TRIBUTYLTIN CHLORIDE ChemWatch Material Safety Data Sheet (REVIEW) CHEMWATCH 36100-6 Date of Issue: 星期三 29-十二月-1999 ? STATEMENT OF HAZARDOUS NATURE HAZARDOUS ACCORDING TO WORKSAFE AUSTRALIA CRITERIA. SUPPLIER Company: Fluka Chemicals (biochemika) Company: Krm Global Market Services Address: Address: Unit 2, 14 Anella Avenue Unit 3, 6 Fowler Road Castle Hill Dandenong NSW, 2154 VIC, 3175 AUS AUS Telephone: 1800 800 097 Telephone: (+61 3) 9794 8377 Fax: 1800 800 096 Telephone: (+61 3) 9794 8555 Fax: 03 9794 8245 Company: Sigma-aldrich Pty Ltd Address: Unit 2, 14 Anella Ave Castle Hill NSW, 2154 AUS Telephone: (+61 2) 9841 0555 Fax: 02 9841 0500 CHEMWATCH HAZARD RATINGS Flammability: 1 Toxicity: 4 Body Contact: 3 Reactivity: 1 Chronic: SCALE: 0 Min/Nil=0 Low=1 Moderate=2 High=3 Extreme=4 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT FOR INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENTS SYNONYMS C12-H27-Cl-Sn (CH3(CH2)3)3SnCl stannane, tributylchlorochlorotributylstannane chlorotributyltin tin, tri-n-butyl-, chloride tributylstannium chloride tributylstannyl chhloride tri-n-butyltin chloride SHIPPING NAME ORGANOTIN COMPOUND, LIQUID, N.O.S. Product Name: Other Names: tributyltin chloride monochlorotributyltin tributylchlorotin WR-3396 CAS RN No(s): 1461-22-9 UN Number: 2788 Packing Group: I Dangerous Goods Class: 6.1 Subsidiary Risk: None Hazchem Code: 2X Poisons Schedule Number: S7 USE Intermediate. Rodenticide, rodent-repellent for cable coatings. Dangerous POISON. Available ONLY for industrial and manufacturing purposes. To be used by or in accordance with directions of accredited pest control officers. Operators to be trained in procedures for safe use of material. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION/PROPERTIES APPEARANCE Colourless liquid with unpleasant odour; does not mix with water. Boiling Point (蚓): 171-173 (25 mm) Melting Point (蚓): Not available Vapour Pressure (kPa): <0.0013 @ 20 C Specific Gravity: 1.2 Flash Point (蚓): >110 Lower Explosive Limit (%): Not available Upper Explosive Limit (%): Not available Solubility in Water (g/L): INGREDIENTS Immiscible NAME tributyltin chloride CAS RN 1461-22-9 % >98 HEALTH HAZARD ACUTE HEALTH EFFECTS SWALLOWED Considered an unlikely route of entry in commercial/industrial environments The liquid is corrosive to the gastro-intestinal tract , may cause severe mucous membrane damage and may be fatal if swallowed Subchronic exposures to mono-, di- and tri- and tetra-substituted organotin compounds may elicit toxic response in the central nervous, immune and renal systems, the liver and bile duct and the skin. Some trialkyl organotin compounds cause damage to the central nervous system, consisting of swelling through the white matter. Lighter functional groups cause a more potent response. There may be severe headache, vomiting, fear of the light, psychotic disturbances and convulsions. Trialkyl organotin compounds can also impair the function of the thymus and thus incapacitate the immune system. EYE The liquid is corrosive to the eyes , may be harmful following absorption and is capable of causing pain and severe conjunctivitis. Corneal injury may develop, with possible permanent impairment of vision, if not promptly and adequately treated The vapour is discomforting to the eyes The material may produce severe irritation to the eye causing pronounced inflammation. Repeated or prolonged exposure to irritants may produce conjunctivitis. SKIN The liquid is corrosive to the skin and may cause chemical burns and it is absorbed through intact skin Bare unprotected skin should not be exposed to this material The material may accentuate any pre-existing dermatitis condition Toxic effects may result from skin absorption Trialkyl organotin compounds are well absorbed through the skin; healing of lesions it causes is slow and skin burns result. The lower abdomen, thighs and groin are most often affected due to absorption by clothing. INHALED The acute toxicity of inhaled organotin compounds resembles that found by other means of exposure. The vapour is highly discomforting to the upper respiratory tract , may cause severe mucous membrane damage and may be fatal if inhaled Inhalation of quantities of liquid mist may be extremely hazardous, even lethal due to spasm, extreme irritation of larynx and bronchi, chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary oedema. CHRONIC HEALTH EFFECTS Principal routes of exposure are usually by inhalation of vapour and skin contact No human exposure data available. For this reason health effects described are based on experience with chemically related materials. As with any chemical product, contact with unprotected bare skin; inhalation of vapour, mist or dust in work place atmosphere; or ingestion in any form, should be avoided by observing good occupational work practice. FIRST AID SWALLOWED If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. · IF SWALLOWED, REFER FOR MEDICAL ATTENTION, WHERE POSSIBLE, WITHOUT DELAY. · For advice, contact a Poisons Information Centre or a doctor. Where Medical attention is not immediately available or where the patient is more than 15 minutes from a hospital or unless instructed otherwise: · Induce vomiting with fingers down the back of the of the throat, ONLY IF CONSCIOUS. · Lean patient forward or place on left side (head-down position if possible) to maintain open airway and prevent aspiration. NOTE: Wear a protective glove when inducing vomiting by mechanical means. · In the mean time, qualified first-aid personnel should treat the patient following observation and employing supportive measures as indicated by the patient's condition. · If the services of a medical officer or medical doctor are readily available, the patient should be placed in his/her care and a copy of the MSDS should be provided. Further action will be the responsibility of the medical specialist. · If medical attention is not available on the worksite or surroundings send the patient to a hospital together with a copy of the MSDS. EYE If this product comes in contact with the eyes: · Wash out immediately with fresh running water. · Ensure complete irrigation of the eye by keeping eyelids apart and away from eye and moving the eyelids by occasionally lifting the upper and lower lids. · If pain persists or recurs seek medical attention. · Removal of contact lenses after an eye injury should only be undertaken by skilled personnel. SKIN If skin contact occurs: · Immediately remove all contaminated clothing, including footwear · Flush skin and hair with running water (and soap if available). · Seek medical attention in event of irritation. INHALED · If fumes or combustion products are inhaled remove from contaminated area. · Lay patient down. Keep warm and rested. · Prostheses such as false teeth, which may block airway, should be removed, where possible, prior to initiating first aid procedures. · Apply artificial respiration if not breathing, preferably with a demand valve resuscitator, bag-valve mask device, or pocket mask as trained. Perform CPR if necessary. · Transport to hospital, or doctor. ADVICE TO DOCTOR For acute or short term repeated exposures to strong acids: · Airway problems may arise from laryngeal edema and inhalation exposure. Treat with 100% oxygen initially. · Respiratory distress may require cricothyroidotomy if endotracheal intubation is contraindicated by excessive swelling · Intravenous lines should be established immediately in all cases where there is evidence of circulatory compromise. · Strong acids produce a coagulation necrosis characterised by formation of a coagulum (eschar) as a result of the dessicating action of the acid on proteins in specific tissues. INGESTION: · Immediate dilution (milk or water) within 30 minutes post ingestion is recommended. · DO NOT attempt to neutralise the acid since exothermic reaction may extend the corrosive injury. · Be careful to avoid further vomit since re-exposure of the mucosa to the acid is harmful. Limit fluids to one or two glasses in an adult. · Charcoal has no place in acid management. · Some authors suggest the use of lavage within 1 hour of ingestion. SKIN: · Skin lesions require copious saline irrigation. Treat chemical burns as thermal burns with non-adherent gauze and wrapping. · Deep second-degree burns may benefit from topical silver sulfadiazine. EYE: · Eye injuries require retraction of the eyelids to ensure thorough irrigation of the conjuctival cul-de-sacs. Irrigation should last at least 20-30 minutes. DO NOT use neutralising agents or any other additives. Several litres of saline are required. · Cycloplegic drops, (1% cyclopentolate for short-term use or 5% homatropine for longer term use) antibiotic drops, vasoconstrictive agents or artificial tears may be indicated dependent on the severity of the injury. · Steroid eye drops should only be administered with the approval of a consulting ophthalmologist). [Ellenhorn and Barceloux: Medical Toxicology] Scanty animal data indicate that BAL may be useful against dialkyl but not trialkyl organotin compounds. D-penicillamine is thought to be inactive. GOSSELIN, SMITH & HODGE: Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, 5th Ed Dimercaprol is suggested to be an effective antidote for dialkyltin poisoning and has been reported to prevent the accumulation of alpha-keto acids produced by dialkyltin compounds. It does not however appear to protect rats from the general toxic effects of triethyltin compounds. This may be due to the fact that dialkyltin compounds, at least up to dihexyl derivatives, react readily with sulfhydryl groups and trialkyltin compounds do not. Surgical decompression was considered to be the only treatment that offered any benefit in human cases of cerebral oedema caused by trialkyl compounds. Tin and Organotin Compounds: A Preliminary Review. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CRITERIA: World Health Organization Geneva 1980. PRECAUTIONS FOR USE EXPOSURE STANDARDS TLV TWA: 0.1 mg/m?Organic compounds Skin;A4 [ACGIH] TLV STEL: 0.2 mg/m?Organic compounds Skin;A4 [ACGIH] tin organic compounds, as Sn (A.Wt: 118.69) ES TWA: 0.1 mg/m? STEL: 0.2 mg/m?SKIN TLV TWA: 0.1 mg/m? STEL: 0.2 mg/m?A4 OES TWA: 0.1 mg/m? STEL: 0.2 mg/m?SKIN NOTE: This substance has been classified by the ACGIH as A4 NOT classifiable as causing Cancer in humans. Exposure limits with "skin" notation indicate that vapour and liquid may be absorbed through intact skin. Absorption by skin may readily exceed vapour inhalation exposure. Symptoms for skin absorption are the same as for inhalation. Contact with eyes and mucous membranes may also contribute to overall exposure and may also invalidate the exposure standard. IDLH Level: 25 mg/m?(as Sn) The no/lowest-observed-adverse-effect levels (NOAELs or LOAELs) in inhalation studies involving tri-n-butyltin chloride and bromide are 0.3-0.4 ppm (2-4 mg/m? based on changes in the lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, nervous system and reproductive system in rodents. Oral administration of organotin compounds has induced toxicity in a number of differing organ systems, organs and lungs. The LOAEL for triethyltin bromide was 0.4 mg triethyltin/kg/day as 5 ppm in drinking water. The LOAELs for the most critical organ sites in rats (i.e. the cellular immune response and CNS effects) are 0.15 and 0.23 mg/tin/kg body weight/day. Experience with ingested tri- and diethyltins in the treatment of staphylococcal infections, osteomyelitis, anthrax and acne suggests that humans react in a manner similar to rodents, but that the human is more sensitive to absorbed organic tin. The recommended TLV-TWA is thought to minimise the potential for adverse effects on immune function and the central nervous system. A STEL is also recommended to minimise acute symptoms such as eye and respiratory tract irritation, headaches and/or nausea. Based on an exposure to 0.1 mg/m? a 70-kg worker breathing 10 m3 of air/8hr workday and assuming complete retention of the inhaled dose, would receive a daily exposure of 14.3 ug tin/kg body weight of an organotin compound. A skin notation was recommended based on animal data and the potential danger of enhanced absorption due to damaged skin present in many exposed workers. Exposure limits with "skin" notation indicate that vapour and liquid may be absorbed through intact skin. Absorption by skin may readily exceed vapour inhalation exposure. Symptoms for skin absorption are the same as for inhalation. Contact with eyes and mucous membranes may also contribute to overall exposure and may also invalidate the exposure standard. ENGINEERING CONTROLS Use in a well-ventilated area or Local exhaust ventilation may be required for safe working, i.e. to keep exposures below required standards, otherwise PPE is required. General exhaust is adequate under normal operating conditions. If risk of overexposure exists, wear SAA approved respirator. Correct fit is essential to obtain adequate protection. Provide adequate ventilation in warehouse or closed storage areas. Air contaminants generated in the workplace possess varying "escape" velocities which, in turn, determine the "capture velocities" of fresh circulating air required to effectively remove the contaminant. Type of Contaminant: solvent, vapours, degreasing etc., Air Speed: 0.25-0.5 m/s (50-100 f/min) evaporating from tank (in still air) aerosols, fumes from pouring 0.5-1 m/s (100-200 f/min.) operations, intermittent container filling, low speed conveyer transfers, welding, spray drift, plating acid fumes, pickling (released at low velocity into zone of active generation) direct spray, spray painting in shallow 1-2.5 m/s (200-500 f/min) booths, drum filling, conveyer loading, crusher dusts, gas discharge (active generation into zone of rapid air motion) grinding, abrasive blasting, tumbling, 2.5-10 m/s (500-2000 f/min.) high speed wheel generated dusts (released at high initial velocity into zone of very high rapid air motion). Within each range the appropriate value depends on: Lower end of the range 1: Room air currents minimal or Upper end of the range 1: Disturbing room air currents favourable to capture 2: Contaminants of low toxicity or of 2: Contaminants of high toxicity nuisance value only 3: Intermittent, low production. 4: Large hood or large air mass in 3: High production, heavy use 4: Small hood - local control only motion Simple theory shows that air velocity falls rapidly with distance away from the opening of a simple extraction pipe. Velocity generally decreases with the square of distance from the extraction point (in simple cases). Therefore the air speed at the extraction point should be adjusted, accordingly, after reference to distance from the contaminating source. The air velocity at the extraction fan, for example, should be a minimum of 1-2 m/s (200-400 f/min.) for extraction of solvents generated in a tank 2 meters distant from the extraction point. Other mechanical considerations, producing performance deficits within the extraction apparatus, make it essential that theoretical air velocities are multiplied by factors of 10 or more when extraction systems are installed or used. In confined spaces where there is inadequate ventilation, wear full-face air supplied breathing apparatus PERSONAL PROTECTION EYE Chemical goggles. Full face shield. DO NOT wear contact lenses. Contact lenses pose a special hazard; soft contact lenses may absorb irritants and all lenses concentrate them. HANDS/FEET Barrier cream and Elbow length PVC gloves PVA gloves Wear chemical protective gloves, eg. PVC. Wear safety footwear. OTHER Overalls and Rubber apron Ensure there is ready access to an emergency shower Ensure that there is ready access to eye wash unit The local concentration of material, quantity and conditions of use determine the type of personal protective equipment required. For further information consult site specific CHEMWATCH data (if available), or your Occupational Health and Safety Advisor. SAFE HANDLING STORAGE AND TRANSPORT SUITABLE CONTAINER Glass container · Metal can or drum · Packaging as recommended by manufacturer. · Check all containers are clearly labelled and free from leaks. STORAGE INCOMPATIBILITY Avoid contamination of water, foodstuffs, feed or seed. Avoid reaction with oxidising agents STORAGE REQUIREMENTS · Keep dry. · Store in original containers. · Keep containers securely sealed. · No smoking, naked lights or ignition sources. · Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area. · Store away from incompatible materials. · Protect containers against physical damage. · Check regularly for leaks. · Observe manufacturer's storing and handling recommendations. TRANSPORTATION Class 6 - Poisonous (toxic) substances shall not be loaded in the same vehicle or packed in the same freight container with: Class 1 - Explosives; Class 3 - Flammable liquids (where the flammable liquid is nitromethane); Class 5.1 - Oxidising agents (where the poisonous substances are capable of igniting and burning); Class 5.2 - Organic peroxides (where the poisonous substances are capable of igniting and burning); Food and food packaging in any quantity. SPILLS AND DISPOSAL MINOR SPILLS · Remove all ignition sources. · Clean up all spills immediately. · Avoid breathing vapours and contact with skin and eyes. · Control personal contact by using protective equipment. · Contain and absorb spill with sand, earth, inert material or vermiculite. · Wipe up. · Place in a suitable labelled container for waste disposal. MAJOR SPILLS · Clear area of personnel and move upwind. · Alert Fire Brigade and tell them location and nature of hazard. · Wear full body protective clothing with breathing apparatus. · Prevent, by any means available, spillage from entering drains or water course. · Stop leak if safe to do so. · Contain spill with sand, earth or vermiculite. · Collect recoverable product into labelled containers for recycling. · Neutralise/decontaminate residue. · Collect solid residues and seal in labelled drums for disposal. · Wash area and prevent runoff into drains. · After clean up operations, decontaminate and launder all protective clothing and equipment before storing and re-using. · If contamination of drains or waterways occurs, advise emergency services. DISPOSAL · Consult manufacturer for recycling options and recycle where possible . · Consult State Land Waste Management Authority for disposal. · Incinerate residue at an approved site. · Recycle containers if possible, or dispose of in an authorised landfill. FIRE FIGHTERS' REPORT EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Foam. Dry chemical powder. BCF (where regulations permit). Carbon dioxide. Water spray or fog - Large fires only. FIRE FIGHTING · Alert Fire Brigade and tell them location and nature of hazard. · Wear full body protective clothing with breathing apparatus. · Prevent, by any means available, spillage from entering drains or water course. · If safe, switch off electrical equipment until vapour fire hazard removed. · Use water delivered as a fine spray to control fire and cool adjacent area. · Avoid spraying water onto liquid pools. · DO NOT approach containers suspected to be hot. · Cool fire exposed containers with water spray from a protected location. · If safe to do so, remove containers from path of fire. When any large container (including road and rail tankers) is involved in a fire, consider evacuation by 800 metres in all directions. FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARD · Combustible. · Slight fire hazard when exposed to heat or flame. · Heating may cause expansion or decomposition leading to violent rupture of containers. · On combustion, may emit toxic fumes of carbon monoxide (CO). · May emit acrid smoke. · Mists containing combustible materials may be explosive. May emit clouds of acrid smoke May emit poisonous fumes. Decomposition may produce toxic fumes of tin and hydrogen chloride FIRE INCOMPATIBILITY Avoid contamination with oxidising agents i.e. nitrates, oxidising acids, chlorine bleaches, pool chlorine etc. as ignition may result HAZCHEM 2X CONTACT POINT COMPANY CONTACT 1800 800 097 AUSTRALIAN POISONS INFORMATION CENTRE 24 HOUR SERVICE: 13 11 26 POLICE, FIRE BRIGADE OR AMBULANCE: 000 NEW ZEALAND POISONS INFORMATION CENTRE 24 HOUR SERVICE: 0800 764 766 NZ EMERGENCY SERVICES: 111 End of Report Issue Date: 星期三 29-十二月-1999 Print Date: 星期二 9-三月-2004 This document is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, review or criticism, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission from CHEMWATCH. TEL (+61 3) 9572 4700.