Briefings, the chance to meet with Directors personally. ITEM 04 HUMAN RESOURCES PANEL 23 FEBRUARY 2006 Concern A number of employees (34.7%) have stated that their manager does not talk to them about what they should get out of training before attending, and 35.3% stated that their manager does not check to see that the skills learnt in training have improved employee performance. Action To implement a Management Development Programme as part of the new Learning & Development Strategy. Outcome concerns, or to ask any questions that staff may have directly to the Directors. This should hopefully remove some of the rumour and hearsay factor, and ensure that communication is more honest and open. The Management Development Programme will ensure that all managers, team leaders and aspiring managers are provided with a minimum set of management competencies that is expected of them. More structured development opportunities will exist as a result of the new strategy, for example, Customer Care training will be provided for staff following the completion of the Best Value Review of Customer Contact in February 2006. Page 5 of 7 Timescales Ongoing. Notes NB. Management Development Programme to commence in March/April 2006. A new Learning & Development Strategy has already been agreed (November 2005), and applies to all EEBC staff whether they are full time, part-time or seasonal (previously known as casual). The Strategy sets out how the Council will structure and deliver training and development across the organisation over the next 3 years, through the use of innovative learning methods and approaches, to ensure consistency and value for money. The primary objectives of the Learning & Development Strategy are to ensure that staff have the skills and competencies necessary to achieve the organisation’s objectives; to encourage and enable staff to develop to their full potential, to increase staff ITEM 04 HUMAN RESOURCES PANEL 23 FEBRUARY 2006 Concern Action Outcome This will ensure that there is clear audit trail for the process. Staff will be encouraged to apply for positions and where they are unsuccessful comprehensive feedback will be provided to improve their chances in the future. All employees will better understand their appraisals, and how to make the most of the appraisal process. A number of employees (51.9%) do not feel that the Council provides opportunities for advancement, and a further 43.5% feel that EEBC does not do a good job of promoting the most suitable Officers. Only 60.7% of employees understand the appraisal process, and only 63% of employees recognise and understand their responsibility in making the appraisal process effective. To implement a new recruitment and selection toolkit. To revise the current appraisal process Almost a quarter (21.5%) of employees stated that they never receive feedback on performance from their manager and 19.9% of employees stated that they never have their goals and assignments clearly To implement a Management Development Programme The revision of the appraisal scheme will link the Council’s key service priorities to individual targets, so that all employees will understand how their role contributes to the Council meeting its objectives. Managers will need to provide evidence that they are meeting the core competencies expected of them – this could include 360° feedback as a basis for assessment of each individual’s development Page 6 of 7 Timescales Notes morale and to help create a learning organisation in culture and practice. The toolkit includes a more open policy and guidelines on recruitment to all Council posts, which covers and includes the promotion of Council employees. All Council vacancies will be advertised and open to whoever wishes to apply. This will be supplemented by full training of all members of staff on the full and proper implementation of appraisals which is due to start March 2006. March/April 2006. An appraisal process review is currently underway. HR expects that the new process will take effect from April 2006. March/April 2006. None. ITEM 04 HUMAN RESOURCES PANEL 23 FEBRUARY 2006 Concern communicated to them by management. 22.6% of employees feel that their manager only treats them with dignity and respect ‘sometimes’; 7.1% of employees feel that their manager never treats them with dignity and respect. Action To introduce core values to the People & Performance Agenda. Outcome needs. This should enable managers to identify areas for their own improvement. Core values are being developed which will reinforce that all employees are to be treated with dignity and respect, and to ensure that all staff are treated in such a manner. Timescales Ongoing. Notes None. Where it is felt that the Director of HR & Communications needs to delve deeper and gain a greater understanding of a number of issues that have been highlighted before any action can be taken, the half-yearly FEEDBACK employee satisfaction survey will be tailored to what we as an organisation can do. All of the points raised by this survey will be built into the overall People Strategy and the Communications Strategy to be implemented in April 2006. Page 7 of 7